• Published 3rd Feb 2024
  • 562 Views, 77 Comments

Starlight Glimmer Regrets Her Mistakes - MagicS

Now exactly how was Starlight supposed to know that a few changes to the past could cause the space-time continuum to collapse?

  • ...

Former Empress Starlight

After yet another feeling of vertigo and the sensation of falling, the kaleidoscope of colors around Starlight disappeared and she plopped out onto the soft ground. Dirt and grass. Good. Spike came out right beside her and landed on the ground next to her, stumbling for a second but catching himself before he fell over. The dragon took a deep breath and rested his hands on his knees.

“We’re never getting used to that, are we?” He asked her.

“I don’t think so,” Starlight shook her head. She then sighed and nervously bit her lip, a worried look in her eyes. “And if we’re in the right world… moment of truth...”

She swiftly looked up at the sky.

Nothing. A normal blue sky with clouds floating by.

Spike looked with her and sighed in relief. “Alright, that’s a good sign isn’t it? No crazy brainwashing waves from the Crystal Empire?”

“That’s a very good sign,” Starlight nodded in agreement. “But it doesn’t mean things are perfect. We still had to come here for a reason. Whatever it might be, there’s not as much harmony and friendship going around in this world as there should be.”

Spike took a brief glance around at where the portal had dropped them off. “Oh, we’re just right outside Ponyville. This road takes us right past the Everfree and into town.”

“Yeah, I recognize it too. If the portal brought us here then it’s likely we need to go to Ponyville. Let’s hope everything here is back to normal compared to when we were here last,” Starlight said.

“Yeah. I really hope things aren’t as creepy… but from what you did last time, life should’ve gone back to normal if evil you couldn’t keep control anymore. If we’re here at Ponyville I bet this world’s Twilight and all our—her—friends are here too.”

“It would make sense,” Starlight shrugged. “But not everything has made sense so far. And it’s no telling what sort of changes might have happened after I stopped evil me. With everything she already did and how long she was in control there’s no telling what could be different here than from our world even if Twilight, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance are back in charge.”

“Well we’re not going to figure anything out standing here. Let’s head into town,” Spike shrugged and started walking down the road.

“Mmm...” Starlight mumbled and followed him. To be honest, this world was the one she was most nervous about visiting. What had become of the Empress? To see a version of her that had gone such a different direction—who never gave up her old ways and became friends with Twilight and the others—it was a very upsetting sight and experience. Even if she had been taking it not so seriously when it happened, in the time since she had been able to dwell on it a lot. She felt awful for what had happened to the ponies of this world… but she felt just as bad for the Empress in her own way.

She had told her that if she truly changed her ways that the Twilight of this world and her friends would forgive her. But was that really true after everything she had done? Did she want to change? Did she want to be forgiven? Or was she already too far gone? The things she had done were truly awful, and unlike Starlight she couldn’t hide behind it all happening accidentally or not meaning things to get that out of hoof like when she went back in time to ruin Twilight’s friendship. The experience with the Empress also made Starlight wonder if it was possible that she could’ve made the same mistake. If she could’ve gone that bad too.

It had called for a lot of self-reflection after that vacation was over.

“Okay, that’s different from back home, I’m remembering this now,” Spike said, dragging Starlight out of her thoughts.

She looked up towards the town of Ponyville—now visible—and saw what he was talking about. No School of Friendship. There was the town and Twilight’s castle but the school was gone even though they should be here at the same point in time as their own world. She remembered how they had noticed that when they first arrived here with Twilight too. Because of what had happened, the school was never built or opened.

“So that’s one difference that hasn’t been changed,” Starlight sighed. “I guess we know why the bonds of friendship and harmony in this world aren’t doing so good.”

“Maybe we need to give this world’s Twilight the idea to build it? You know, brighten things up in Equestria after everything they’ve gone through?” Spike suggested.

“Maybe. I think we should go find her first of all and see what we can figure out. If the portal dropped us here I think she and probably this world’s Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity have something to do with helping us fix things,” Starlight said.

“To the castle it is,” Spike said and picked up the pace a little.

He and Starlight came off the road and made it into the actual town of Ponyville a little later. Compared to the last time they were in this world it was far more like the Ponyville they were used to. Plenty of familiar ponies were out enjoying their day or working, Carousel Boutique and Sugarcube Corner both looked normal, and Mr. Cake wasn’t walking around being a brainwashed police officer. If really did look pretty much exactly like their Ponyville and that fact brought a smile to both their faces. Things were definitely better, maybe not the best they could be, but this was one world that was still drastically improved from the last time they had seen it. A minute in Ponyville was proof enough of that.

