• Published 1st Feb 2024
  • 1,179 Views, 85 Comments

Crossing Rainbow Bridges - David Silver

Humans were always a gamble: a 50/50 split. Brad's horse, however? They were always there 100% of the time. But she proves even she has surprises when she opens doors to another world entirely. This is a tale of their exploration.

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11 - One Horse In, Two Out

Miguel was high atop his horse, Roswell. "The work's done for the day, amigo. Time to go, vamanos!"

Brad waved goodbye to Sarah, but paused in mid-turn as Miguel wheeled his horse around. "Wait! Miggy!"

Miguel snapped his fingers with a sigh. "Si, si. You have to call up el arco iris. I can't do that. Go ahead."

Brad chuckled as he climbed onto Bella, heading over to the edge of the ranch and off into the wilds. Twilight and RC came with him, as did Miguel on Roswell. Brad rubbed along Bella's neck with a chuckle. "Alright girl, ready for a nice trot?"

Bella perked up, nodding her head with a whicker of agreement. She liked trots!

He could feel her happiness as she broke into a gentle run, side by side with Roswell. She hastened, and so did Roswell, the two mares matching one another without direct ordering. The two were used to working as one herd. Though Roswell got confused when Bella launched herself in a great leap.

That confusion only grew when she came down on a rainbow that hadn't been there. She whinnied in startled equine amazement.

Miguel patted at her neck. "It's okay, Roswell! We've done this before. Well, a few times. Relax and it will be okay." He clapped his hands together with a cheer. "Alright, now we can go over?"

Twilight approached and walked up onto the bridge without an issue. "In theory. There is only one way to test. Miguel, it may be better for you to guide Roswell from the side. This is likely to be a strange and frightening experience the first time. We don't want them to get hurt."

Roswell let out a shrill cry of worry as Brad and Bella went several more paces onto the bridge. "Oh, calm down. It's not bad. Look at us!" Bella nodded her head, braying in support.

Miguel did have to get down, gently leading Roswell along. RC came up on his other wise, whickering gently at Roswell in the language the ponies seemed to share with the horses.

Roswell's worry diminished, though she still seemed quite spooked. As the rainbow bridge proved to be able to hold her up, she took slow steps onwards with Miguel and RC's support. Soon she was walking up along the strange path.

As if understanding of her slow pace, Bella proceeded just as slowly, just in front of her herd mate.

Eventually, they reached the top, and Brad looked back at them. "Well, come on." He led Bella off the bridge, waiting patiently for Roswell.

Roswell stopped at the edge of the rainbow bridge, taking it all in. She blinked several times, having expected to see ground, not a town full of talking ponies. She looked to Miguel, and he was just guiding her onwards, so she stepped off the bridge. At least the ground in that new land was firm and held her up.

Twilight and RC gave one another a high-hoof. RC breathed deep. "Ah, back in Equestria. No offense to my humans, but it's so much nicer."

Brad gave her a nod of understanding. "I'm a fan of home, I think."

Twilight nodded her agreement with that sentiment. "Let's get these horses someplace comfortable for the night."

Bella whickered at that. She understood Ponyville, and could take care of herself. She didn't say that, but Twilight, RC, and Brad understood her meaning quite clearly.

Roswell did not understand Bella's words, but she did follow along when Miguel led her off in a direction. "This way, Roswell."

"Woah!" Scootaloo skidded to a stop atop her namesake scooter. "Another one!" She gaped with a smile at Roswell. "Big like a Saddle Arabian, or Big Mac."

Roswell inclined an ear at the small pony, snuffing at her curiously.

Miguel patted Roswell's neck. "This is Roswell. Be nice, she's a bit shy."

Scootaloo gave her a hoof shake. "I'm Scootaloo, one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

Roswell didn't understand all those fine points and advanced language, but the two were horses, and the unspoken bits traveled clearly. The little pony was friendly and wanted to welcome Roswell. Roswell accepted the welcome with a gentle huff of appreciation.

Scootaloo started pushing her scooter in the direction Miguel had been going. "So, you're really taking your horse on a trip to Equestria?" She flicked her ears in excitement. "How many more horses are going to show up?"

"Just Roswell." Miguel shook his head lightly. "We're here for just a visit."

Miguel rode Roswell out of town, heading to visit the Apples with only a wave to part with. Bella remained free to wander as she pleased, which she took immediate advantage of. She felt safe in Ponyville, and seemed to have no issue leaving Brad behind to explore it.

Twilight sat before Brad. "That leaves us. We need to talk. RC, you too. I had a dream, and you should both hear about it."

Brad rubbed at his chin. "You think they might come true?"

