• Published 3rd Feb 2024
  • 561 Views, 77 Comments

Starlight Glimmer Regrets Her Mistakes - MagicS

Now exactly how was Starlight supposed to know that a few changes to the past could cause the space-time continuum to collapse?

  • ...

The Closest and the Furthest

“Well everyone, I’ve actually got some good news,” Discord said as they all flew through the colorful space.

“And what good news might that be?” Starlight asked him, the others actually now all floating calmly around her, having finally gotten used to traveling between worlds in this strange space.

“I can feel it now that we’re almost there… but this is the last one,” Discord grinned.

“The last one?” Spike raised an eyebrow.

“The last trace of chaos. The last world that you’ll need to fix up and bring harmony too. After that, the space-time continuum will have been healed enough and everyone can go back home,” Discord said.

“Oh thank Celestia...” Starlight groaned in relief, wiping sweat from her brow. “You said good news but honestly I thought you were going to deliver bad news. Just seemed like your kind of thing.”

“I would never!” Discord mockingly scoffed.

“That actually is really great though. We’ll finally be able to go home and relax,” Spike said.

“Maybe great for you guys, going back home for the three of us isn’t as fun,” Moonlight said.

“Yeah—school bites,” Sunset said.

Glimmer coughed. “I’m, um, not complaining. I knew this would happen eventually and I’d have to face going back home. I’m just happy we could help others.”

“Well I get to go back to being an inconsequential mare who doesn’t do anything and who no one looks up to,” Moonlight rolled her eyes.

“It’s not so bad… I think you’ll really have a new perspective on your life when you get back,” Glimmer said.

“Yeah even I...” Sunset nodded after a moment of consideration. “Even I’m just whining, I know things won’t be so bad just getting back to normal. Traveling more, seeing more amazing things, solving more problems in the world, that would’ve been pretty nice, but even with just this it’s already been a trip worth taking.”

“Well it doesn’t it doesn’t have to end immediately...” Starlight said.

Glimmer raised an eyebrow at her. “What do you mean?”

“Actually I was kind of thinking about this yesterday but… when we’re done fixing what needs to be fixed, why don’t the three of you come back to my and Spike’s world for a little bit?” Starlight shrugged. “I mean—there’s no harm in that, right? You can just come by, we’ll have a big party, and then we can say goodbye and all go back on our ways. I think that’ll be a nicer way to send things off than just me dropping the three of you off back in your worlds.”

Spike opened his mouth but then closed it and thought for a second. “Huh, actually I don’t really see any problem with that either. Sounds fun.”

“Right?” Starlight smiled. “And you just know that Pinkie Pie is going to love having the opportunity to throw a party for ponies from different dimensions. Twilight will probably want to meet them too.”

“Yeah...” Spike grinned. “You know what, that’s awesome. Let’s do it.” He looked at Glimmer, Moonlight, and Sunset. “And the three of you have earned a nice sendoff anyways.”

“So let’s finish whatever we need to do here and then we can have some fun!” Starlight cheered.

“Actually that’s something I can look forward to too,” Discord smirked. “For now—good luck.”

He went back into his usual stasis mode and Spike put him away. The five left flying through the colorful and mesmerizing space between worlds now focusing ahead again as the tell-tale bright light of their exit appeared. The group was in an even better mood than before, the good experience with the Apple family and now with something truly fun to look forward to had really raised their spirits. Even the especially grumpy Moonlight. Knowing things weren’t just going to end immediately once they got rid of the chaos was nice.

The brightness ahead soon enveloped them all and they prepared for their exit…

Starlight landed softly on the ground.

Spike landed right next to her.

Glimmer came out with a comfortable huff as well.

Moonlight landed next to her and immediately pirouetted, posing.

Sunset came out last and did the same.

Starlight looked over and raised an eyebrow at all of them.

“Hah! Got it!” Sunset and Moonlight clapped their hooves together.

“No one fell this time,” Glimmer smiled.

“If that’s what you really needed to accomplish before we stopped this...” Starlight shrugged.

