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Death and Life

Even on the best of days Limestone was a less than happy filly. Today she was extremely unhappy. Why might you ask? Well, today she died or so she had worked out whilst floating around inside this black void of nothingness. And if she was not dead and this was all some sort of bizarre dream, well, that annoying little pink ball of madness of a sister of hers was going to wish she was. Limestone had told Pinkie time and time again throughout the winter that the quarry was off limits due to the risk of landslides and rockfalls from the excess rain they had had. And what had she done on the first day of spring, gone bouncing into the quarry like it was totally fine again. The last thing Limestone remembered was grabbing Pinkie by the scruff of her neck with her teeth and throwing her as far out of reach of the falling mud and rock as she could as the cliff finally gave way. And then she woke up here or rather nowhere to be precise. She had been floating aimlessly in the pitch black for what felt like hours, days, who knew, not like she could tell the time of day in here. Yet she was not that hungry so she guessed it could not have been that long. But then if she was dead, she would not need to eat, would she? Eugh, what a mess she was in. Surely there had to be some way out of here? She strained her eyes and neck muscles and tried to locate anything other than darkness. All she found was more darkness. Bucking brilliant. Guess she was stuck here for the foreseeable future, who knew, maybe forev… wait was that a speck of light?

And then suddenly, the darkness was gone, replaced with blinding early morning sunshine. There was one major problem though. She was not on the ground.


Professor Pomona Sprout let out a hearty sigh as she finished potting the last of the baby Mandrakes ready for the new year. This year’s bunch had been particularly feisty and would certainly give her second years a challenge for sure. It had not helped that she had only two N.E.W.T level students helping her out this summer as well but both Daniel and Nicola had been amazing at helping her ensure the plants in all eight greenhouses were kept happy and now there were only several days left until the start of another school year. She was brought out of her daydream by Daniel tapping her on the shoulder and, after a quick inspection, their earmuffs were removed. Even if they were only seedlings, the mandrakes screams were still powerful enough to knock someone out for several hours and give them a splitting headache for several hours after that as well, so better to be safe than sorry.

“You looked a little lost their professor, everything okay?” Daniel inquired, Nicola by his side looking equally as concerned.

“Yes, absolutely fine. Just looking forward to having a few more pairs of hands to help around here my dear. Not to say your help is not appreciated, it is just that even with the three of us we are still barely getting by working flat out from dawn to dusk,” Professor Sprout admitted. “And this old witch certainly isn’t getting any younger.”

“Understood professor,” Daniel replied. “Although, I would have hated to keep up with you in your prime. Me and Nicola combined still couldn’t keep up and pot as many as you did.”

“Agreed. My back’s killing me,” Nicola added, stretching said back.

Professor Sprout chuckled and let a smile adorn her face before she replied. “I suppose experience is just, if not even more important, as youthful vigour. Now, why don’t we take five and head to my cottage for some…”

An almighty thump interrupted her from up above.

“Good heavens, what was… is that a girl?” Professor Sprout exclaimed rushing to the entrance of greenhouse three where she came face first with an extremely startled barn owl.

“HOO!” the owl exclaimed indignantly before depositing a letter into the professor’s hands and disappearing back off to the owlery for a good nap.

Professor Sprout stared at the letter in total shock.


Limestone Pie,

Via Professor Pomona Sprout,

Greenhouse Three Roof,

Hogwarts Castle,

Scottish Highlands.

Never in nearly twenty years of teaching had Professor Sprout ever heard of such a thing as a late entry, let alone one falling onto the roof of one of her greenhouses out of nowhere and giving her the shock of her life. Not only that, but Minerva always triple checked the book of admittance when preparing acceptance letters and would never have made a mistake, so just what in Garlick’s name was going on?

“Well, that is peculiar,” Daniel mused peering over Professor Sprout’s shoulder to examine the letter in her hand. “Has that ever happened before?”

“Not that I can recall. But should we be more concerned about the girl’s wellbeing and getting her off the roof?” Nicola queried peering over Professor Sprout’s other shoulder only to hear a loud thump from around the corner. “Never mind.”

“I’ll fetch Madam Pomfrey,” Daniel stated bolting off into the castle as Professor Sprout and Nicola raced round the side of greenhouse three.

Both came to an abrupt halt upon what they saw splayed out on the grass before them, a creature neither had ever seen before. It was like a cross between a centaur and a human. It had the facial features, arms and hands of a human being but had hooves instead of feet, ears atop it’s head and sported a rather short tail. The most striking and obvious difference though was that the new found creature was covered in bluish grey fur and had what looked like identical tattoos on both her hips.

