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Falling 3: A Bumpy Ride

Limestone awoke with a bump and groggily opened her eyes expecting that she had simply rolled out of bed after a bad dream. It did not take her long to realise that, one, the soft spongy ground under her was not the cold hard stone dormitory floor, and two, there was way too much light for this to be her dormitory. She looked up to see Scoti staring down at her.

Good, you’re awake.

“Scoti, just what the buck is going on? And where are we?”

The training fields. It is time you learned how to fly a broom without causing absolute carnage.

Limestone closed her eyes and groaned.


“You know, you could have just pushed me out of bed to wake me up and then let me get dressed first?” Limestone groused with a shiver several minutes later, now, reluctantly, on her hooves.

She was currently sporting the horrifying pink pyjamas with red hearts on them whilst the early morning sun was doing little to help keep her warm.

And would you have come willingly?

“Not a chance.”

There you go then.

“Right, then can we at least get this over with as quickly and painfully as possible so that I can try and enjoy the rest of my weekend.”

Of course. Scoti gestured towards two brooms lying on the ground. First up, summon your broom and mount it as you’ve done previously. This time though, don’t kick off from the ground so hard.

Limestone raised her right eyebrow in response to that last piece of information but said nothing to prevent another argument and delay the inevitable any further. Instead, she walked over to the broom Scoti pointed to that was hers and swiftly summoned and mounted it. Then she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and nudged herself of the ground with a hoof.

Limestone opened her eyes to find she was hovering only a few metres of the ground. A sign flashed in front of her eyes.

See, not so hard, was it?

“Can I get down now?”

Go ahead. Let’s see how good you are at landing.

Limestone leaned forward but just a touch to much and ended up going head over flank and landing on her back with a thud on the grass, the broom still held tightly within her grip. A light sprinkling of rain started to fall on her face. Great, that was the last thing she needed right now.

Well, I suppose that is one way to land a broom, Scoti taunted dangling something in front of Limestone’s face.

Limestone immediately felt around her chest.

Pretty necklace. Where you get it from?

“Give it back,” Limestone growled.

You’ll have to catch me first.

And with that Scoti was gone.

“Crap,” Limestone grumbled forcing herself up from the ground.

She dusted herself off and let her mind process the current situation. The sensible option would be to head back to the dorm, get changed and head to breakfast before reporting Scoti’s actions to Professor Sprout. But she couldn’t be sure Professor Sprout wasn’t involved somehow and besides, she had her own stubborn pride to think about.

“Having fun?” A voice Limestone knew only to well chorused across the training fields.

Well, that solved that conundrum for Limestone as Professor Sprout continued talking to her.

“Scoti asked me before she left for Divination yesterday afternoon if she could give you some help with your flying after the troubling first week you have had on a broomstick. Wait, why are you still in your pyjamas?”

“She dragged me out of bed whilst I was still asleep and woke me up by throwing me on the ground out here. Oh, and now she has stolen my necklace and is refusing to give it back unless I catch her up there.”

Professor Sprout let out an audible sigh, noticing an open crate a little way away. “I did tell her no funny business and that it was your decision the little minx. Still, my voice isn’t loud enough to call her back so I guess if you want your necklace back, you shall just have to go up there and get it. I would advise taking this though, it seems as if our mischievous minx has also released some Bludgers.”

Professor Sprout handed Limestone a club.

Limestone glowered at her head of house as she took the club. “You know what, I’m not even going to ask.”

“Probably best you don’t. If anything comes hurtling towards you up there, hit it with the bat first and ask questions later.”

“Thanks for the advice, it was extremely reassuring,” Limestone said sarcastically before pushing herself off the ground with enough force that she found herself now ten metres or more off the ground.

“I’m going to say this once and once only. Give me back what is mine or when I catch you, and it shall be when not if, I’ll…” Limestone paused as a solid round lump of metal came hurtling towards.

