• Published 4th Oct 2012
  • 2,148 Views, 70 Comments

Pegasus Horns - silvadel

Chaos descends on Ponyville as pegasi and earth ponies learn magic and unicorns march in protest.

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After Celestia was safely out of listening distance, Twilight started. "I think the first thing we need to do is to get the class records. The night Misty was taken into custody, Scootaloo made a pretense of going to the powder room. She instead went to Misty's room and removed something. You know where Scootaloo lives right?"

Rainbow started moving towards the door. "It is one of the apartments in North Ponyville. I know it well."

They made their way through Ponyville to Scootaloo's apartment. Rainbow Dash observed that it was locked, but opening a normal lock was no problem for Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight and Dash walked into the apartment. They closed the door behind them. Misty's box was sitting out on a table in the middle of the room.

Rainbow Dash beamed upon seeing the box. "Is that what I think it is?"

Twilight tried to unlock the box with magic and failed.

Rainbow continued, "Back in the days of Commander Hurricane, boxes like this were used to transport important documents on the battlefield. They called it an unbalanced box. It was specifically designed so unicorns could not open them."

Rainbow paused and tried to bring out the glowing horn. A couple of minutes later she succeeded. She scanned the box and attempted to add some energy to the parts that had none. The lid sprang open.

Twilight glared at Rainbow Dash. "And how did you do that when you just learned how to form a horn?"

Rainbow Dash produced "Fighting in the Shadows" and said, "I was kind of winging it but I at least knew what I needed to do."

Twilight's eyes focused on the book. She squealed upon seeing the author and topic and reverently opened it with magic. She scanned a few pages. "I wonder why neither Misty nor Scootaloo said anything about this."

Rainbow Dash replied, "Well, it is a matter of Pegasus heritage and Misty had been under oath to Celestia not to reveal the information."

Twilight collected the contents of the box. "I think I am coming up with the basics of a plan. Can I borrow this?"

Rainbow Dash glanced at the book and nodded solemnly.


It had been three years since the 'retirement' of her father as tribe leader of her band of griffons — three years since the leadership had been thrust upon her. She was frankly amazed that she had lasted this long and needed any edge she could get to maintain her position.

She was distracted from her flight by a rumble and a circle of colors in the distance. She knowingly banked and flew towards Whitetail Woods. She landed on a large cloud and watched as Rainbow Dash performed aerial stunts. She saw familiar ones like the high-speed strut and more recent additions like the corkscrew death drop.

When it seemed Rainbow was finished she called out. "So that is what the captain of the wonderbolts considers a workout these days. Looks like they have relaxed their standards."

Rainbow Dash flew down towards the griffon. "Gilda, what brings you to Ponyville? I thought you had it with Equestria."

Gilda raised a claw. "We don't need to get all sentimental. I came because I thought you could get me into Misty Midnight's 'Magic for Pegasi' class."

Rainbow shuddered. "Oh that, um Gilda, Misty is currently in jail for teaching that class along with a good friend of mine." She landed on the cloud next to Gilda. "Plus who knows if griffon even have talents? For old times sake..." She concentrated, forming a ghostly horn and scanned Gilda. "Well, you do have enough energy."

Gilda contemplated Rainbow Dash with great intensity and pointed a claw in her direction. "You could teach me."

Rainbow gulped. "Now now wait Gilda. I am not what you would call a teacher and I only just learned myself."

Gilda, tasting Rainbow's uncertainty, started to purr. "Remember back in Cloudsdale when we —"

Rainbow inwardly smiled as she got a brilliant idea. "Okay, Gilda. We have to land first though."

The pegasus and griffon touched down on the grass below. "The first thing you need to learn is how to move your own magic around."

Rainbow brought the ghostly horn back out and moved all of Gilda's magical energy away from her wings. She then flew back up into the clouds, and turned around quickly to watch.

Gilda took a huge leap into the air, flapped her wings, and crashed back into the ground. Rainbow erupted into peals of laughter.

Gilda roared, "What did you do to me Rainbow Miriam Dash?"

Rainbow thought, "Best prank ever," and said, "Exactly what you asked me to do, only in the most awesome way possible. Wings — no magic, no flight. Catch up to you later, G."

Gilda chased after Rainbow Dash but it only took her seconds to fly out of range of the grounded griffon.


