• Published 4th Oct 2012
  • 8,235 Views, 210 Comments

Born and Raised in Equestria - ReverseBrony

The Apple Family finds a human baby and raises it as their own. This is his life story.

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Bully the Bullies

Apple 4: Bully the Bullies

Another school day had dawned upon Johnny and Applebloom and it was time to repeat the morning rituals. Lather and rinse, brush and floss, plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is and so on.

"Okay, let's get to school early so we can see what Snips wrote on the board." Johnny told his sister.

"What do ya mean?" Applebloom asked.

"Yesterday we played Truth or Dare and we dared Snails to write something on the board." Johnny explained.

"Why didn't ya say so? Let's go!" She said and ran ahead. Again the two ran past the fence and into town. They saw all the usual ponies they would see on a daily basis...until. "Hey Johnny! Look!" She called and pointed to one of the houses. There was a moving carriage in front of it. "Guess somepony's movin in." She said.

"Yeah. Must be somepony from Canterlot, I mean look at all that nice stuff." Johnny pointed out the furniture and accessories they were carrying out.

"Hmm, guess we'll find out soon enough. Let's hurry!" Applebloom said and ran toward the school. Johnny followed.
(NOT! April Tricks!)
"Now erase this and write, 'Writing about others' flanks is wrong." Cheerilee spoke loudly.

"Yes Ms.Cheerilee. And, I'm sorry again." Snips apologized then began looking for the eraser. Johnny and Applebloom walked in quietly to see what had happened. Cheerilee was in the back of the room organizing some arts and crafts projects while Snips was erasing the board. The two siblings read the message before it was erased.

It read. "Ms. Cheerilee has a big flank." They gasped and walked back outside. The two covered their mouths to keep their laughter silenced.

"Oh geez. He really is in trouble." Applebloom giggled. Johnny nodded in reply as he calmed down. They went inside and pretended that nothing happened.

The bell tolled signaling that class had begun.

"Alright class. Today is a special day. We're getting a new student!" She cheered while clapping her hooves.

"Hooray!" The whole class, besides Diamond Tiara, cheered.

"And here he is." Cheerilee opened the door more. Walking in was a tall unicorn-colt with grey fur and a yellow mane. He wore ankle bracelets on his fore hooves and had a skull and cross bones for his cutie mark, only the cross bones were guitars. He looked a bit nervous. Suddenly there was knock on the door. "Oh. Well then dear why don't you introduce yourself while I speak with your father." She suggested then walked outside. After she left, the colt faced the class with a blank expression on his face.

"Sup?" He asked.

"Uh what?" Applebloom spoke up.

"Ugh. What's up? Don't any of you know hot to talk?" The colt asked with an annoyed tone.

"Yeah, WE don't don't know how to talk. Mr. Sup." Diamond Tiara retorted sarcastically.

"Alright then, I see how it is. The name's Bass. My dad, Dr. Slyly, and I
moved here from Neigh Jersey. I like music, and I'm really into mechanics." Bass said expressing his interests.

"So it's Bass like in the guitar and not the fish?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yes. Didn't you hear how I pronounced my name?" Bass became annoyed. Then Ms. Cheerilee walked in.

"Alright Bass. Time for class. Why don't you sit near Johnny in the back." Ms. Cheerliee said as she walked up to the board. Bass rolled his eyes and walked to the back. As he walked he stared at Johnny. He had never heard of Johnny or humans in his life. It was a strange experience for Bass. He finally made it to seat and sat down, his eyes still fixed on Johnny.

Ms. Cheerilee began her lecture. "Ugh.. not math. I hate math." Johnny quietly said. Suddenly he felt some pony poke him. It was Bass. He was pressing his hoof on Johnny's skin. He continued to do this for a few seconds before Johnny snapped away. "Quit it." He assertively requested.

"Why? Whenever I see some thing weird I always poke it to see if it's real. And you dude, are the weirdest thing I've ever seen." Bass explained.

"What? You saying I'm weird?" Johnny started to become angry.

"Yeah I am. You look nothing like a pony. What are you even doing here? What the hay are you?" Bass asked in a rather mocking way.

"Bass! Johnny! Quiet down!" Cheerilee caught their attention. Johnny looked towards the board once again only to be poked be Bass a few times more. Johnny did his best to ignore the physical gestures of annoyance.
Lunch time....

"I hate him already." Johnny said with his head held down.

"Why? What'd he do?" Applebloom asked.

"He poked me for the rest of class, kept saying I was weird and he's rude." Johnny described.

"I know! He didn't have to be so negative when I asked him about his name." Sweetie Belle said.

"No!" A voice cried out.

"What was that?" Johnny asked. The voice called again.

"Leave me alone!"

"That sounds like Twist." Applebloom guessed. The four friends got up and ran to the jungle gym. There they saw Twist being corralled by Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Bass.

