• Published 13th Dec 2023
  • 1,563 Views, 51 Comments

Like Mother Like Daughter - I Vicious I

After Sunset is left with no family to take her in, Celestia decides to take in the young and extremely gifted mare as an adopted daughter

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The air in Princess Celestia's private royal library carried a faint aroma of ancient parchment and the subtle fragrance of well-preserved leather-bound books. The room was illuminated by the soft glow of magical orbs suspended in the air, which cast a warm, inviting light that danced across the shelves lined with tomes of all shapes and sizes.

As Sunset Shimmer pushed open the ornate double doors, the creaking hinges released a sound that echoed through the room, a gentle reminder of the library's age and the secrets it held. The scent of old knowledge permeated the air, triggering a wave of nostalgia as Sunset stepped further into the sanctum.

The plush carpet under her hooves absorbed the sound of her steps, and muffled the noise to create an almost reverent hush. The occasional crackle of a burning fireplace added a comforting undertone, infusing the air with the comforting scent of burnt oak. Celestia, ensconced in a regal armchair, looked up from her book with a warm smile as her daughter entered.

The visual tapestry of the library unfolded before Sunset, revealing shelves adorned with ancient scrolls and delicate artifacts. The soft, natural light filtering through the enchanted windows highlighted the dust motes dancing in the air, giving the room an ethereal quality.

As Sunset approached, the faint murmur of Celestia turning a page reached her ears, punctuating the otherwise quiet ambiance. The library was a haven of tranquility, a sanctuary where the outside world faded into oblivion.

Sunset's hooves brushed against the carpet, and her eyes drank in the sight of Celestia's serene expression, framed by the glow of the magical orbs. The princess's mane, a cascade of ethereal colors, shimmered like a living aurora, adding to the otherworldly atmosphere of the library.

"Hi mom," Sunset Shimmer greeted, the sound of her voice cutting through the quietude. Celestia closed her book, marking her place with a slender horseshoe-shaped bookmark, and rose to her hooves.

"Sunset Shimmer," Celestia said, her voice a melodic symphony that resonated in the room. "What brings you to my private haven?"

Sunset laughed. "No need to be so serious, Mom. We both know you're just trying to sneak in a nap between meetings, considering no one else is allowed in here." she stuck her tongue out playfully at Celestia.

"That's not true at all, Sunset, and we both know it. I would never be so sloth-like" she said with a grin. "I'm also using it as a chance to catch up on my romance novels," she added, trying to hide the smile on her face behind her hoof. They both chuckled in unison.

"How was your first week of class, dear?" inquired Celestia, a soft and motherly smile adorning her face.

Sunset gave a playful smile. "It's kind of weird having your mom as one of your teachers, but the work itself has been fairly easy thus far."

Celestia gracefully approached Sunset, concern etched on her features and sat down beside her, which brought them face to face. "I've noticed that you've been excelling in your studies, which I'm immensely proud of. However, I've also noticed that making friends seems to be a bit challenging for you. How are you feeling about your social interactions with your fellow students?"

Sunset seemed to avoid answering directly. "The other ponies are years behind me in studies. I'm surprised anypony is struggling at all; much of this stuff isn't even hard, they just need to take the time to actually study." Sunset averted her gaze, her expression guarded.

Celestia sighed softly, understanding that Sunset was deflecting the conversation. "Sunset, I believe that building connections with others is an integral part of personal growth. Friendships can be enriching and provide support during challenging times. Is there something specific on your mind that's making it difficult for you to reach out to your peers?"

Sunset hesitated, then spoke with a hint of frustration. "I just... I don't want to be distracted. I want to focus on my magic, to become the most powerful unicorn I can be. I don't need friends for that." Celestia placed a comforting hoof on Sunset's shoulder.

"Sunset, I admire your dedication to your studies. But it's essential to find a balance. Friendship isn't a distraction; it can be a source of strength and inspiration. You don't have to navigate this on your own.

Sunset averted her gaze, her expression guarded. "I'm fine, Mom. Studying is what's important, and I'm making progress. I don't need to worry about friendships right now."

Celestia's face bore one of concern. "Is there something specific on your mind that's making it difficult for you to reach out to your peers?"

Sunset sighed, her eyes flickering with a mix of emotions. "Well, Mom, I'm doing well in class, but making friends... it's not as easy as acing a test."

A memory replayed in Sunset Shimmer's mind like an old film, each frame capturing the essence of a failed attempt at connection during her week at the School for Gifted Unicorns. It was a crisp autumn day, and the scent of fallen leaves and the distant promise of rain infused the air with an earthy fragrance.

The courtyard bustled with activity, students chatting animatedly and the sounds of footsteps echoing against the school's brick walls. Sunset, stood on the periphery, and observed the ebb and flow of social interactions.

The colors of the scene were vibrant — the reds and golds of the autumn foliage clashed with the blues and grays of the school buildings. A distant hum of laughter and camaraderie teased Sunset's ears, beckoning her to join the tapestry of friendship.

Summoning a mix of determination despite a nervousness that was overwhelming, Sunset took a step forward, her hooves meeting the concrete pathway with a faint echo. The soft rustling of leaves underhoof added an ambient soundtrack to her quest for connection.

Approaching a small cluster of students, their laughter like distant music, Sunset attempted to insert herself into their orbit. The taste of anticipation and the bitter tang of insecurity mingled in her mouth as she initiated a conversation, words hanging in the air like delicate threads. "Hi, I'm Sunset Shimmer, how are you doing today?"

However, the reception was far from what she had hoped. The group's body language shifted subtly, closing ranks as if an invisible barrier had materialized. The rhythmic flow of conversation continued, leaving Sunset adrift in the awkward silence that enveloped her.

The visual tableau of rejection unfolded before her eyes — the vibrant colors of the scene seemed to dim, and the once inviting atmosphere turned cold. Faces turned away, eye contact was avoided, as if it was an inconvenience to acknowledge the presence of Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset snapped back to the present, Celestia taking note of the obvious shift in emotion as Sunsets thoughts had gone from schoolwork to that of making friends. She wrapped Sunset in a big hug. "If you have any problems, feel free to come to me, I might be the princess, but I'm your mother first, and I will make sure that you're happy, ok?" The tender touch of her mother's wings enveloped Sunset, offering solace and understanding. The scent of Celestia's calming aura filled the air, dispelling the lingering shadows of past failures.

As Sunset nestled into the embrace, the rustle of Celestia's regal gown echoed the reassurance of a mother's love. The warmth of the moment permeated through the room, creating a haven within the private library's walls. Sunset's gratitude hung in the air, palpable and sincere, as she fought back the small tear that threatened to escape.

"Honey," Celestia whispered, her voice a soothing melody, "sometimes the hardest battles are the ones we face within ourselves. I've always believed in your strength, and I'm proud of the remarkable pony you've become."

"Thank you for always being there, Mom," Sunset said, her voice steady. The words hung in the air, a bridge connected past and present, as they stood together in the embrace of the royal library—a sanctuary where books were read, and love prevailed.

"I want to show you something, Sunset, I think it will cheer you up". Celestia stood up from her sitting position. Sunset's eyes reflected a mixture of curiosity and anticipation and stood up beside her. The magical orbs suspended in the air cast a warm glow on their figures as they turned toward the library's exit. Princess Celestia and Sunset Shimmer exited the royal library, the heavy doors closing behind them with a muted thud.