“After how crazy the last two places we’ve been to were, this is kind of nice.” Spike said.

“Yeah, it is.” Starlight agreed.

Looking around with a smile though and she started to notice something.

In fact Spike started to notice it fairly quickly too.

“Uhhh, Starlight? Everyone is sending you really nasty looks,” Spike said.

“I noticed,” Starlight said as she looked around in dismay, her smile quickly turning upside-down.

Every pony that saw her, that met her eyes, were glaring nastily at her. Some even spit on the ground in disgust. The fact that some of them were ponies she knew well back home just made it hurt all the more. Even some of the nicer ponies from Ponyville had nothing but hateful looks on their faces. And it quickly spread to the others in the area who were out walking through town, as things grew quieter and conversations came to a standstill, the ponies of Ponyville instead watching her the whole time. The foals that were out quickly found themselves pulled behind their parents for safety too.

Starlight cringed as she saw that.

There was Lyra Heartstrings giving her the stinkeye. There was Roma grimacing at her in displeasure from behind her tomato stand. There was Spoiled Rich somehow making an even nastier look with her face than normal. There was Caramel looking confused and even a little scared as she walked by. There was Royal Pin not taking his eyes off her for a moment. There was Cloud Kicker shivering in disgust as she locked eyes with Starlight.

“I uh, I get the feeling that the ponies here know you, the evil you, was behind what happened to them,” Spike said as he looked around.

“Yeah...” Starlight did her best to ignore the looks and kept walking with Spike. “I figured evil me might be locked in Tartarus or at the very least hiding away and not well-known but… if she was then wouldn’t they all be panicking more? Maybe they’ve seen her around so I don’t look that abnormal walking through town...”

Spike glanced up at her. “Do you think she lives here? Like you do back in our world?”

“I… I honestly have no idea,” Starlight shook her head. “Let’s just hurry up and get to the castle.”

The whispers were ignored as Starlight hoped the ponies of Ponyville would let her pass through and just get back to their day like normal as she and Spike left. It wasn’t exactly a nice trip since they had to go through the core of Ponyville to get there—watchful and angry eyes on her the entire time—but they reached the large crystal doors of Twilight’s castle in just a few minutes. And stood there. Just a bit uncertain.

“Do we… do we knock?” Spike asked.

“I don’t know. I also don’t know if I might be getting hit in the face with a magic laser the moment this Twilight sees me,” Starlight said.

“I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t do that,” Spike frowned.

“And I’d like to be a little more than pretty sure.”

Either way, Starlight got tired of standing around after a second and brought her hoof up to loudly knock on the doors. Together she and Spike stood there awkwardly and nervously. There was really no telling what else might go on with them in a world like this.

After just a moment they heard a familiar voice yell from just inside the door: “Coming!

Starlight took a deep breath and Spike reassuringly patted her on the leg.

The next moment the door was pulled open by a smiling Twilight Sparkle. That happy face, the welcoming smile, it seemed Twilight Sparkle was the same everywhere. This was the first time they had come across an alternate Twilight during this journey of theirs—and boy was she a sight for sore eyes. Even if she wasn’t their Twilight she gave off the feeling of being a bastion of goodwill and reliability.

Most of all, she didn’t immediately glare or frown at Starlight when she noticed who was standing in front of her. Or attack her.

Instead her happy smile morphed into a look of honest surprise and confusion.

“Starlight? Spike? What are the two of you doing out here? I thought you were...” the other Twilight trailed off as she noticed a couple of odd things. Different things from the Starlight and Spike she obviously knew. “Why is your mane...” She looked down at Spike and her pupils shrank. “S-Spike, you have wings!”

This world’s Twilight Sparkle swiftly looked between the two of them. Starlight, to Spike, to Starlight, back to Spike, back to Starlight again and again until she sucked in a sharp breath.

“It’s you. You’re the Starlight Glimmer and Spike from the other world… the one’s who helped rescue us along with the other me.”

Starlight tried to put on the friendliest grin she could and spread her hooves. “Ta-da?”

“Hey, nice to see you again,” Spike waved and smiled much more naturally.

“Why are you-” Twilight Sparkle (B version) shook her head. “You both should really come inside.”

“Yeah… kind of got that feeling,” Starlight said as she briefly looked behind her in the direction of town.

