• Published 13th Dec 2023
  • 1,545 Views, 51 Comments

Like Mother Like Daughter - I Vicious I

After Sunset is left with no family to take her in, Celestia decides to take in the young and extremely gifted mare as an adopted daughter

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Just Like Water

Sunset Shimmer trailed closely behind Princess Celestia as they descended a hidden set of steps. A subtle aroma of moss and dampness wafted through the air, filling Sunset's nostrils as they navigated the narrow stone passageways. The walls were cool to the touch, and the echoes of their hoofsteps reverberated through the ancient corridors.

The darkness enveloped them, and Sunset couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine with the only source of light being the soft glow that emanated from Celestia's ethereal mane, casting dancing shadows on the worn stones beneath their hooves. Sunset could hear the subtle trickle of water somewhere in the distance, a melody that played alongside the rhythm of their hoofsteps.

The air became more humid, and a faint taste of moisture lingered on her tongue. The echoes of their hoofsteps bounced off the walls, creating an eerie symphony that added to the surreal atmosphere.

As they turned left, then right, and left again, Sunset's sense of direction became disoriented. The stone passages seemed to wind endlessly, and created labyrinth that challenged not only her spatial awareness but also her perception of time. The cool, musty air seemed to press against her coat, and left a subtle, lingering sensation.

As the journey persisted, the air became increasingly stifling, carrying the scent of dampness and hinting at an unseen water source. The taste of moisture hung in the air, adding to the mysterious allure of their surroundings. Sunset's senses were fully engaged in the unfolding exploration beneath Canterlot.

Finally, the realization hit Sunset like a revelation — they were under the lake. The scent of fresh water, the distant sounds of gentle waves, and the damp atmosphere all converged to unveil the hidden secret. At the end of the lengthy passageway stood a solitary, unassuming steel door. Celestia approached it with purpose, and as she extended a gentle hum of her magic, the mechanisms of the lock echoed loudly. Each click reverberated through the stone corridor until finally, the door swung open, revealing the mysteries that lay within.

Celestia stepped into the room as Sunset followed close behind. The dusty old laboratory exuded an air of forgotten experimentation. Ancient bookshelves, their wooden frames showing signs of wear, lined the walls, holding volumes with faded titles. The floor was covered in a layer of dust and creaked underhoof with every step. Cobwebs clung to the corners, weaving a delicate tapestry that hinted at the passage of time.

At the heart of this curated chaos, a single stand-up mirror stood with an aura of untouched elegance. Its frame, polished and gleaming, showcased an intricate design that spoke of meticulous care. The mirror's surface, unblemished by time, reflected the laboratory's orderly disorder with a pristine accuracy.

"What is this place?" asked Sunset, as she broke the silence that had been the norm in the room for a long time. She glanced around the room, her eyes finally arriving on the lone mirror in the center of the room. The reflective surface seemed wildly out of place; there was no dust that had settled on it, and it was in perfect condition, no cracks to the glass, and no chips to the wooden frame. A strong contrast to the rest of the room that obviously lacked upkeep. Sunset took a couple steps towards the mirror, only to find Celestia had raised her hoof in front of her, blocking Sunset from getting any closer.

"This is one of the oldest and most mysterious artifacts in the care of the kingdom." Celestia said, her voice quiet and deliberate. Celestia lowered her hoof and took a few steps towards the mirror, Celestia ran her hoof along the side of the mirror, and as her touch traced the reflective surface, a mesmerizing transformation occurred. The mirror seemed to respond like a liquid, warping under the gentle pressure of her hoof which created ripples that distorted the reflection. The once stable image undulated as if caught in a watery dance before gradually returning to its original, unaltered state.

Sunset, having just realized that she was holding her breath in awe, took a deep inhalation of the musty air surrounding the mysterious mirror. "What is this thing?" she inquired, her voice echoed through the quiet laboratory, carrying a mix of curiosity and wonder.

Celestia, still contemplating the enchanted mirror, turned to Sunset with a thoughtful expression. "It's a relic of ancient magic," she began, her words carrying a weight of history, with Celestia taking on a much more serious tone of voice than usual. "A mirror that blurs the boundaries between the tangible and the mystical. Its secrets are as old as time itself."

However, Celestia's solemnity quickly transformed into an infectious smile, from which she quickly burst into laughter. "I'm sorry," she chuckled, as her laughter echoed through the quiet laboratory. "I can't pretend to be serious for that long. But in all seriousness, this mirror holds wonders beyond our understanding, and perhaps a few pranks left by the ancient enchanters." She said with a grin as she turned to look back at Sunset who stood with mouth agape. "The truth is we don't know what it is. I stored this down here after the former researcher assigned to it passed, and the best guess he could give is that it's a portal to somewhere. however, we don't know to where."

Sunset stepped towards the mirror, her curiosity getting the better of her. She reached up to touch the mirror, her hoof barely brushed against the frame for an instant before Celestia intervened. With a gentle but firm motion, Celestia pushed Sunset's hoof away, earning a shared look of annoyance between the two ponies. "So, why are you showing me this?" Sunset queried, her expression a mix of curiosity and mild frustration. The interrupted connection with the mirror made her yearn for a deeper understanding, and Celestia's actions only fueled her desire to unravel the mysteries hidden within the enchanted looking glass.

Celestia smiled down at Sunset. "Two reasons: one, I wanted to cheer you up. I thought you might find such a weird piece of magic to be interesting." Sunset gave a half nod, Celestia was right, her curiosity had been piqued by the mysterious mirror. "Two, introduce you to a potential career when you finish school. Artifact research is a career choice that's both lucrative and prestigious if you would like to go in that direction," Celestia continued, her eyes gleaming with encouragement. Sunset's face broke into a half-smile as she considered the prospect, in an attempt to convey a newfound sense of interest. The idea of delving into the secrets of magical artifacts seemed to spark a flame of curiosity within her.

With a sigh, Celestia considered the journey ahead. "Alright, let's head back up; we both know it'll be a long trot," she said with an annoyed voice.

Sunset gave Celestia a curious look. "Can't we just teleport back to the throne room or the library?" she suggested, the prospect of avoiding a lengthy trek sparking a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

Celestia shook her head. "There's a lot of spells in place to stop intruders from teleporting down into these tunnels. There's a lot of valuable, dangerous, or poorly understood magical artifacts down here, and I don't want these items to fall into the wrong hooves." Celestia paused, her expression carrying the weight of responsibility. "Only an extremely powerful creature could even hope to teleport to or from here, and doing so would result in serious injury." Sunset nodded, eager herself to escape from the damp and musty tomb they found themselves in.

As they left the room, Sunset turned back to face the mirror last time. she could almost swear she saw the surface ripple the same way it had when their hooves had jounced the edges. She stared for a few seconds before her thoughts were interrupted.

"Coming Sunset?" asked Celestia from down the corridor.

"Oh... Um, yes, Mom. Be right there," Sunset replied, her momentary distraction dispelled as she quickly chased after Celestia. The enchanting mysteries of the mirror still lingered in her mind, but the journey ahead took precedence.