"Shtop!" Twist pleaded. "I jusht want to go on the swings." She coward more.

"See? Told ya she sounded funny." Diamond Tiara pointed out.

"No kidding." Bass said then proceeded to poke Twist's face.

"Girls. Go and get Ms. Cheerilee." Johnny requested with a serious tone.

"What'll you do?" Scootaloo inquired.

"I'm gonna end this." Johnny said and walked toward the three bullies."HEY! Leave her alone!" Johnny yelled out.

"Great. One wierdo after another." Bass spoke and turned his head to face the human. "What do you want? We're just having fun." Bass said with a smirk.

"I want you to leave Twist alone!" Johnny snapped.

"Oooh. Tough guy. Well what'er you gonna do about it? Ya gonna hurt me if I hurt your fillyfriend?" Bass asked Johnny.

"She.. is.. not..my..FILLYFRIEND!" Johnny yelled and charged at Bass who mimicked the same action. Johnny and Bass pounced at one another and tackled each other the ground. Bass continuously tried to buck Johnny in the stomach while Johnny tried to scratch at Bass's face. A large group of school foals had gathered to watch the brawl and could see the struggle in both Bass's and Johnny's expressions. Johnny pinned Bass down to the ground and held a fist to his side incase he needed to beat down into the colt's face.

It seemed that Bass had been beaten, but it wouldn't be so easy for Johnny after what Bass would do next. Using his magic, Bass lifted a patch of dirt from the ground and threw it in Johnny's face. His eyes were becoming watery, both from the dirt and from tears of sadness. "Don't mess with me weirdo. You're tough but I'm way better than you. Wanna know why? Because ponies are better than losers like you... what ever you are." Bass said as he got up. "You're in big trouble when my dad finds out about what you did to me."

"Actually, you're both in trouble." Miss Cheerilee trotted into the ring of ponies. "Johnny, you should know better than to take such measures to solve your problems, and Bass, you need to learn to be kinder and more respectful toward your classmates. Now follow me!" She said in a commanding voice. The two fighters complied and followed behind her into the class room.
After school the Apple, Flavor, and Slyly families had met in the class room. Bass was left at home while Johnny was stuck sitting by himself outside. This was the worst day of school ever for Johnny. He got into trouble, got into a fight, was embarrassed in front of his whole class and he had made a new enemy. Johnny tried to hold back tears as he looked down to the floor.

This wasn't his first time being bullied. There had been many bullies before Bass, but none of them were nearly as bad. He remembered the first time he had ever been bullied.
About a month after the Diamond Tiara incident, three new colts had enrolled at the school house. Their names were Stronghold, Shots, and Three Point. All earth ponies from Manehattan. They treated Johnny the same way Bass had, but this time it was out of fear rather than out of misjudgment.

"Hey look it's Dummy Appleseed." Stronghold was the head of the group and would address Johnny by making bad puns on is name.

"Look at those weird legs. They're so long and scrawny." Three Point being the pudgiest would always compare his strength to Johnny's.

"Haha yeah uh..... WEAKLING!" Shots was the quietest one. He let his friends do most of the insulting.

Johnny would always avoid them in any way possible. There was a time when he wouldn't even leave the farm. Johnny had asked Big Macintosh to carry him to school as a way to keep the three at bay. Luckily for Johnny the torment would soon end as the three step-brothers' family had to move to Applewood.

It was a close call then, but it wouldn't be as easy now. Bass would probably be kicked out of school for the fight, but the consequences of the confrontation still lingered in his thoughts. 'What if I get kicked out? I don't wanna be kicked out. I like it at school.' Johnny thought. He became more and more tense as he repeated the question in thought. "Why now? Why is this 'not being a pony' thing botherin me now? Why is being a human so hard?" Johnny said to himself. Suddenly the door opened. Bass's father walked out first and saw Johnny sitting on the bench.

"Please forgive my son. He's usually a lot more well behaved than he was today. I'll make sure a mishap like this doesn't happen again." He said in a sophisticated tone.

"Uhh...Thank you doctor." Johnny sat up.

"Please. Call me Mr. Slyly." Dr.Slyly said with a small smile as he walked away. Next came Applejack and Applebloom.

"C'mon Johnny we're goin home." Applejack said with a hint of monotone. Johnny could tell she was upset. Applebloom walked up to her brother and looked up at him.

"It'll be alright. It was all Bass's fault." Applebloom said trying to encourage her brother. Johnny didn't respond. Then Mr. Tangy Flavor and Mrs. Spice Flavor walked out with Twist.

"Thank you Johnny for helping Twist. If there's anything we could do for you we'll be happy to help." Mr. Flavor thanked.

"It's okay Mr. Flavor. I'm just glad she didn't get hurt." Johnny sadly said.

"Bye Johnny, and thanksh again." Twist said and hugged Johnny's leg. She let go and walked away.