The two of them were then shuffled inside the castle and the large crystal doors were closed back up. Twilight Sparkle held a hoof to her chest and took a few deep and calming breaths. Probably something she really needed to do if she was exactly like their Twilight.

Starlight and Spike for the moment also decided to take a look around their “home”. It was just as familiar as Ponyville and the mare standing in front of them. The layout, the walls, it all looked exactly the same. It was a little weird to be standing in their home and yet it wasn’t really their home. Like there was some kind of strange dizziness almost about to wash over them.

Finally, Twilight managed to get her wits about her and looked at her two visitors. Her two unusual friends if they could be called that. “What are you doing here?”

“We’re on a mission to save the world,” Spike told her.

“Again?” Twilight frowned.

“Again,” Starlight confirmed with a nod.

Twilight sighed and dragged a hoof down her face. “Okay but… how did you get here? And why here if you need to save the world? I’m sorry but I don’t understand why specifically you had to come here. Our world is already saved and pretty much completely back to normal.”

“There’s kind of a lot to go over and some of it we aren’t really certain about either,” Starlight said. “Can we sit down somewhere?”

“Sure, let me just-” Twilight was cut off by another hallway door opening and someone else walking on out of it.

“Twilight? Who was at the door?” Spike, a different wingless Spike, said as he walked into the main hall.

He and the winged Spike locked eyes and they froze up.

“Whoa,” they both said in unison.

Spike (B version) stared at his alternate for a moment longer before glancing over at Twilight. “Uh, Twilight? Are we being attacked by Changelings again?” He then saw Starlight also standing there and a brief look of contempt flashed over his face before he questioned Twilight again. “Why does Starlight look different then?”

Starlight had no idea how much it would hurt to see Spike of all creatures look at her that way. But it did. So much that she almost took a step back when he glared at her.

Twilight, not noticing the glare, only giggled. “No, Spike, we aren’t being attacked by Changelings. Believe it or not, something even stranger has happened. These are our friends from another world—the world I told you about. They’re the ones who helped rescue us all.” She smirked. “And if you’d take a closer look you’d notice your double here looks different from you as well.”

This world’s Spike blinked a couple of times before he finally noticed what she meant. “You have wings?! Wait—I—have wings? How did you get wings? How can I get wings? Does that mean you can actually fly?!”

He ran up to look at Spike A’s wings. “This is so unbelievably cool!”

And of course Starlight’s Spike was enjoying being the center of attention immensely.

“Yeah, it is pretty cool isn’t it?” He grinned and folded his arms over his chest, extending his wings. “And oh yeah—you bet I can fly. Even better than Rainbow Dash.”

Twilight cleared her throat. “Ahem. Spike, I understand that you’re very excited right now but they’re not just here to say hello.” She looked at Starlight. “Should we continue what we were going to talk about?”

Starlight had been miles away but the question brought her back to reality. “Y-Yes, yes we should.

“Okay, I think the map room is probably the best place to talk then,” Twilight nodded and started walking down the hall.

There was something more pressing on Starlight’s mind now though. Something that had been gnawing at her since before they arrived at the castle. Despite their mission being of the utmost important—it wasn’t something Starlight could put off. She had to ask.

“Wait!” She shouted after Twilight, grabbing the attention of both Spike’s.

Everyone looked at her, Twilight throwing her a surprised glance over her shoulder.

Starlight wiped a little sweat from her brow and looked back at Twilight. “Before that… where is she?”

The hall was silent for a moment, an unreadable expression on Twilight’s face. There was only one “she” Starlight could be asking about. Twilight turned around to face Starlight directly again.

“She’s upstairs. She lives here with Spike and I,” Twilight answered.

“I want to see her,” Starlight said.

“Are you sure? I don’t know if-”

Please. Let me see her. This is important,” Starlight pressed.

Twilight thought for a moment, clearly going over something in her mind, but in the end she nodded. “Alright, I’ll take you up to her now. There may be some things that surprise you though, okay?”

“It’s okay,” Starlight said. “Considering all the insanity I’ve been through recently I think I can handle it.”

“You really want to meet her, Starlight?” Spike (her Spike) asked her.

“Yes, Spike,” Starlight nodded. “Not just for me, but I feel like it’s important to what we’re doing here.”

“Okay, I trust you,” Spike shrugged. As they walked up into the heart of the castle though he thought of something. “Huh. If she’s here though that means evil you isn’t evil anymore. Right?”