“Come on, we’ve got more important things to do right now. Like figure out where we are,” Spike said.

“That’s true but...” Starlight frowned as she looked around. “I’m pretty sure I know where we are.”

Spike took a look with her and realized how correct that statement was. “Oh. Yeah.”

They were in Ponyville. Right in the middle of Ponyville right during the middle of the day. It was familiar to all of them by now, even Moonlight and Sunset, and they probably could’ve figured out where they were with their eyes closed. It seemed to be a perfectly normal day too, with ponies out walking around, enjoying the day, doing business, there were plenty of happy ponies around talking and the pleasant atmosphere of the town was being carried on the wind all around them. A few ponies had probably noticed their sudden arrival but—this was Ponyville—that kind of weird stuff was normal. Starlight took a closer look to try and figure out what year they might’ve been in and saw quite a few ponies she recognized that looked no different than back in her and Spike’s world and time. Bon Bon, Lyra, Amethyst Star, Bulk Biceps, Cherry Berry, Filthy Rich, Cranky Doodle and Matilda, Berry Punch. This looked like a Ponyville that could pass for their own.

Technically a good sign, but it might make the problem they needed to fix harder to find. Most other worlds had something very obvious going on.

“Looks almost exactly like the town I visited yesterday,” Sunset added.

“Looks almost exactly like the town I live in,” Glimmer said.

“Looks almost exactly like what you guys have described Ponyville as being like,” Moonlight rolled her eyes.

“You’re all correct,” Starlight said. “But if we were dropped off here then there might be something different we’re not seeing. Look a little harder, is there any pony who’s out of place? Any building that should or shouldn’t be here?”

“There’s no castle or school but we could just be too early for that,” Spike shrugged.

“Can’t see the moon yet to check out if Princess Luna is still up there or not,” Glimmer said, looking up at the blue sky.

“I don’t think Sunset or I know quite enough about this place to really help out in this situation,” Moonlight said.

Starlight turned around to take a full look at the town of Ponyville around her group and came face to face with something she actually didn’t recognize from back home. There was a small tree growing up from the ground, a young oak, with a plaque in the ground in front of it. Starlight raised an eyebrow and walked towards it, the others noticing what caught her attention and following behind her.

She looked down at the plaque and read it for everyone: “In memory of our beloved Golden Oaks Library”.

“Golden Oaks Library? That was the name of Twilight’s old home. She told me about it,” Glimmer said. “She said that Tirek blew it up and then her castle grew later. But… I know there isn’t any sort of memorial for the library back in my world.”

“Oh,” Starlight gulped, remembering something.

“Oh what?” Sunset asked her.

“I remember,” Spike frowned and glared up at Starlight.

“Ehehe...” Starlight awkwardly grimaced and rubbed the back of her neck.

“What is it?” Moonlight asked, also frowning.

“Well uh… I just remembered that one of the first things that happened when Spike and I traveled through time originally was… was that I accidentally burned down Golden Oaks Library. Whoops,” Starlight shrugged.

“You burnt down her home in this timeline?” Glimmer gawked.

“It was years before she came to Ponyville! She doesn’t even know what she missed here!” Starlight defended herself.

“Well considering that we’ve been brought here I doubt that’s good enough,” Sunset snorted. “Obviously you burning down the library caused a big enough change to spread more chaos through the space-time continuum.”

Starlight pinched the bridge of her nose. “Okay, yeah, I get it. We’ve probably got to find where Twilight is living now and figure out what else might have happened here that’s different because of this...”

“Where do we begin?” Glimmer asked.

“I don’t know… maybe she had a new house built for her in Ponyville? Maybe she moved in at Sweet Apple Acres, or Sugarcube Corner, or even in with Fluttershy?” Starlight shrugged. “We’ll just have to ask around.”

“You know you’re so lucky I never told Twilight about this. If she learned you burned down the library in the past she would’ve been way angrier with you than she already was,” Spike said.

“Yeah you only partially sold me out,” Starlight rolled her eyes.

“Guys, focus,” Sunset said. “Let’s go look for Twilight.”

