• Published 4th Oct 2012
  • 8,239 Views, 210 Comments

Born and Raised in Equestria - ReverseBrony

The Apple Family finds a human baby and raises it as their own. This is his life story.

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The Colt's guide to making trouble

Chap 3: The colt's guide to making trouble.

FINALLY! After teasers and blogs, a full fledged chapter. I dislike school and getting sick, TWICE. But now I'm back and ready to f*&% some s*&$ up! Uh.... sorry.

9:00 am
As the sun rose on the delightful day of Sunday, Johnny hesitated to get up. It wasn't like yesterday when he was up and at it and ready for the rest of the day. He couldn't even get his eyes open. But eventually he was able to and got up out of his bed groggily. He stepped down off his bed and on to the wooden floors. He turned to find Applebloom still asleep. A bump from the baseball game was still on her head. When he was abut to walk out of the room she woke up.

"Mornin bro. What're ya doin?" She asked him in tired tone.

"Ah nothin. I'm gonna go to the bathroom then I'll come back to bed." He responded.

"Alright. Ah'm gonna find Applejack." She said crawling out from the covers.

"Oh yeah, how was yer talk yesterday?" Johnny asked feeling more awake.

"Ah still think gettin a cutie mark is impossible." She explained. "Oh, and sorry about all that 'yer not a pony' stuff from last night."

"It's okay sis. You were havin a bad is all." Johnny reassured her. "And besides it's true. I'm not a pony. And cutie marks aren't the things that make you special. It's you yourself."

"Since when were you a philosopher?" Applebloom asked while giggling.

"Since that day you and the other crusaders dressed up like Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash and pretended to be them the whole day." Johnny chuckled out.

"Hey! That was a great idea and you know it! At least now we know that we don't have a talent in impersonating... or flirtin for that matter. " Applebloom said while blushing.

"Hey I think you and Caramel make a great couple." He joked.

"Har har! Very funny. Just go take yer bath already." Applebloom said while slamming a pillow on her face.

"Okay. See ya." Johnny said heading toward the bathroom.

The sun was high up now and it was the beginning of a perfect Sunday afternoon. Johnny was planting seeds for their corn crop when something caught his attention. An apple tree with flowers on it, and it was the only tree surrounded by a fence. That tree had been there for years and Johnny had no idea what it was for. Applejack was walking by when she noticed this.

"Hey little bro. What're ya lookin at?" She asked with curiosity.

"Applejack, what makes that tree so special that it gets a fence and none of the others do? And how come we don't pick any apples from it?" Johnny asked.

"Well ya see sugar cube. This here's the last tree that our pa planted before he died." Applejack explained. "Granny Smith says we should think of it as a reminder of him."

"Wow. I never would've guessed that. Then again I never met pa." Johnny said.

"Ah'm sure he'd be proud of you Johnny." Applejack said before continuing on with her work. Johnny walked up to the tree to look at it more closely. Suddenly he heard some pony calling him.

"HEY JOHNNY! OVER HERE!" A unicorn colt named Snails called out. Johnny ran over to the fence where Snails was.

"Hey Snails. How are ya?" Johnny asked.

"I'm okay. You wanna hang out with us?" Snails invited Johnny to hang out with him and some other classmates.

"I guess so. I'll be right back." Johnny said walking toward Applejack. "Hey sis can I go with Snails into town?" He asked.

"Okay, just be back by sundown alright?" She agreed. Johnny nodded and ran to catch up to Snails.
"So Snails, where are we goin?" Johnny asked.

"I don't know, Snips is the one with the plan." Snails said as they walked toward the town square. "There they are." Snails and Johnny approached two other colts named Snips and Featherweight.

"About time you guys showed up!" Snips yelled out. "C'mon guys we gotta go to the school house."

"Why the schoolhouse?" Johnny asked.

"That's where we usually hang out." Featherweight explained.

"Yeah. C'mon let's go." Snips said. The other three followed as he lead them to the school house.

Almost no pony was on the school premises that Sunday. For the next 12 hours the campus belonged to the group of classmates.

"Alright. Here's where we begin the awesomest day ever!" Featherweight cheered.

"First we're gonna look inside the shed in back of the school yard." Snips said. "We've been here for so long and we still don't know what's in there."

"Wait, didn't Ms. Cheerliee tell us not to go in there?" Johnny reminded them.

"So? No pony's here and like it really matters. We're just gonna see what's inside." Snails explained.

"Well I still think we shouldn't do it." Johnny said defending his decision.

"Aw c'mon Johnny don't be like that. It'll only be a minute or two." Snails said trying to convince Johnny.

"Fine." Johnny hesitatingly agreed. The group walked up to the shed in question only to find that the door was locked.

"What now?" Featherweight asked.

