• Published 7th Oct 2012
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Dusk's Dangerous Game - Airstream

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One Turn More

The sun rose over the Regia, and Twilight cracked her eyes open. Today was the day, the day she made her move. Today the pieces would fall, sacrifices would be made, and the war would swing its balance one way or the other. A knot of dread formed in her stomach, threatening to eat at her insides and drive her mad with panic. She forced her emotion aside, focusing on the deep, even breathing of the mare behind her. Tarantella was a rock in her stormy sea, but now was the time Twilight had to swim on her own. She rose silently, without waking her lover. With only the barest of sounds, too slight for even the Pegasus to notice, Twilight fastened her crystal around her neck, ran a brush through her hair, and turned to the chest by her armor.

Opening the clasps, she withdrew a mantle of black fur, that of the wolves that ran through this forest. It had been a gift from Vladek. She fastened it with a whirled clasp of Changeling ichor, which gleamed an icy blue in the right light, retaining its jet black hue under all other conditions. Lastly, she lifted a circle of gleaming silver from inside of the chest, carved in the shape of talons, a gift from the Gryphons. Her next decisions would affect all of these species as well as her own. She would represent them in this capacity as well.

Resting one hoof on the door, she glanced back at Tarantella, who was still sleeping peacefully. Maybe she should ask her….no, it was better to wait. The knob turned, she pushed, and a moment later, Twilight Sparkle had left her sanctuary behind. Across the hall was the door she wanted, and her horn lit as she opened this one as well. The magical portal swung open to reveal her war room. Stallions bellowed the call to attention and foreign dignitaries bowed as Twilight made her way inside, greeting her generals and holding herself regally.

Maps were forgone here, as were lists of troop disposals and intelligence reports. Twilight Sparkle’s pet project hovered in the center of the room, and she was immensely proud of it. The crystal comprising the table had been hauled out of the mountain beneath Canterlot in secret, and bathed in alchemical compounds after it had arrived at the Regia before the etching and sculpting began. Once Equestria had been rendered in perfect three dimensional detail, the arduous task of linking together each and every crystal center began. Blood taken from the crystals allowed for the accurate tracking of individuals, their positions available on the map until the charge in their blood burned out and they had to re-donate. Their positions were outlined in purple and red, while Celestia’s projected forces burned in bright gold and white.

Canterlot blazed like a torch, swarmed with Guards, Air Corps, and Navy. As Twilight watched, a swarm of Pegasi and airships detached itself from Canterlot, heading towards Trottingham. Undoubtedly they had been requisitioned to help keep the peace by Rainbow Dash. Trottingham’s aura had changed in the past several days. Like its smaller sister Hoofington, it now fairly pulsed in dark violet and red, barely contained by Celestia’s white. And that power only grew daily. Twilight took in her troop layouts for a moment. Nearly every asset was being concentrated in key targets, pulled from surveillance to prepare the sabotage of Celestia’s infrastructure. The Lunar Guard had been concentrated at the Regia, ready to act as Twilight’s hammer. The Reserve had been dispatched to several hidden forts earlier in the week, sun shining on their armor as they shouldered pikes and satchels of flash charges, singing their company songs. The Ever Free Fighters had been outfitted with uniforms, and trained in the use of flash powder, in addition to a few of Birchwood’s more…recent adaptations of the technology.

She took her seat at the head of the table overlooking the map, and gestured for her aides to bring her the news. A series of crystal spheres were laid in front of her, most in the background, but four of their number set directly in front of her. She steeled herself. A life, possibly several, dwelled in those spheres.

The first pony stepped forward. “Lady Twilight, our agent in Ponyville is in place to take the filly. She is waiting on your final order. Should she proceed, ma’am?”

Twilight nodded. “She may proceed.” A spark shot from her horn, sinking into one of the spheres. It glowed purple. Somewhere in Ponyville, her agent would notice that the pendant she wore was glowing purple, as well as heating up slightly. Her orders would be carried out.

Another stepped forward. “The demolitions team at the Rounds is ready and foresees no problems completing their mission. A magically driven supply train returning from Fillydelphia will be in the Rounds, as well as two more from Red Rock and Detrot. No passenger trains are scheduled to arrive until tomorrow morning at six o’clock. Are they to detonate the charges at midnight?”