She barely had time to raise the club Professor Sprout had given her and deflect the Bludger away from her. The recoil though still sent her spinning out of control and Limestone was quite glad she had not had any breakfast yet as she was certain it would have come back up again.

“Eugh,” Limestone groaned still in a daze. “I am guessing that was a Bludger. Scoti is in for a world of hurt when I get my hooves on…” she stopped mid-sentence as the Bludger cannoned towards her once more. “Buck this.”

Limestone threw the bat away not caring who or what was below her and waited for the unavoidable to happen.


Meanwhile, just as Limestone was taking off, another student was approaching Professor Sprout from below.

“Hello Melody, what brings you out here this early in the morning?” Professor Sprout enquired turning her attention away from Limestone for a moment to face a tall, lanky, pale faced girl with purple eyes and jet-black hair that sported purple highlights.

“Hi Professor, have you seen Scoti anywhere. She asked me to meet her here. Said she had a friend of hers who might be interested in the Quidditch team this year,” Melody replied.

“I see, still not had much interest then?” Professor Sprout enquired.

“I’ve got two rookie second year Chasers to marshal as well as a rookie third year who fancies himself as a Seeker. Add Scoti to that mix and I am still missing another Beater and a Goalkeeper. To be honest, I am shocked I have managed to muster that many volunteers after last year’s debacle but still, unless I can fulfil those last two slots with anyone, absolutely anyone, even a cardboard cutout will do, we’re going to suffer an even worse fate and embarrassment than the record losses we suffered last season,” Melody explained.

“You don’t mean.”

“Yes, the house of loyalty and friendship will become the first house ever unable to field a Quidditch team in Hogwarts history,” Melody said bluntly. “We’ll be even more of a laughing stock than we are already.”

A grave look crossed Professor Sprout’s face before a loud thump nearby saw her turn her gaze upwards. “Good Heavens, what was that?”

“It looks like a Beater’s bat,” Melody stated before she to turned her gaze upwards.

An extraordinary sight greeted them both through the early morning drizzle. A Bludger bearing down on a girl high in the sky and then, rather than being knocked off her broom as they expected, she caught it through a combination of her torso and right hand, and proceeded to throw it at breakneck speed at a speck in the distance.

“Woah,” Melody summarised. “Scoti wasn’t joking. Who is that?”

“That would be Limestone Pie.”

“The horse girl from another dimension?”

“Yes, so don’t get your hopes up. She’s very nearly seriously injured herself in both her flying lessons so far and has tried several times to have me remove her from the class on the basis that “Earth ponies don’t fly, Pegasi do,” Professor Sprout explained. “On top of her distaste for flying, this is the first time she has properly ridden a broom and she also has no idea what Quidditch is or any interest in it.”

Melody stared expressionlessly back at her head of house momentarily before speaking. “Still beats a cardboard cutout or having the ignominy of being the first house ever to be unable to field a quidditch team due to lack of interest. I wonder what Professor McGonagall would have to say about that?” she finished with a wry smirk.

“We shall talk to her but I will not force one of my students to do anything they do not wish to,” Professor Sprout said not taking her eyes of Limestone in the sky for a second. “Let us hope for a miracle.”


“GET BACK HERE WITH MY NECKLACE YOU MENACE. I know you can hear me. You’re half-blind and mute not…” Limestone paused as one of the Bludgers attempted to take her head off and she only just managed to duck in time.

The game of cat and mouse had been going on for over ten minutes. Scoti was by far the more skilled and experienced flyer but Limestone’s sheer persistence and stubbornness had meant she had refused to give up the chase despite the chances she would retrieve her necklace being slim at best. The only way she had managed to keep within a respectable distance of her friend was through catching and throwing several more Bludgers that had forced Scoti to take evasive action to avoid them. Limestone also knew that just one direct hit to either Scoti or her broom would be enough to force Scoti to land, one way or another. It was just a matter of time and patience, although Limestone was also well aware her hands were already bearing a heavy toll after only catching the Bludgers four times.

Limestone waited for the Bludger to circle back towards her and then caught sight of the second one hurtling towards her from the other direction.