“Should we split up?” Moonlight asked.

“No,” Starlight shook her head. “I don’t really want us splitting up again in a world where there could actually be numerous problems. Let’s just… let’s try Sugarcube Corner first, it’s the closest. Even if Twilight isn’t there, Pinkie Pie or someone else will know where she is.”

The group didn’t really have any disagreements with that so they followed Starlight to the delightful bakery and sweets shop that was one of the pillars of Ponyville. Since it was still the middle of the day they weren’t surprised to find a few ponies already inside the store. What was a surprise was that Rarity happened to be among those ponies. It looked like she was getting a cake for herself from Mr. and Mrs. Cake—Pinkie Pie likely in the back cooking things up right now.

When their group of five entered the store, Rarity was in the middle of turning around and leaving. Her eyes quickly focused on Spike and a delighted smile lit up her features.

“Spikey!” Rarity said and walked over to him. “Darling, how are you doing? Is Twilight in town?”

“Uh, not exactly,” Spike said.

Rarity’s eyes then widened in surprise. “Spike! You have wings! When did you get those? My, my, you must be growing up.” She giggled and patted him on the head. “They make you quite dashing.”

“Eheh… thanks,” Spike blushed and puffed out his chest for her.

Starlight rolled her eyes. “That’s enough of that, dreamer.”

Rarity looked over and raised an eyebrow at her and the others. “Oh, hello there. Are you friends of Spike?”

“Yes. And friends of Twilight. Sort of,” Starlight said.

“I beg your pardon?” Rarity asked, her brow furrowed as she looked at Glimmer and Moonlight. “And are you… triplets?”

“Nope!” Pinkie Pie said, suddenly bouncing up between them. “They’re the same pony but from different worlds! And since we don’t usually get ponies like that here I think I should throw a party for them!”

“...what?” Rarity tilted her head.

Starlight sighed and dragged a hoof down her face. “Hello, Pinkie Pie. And how do you—actually I’m not going to even bother asking. But we don’t have the time for a party.”

“Awwww...” Pinkie Pie deflated.

Starlight cleared her throat and smiled at Rarity. “Um, sorry to not just tell you this immediately but we’re… not from around here, as Pinkie Pie said. This Spike isn’t the Spike you know either.” She frowned. “But something you said got my attention. Does Twilight Sparkle not live in Ponyville?”

Rarity blinked a few times, likely still rather confused before she shook her head and answered anyways. “Of course not, Twilight lives in Canterlot.”

“Yep! She comes out here every now and then and when important stuff comes up but she still lives in Canterlot with her family and near Princess Celestia,” Pinkie added.

“But… you’re still friends right. You’re still the Elements of Harmony aren’t you?” Starlight asked.

“Absolutely, we’d never stop being friends with Twilight just because she doesn’t live nearby. Rainbow Dash is usually around but she doesn’t exactly live in Ponyville either,” Rarity said.

Starlight glanced at Spike who shrugged back at her.

“Hm… this still has to be something that needs to be fixed,” Starlight mused.

“Fixed?” Rarity suspiciously looked at her and the others. “Pinkie Pie, are you sure these ponies are… alright?”

“They seem nice,” Pinkie Pie innocently shrugged.

“We really are here to help, even if you don’t know you need to be helped,” Starlight tried to explain. “Back in the world Spike and I come from, Twilight Sparkle lives here in Ponyville and you’re all practically inseparable. Are you that close of friends with Twilight here?”

“Well… Twilight is a dear of course and a great friend but...” Rarity frowned.

Pinkie Pie thought too, grinding her jaw back and forth. “Hmm… we haven’t really gotten to hang out enough… she’s totally definitely one of my best friends but… I don’t know if I’m as close to her as I am with everyone else.”

“And is she… an Alicorn here?” Starlight asked.

“An Alicorn? Of course not, whatever would give… you...” Rarity trailed off.

“Yeahhh… there’s definitely a lack of friendship and harmony here,” Starlight coughed. “Er, not that things seem bad, but I think the bonds of friendship between Twilight and you could probably see some improvement. Thanks for cluing us in on all of this. I don’t mean to upset you or anything but this is kind of an important matter.”