Another spark. The sphere gleamed purple. A third spoke. “Lady, the Trottingham branch of the Ever Free is ready to begin. Small scale riots have already begun in some parts of the city, and the Guard has been dispatched. If we commit our forces inside the city, then we can have control of it within a day. A team is currently waiting by the Governor’s House near the center of the city. They can have Rainbow Dash subdued and executed by sundown, if Milady so wishes.”

Twilight’s mouth tightened. A blue spark shot from her horn, signaling her desire to have a direct conversation. The sphere it was directed at began to pulse regularly. She moved on to the next one.

A Gryphon stepped forward, bowing low. She returned the gesture, indicating that he should speak. “My master in the Court wishes to inform you that all but King Balmas have agreed to support your war against Celestia. He bids me tell you that King Balmas is not willing to go to war. He fears Celestia’s wrath, and that his tribe may one day join their brethren in the Vault of the Ten Thousand. Should my master attempt to draw support elsewhere?”

Twilight sighed. She hated playing politics with the Gryphons. Five Kings ruling one kingdom, no matter how wise, invariably ended in some bickering. And Balmas was the most stubborn of them all. Though he would never admit it, even to himself, Twilight had the strong suspicion that he was afraid to challenge Celestia. For good reason, too. His grandfather lay among his crystallized warriors in that vault. A red spark travelled from her horn to the crystal, and she spoke into the link she had formed.

“Keep plying him. We need his vote, and he’s a cunning enough warrior that his expertise will come in handy during the fighting. I can sweeten the pot for him perhaps, offer him a trade deal or some such. But we need his support. He’ll tip with enough pressure from King Gavipashnehpah and his nobles, so don’t let up on the pressure. I’m counting on you. Without the support of the Gryphons, Celestia’s Navy and Air Corps will tear us to shreds.”

She broke the link, and the four spheres in front of her were taken away, to be placed in their respective racks once more. She turned to the spheres in front of her, each one labeled with the name of some noble or general in Celestia’s service. No explanation was needed for these. A green spark for a life taken. Red for a life spared, at least until they no longer proved useful. Green. Green. Green. Red. Green. Red. Red. Green. Green. Green…

The blue sphere pulsed suddenly, and Twilight was faced with the visage of Lively Song. The unicorn, though just a head in this projection, bowed. Twilight nodded in return.

“You wished to speak, Milady?”

Twilight nodded. “Listen to me. Trottingham is your city, make no doubt about it. Proceed as scheduled. Take it, throw out the Guard. Take the Governor’s House. And subdue Rainbow Dash. But do not, and I repeat, do not kill her.”

Lively Song’s face now wore an expression of shock. “Lady Twilight, I am afraid that I don’t understand…you know what she’s done here, how ponies have suffered. She’s not just Celestia’s loyal dog, she’s ruthless, and cruel. She’s caused more pain than any of them here, and if anypony deserves to be made an example of, it’s…”

Twilight’s hoof came down on the table. The war room fell silent as she spoke one word. “Enough.” Lively flinched. Twilight continued. “We are not Celestia, we are not the Solar Wing, and we are not about vengeance. We are about freedom, and doing what is truly right. Make no mistake, this is not a suggestion. It’s an order. I’ve given you a lot of autonomy in Trottingham. And Luna knows it’s earned. But if I find out that Rainbow Dash has been seriously injured or killed as a result of your actions, or the actions of those under you, I will pull my support for your revolt. Understood? I’ll be arriving to pick her up personally, and you will see why tomorrow morning. But until then, she is to be kept safe and secured.”

The unicorn nodded nervously. “Understood, Lady Twilight. I’ll see to it she’s kept safe. Might I ask you to-“

Twilight smiled. “Of course I’ll pass a message on to your brother.”

“Tell him I love him, and that I know he’ll do what needs done. And tell him that he’ll do fine in Canterlot. It’s home for him.”

Twilight nodded. “I can’t imagine it’s easy for him to return there. He hasn’t been back since he escaped from the Guard a few years ago, correct? That night where he-“

Lively Song nodded bitterly. “Killed our brother, yes.”