Both Starlight and Twilight glared at him.

“Er… sorry. Maybe a little insensitive,” Spike said.

“I don’t think so,” Spike B snorted.

Starlight sighed. “Well, you’ve got a point, Spike. And I’m curious about how this all came to be too. What happened after we left your world?”

Twilight continued walking in silence for a little while, heading up the stairs and down a new hallway. She seemed to not want to say anything sensitive or too personal. “She had nothing.” She finally spoke. “When I saw her up there it was like looking at a completely different mare. And when things had calmed down and Equestria had mostly gone back to normal… there was still the question of what needed to be done with her. A lot of ponies wanted her thrown in Tartarus. Or worse. But I remembered you, I remembered the other me, and I remembered what I’m the Princess of. I offered her a second chance and she took it. She told me what you told her—that if she really wanted to change and make up for what she had done that we’d forgive her. And I think she has changed, I think she does regret it all, after the time she’s had to think about it and see the consequences of her actions. I’ve forgiven her. But that doesn’t mean everyone has. It doesn’t mean it’s been easy for her. Though she’s doing a lot better she’s still struggling with a lot and-” Twilight grimaced. “You’ll see what I mean soon.”

Starlight and Spike shared a worried glance.

It wasn’t long though before they came to stand in front of a door. And Starlight comically realized that it was the door to her room. Some things really never changed.

Twilight lifted up her hoof and gently knocked on the door. “Starlight? Are you in there?”

“Yes, Twilight. I’m just reading right now.”

It was strange. That was definitely her own voice, but it was so subdued compared to how she usually spoke. And especially compared to the way the Empress spoke from what Starlight remembered.

“Can you open the door? You have guests,” Twilight said.

“Very funny, Twilight. We both know there aren’t any ponies who want to see me.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Starlight, can you please just open the door?”

There were no other words from inside but they all heard a pony walking towards the door. And soon it opened up to reveal the former Empress Starlight Glimmer of this world. She was different. Even just a brief instant would’ve been enough for Starlight to notice that. She still had her mane in that same old high-ponytail style, but the way she stood, the way she carried herself, the look on her face and in her eyes, it was all different. Her eyes were heavy and sad looking, her mouth pulled down in a seemingly perpetual frown, she looked dull and cold, she slouched slightly, and over her entire body she wore a gray shawl.

When she noticed who else was standing outside her door, her eyes widened.

There wasn’t any anger on her face, just genuine surprise.

“It’s you… why are you here?” The Former Empress asked Starlight.

Starlight tried to smile as best she could. “S-Surprise? It’s kind of a long story… g-glad to see you’re doing better though. Hehe...”

“Better, huh?” Former Empress Starlight sighed. Again, no anger flashed across her face, just sorrow. “Well you were right about everything. I was wrong, I was evil, I lost everything, and now I’m here.”

“You haven’t lost everything, Starlight,” Twilight said.

The Former Empress grumbled and looked away. “I—thank you, Twilight. I know you’re just being nice.”

“You just need time, Starlight. Everyone knows you’ve changed, the more you prove that the more minds you’ll change. You just need to give the other ponies here a chance and one day they’ll repay you in kind too,” Twilight said.

“Ever the optimist,” the Former Empress shook her head. “It’s not just about them, Twilight. I don’t blame them for hating me. I don’t blame your friends for still feeling awkward around me. It’s not their fault, it’s mine.”

“You still can’t forgive yourself...” Twilight sadly looked down at the floor. “I told you you don’t need to keep punishing yourself this way...”

Yes I do, Twilight,” a frown, a flash of anger, finally appeared on the Former Empress’s face. “I deserve this. I don’t deserve to be forgiven so easily—to live freely like you’ve let me—this punishment is necessary.”

“Punishment?” Starlight said, looking between the two other mares.

The Former Empress looked at her with a harsh frown full of self-loathing on her face. “Yes. My punishment for what I did to the rest of Equestria.”

She pulled off her shawl and threw it on the ground, Starlight and Spike gasping in shock at what they saw.

Her body was grayish and washed out, and it made it more obvious upon seeing it that her mane and tail were actually the same too. She wasn’t as bright as the Starlight Glimmer in front of her. The reason for that was around her neck, where she wore a small crystal ball hanging off a leather strap, that contained a glowing Cutie Mark inside it. Her own Cutie Mark shrunken down to fit. And on her flank, the black bars of an equal sign stood out.