The two Apple siblings walked to Applejack and followed her home. "Uh sis? Are you mad?" Johnny asked in a concerned tone.

"Nah Ah ain't little brother. Yah did good today. Yah protected a filly in need. That was mighty chivalrous of ya." Applejack congratulated. "Just don't get so violent next time."

"Why are you so sad then?" Applebloom stepped in to the conversation.

"Ms. Cheerilee wants ya to stay home fer a week. Yer suspended Ah think she said. That's why Ah'm upset." Applejack explained.

'Good. I could take a week off. And the less time with Bass the better." Johnny thought.
They made it to the farm house around dinner time. Big Macintosh and Granny were already waiting for them. "So how was it?" Granny asked.

"T'was alright. Ah say Johnny had the right in all of this and we should be proud of him." Applejack said patting Johnny on the back.

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh. "Now can we start eatin? Foods' been sittin there for an hour."

"Of course. Let's dig in." Applejack happily said.

"I'm not really hungry. I think I'll go to bed early." Johnny said and started to walk upstairs.

"Really little bro? It's only 7. And we've got mash potaters, yer favorite." Applejack asked holding the bowl for him to see. He shook his head and continued up to his room.
An hour had passed. Johnny was thinking of what could be done about his dilemma.

'You're tough but I'm way better than you. Wanna know why? Because ponies are better than losers like you... what ever you are.' Bass's remarks were giving Johnny the worst headache he had ever had. Never had he felt so distressed. 'Whenever I see some thing weird I always poke it to see if it's real. And you dude, are the weirdest thing I've ever seen.' Just adding to the fire. 'You look nothing like a pony. What are you even doing here? What the hay are you?' Suddenly Johnny realized something.

"Why didn't I realize this before? Bass says I'm weird because I'm not a pony, Stronghold and the rest of them said I wasn't as good as them because I wasn't a pony, and the reason why I feel like I don't connect with everypony as well as I want to is because... well I'm a different species from them." Johnny had an idea. He made the most life changing decision that anypony in Equestria would have ever made.

"Hey bro? You okay?" Applebloom asked and walked in. Johnny yanked her off the floor and hugged. "GAH! Bro what're ya doin?!" She asked in surprise.

"Sis, I've realized what I gotta do to be fully accepted around here! I've gotta become a pony!" Johnny proudly declared.

"WHAT!? Bro that's crazy! How are ya even gonna do that?" Applebloom asked in disbelief.

"I've gotta start start writing right NOW!" Johnny said and pulled a pencil and some stationary out of his back pack. Applebloom stood there in silence as she watched her brother write his letter.

'He can't be serious. My brother... my HUMAN brother...' Applebloom thought wondering what she should do. "Well.... good night bro.... good luck on yerr letter. Ah guess."

"Good night sis." Johnny said and grabbed another piece of paper. Applebloom sighed and jumped into her bed. "Alright then.... Let's try this again. Dear Princess Celestia...."
Wow last chapter was... rather discouraging. Sorry i was just expecting more feed back than I had gotten. Oh well, maybe this chapter will have gotten your attention. Thanks again guys.

I was really looking forward to this chapter actually, Bass isn't really an OC of mine. Any Mega Man fan out there should know. I just wanted to have a little cameo in there for the heck of it. And Stronghold, Shots, and Three Point would be earth pony versions of Billy Dumbell, Hoops and Score. (Clever huh?) and Tangy and Spice Flavor would be recolors of the Cakes.

This is what Bass looks like.

And we will be seeing more of him in the future. And for you Braeburn fans out there, look out! A sh(= storm's brewin!

Just remember. I love feed back and if you haven't pressed that favorite button up their yet... PRESS IT! YAAAAY! Alright then that does it for now.

See y'all later.

Comments ( 22 )

A pony....how will Tia react to this request? :pinkiegasp:

There on the horizon I can see it …a class 2 shitstorm is coming and it's coming in hard (giggity)

Please don't change him into a pony.

If only I could post pictures from my iPod...

Shut up and make me a pony:trollestia: seems legit

Johnny:hey bass theirs something on your face
IT WAS PAIN:pinkiecrazy:

1654565:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:Asdf movie referenceses are always funny.

Are you accepting oc's.

Lol it looks like :pinkiegasp: bass put a skull sticker over his guitar cutie mark lol that would be hilarious if it was true :rainbowlaugh:

1668089 no sorry I'm not, but thanks anyway

1648608 what would you have posted?

I dunno. I forgot in the last week

1648608 besides you can post pics from your ipod. I've done it, it just takes longer to do.

Yeah, I realized that a bit later

another amazing frakin chapter cant wait for more

this story is so awesome :rainbowkiss: :heart: I hope he gets turned into a pony, that would be really interesting, especially for twist :derpytongue2: waiting eagerly for the next chapter :twilightsmile:

I Hope for More.

1688759 GIVE US MORE

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