“Ah, Tartarus,” she swore kicking her broom to reluctantly make it go faster. “I’m going to regret this; I just know it.”

Limestone attempted a Sloth Grip Roll (not that she even knew what that was at the time) as the Bludgers looked destined to sail into one another overhead. Unfortunately for Limestone they narrowly avoided one another and, despite one heading off after Scoti, the other circled back round to finish her from behind

“Shit,” Limestone grumbled hanging upside down and running out of options. She dared not let go of the broom with her hands in case she fell but also had no idea how to right herself. “Yep, I’m definitely regretting it,” Limestone groused tapping her foot against her broom and continuing her pursuit of Scoti, except she was now upside down and had a magical flying cannonball in hot pursuit of her. And, of course, the rain was getting heavier.


“Damn, she really doesn’t know when to quit, does she?” Melody quipped from down below. “I like that kind of spirit.”

Professor Sprout chuckled. “I knew you would.”

“Still not going to offer me any assistance in recruiting her?” Melody pressed, pushing her luck a little.

“I hardly think that will be necessary,” Professor Sprout replied without taking her eyes of the spectacle in the sky and instead pointing to the blip in the distance that was Scoti. “There is our miracle.”

A smile slowly spread across Melody’s face as she realised what her head of house meant. Scoti would ensure they got their Keeper by hook or by crook.


Limestone knew her task was now hopeless. Being upside down meant she dared not take her hands of the broom but still she refused to be beaten and continued chasing Scoti, recklessly picking up the pace until suddenly, Scoti stopped dead ahead in front of the tree Limestone had grown last week and smashed one of the Bludgers straight back at the anthropomorphic pony.

Limestone had no time to think. She gripped the broom tightly with her legs and let go with her hands.

Down below Melody and Professor Sprout looked on open mouthed as Limestone caught the Bludger and hurtled it back at Scoti with every ounce of strength she had whilst somehow managing to maintain her grip on the broom with her legs.

And even that seemed to not be enough as Scoti almost disinterestedly raised her Beater’s bat at lightning speed and repelled the Bludger. Or so she thought. Instead, her overconfidence was her undoing as the bat shattered and the Bludger cannoned into her stomach sending Scoti flying of her broom and into the tree behind her before falling motionless towards the ground.

“YES, FINALLY!” Limestone roared in celebration before it slowly dawned on her what she had done. “Shit, shit,” she chorused, gripping her broom and desperately trying, and failing, to fly after Scoti’s lifeless falling body.

To Limestone’s utmost relief out of nowhere someone came and caught Scoti on another broomstick in the nick of time and carried her safely to where Professor Sprout was waiting on the ground.

Devoid of pressure Limestone managed to force herself right side up before the mysterious broom rider appeared at her side.

“Melody Song. Hufflepuff’s Quidditch captain. Nice to meet you Limestone. Need any assistance getting down?”

“Thanks, but I think I am getting the hang of this broom now,” Limestone replied leaning forward slightly. The newcomer stayed by her side as she carefully started a slow descent to the ground. “Is Scoti okay? I didn’t mean to hurt her that much but that wretch needs to be taught a lesson or two. I mean, just look at me. She dragged me out of my bed, stole my property and then forced me to come after her on this death trap. I can’t wait to get back to Earth. Sorry, I’m ranting, but that minx has really riled me.”

Melody chuckled. “No problem. I was wondering what was with the pyjamas but thought it must be something to do with Scoti. She certainly is a mischievous little scamp for sure. You should see the damage she’s done to me in training in the past. Fifty-seven new bruises I think was the record… oops, now I’m ranting.”

Limestone looked at the newcomer intrigued.

Melody let out a heavy sigh. “We have both been on the same Quidditch team for several years. Just don’t tell anyone please as it’s kind of a big secret.”

“So, it is true then. Scoti really is this so called Slytherin Slayer,” Limestone responded.

“Ah, so you’ve heard of her exploits then.”