Twilight gave a small nod. "They're important."

Brad stroked over her back with a soft sigh. "That doesn't seem good."

"It's not bad, I don't think. But it felt important." She led Brad and RC into the library with a flick of her tail. "I felt as if I was visited by something. Something powerful, but benevolent."

RC flopped down in front of the library door. "Something stronger than Celestia? Does such a thing exist?"

Twilight blew out a soft breath. "I don't know. It's... It was not talking with words." She pointed where Bella had wandered. "Like her, I just knew what it meant. They want Brad's world to be improved, and its people, the humans, to be improved and happier."

"Okay, well, sounds nice enough. How would we do that?" Brad leaned back against a shelf of books, looking unsure on the idea.

Twilight smirked as she started pacing around Brad. "It seems to think you are the key. Brad, you are a special human. You're the first to follow what it called a 'weaker one'. Some seed of a power like the one I spoke to, that hasn't had a chance to finish sprouting."

Brad let out a deep sigh. "That sounds ominous. So, what does this being want me to do?"

"I don't know exactly." Twilight put her forehooves up on his shoulders, staring into his eyes. "It seemed happy that we had come together, and that we get along as well as we do." She slid back to the ground with a smile. "They also seemed to imply Bella would help with the next step. All we had to do was keep her happy, which you already do without anycreature asking you to."

Brad gently stroked through Twilight's mane. "It just wants us to be friends? Why is that so important?"

Twilight nuzzled into his hand. "I don't know. It said you're not ready yet, but I should talk to you, and that RC should hear." She spread her arms. "Which I just did. It feels like us, as a unit, is important." She huffed into a full snort. "Not the first time I've gotten involved with an important grouping. Am I cursed? Blessed? My girlfriends and I form an important group called the Element Wielders. I had thought that quite sufficient as important destinies go."

Brad didn't have a reply to that. He gave Twilight's nose a soft boop. "So, they wanted you to tell us about it. So we all know."

"We do." She looked to RC. "Are you alright with this? You've been quiet."

RC smirked deviously. "You're not getting it. Some mysterious force wants us together with some alien male, that they want to improve?" She waggled her brows. "Seems really obvious to me what they're hinting at."

Brad coughed awkwardly. "They're suggesting what?!"

Twilight furrowed her brow as she considered that point. "Oh! No, I don't think that was the purpose of it. It seemed like an extension of our natural relationship, or natural as far as such things go."

RC rolled her hooves. "If they just wanted us to be platonic buddies, they wouldn't make his fingers feel that way, or us all share everything. No, pretty sure whatever it is, they want us to come together, all the way."

Brad stared at RC. "Um, are you saying we should... That..." He looked between the two ponies, both so interested in him. "Why me? You're both beautiful." He winced, unsure if that was an insult or not.

Twilight smiled with a faint blush. "Thank you for saying so." The way she said it, it sounded like it wasn't a compliment she received very often. "And I'm glad, hm, you think so. RC may have a point."

RC shrugged with a grin. "Hey, the two of you could get along without me just fine. I'm mostly just in the way."

Brad immediately snapped his head over to her. "No!"

RC pointed at him with a laugh. "Knew it. We're a team, all of us. One big happy herd of ponies, human included. Congratulations, Brad."

He gave a weak smile to that. "It's not even certain." He leaned back against the bookcase again. "I don't even know what it means."

Twilight lowered herself into a bow, flicking her tail to one side. "I will do what I can to teach you, if you wish to learn more. We ponies have specific things we consider pinnacles. Perhaps it's time you learned of the elements, and what they stand for."

Brad couldn't argue that he was curious. He was interested in knowing what made Twilight tick. If it would help them better understand each other, that was something he'd enjoy. "You're offering to give me lessons?" He sank down to his bottom on the floor. "Hit me. I'm listening."

RC propped her head on her hooves. "Yeah, professor. Teach us."

Twilight rolled her eyes at RC's teasing tones. "Stop that. In any event, there are six elements. Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, and Magic. These represent traits that most ponies have in some form or another, but the six of us, the Bearers of these elements, we have them more strongly than others." She put a hoof to her chest. "I'm Magic. As it turned out, Friendship is magic, as I discovered."

RC snickered gently. "And 'friendship' is magic." She waggled her brows with meaning. "So she's casting a spell on you, Brad."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "It's not that simple. Love isn't just one element. It has all six in it." She slid up onto Brad's lap, and he gently patted her back. She let out a pleased sigh, relaxing under the attention. "Love is complicated. To have a proper loving relationship, all six elements should be present. A partnership without honesty? Doomed to miserable failure."