“What hit me?” Limestone groaned from the floor as she slowly came back to her senses and attempted to rise to her hooves, only to wince with pain and fall back on to her back. “Yeah, you know what, I think I’m just going to lay here for a while.”

“That would probably be for the best, you’ve had a rather nasty fall my dear,” Professor Sprout commented cautiously approaching the strange creature.

“Oh great, and now I’m delirious and seeing hairless, talking monsters to, just great. When I get home Pinkie is in so much trouble,” Limestone groused before wincing once more in pain. “Damn I ache, feels like I’ve more bruises than we have rocks on the rock farm back home.”

“I assure you we are no illusions. Limestone Pie I presume. Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am Professor Pomona Sprout and this is one of my students Nicola Nickleby,” Professor Sprout responded kneeling on one side of the poor stricken girl as Nicola did likewise on the other side.

Limestone stared at one and then the other before staring at her own newly acquired hands. In a flash she had come to her senses, risen to her hooves and pushed away the two weird creatures on either side of her.

“What in Holder’s Boulder is going on?” she exclaimed backing up against the greenhouse. “Is this Tartarus? Am I dead? Are you demons come to torment me for all eternity? Yes, that must be it,” Limestone cackled wildly, looking around in a panic for an escape route only to stumble, in part due to not being used to standing on just two legs and in part due to sheer exhaustion.

“Woah, easy there,” Professor Sprout cried catching the poor delirious girl. “I can assure you that you are perfectly safe Miss Pie but need to rest.”

Limestone pushed her away and teetered on her now one pair of hooves. “Rest? Rest? How can I rest when I’ve died and then seemingly been reincarnated as some kind of mutant freak in a horrific nightmare world!” She chuckled like a loon before looking this way and that for any possible escape.

Finding none and realising her situation was hopeless, Limestone let herself slide down the wall of the greenhouse, brought her knees into her chest and buried her head into them. “Bucking Pinkie Pie,” she grumbled. “Why couldn’t you just for once listen to me!”

“Who’s Pinkie Pie,” Professor Sprout said calmly, sliding down next to the distraught girl and wrapping an arm around her to comfort her.

“My sister,” Limestone replied lifting her head up and slamming the back of it against the greenhouse wall in frustration. Taking a deep breath, she decided no harm could come from telling this stranger what had happened. Heck, she was likely screwed anyway. “We lived on a rock farm, me, my three sisters and our parents. All earth ponies living a simple life. But one of my two younger sisters was a loose cannon, never listening and always doing as she pleases. We had a lot of rain last winter and our parents forbade us from going down into the quarry under the cliffs as they became unstable. Of course, as soon as spring arrived my sister ignored the warnings and the cliffs chose that exact moment to collapse.”

“And you saved her?” Professor Sprout asked already knowing the answer.

“Yeah, of course I did. She is my sister no matter how much she annoys me with her over enthusiasm and cheerful outlook on everything and I mean everything. Like, our area of Equestria is prone to rogue weather uncontrolled by the Pegasi and I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve had to drag her in from a freak storm where she’s happily singing and dancing in the rain like it’s just a gentle shower. And I won’t deny rock soup can get a bit tiresome at times. Her cupcakes were incredible even if our mother scolded her and sent her to her room for creating such colourful abominations and covering the entire kitchen in cake ingredients.” Limestone chuckled as tears started to cloud her vision. “Damnit Pinkie, why can I never stay mad at you, you pink buffoon.”

“Because she’s family and family stick together no matter what,” Professor Sprout replied, pulling Limestone in a little closer. “Anyway, what happened next?” she gently nudged.

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Limestone responded with a massive yawn followed by a loud grumble from her stomach. Ignoring it she pressed on. “Haven’t the foggiest,” Limestone replied distantly still lost in thought about her sister. “I just floated around a deep void of nothingness for what felt like a long time, then I was suddenly falling and now I am being interrogated by a hairless monster in a garish outfit who I’ve only just met after mutating into a monster myself. I mean, just what are these things?” she finished holding up her right hand and examining it.

“Those are hands my dear, I am sure you will get used to them in time,” Professor Sprout soothed. “I am guessing you were used to just hooves back home, weren’t you?”

“Yeah,” Limestone responded. “Do you think there will be any chance I will ever get back home?”