“Yes, through our friend Susan although I wasn’t absolutely sure it was her. She flatly refused to admit it and Professor Sprout interrupted us before Susan could press the matter further. The topic hasn’t come up since and I kind of forgot about it until you brought it up just now.” Limestone informed Melody. “So, what’s your problem then? From what I gathered from Susan, those who play for the Falmouth Falcons are psychotic nutjobs more intent on maiming people than actually playing the game.”

Melody cackled like a loon. “I like you and we’ve more in common than you think.”

Limestone raised a questioning eyebrow at that statement.

A stream of fire poured from Melody’s mouth.

Limestone’s eyes widened.

“Element of Earth meet Element of Fire. And considering I’m from a dysfunctional muggle family you can imagine how many problems that caused in my early life. Mum never knew who my father was and after my eighteenth count of arson and third trip to a correctional facility by the age of nine she had had enough. She disappeared and two years later Headmaster Dumbledore visited where I was being held, told me I had an ancient and very rare gift, then brought me here. After my first year they persuaded Scoti to let me crash at her place. Bizarrely, despite being younger than me, Scoti was the one who got me into Quidditch and onto the Falcons. Although I have gained greater control of my pyromaniac urges over the past few years, part of the reason for this is the Falcons and the fact they are quite happy for me using my natural fire magic. And even without using underhanded tricks, I’ve still somehow managed to end up as the Hufflepuff Quidditch captain this year,” Melody waffled.

Even though Limestone was nearly within touching distance of solid ground once again, she brought her broomstick to a shuddering halt and her eyes turned to daggers. “The answer is no. I have no idea why you would want me to participate in something I have very little knowledge about or interest in but the answer is N O, NO. Riding a stick in the sky is bad enough without demented cannon balls trying to take my head off every ten seconds thank you very much.”

“Wow, you’re an observant one, aren’t you. Okay, it is like this. I am desperate. More than desperate to be frank. Our team was woeful last year and everyone on it aside me either quit to avoid further humiliation or to focus on more important things, or were in their final year at Hogwarts. If I don’t find a Beater and a Goalkeeper from somewhere, anywhere, we’re going to become the first team in Hogwarts history to be unable to field a Quidditch team and in the process become even more of a laughing stock than last year. And we broke a one-hundred-year-old record for biggest defeat twice!” Melody pleaded.

“Wow, you’re really selling it to me,” Limestone said sardonically.

“Fine, then if not for me, do it for Scoti. She would be heartbroken if we were unable to form a team and had to default our matches,” Melody persisted.

“You mean the same girl who dragged me from my bed in my pyjamas, tricked me into believing this was an extracurricular flying lesson when in fact it was an audition for something she knew I wouldn’t go for no matter what, and even had the audacity to steal from me. Why in Celestia’s name would I give a damn about her feelings after what she’s done?”

“She taught you to fly in double quick time didn’t she and you’ve done several things I’ve never seen anyone else manage to do,” Melody argued.

“Like what?”

“For a start catch a Bludger. The speed at which those things not only travel but can change trajectory should make such a feat impossible. They haven’t even bothered to right a rule about catching and throwing one at an opposition because even suggesting to do such a thing would be ludicrous. Yet you managed to do it multiple times over ten minutes. Just imagine the benefit of having a Keeper who can redirect Bludgers towards the opposition? It would be like having an extra Beater and there’s nought Madam Hooch could do about it as there is no law against it,” Melody explained.

“That’s great and all but still not interested. No way I could catch those things on a regular basis anyway,” Limestone interjected holding up her right hand that was covered in friction burns.

“We’ll get you some gloves,” Melody blurted in desperation. “Please, just think about it for a moment. You also have extraordinary upper body strength that would provide us with a huge passing range when starting counter attacks and even managed to hit Scoti with a Bludger, something I’ve never witnessed before.”

“I told you my answer is NO and nothing will change my mind. I’m an Earth Pony not a Pegasus,” Limestone said brusquely preparing to continue her descent to the ground as the rain continued to drench her.