Sweetie Belle rose from the bed, large enough for two. She wasn’t sure what had happened last night, but after they had managed to get away from Rarity, they had spent most of the day walking and talking with one another. One thing had led to another, and a walk had led to dinner, and dinner had led to a drink, and the wine had led them home, and then to…bed. It was a one-night stand, of course. It couldn’t be anything but. And yet…Sweetie Belle felt some foolish part of herself try and hope for more. Some part of her still the schoolfilly, waiting on her one true love. No, what had happened between Sweetie Belle and Night Light had been a sort of mutual rape. Neither cared for the other past what they could do to satisfy themselves, at least not as long as they were here, in Canterlot. And wasn’t it silly, to think of things like love when you knew very well that you might not live to see the next sunrise?

She trotted out onto the balcony, only to see Night Light cradling a small sphere, one used to convey messages, in his hooves. He was watching the sunrise, marveling at the view Canterlot afforded of the land below and the sun above. As the fiery disc rose above the horizon, Sweetie could see Celestia’s light spreading over the land below, from Canterlot towards Manehatten to Ponyville in the distance and even over the tops of the Everfree Forest. Sweetie Belle took a strange measure of pride in the fact that though the Everfree appeared to fall under her reign, Celestia’s light could not penetrate the trees.

“What a horrendous bitch.” Night Light remarked, watching the towers above them as Sweetie watched the fields below. She turned around just in time to see the Princess sinking back down into her tower, to prepare for the guests she would be entertaining that evening. “Of course, I probably shouldn’t say that when we’re eating with her tonight, eh?”

Sweetie Belle giggled at that, leaning in for a kiss which he returned heartily. “Good news?” she asked, indicating the crystal.

Night Light shrugged. “Twilight Sparkle sends her blessing and best wishes. And she delivered a message from my sister, back in Trottingham. She’s amicable to the idea of us sitting at the high table tonight, as it gets you closer to your sister and allows us to more easily monitor the Princess.”

“I wasn’t aware you had a sister.”

The Pegasus nodded. “She’s probably getting into all sorts of trouble back in the city. I hope she makes it through all of this.”

Sweetie looked out over the city below. “Big sister?”

“Little sister, by a few years. Love her to death, though we haven’t spent time together in ages.”

“It’s strange. Here we are, about to go and risk our lives. We could face any of a thousand horrible things tonight, and past that we’re likely to start war that’s previously only existed in back alleys. But we talk about the ones we love. Such a little thing, so why do we talk about it at all?”

Night Light drew her in close. “Love’s anything but little, Sweetie Belle. Love’s what drove Celestia to use Twilight Sparkle like she did. Love’s what caused Luna to set her free. Love’s started wars, raised and ruined cities, and turned night against day. When you think about it like that, it’s our problems that seem small. So I think the question is that why don’t we think on love all the time, and death only rarely?”

Sweetie Belle looked at him. “About last night…”

“It shouldn’t have happened. Not like that. And until this is over, we should leave it there.”

The unicorn’s eyes started to water. “I understand.”

Night Light caught her chin with his hoof, tilting her face to meet his. “Until it’s over. And then, when it is, I’d like to get to know you better. Maybe actually go to that museum, and to that play. I’ve heard it’s good. Would you go with me?”

Sweetie’s tears turned into a smile. “Of course. Of course I would.”

They met in a kiss this time, a proper kiss.

Cadance groaned, her face pressed against the floor. She tried desperately to move herself, to rise to her hooves and fight her exhaustion further. Never in her life had she been so challenged, nor had she ever been in this much pain. One hoof laid itself flat on the floor, followed by another, and then another. Hissing in pain, she dragged her last hoof to its proper position.

Come on, you can do it. You are the Radiant Dawn! Walk! Support yourself!

She pumped her wings weakly, trying to lift herself into the air. Her legs tensed, burning as if she was lifting the weight of the mountain on her shoulders. And slowly, shakily, as if through willpower alone, she stood. Splay-legged, like a foal taking its first steps, she managed to support herself. One hoof moved forward, and she scrambled to regain her suddenly missing balance.

No! You’re close, don’t give up now. Just two more steps…one more…now reach out and…

She slipped, her head hitting the ground with a sickening crack as she fought back a wave of nausea. Her hoof reached for the bell cord weakly, the one that would summon somepony to help her, a servant or physician. Mere inches away, it dangled uselessly in front of her. She knew that she did not have the strength to lift herself again, and so she did the most dangerous thing a soulbound Alicorn could do. She reached for her magic, and allowed it to pass out of her.