“Sadly, I cannot answer that question as I just do not know the answer to it. But if anyone knows of a way it will be the school’s headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. Once we have had the school nurse check you over and got a good meal in you, I am sure he will want to have a talk with you and discuss such matters. And if it is not possible, we will be happy to have you at Hogwarts,” Professor Sprout stated truthfully passing Limestone her acceptance letter.

Limestone took it, tore the envelope open and was surprised she could understand what was written on the two pages inside although now that she thought about it, she could understand what they were saying so she must have some inherent understanding of their language. Best not to dwell on it she thought as she examined the two pages of parchment within. The first congratulated her on being accepted whilst the second gave a list of the equipment she required. She groaned and threw her head back against the wall once more. “You do realise I have nothing but the fur on my skin, right? How would I ever be able to afford all this?”

“Don’t worry about that, I shall sort it. Right now, let’s get you to the infirmary for that check-up, a good hearty meal and to get you some clothes to wear,” Professor Sprout said warmly helping Limestone to her feet.

“But, but, I have no idea how the magic even works in this place or even how to use these things properly.” She gestured towards her hands.

“Technicalities and as I already said, I’m sure you will get used to them soon,” Professor Sprout replied encouragingly.

“Well, for all you know I could stomp my hoof and a blooming tree will come shooting out the ground.”

Professor Sprout looked at her with an expression mixed between intrigue and concern.

“I am only joking. Unlike Pegasi or unicorn magic, all us earth ponies have is resilience and a connection with the earth that makes us excellent farmers. See,” Limestone stomped her hoof to prove her point.

A mighty crash reverberated behind her. “Buck, well, that’s definitely new and yet another thing I’m going to have learn,” she grumbled.

Professor Sprout wasn’t paying her any attention, her attention instead occupied by the Cherry Blossom tree now protruding out of greenhouse three. This year’s already interesting contingent of 1st years just went up a whole another level.

“Erm, sorry about that. I can ensure nothing like that has ever happened before,” Limestone sheepishly tried to explain.

“Magnificent, truly magnificent,” the professor replied, lost in the wonder of the late seasonal bloom of the tree before her.

“What in heavens is going on out here. First Daniel comes to tell me some cock and bull story about a girl falling out of the sky and then I hear an almighty… Oh my word she’s so cute!” a new voice squealed before its owner, a tall, lanky blonde-haired witch in a nurse’s uniform, raced over to Limestone and immediately started poking and prodding her with a stick. “Hmm, does that hurt? No, how about here.”

“Yowch, quit it. Yes, that does and I would avoid doing it again if I was you,” Limestone grumbled taking an immediate dislike to the obnoxiously overbearing nurse that had suddenly appeared. She was most definitely not cute.

“Hmm, well that’s a positive,” the nurse exclaimed, scribbling down some notes.

“What is? Because it is definitely not you invading my personal space and causing me even more pain both physically and psychologically,” Limestone growled threateningly.

“Your ribs are just heavily bruised but I don’t feel any breaks or fractures, especially as you seem to be breathing perfectly fine as well. Feisty little thing, aren’t you?” the nurse cooed ruffling Limestone’s hair as she did so.

That was the final straw for Limestone and she gave the nurse a hefty kick to the shin.

“Yow, she kicked me,” Kendra whimpered to Professor Sprout whilst hopping on one leg.

Professor Sprout, shaking her head to clear it, ignored the older girl’s theatrics. “Kendra, where is Madam Pomfrey?”

“Emergency at St Mungo’s. She was just about to do her inventory count before the beginning of the new school year, so they had the work experience girl sent back in her place to do it for her. At least this has brightened up my internship’s last day even if she is a little brat. Maybe I should bring out the rectal thermometer? Hey, what gives,” Kendra suddenly gasped as an array of vines roots shot out of the ground and ensnared her.

Limestone simply whistled innocently.

Professor Sprout rolled her eyes. “Release her immediately please and let her finish the examination.”

“But she’s not even a real nurse!” Limestone countered with a glower at the Professor, only to swiftly back down. She’d learnt from her parents that talking back and arguing only led to harsher punishments. “Fine,” she griped, tapping her left hoof on the ground.

The roots didn’t disperse.

“Uh oh,” Limestone sheepishly admitted.

“Let me guess, you don’t know how,” Professor Sprout sighed.

“Possibly, but it’s her fault anyway for calling me cute and ruffling my mane,” Limestone argued as Professor Sprout contemplated just what spell might help in freeing Kendra. “Maybe if I try my other hoof?” She tapped her right hoof and another window of greenhouse three shattered as a branch shot threw it. “Or not,” Limestone winced upon causing more damage to the already heavily damaged greenhouse.