Melody was running out of ideas and time. “How about if we got you your Flying certificate so you no longer need to take Flying lessons.”

Limestone paused in her preparations and thought over this offer carefully. “Hardly worth it considering I would still have to get on a death stick to train for your team at least once or twice a week and if I must ride one of these twigs, I would much prefer to do it in a setting where there are no flying canon balls,”

Limestone didn’t wait for a response instead finishing her descent to the ground with a bump but managing just about to stay on her hooves. In a flash Scoti was in Limestone’s face despite Professor Sprout’s best efforts to force her to remain seated. Limestone found her stolen necklace shoved into her chest before a sign appeared a hair’s breadth from her face. It took her a moment to decipher what was written on it due to its proximity.

What do you want?


To agree to join the team. What do you want? Scoti simplified.

“What I want is to keep my hooves firmly on the ground along with some peace and quiet. Is that to much to… why are you smirking at me?” Limestone replied curtly.

Oh nothing. Just thinking ahead to next summer and where you shall be staying once school’s out. I am sure my aunt will be willing to put you up at her place, especially now a few of her sons have moved out. She still has four sons and a daughter staying at home with her though and you would have to share a room with Ginny most likely, so I’m not sure how peaceful you would find it especially as the twins are always causing mayhem.

“Get to the point,” Limestone interrupted placing her arms across her chest whilst directing an intense glare her friend’s way.

Well, I’ve got two big empty mansions with only me, Moody and Melody occupying them along with several servants. You could have your own bedroom away from everyone else if you wished, servants serving on you hand and hoof. Both family estates also have old mines on them that you would be free to explore if you so wish. All I ask is a tiny favour in return.

The smirk on Scoti’s face widened.

Limestone’s eyes turned to slits. “I hardly call being pelted with cannonballs whilst hovering in the air on a twig on a weekly basis a tiny favour.”

I can think of a lot worse. If you need convincing, maybe I should introduce you to the twins? I am sure five minutes with them would have you seeing things differently. Plus, I even bought you a top-of-the-line broom to make things easier for you. Would not want your broom spontaneously falling from the sky mid-match due to a magical mishap, would we?

Limestone raised a questioning eyebrow at her friend and then rolled her eyes in defeat. “I am not sure which option sounds worse but you’re not going to quit pestering me until I say yes, are you?”


“Then just answer this question for me, why me?”

Because you have both incredible upper body strength and perception of your surroundings. Thus, I thought you would make a great Beater with a little bit of coaching flying wise. Turns out you’re an even better Keeper. Don’t worry about your hands, I’ll get you the best gloves money can buy.

“That and we’ve exhausted every other option. Hasn’t helped Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape have barred the werewolves from participating on the grounds that they would have an unfair advantage.”

Limestone jumped as Melody landed next to her and handed Scoti her broom back.

“Trust me when I say I wouldn’t be trying to persuade you so hard if I had any realistic alternatives. But I don’t. I’ve exhausted every other possible avenue and am down to desperation and the bottom oof the barrel. But, and this is a big but, what I told you up there was the honest truth. With some training you could be an excellent Quidditch Keeper,” Melody explained.

Limestone redirected her glare towards Melody.

Melody held up her hands in surrender. “I know, I know, you want nothing to do with flying a broomstick but just give Quidditch a shot and who knows, you might even like it.”

“I doubt it,” Limestone said flatly. “But, I guess I’ve little choice in the matter. Scoti will only get what she wants in the end no matter what I do so why delay the inevitable.”

A wide smile crossed Melody’s face. “You mean it? You’re in?”

“As long as I can get some peace and quiet during the holidays, you have my word.”

Limestone turned back to Scoti and held out her hand. Scoti took it in a second and shook it vigorously with a smile that equalled Mellody’s. Limestone was already regretting her decision.

Author's Note:

And that concludes week 1. Limestone was never going to win that argument, was she? Will take the next week off writing to figure a plan for the rest of the story.