RC held up a hoof. "Sounds like what happened with those two dragons."

"Indeed." Twilight nuzzled up against Brad. "This doesn't have to go that way. You are a good, honest man." She peeked back at Brad. "But the others are just as important. Imagine a family without laughter, finding no fun or pleasure in things, only ge—" She stalled there. "Actually, I suppose Pinkie's parents manage without laughter. Ironic, considering. Perhaps that's why Pinkie was so powerfully drawn to the element, for its lack in her upbringing.

"So, our friendship is fine, but there is more. RC mentioned kindness. There are times you have shown that towards myself and Bella, such as when we shared a night together."

RC laughed, waggling her brows. "We're calling that kindness now? No, Brad shows kindness when he cares about all his critters. And he cares about us and what makes us healthy and happy." She rolled to her side. "He's a love muffin that way."

Brad groaned at the idea of being called a love muffin, though he was rubbing along Twilight's back and sides without prompting. "That sounds nice. I don't know what else I can do, though."

"We could also talk about generosity." RC sat up, considering that. "Are you generous? Not sure how much of that you have going for you."

Brad furrowed his brow as he tried to think about it. "Well, I give food to Bella."

"She earns it by being a good girl, though. You can't help giving her that food, because she works for it. That's a kindness if anything. Besides, I've been listening. It's not even your food. It belongs to the place you work." RC huffed and looked to Twilight. "You see him be especially generous yet?"

Twilight flicked her ears with a frown. "No, I haven't. You're right. You could also be more generous with your time and attention. I have no doubt you would be far happier if you gave more of yourself to us, instead of holding yourself back." She brightly colored, realizing what she had said just after saying it. "I mean! You're fine, Brad. Something to bare in mind, perhaps, but I'm not trying to demand things."

"He might if you ask really nicely." RC smirked at that, tossing her mane. "And I'm sorry Twilight, but we aren't talking about laughter. There's plenty of laughter between the three of us. We're all happy and smiling, especially you." She narrowed her eyes with a grin, watching Twilight melt under all the petting and strokes.

Brad couldn't help himself as he rubbed at her stomach and sides, carefully scratching at her coat. He enjoyed the sounds of pure bliss she made.

RC flapped her wings a little, letting the air lift her mane as she tilted her head to the side. "I am pleased to report that our family, as a whole, has all the elements thriving. We may not all have all six all the time, but, all together, I think we're managing." She leaned forward. "Speaking of that, I really want it to be official. We're a family."

Twilight sat up sharply. "RC, wait! We need to finish talking about the other elements."

RC smirked softly. "Like loyalty? We're there. I know where you're going with this. But none of us will betray the other. You're my mare, Twi! And his eyes aren't wandering. I've seen other mares around him, and he barely glances at them. They're just cute ponies, not his family."

"I have been thinking of it like that," agreed Twilight, ducking her head a little in embarrassment. "The only element left is magic. Hm, and we literally met because of a rainbow bridge we cross regularly as we explore this unknown phenomenon. I think there's a spark of magic there." She laughed tensely. "Alright, alright. I'll stop arguing." She hopped suddenly free of Brad and coiled to face him. "But we haven't asked. Brad, do you want to be a family with us? RC clearly approves of the idea."

RC hopped over to nuzzle up against Brad. "We're not human, so, you don't have to worry about us judging you. You don't have to stick around. We aren't your people. We're... well, we're your ponies. You're our human, and I think that's pretty great."

Author's Note:

A chapter just before this one:


About time they had this important conversation. Would you decline or accept the two mares?

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Comments ( 5 )

Miguel rose Roswell out of town, heading to visit the Apples with only a wave to part with. Bella remained free to wander as she pleased, which she took immediate advantage of. She felt safe in Ponyville, and seemed to have no issue leaving Brad behind to explore it.

Should be
Miguel rode Roswell

Roswell let out a shrill cry of worry as Brad and Bella went several more paces onto the bridge. "Oh, calm down. It's not bad. Look at us!" Bella nodded her head, braying in support.

horses do not bray donkey , mule and zebra are the only three equine that can bray. :pinkiehappy:

a amazing chapter

Would you decline or accept the two mares?

Fuuuuuuuuuudge yes. :duck: Twilight is already Best Waifu, and RC is fun and adorable, so why not?

Another fantastic chapter, especially if you include the side-chapter. Ominous dream sounds ominous. Mysterious dream force (Tree of Harmony? Fausticorn?) wants Brad to spread the magic of friendship to Earth? That may lead to an explanation as to where the rainbow bridge came from.

Can I have a Twi-Lap-Pony too?

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