"Guess we can't open the shed." Johnny said relieved. Johnny was really obedient when it came to following rules and guidelines. He remembered the first time he had broken a rule set forth by one of his elders.
2 years ago

Back when Applebloom and Johnny had first started attending the schoolhouse, they were both on the lowest parts of the social ladder. Not being widely accepted by their fellow classmates, the two siblings would try to come up with ways to make themselves closer to the in-crowd's standard. From wearing different accessories to changing hair color and hair style, the two only managed to make one friend in that time. Of course Johnny, as much as the others tried to avoid him, actually got a lot of attention.

In Johnny's first few days of school he had felt challenged. Not academically but emotionally. For the first time, Johnny had felt rejected and at the same time accepted. He also felt eager yet at the same time hesitant. But the one emotion that seemed to give him the most trouble, was love. Johnny had obtained his first and, so far, only crush in his 7 year life. His first was on Diamond Tiara. He had admired her neatly groomed mane and how she looked when she wore her tiara. She actually looked cute as a 5-year old filly. But even then she was a spoiled brat.

She knew of Johnny's feelings for her and thought that she could probably use him for her own purposes. "So you want to be my coltfriend Johnny?" She asked him sounding innocent.

"Y-yeah! I really like you Diamond Tiara! I wanted you to be my fillyfriend ever since I first met you!" He said with glee.

"Well then you can. IF you do something for me." She said.

"Anything. What is it?" Johnny inquired.

"Ms. Cherilee took away my favorite bracelet from me. She thought I was interrupting the class because I was showing it off too much. If you get it back for me, you can be my new colt friend." She said to him.

"Wh-what? Won't we get in trouble if I do that?" Johnny asked.

"Don't you want to be my colt friend?" Diamond Tiara asked while nuzzling his leg.

"Uh..okay I will." He sadly replied. Ms. Cherilee was outside talking to another pony when Johnny began his retrieval of the bracelet. He was about to reach into a desk compartment when she walked back in.

"Johnny! What are you doing?" She sternly asked.

"I was just...uh." The whole class besides his sister laughed at the scene, even Diamond Tiara was laughing. (What a pisser).

"Go back to your desk! And I hope you didn't have any plans today because you're going to be stuck in time-out after school." Ms. Cherilee said walking back to her desk. The class continued to laugh as Johnny sat in his desk.

"Never again..." Johnny muffled into his arms as he rested his head in them hiding his shame from everypony.

Never again would he break the rules of the school house.

"I know the keys are inside the school but Ms. Cherilee keeps hiding them in different places." Snips complained.

"Well should we go to the park instead?" Featherweight asked.

"There's nothing to do there." Snails replied. "I wish Trixie was here."

"Why? She was a bad magician. I didn't like her." Johnny spoke.

"Well when she was here, Ponyville was more interesting." Snails retorted.

"What about a game?" Featherweight asked.

"What game could we play?" Snips asked.

"Well how about... eye spy?" Featherweight suggested.

"No." Snails answered.

"OH! How bout Truth or Dare?" Johnny suggested eagerly.

"What? Why?" Snips asked.

"My sister and her friends play it whenever they have sleep overs. It seems like a fun game." Johnny said to them.

"Well I guess we could. We don't have anything else to do." Snails agreed.

"Okay then. I'll go first." Snips volunteered.

"Alright Snips. Truth or dare?" Johnny asked.

"Dare." Snips quickly answered.

"I dare you to..." Johnny tried to think of a good dare. "Go into the school house and write something about Ms. Cherilee on the chalkboard." Johnny said finishing his dare.

"What!? B-but..." Snips cowered.

"If you don't you lose." Featherweight spoke.

"Alright! But what do I write?" He questioned.

"Nothing insultin or anything. Just as long as she's able to see tomorrow." Johnny clarified. Snips got up and walked up to the door. He walked in and found a piece of chalk on Cherliee's desk. After thinking about what to write, Snips took the chalk and began writing.

About a minute later, Snips walked out.

"About time." Snails spoke out.

"What'd you write?" Johnny inquired.

"You'll see tomorrow." Snips said waving them off. "Y'know what... let's go to the park." Snips suggested.

"Alright then never mind. Let's get outta here before some pony sees us." Johnny said as they proceeded to walk towards the park.

Later on in the park the four friends continued their game of Truth or Dare. "Alright Snips, you ask some pony else if THEY want truth or dare." Johnny explained.

"Okay! Um.. Snails! Truth or Dare?" Snips asked.

"Dare." Snails answered.

"Okay then I dare you to..." Snips looked around and saw a lemon tree not to far from him. "OH! I dare you to eat one of those lemons." Snips finished his dare. Snails calmly got up and walked to the lemon tree. He struggled to use his magic to pull one down. eventually he got one and was able to easily peel off the skin. He looked at the other players, then back at the lemon. After a few seconds he slowly placed the fruit in his mouth. We all know what happens when you put a sour fruit in your mouth.