Spike collected the breakfast plates from the table and moved them into the kitchen. After cleaning them he returned to the main room and ticked off a box on his checklist. "Hearty breakfast, check. I guess that means the next step is 'collect Rainbow Dash' and then off to Carousel Boutique."

Twilight placed a couple of books in her saddlebag along with Misty's class list. She opened the door, yawned, and started off towards Rainbow Dash's cloud house. Spike closed the library door and followed behind.

She saw a brown and white form ahead. Upon closer observation she noted it was an all too familiar griffon. Twilight had planned to shout up to Rainbow Dash but decided maybe it would be better not to awaken Gilda. She cast a cloudwalking spell upon Spike and herself, then teleported the pair up to Rainbow's bedroom.

Rainbow Dash was sound asleep. Light snoring noises issued from her peaceful form. Twilight lightly prodded her foreleg.

Rainbow awoke with a start, and proceeded to fall out of bed. She stood up and glared at Twilight. "What is it lately with ponies and my bedroom? I'm awake. What are you two doing here?"

Twilight observed, "you know there is a griffon under your house?"

Rainbow suppressed a smirk. "That would be Gilda. She tried to get me to unlock her magic talent. I remembered what Flitter told me about what you and Misty did to her, and decided to have some fun with G. I guess you could call her Gilda the grounded griffon."

Twilight failed to hold in a chuckle. "When I saw her asleep down there I decided it would be better to teleport up than yell out for you. It appears that was the right choice."

Rainbow looked out the window. "You got that one right. You never saw her truly mad."

Spike pointed at his checklist and Twilight shifted gears. "Here I am rambling on when there are important things to discuss. I did a lot of thinking on how we might be able to help Scootaloo and Misty."

"I considered setting up a meeting with Celestia and discussing this over tea. Thing is though, they both tried talking to Celestia and rather than swaying her opinion, they just got arrested. I think it will take a demonstration of will to get Celestia to change her mind and anything I could say would weaken what you could do."


It had taken Gilda two days but she finally figured out how to move the magic back into her wings. She flexed her claws in anticipation. Her wings gleamed in the rays of the rising sun as she flew up to Rainbow's cloud house. She pushed open the door and quietly padded her way to Rainbow's bedroom.

Rainbow Dash slept fitfully in her bed. Her movements had long since pushed her covers onto the floor. Gilda slowly approached the sleeping Rainbow. She extended one claw and drew a line right down Dash's spine.

Rainbow Dash shrieked and flew straight up into the ceiling. She clung to the cloud upside-down like a cat. Rainbow scowled down at Gilda. "That is it! I am putting a LOCK on that door."

Gilda padded around the bed. "Your little prank was not funny."

Rainbow Dash replied, "But it really was funny Gilda, and it served a real purpose. You can move your energy around now, right G?

Gilda watched as Rainbow landed softly on the far side of the bed. "Yes I can."

Rainbow Dash looked mournfully at Gilda. "The next part requires patience and subtlety — two qualities you have in so much abundance. You have to move a small amount of energy to your forehead. At least for pegasi, a ghostly horn should naturally form."

Gilda growled then settled in and concentrated.

Rainbow Dash burst into laughter. "Oh Gilda, griffons look utterly ridiculous with a horn."

Gilda opened her eyes and looked across the room into a mirror. "For being this stupid, it has to be worth it somehow. What can I do with it?"

Rainbow Dash replied, "I didn't think you would get this far G. Usually a unicorn helps out at this point. I think you just have to try stuff while using some magic. My talent doesn't even work that way."

Gilda concentrated on a cloud, then her claws, then the bed. She angrily turned to Rainbow Dash. "THIS IS UTTERLY USELESS."

Rainbow nodded. "Or maybe it could be voice amplification. Good going G."

Gilda let out a huge amplified roar. She considered her great luck. She got to name the nature of the contest when challenged and now no griffon could beat her at roaring. Barring foul-play her position as tribe leader was secure.

Gilda pranced across the room. "You are still awesome Dash." With that she exited the bedroom, and flew into the horizon.


Princess Celestia walked up to her throne. Things had quieted down considerably in the month since she closed Misty's school. She looked forward to a nice easy day of solar court. The court steward handed her the list of ponies to appear today and retreated behind her. She looked down at the list, then she cast about for her steward. He was nowhere to be seen.

The court herald trumpeted, "Captain Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty, Captain of the Wonderbolts."