“Maybe try touching the roots with your hand and commanding them?” Professor Sprout contemplated.

“Hey, worth a shot. Worse thing that could happen would be the roots squeezing her to death and that’s a win in my eyes,” Limestone said malevolently as she approached the now squirming older girl.

“Good point, I hadn’t thought of that. We better not… hey, what are you doing?” Professor Sprout exclaimed as Limestone placed a hand on the roots encasing Kendra.

“Release,” she commanded and to her utmost surprise the roots glowed green and swiftly released the trainee nurse. “Huh, I was…” Limestone looked at the disapproving look on Professor Sprout’s face and quickly changed her mind on what she was about to say, “totally expecting that to…oof” she finished as Kendra socked her in the ribs at the precise location of her bruise causing her to double over in pain.

“Oops, my fist slipped,” the older girl cheerfully quipped as she went back to work examining her patient. Bending down she whispered in Limestone’s ear, “Never mess with a medical professional, we know the precise points to make your pain a hundred-fold worse.”

Professor Sprout thought about intervening then opted against it, she had more pressing matters to deal with, like the mess that was left of greenhouse three and the rapidly approaching contingent of teachers headed by Professor Snape.

“Professor Sprout, what in blazes is going on out here?” The Potions professor droned angrily. “And why is there now a tree occupying the majority of greenhouse three?”

“It’s a long story. First of all, I want to get our first new student of the year to the infirmary,” Professor Sprout sighed.

“Have you hit your head? Today is the 28th August. There is still another three…” Professor Snape began only to be interrupted by Kendra.

“All done, Professor. She has a lot of bruises from the fall and my fist slipping into her ribs but nothing a bit of Bruisewort Balm won’t solve. She certainly is either extremely lucky or resilient to fall from such a height without any major injuries. Oh, hello Professor Snape, didn’t…”

“Miss Abbot, what is that?” Snape droned pointing at the somewhat naked furry abomination that Kendra was tending to.

“That Severus, is our early arrival. Severus Snape meet Limestone Pie,” Professor Sprout introduced.

Snape didn’t bother addressing the anthropomorphic horse-girl, instead turning to address a very elderly looking monster instead. “Albus, I reluctantly accepted the three werewolves this year and the psychological nutcase, but this, this is going too far. When did Hogwarts start allowing such abominations through its hallowed doors.”

“When they receive an acceptance letter like all prospective students do and do this simply by stamping a hoof,” Professor Sprout deadpanned holding up Limestone’s letter and using it to highlight the giant tree now protruding from greenhouse three behind her.”

Professor Snape turned and his right eye began to twitch. “She did this? Nope, you know what, you can deal with her. If she ends up in Slytherin I will have her expelled in the first week, same as I said of all the others.”

And without another word he stormed off back towards the dungeons from whence he came.

“Wow, he was an arsehole,” Limestone said bluntly as Kendra helped her to her feet. “I think we’ll get on fine as long as we’re nowhere near each other.”

“He’s the Potions Professor,” Kendra hurriedly whispered in her ear. “You’ll unfortunately be seeing a lot of him over the course of the year I’m afraid. If you don’t end up in his house that is and expelled immediately.”

“Well, damn, I’m not sure what would be worse,” Limestone grouched as the elderly monster approached her holding her acceptance letter along with another stern-faced female monster.

“I am Headmaster Albus Dumbledore and this is Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall. Welcome to Hogwarts.” He held out a hand for Limestone to shake which she proceeded to do with her own. “Kendra here will take you to the infirmary so you can recuperate and I’ll be along later to have a word. A truly spectacular entrance if I do say so myself,” he added with a mischievous glint in his eye as he took in the carnage behind Limestone. “Nothing a little bit of magic can’t fix though,” he added with a cheery smile pulling out a wooden stick and much to Limestone’s amazement fixing the exterior to the greenhouse in a matter of seconds aside from the obvious addition of a cherry tree in the middle of it. Turning Headmaster Dumbledore proceeded to address Professor Sprout, “Shall we inspect the damage inside?”

And with that he was gone along with McGonagall and Sprout as Limestone stared after him mouth agape.

Kendra chuckled. “Your face is a picture right now. Come on, get moving. I’d rather not have to carry you back to the infirmary.”

And with that Limestone was ushered away to start a new and rather eventful life a long, long way away from her parent’s relatively peaceful rock farm (excluding Pinkie Pie of course).

Author's Note:

I'm back with more Hogwarts chaos, hope you enjoyed it, if not oh well, thanks for popping by anyway!