The other laughed as Snails's face twitched from the sour flavor of the citrus he had just consumed. "C-can I gewo now?" Snails tried to ask with his face still twitching

"Of course it's your turn." Johnny answered.

"Kay." Snails calmed down. "Uh.... Featherweight. Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Featherweight answered.

"Well then I dare you to.." Snails noticed the Cutie Mark Crusaders entering the bowling alley not to far from them. Scootaloo had left her scooter outside. "Go ride Scootaloo's scooter." Snails said.

"What? No way! If I break it she'll become furious!" Featherweight spoke out.

"Well it's either that or truth." Snails retorted.

"Fine. Truth then." Featherweight answered.

"Do you know who Spidermane really is? Like his identity and stuff." Snails asked.

'Oh No! I can't let him know my secret identity!' Featherweight thought to himself. He began sweating. "Uh..I don't know...I... never mind! I'll ride Scootaloo's scooter." Featherweight decided.

"Go for it then." Snails said pointing at the scooter. Featherweight walked towards the scooter as fast as he could. When he was finally next to the scooter, he looked around to see if anypony was looking.

"Okay, just really quickly." Featherweight got on the scooter and rapidly flapped his wings to begin accelerating. Of course since Featherweight's wings were more powerful than Scootaloo's he was able to gain more speed more quickly. "A few laps around the Bowling Alley and that's it. Gotta give this back before Scootaloo finds out." Suddenly CRASH! In trying to stop, Featherweight and the scooter flipped over and landed in a bush. Featherweight shook his head and looked at the scooter. "Oh crud! Why?" Featherweight quickly jumped out of the bush and grabbed the scooter. After placing it back in it's original place he ran back to his friends. "C-can we do something else now!?" Featherweight furiously asked.

"Nuh-uh. You gotta ask Johnny what he wants to do." Snails reminded.

"Alright then. You know what to do Johnny." Featherweight said waiting for Johnny to say truth or dare.

"Truth. Go ahead and ask me anything. My family is known for their honesty." Johnny said proudly.

"Kay then this is simple. Do you like Twist?" Featherweight slyly asked. Johnny's eyes narrowed. Snips and Snails stared at Johnny awaiting his answer.

"Really? I don't want to think about!" Johnny retorted.

"C'mon. Just say yes or no. You don't want to lose do you?" Featherweight mockingly asked.

"No." Johnny quickly said.

"Liar!" The three colts accused.

"No! I really don't! What's the point in me telling the truth if you don't even believe it?" Johnny asked while becoming upset. The three colts snickered at Johnny's reaction

"It's alright Johnny. We believe ya." Snips answered. "But let's do something else. This is getting boring." Suddenly there was a yell coming from the bowling alley's direction.


"SCOOTALOO!" Featherweight cried out.

"You're gonna pay for messing up my favorite scooter!" She said as she charged at the pegasus colt.

"Aaaah!!!!" Featherweight yelled out as she ran after him.

Suddenly an idea popped into Snails's head. "Oh guys! I got an idea." He called to his compadres. As he told them his plan, Featherweight continued to be chased down by Scootaloo.

"We're gonna start a war." Snails declared.

"Really? On who?" Snips asked.

"The Cutiemark Crusaders, that's who." Snails answered in a loud voice.

"What! No way! I'm not interacting with Scootaloo in anyway till tomorrow! I've had my share of enraged fillies for one day." Featherweight strongly declined.

"Why? What reason do we have for doin that?" Johnny inquired.

"We're not actually gonna have a war with them. What we're REALLY gonna do is raid their clubhouse... with water balloons!" Snails cheered.

"That sounds fun! I'm in!" Snips accepted the idea.

"Okay, but I'm only gonna watch. Like I said, getting your flank kicked by a filly is hard enough." Featherweight said unenthusiastically.

"Ah why not. Applebloom owes me bits anyway." Johnny joked.

"Okay. To Pinkie Pie's house!" Snails said as he led his troops to their ammunition station.

It was sunset, and the landscape was calm. There was practically no sound except for the sound of giggling fillies. The four members of Team Colt were waiting for their moment to strike. "Okay, the members of Team Filly are in their base. We must attack from out here and work our way in." Snails commanded.

"Are we actually gonna destroy the clubhouse?" Johnny asked in a worried tone.

"No, now look. When they walk out, throw!" Snails yelled out then covered his mouth. The Crusader's voices could be heard from within the club house. Then Team Colt caught sight of its first target. "It's a red! Get her!" Snails hollered and threw a balloon at her. The balloon flew through the air toward Applebloom eventually plopping on to her forehead. To Team Colts' misfortune the balloon ended up simply plopping on the wooden floor. "A dud?" Snails asked disappointed.

"HEY! Ah thought ah heard somethin out here!" Applebloom yelled out. She picked up the still filled up balloon and threw it back. SPLASH.