The reflected sunlight gleamed off Rainbow Dash's armor. She marched in full "Still Shadows" regalia at the head of a group of at least two hundred pegasi. They also wore period garb and marched in neat lines, five to a row. Rainbow Dash and the pegasi to the outside of each row sported glowing horns.

The entire company of pegasi bowed as one.

Rainbow Dash addressed Celestia. "On behalf of the pegasi of Equestria we request the release of Misty Midnight and Scootaloo and the restoration of our heritage."

Celestia walked down the stairs and quietly spoke to Rainbow Dash. "I sense Rarity's design in your garb."

Rainbow said, "she has worked on this for quite some time."

Celestia continued to admire Rarity's uniforms. She had so vividly recreated the period dress that it evoked memories of that time. "So she supports you in this?"

Rainbow replied, "The elements are united."

Celestia looked straight into Rainbow Dash's eyes. "And if I refuse?"

Rainbow sadly returned Celestia's glance. "Then I will know that I tried my best to help my friends. It is your decision after all."

Celestia returned to her throne. "Your request is noted and will be considered."

The pegasi bowed and left the court in an orderly manner.

The court herald trumpeted, "Applejack, Element of Honesty."

Applejack walked the length of red carpet with well over a hundred earth ponies behind her. About half of them maintained glowing horns. They bowed before their princess.

Applejack addressed Celestia. "On behalf of the earth ponies of Equestria we request the release of Misty Midnight and Scootaloo and the right to unlock our talents."

Celestia replied, "The earth pony support of the pegasi petition is noted."

The earth ponies bowed and left the throne room.

The court herald trumpeted, "Sea Swirl, unicorn of Ponyville."

A small pony with a pink coat and blue-purple mane slowly walked along the carpet. She stopped and bowed before Celestia.

"I am here to ask for clemency in the case of Misty Midnight. She did not simply teach pegasi and earth ponies. She gave injured unicorns a second chance at life. My horn — my talent was lost in an accident and I would have never recovered it if it were not for Misty."

Celestia stood up from her throne. "Solar court is over for today."

She rapidly worked her way towards the exit. An invisible Luna followed her out of the throne room. As soon as they were clear of other ponies, Luna dropped her spell. "Hello Tia."

Celestia replied, "I sensed you sneak behind me as I was leaving the throne room. My steward's reactions make a lot more sense now."

Luna trotted alongside Celestia. "Don't be too hard on him. I made some — last minute changes to his schedule."

Celestia halted and looked at Luna. After a few long seconds she went down a side passage.

She went down some stairs, passed a few guards, and came to a stop before a cell in the dungeon. "You seem to have made quite an impression on some ponies."

Misty Midnight yawned and got up from her cot. "Friendship is magic. Of course that magic is not restricted."

Celestia replied, "Misty, why do you always have to make things so difficult? I came down here to tell you I reconsidered the ban on teaching pegasi and earth ponies magic.

Misty looked at Celestia. "Can you repeat that?"

Celestia pondered. "Okay Misty, how about — I have decided to banish you to the moon. Is that better?"

Misty blanched. "Um no, I think I preferred the tenor and the meaning of your first statement."

Celestia nodded. "Good — there are a few conditions on your release. Yes you can have your school in Ponyville, but I would like to know of any ponies with strong talents and especially any pegasus whose talent is 'Still Shadows.' I would also strongly request that you keep me apprised of anything else you think I should know. I also want notice if you should decide to leave the greater Canterlot area. You will receive a stipend of 200 bits per month from the treasury and will comport yourself in a proper manner."

Misty looked around the small room then agreed to the terms.

Celestia opened the door and informed the guards about her and Scootaloo's release. She then continued onward to another cell.

Celestia looked at Scootaloo. "Did you hear my chat with Misty Midnight?"

Scootaloo nodded.

Celestia asked Scootaloo if she would agree to the same terms. When Scootaloo complied, Celestia started to cast a spell.

Scootaloo rose as a blue aura of energy wrapped her form. When it ended, gossamer butterfly wings overlaid Scootaloo's stunted pegasus wings. "If you hurry you can still catch Misty. Knowing her, she will be flying off to Ponyville as fast as her hooves can leave Canterlot soil. I figured a taste of flight was the least I could do."

Scootaloo thanked Celestia and sped off out of the dungeon.

Luna watched as the two pegasi ascended together into the sky.