“Exactly how important? And what’s your name anyways? Why and how have you all come here? Surely it can’t be just for something so simple?” Rarity questioned, she wasn’t letting this go so easily.

“I’m Starlight,” Starlight said and pointed to the others. “And this is Glimmer, Moonlight, and Sunset Shimmer. Honestly I don’t know how much I should really tell you but… I know how well meaning you are, just don’t let it get out to the entire rest of Equestria please. Spike and I have been sent by our world’s Twilight Sparkle on a mission of harmony. I… did some stuff that caused a bunch of chaos to appear in reality and it’s kind of putting the world in danger. Along the way-” she looked at the others with her. “Things got a little complicated but it’s still turning out well. This world—your world—is the last place we need to visit and fix up before things are totally okay. I’m just… right now I’m just asking you to trust us. We’re going to go visit Twilight Sparkle and talk to her now. You don’t need to do anything or worry about us at all anymore.”

“I-” Rarity began.

“I trust you!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Yes, well, I suppose if Pinkie is okay with you then I am as well.”

“Thank you,” Starlight smiled. “You’ve both been a big help but I think it’s time we get on our way now.”

“Very well… I suppose if anything happens you’re more than welcome here in Ponyville. Just ask if you need anything,” Rarity said.

“And if you have time then come back for that party!” Pinkie cheered.

“We’ll keep that in mind but it’s probably not going to happen,” Starlight said.

“Sorry, Pinkie,” Spike said.

“It’s fine, if things go well and maybe Twilight ends up moving here or something I’ll put on a party for that,” the party pony shrugged. She smiled at them. “It was still nice meeting you! Have fun wherever it is you’re going back to when you’re done!”

Starlight waved goodbye to her and they all stepped out of Sugarcube Corner while the very exuberant Pinkie Pie went back to work. Rarity wasn’t quite so ecstatic but she didn’t say anything else suspicious or negative to Starlight’s group, just a small smile and a pleasant nod as she went back to Carousel Boutique with her cake. Spike waved her goodbye extra long. Now the five world-travelers were standing outside Sugarcube Corner once more, preparing to leave.

“Well it’s pretty obvious what we need to do now, isn’t it?” Glimmer said. “Go and see Twilight Sparkle and convince her to move to Ponyville.”

“Not just move—we need to stress getting closer to her friends,” Sunset said.

“Yeah… I know Rarity and Pinkie Pie were positive enough about their relationship with Twilight, but how close can they really be? It’s not like they’ve been through as much together or spent nearly as much time with their Twilight. Pinkie Pie would say practically the same thing about any pony to begin with. But are the others really friends with Twilight or are they just acquaintances who work together sometimes when the Elements are needed?” Starlight frowned. “We have to find out.”

“I don’t think you can quantify a friendship by time spent together though,” Glimmer said.

“What she said,” Spike agreed. “Twilight was practically inseparable with all of them right after they defeated Nightmare Moon together.”

“I wonder if not having a house of her own to move into when she came here kind of sent her off course?” Sunset guessed. “Like, maybe she was super excited to make her new friends and everything, but she still needed to return to Canterlot for a while before she could move to Ponyville. And maybe she just… never did. Never got around to it, or something like that.”

“Or overthought things, or got nervous, or had a breakdown. I could picture any of those things happening to Twilight,” Glimmer said.

Starlight coughed. “Could be...”

Spike rolled his eyes. “We already know this is your fault, you don’t need to get embarrassed or try and sweep it under the rug.”

“So it’s straight to Canterlot now? Great, I love that city. Totally haven’t been there enough times,” Moonlight groaned.

“We have to talk to Twilight, figure out exactly what she thinks and why she isn’t living in Ponyville even after all this time, there’s no avoiding it,” Starlight said. “At least the thing we need to fix is obvious. I don’t think it will be too difficult either since she clearly has a positive relationship with her friends still.”

“Don’t jinx it. Please,” Spike said.