"SNAILS!" Snips yelled out.

"Guh!" Snails gasped from the shock. "Eh... Snips.... avenge me....." He slowly requested. Snails fainted.

"Snails? Snails!? SNAAAAAAIILS!!!!!" Snips yelled out.

"No.... Applebloom! " Johnny yelled out. "You killed Snails!"

"Wha? Yer kiddin." She said in disbelief.

"You'll pay for that!" He threatened and proceeded to throw another water balloon at his sister. This time, the balloon directly hit its target.

"T'aint fair Johnny! Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo! GET THE HOSE!" Applebloom commanded her team.

"Uh oh! She's brining out the big artillery!" Snips cried out. "Hurry! Fire!" Two of the three remaining members of Team Colt threw more water balloons at the club house. Applebloom lead the other two fillies out to the battlefield.

"We're WATER PROOF!" She yelled out.

"No! We won't give up!" Johnny yelled out. "FOR SNAILS!"

"FOR EQUESTRIA!" Snips hollared. Featherweight, from his earlier encounter with Scootaloo, hid behind the bush in fear.

"Oh I knew I should've stayed at home today." He said to himself. He looked at a water balloon in the box next to him.


"Oh no! My friends! What do I do? What would Daring Do do? What would Spidermane do!? Wait... I AM SPIDERMANE!" Featherweight stood up and grabbed the lone balloon. He looked at it again. "With great power, comes great responsibility, and for me, the choice to lead an ordinary life is no longer an option." He said to himself before aiming at one of the crusaders. He threw the balloon. Guess who the balloon hit.

"AAHHH!" Scootaloo yelled out as she let go of the house and fell to the ground.

"Oh for Celestia's sake. Why her?" Featherweight asked as he stepped out of the bushes. Sweetie Belle let go of the hose and looked at her friend.

"What have we done?" Applebloom asked.

"We lost two of our comrades in this watery battle." Johnny said in a sad tone.

"It was our fault. None of this would have happened if we hadn't started this." Snips apologized.

"Truce?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Truce." Snips said shaking Sweetie Belle's hoof.

"I think you guys are taking this too far." Snails spoke as he limped toward them.

"Yeah seriously guys it was just a water balloon. We weren't actually killed." Scootaloo said raising her head up off the wet grass.

"We know. We're just playing around." Johnny explained.

"Awww." Applebloom said disappointed.

"What's wrong sis?" Johnny asked.

"I still didn't get a 'watery-warfare' cutiemark!" She whined.

"What would that even look like?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Ah don't know...." Applebloom said walking toward the hose. "But who cares. That was fun!"

"It sure was." Snails agreed. "Same time next week?" He asked.

"Totally!" Scootaloo replied then looked at Featherweight. "And Featherweight." She said walking up to the quiet and shivering pegasus. "Nice shot." She said then pecked his cheek. (HAHA see. Because chickens peck...)

Featherweight froze and stared ahead into the empty space in front of him. "I can't feel my legs." He slowly said.

"See you tomorrow guys!" Snails called out.

"Bye guys. Today was fun." Johnny replied. The friends went their separate ways, except for Featherweight who needed to be carried home.

"Well sis, I'm sorry you had another bad day sis." Johnny said as they walked to the house.

"It's okay. Ah know that it's only a matter of time before ah get it." Applebloom said accepting the facts of a filly's life.

"And knowing is half the fun sis. I know you'll get one soon and it'll be the coolest cutiemark ever. Even cooler than Rainbow Dash's." Johnny tried to encourage his sister. The two made it to the porch.

"Well ah don't know about that. But thanks bro. And ah hope... you get one too." Applebloom said. Johnny smiled. "Well Ah'm goin inside. Good night bro." She said and walked inside. Johnny turned around and walked toward his father's tree.

"Uh..hi... pa. I don't know if ya know me since we never met but... I just wanted to say that... even though your just a tree.. at least right now.. I still love you." Johnny said to the tree putting his hand in the leaves of one of the lower branches. "I hope to grow up to be big and strong like you." He looked back to the farm house, the light in his room had just switched off. "Well sweet dreams.. pa." Johnny said and ran into the house to get some rest.

"Hey Johnny. What were ya doing out there with the tree?" Applebloom curiously asked.

"Just sayin good night. That's all." Johnny said as he slipped into the covers. Applebloom shrugged and went back to snuggling under the sheets. "Good night sis."

"Night bro." The two siblings drifted off to sleep. But little did they know that there were rough waters ahead.

HUZZAH! Ah darn it now you have to wait another 1000 years. Don't worry guys. I'll make sure to do better with the announcements and stuff so it doesn't seem like I'm trolling with you. I'm excited this week because Paper Mario:Sticker Star is coming out! YAAAAAAY! So yeah. Anyways I hope I hurry up with this stuff. See ya'll later.