The cord was yanked with such force that it tore loose of its socket, taking a section of the wall with it. The bell rang exactly once, a brazen tone that echoed throughout the halls of her quarters without end. She could hear no less than five sets of hooves clattering through the hallways towards her, and she lay her weary head to rest. One of her servants, a page in Celestia’s service, was first into her chambers.

“Princess Cadance!” Silver Lily cried, bending over and cradling the Alicorn’s head in her hooves. “What happened?”

Cadance saw several of her other servants approaching as well. “Return to your mistress, Silver Lily. Let her know that I need her help.”

The Pegasus was off like a shot, speeding out of Cadance’s room, leaping over her balcony, and taking swift wing to Celestia. While she waited, Cadance gave orders to her servants to begin locking her rooms up and to ensure that all dangerous magic was turned off. She was going to take a short vacation, she said. And of course they would be recompensed for days of work lost, and she would ensure that it didn’t come out of their vacation days. Yes, it would be with Shining Armor. No, she didn’t want them to spread the rumor. Yes, of course the Gala would still be tonight…she broke off as Celestia materialized on her balcony. Her servants bowed quickly as she walked calmly over to Cadance.

“Well, you were right. The Winter Solstice, or so it would seem. Are you ready to begin?” she asked.

Cadance nodded. “I thought this was supposed to be a secret. Ponies weren’t supposed to know, right?”

Celestia glanced at the servants prostrated in front of her. She pointed one hoof. “You. Your name is Strawberry, is it not?”

The maiden in question, a Pegasus, nodded. “Yes, Highness.”

“What you have seen here is a natural part of an Alicorn’s life cycle. It is called a soulbind, and it is a rare and sacred event. You and your companions are lucky to have seen even this small part. Tonight will bring about many changes, Strawberry. This is among the holiest of holies. I would ask you and those around you not to speak of this, not even to each other. Do you understand?”

There was a murmur of reverent consent. Celestia arched an eyebrow at the prostrate Alicorn. Gently, she dipped her head, and with assistance from Cadance’s hoofmaidens, rolled the Alicorn onto her back. Her horn gleamed gently, and with a rush of summer wind, the Princess of the Sun was gone once more.

The peak of Canterlot’s Mountain was among the highest in Equestria, without equal save for Ashtar Sharestan and some in the very far north. So high was it that nopony would fly to its peak, both from respect for its powerful winds and also out of reverence for the space itself, said to be sacred to the Princess. It was here that Celestia knelt, bowing her head as she walked into a simple stone hut, dimly lit by a crackling fire.

Shining Armor was there already, breathing deeply and evenly as he was held in his coma. A crystal sphere gleamed at his head, in between his bed and the other bed, both fashioned out of pine needles, aromatic herbs, and other sacred plants. Celestia gently laid her young charge on this bed, stripping off the simple jewelry she wore and covering her with a simple woolen blanket. Cadance blinked at her muzzily.

“Aunt Celestia?”

The goddess looked at her. “Yes, Cadance?”

“What if I’m not there tonight and something goes wrong? What if Twilight attacks, or Luna gets loose, or somepony tries to hurt you? What if Twilight does something to the Elements?”

Celestia’s smile was perfection itself. “Cadance, I appreciate your concern. But right now, I’m more worried about you than any of that. You’ve been pushing yourself too hard. While it’s true we’re expecting trouble, it’s nothing we can’t handle. And I will be fine. I promise.”

Cadance seemed unsure. “If you say so…”

The Solar Alicorn knelt down. Cadance was slipping away, and an idea occurred to her, one that hadn’t since she had first spent a night at the young filly’s side, years and years ago. Taking her hoof, she began to sing, an old song she had heard nearly a thousand years ago.

“Till sun again shines, and ladybugs awake, I pray nightmares my dreams don’t take. Sweet sunshine, now go to sleep, and in my hooves you safe I’ll keep. I bid you well until the dawn, but now dear heart the day is gone. So keep me warm and safe tonight, and I’ll see you soon…” Cadance had fallen asleep. Celestia bent her neck, kissing her on the forehead. “My dear dawn light.”

In a small room, hardly more than a cupboard, Silver Lily was muttering feverishly into a crystal. Celestia was distracted. If Lady Twilight was going to strike, it had to be tonight.

Rainbow Dash looked out over the city from the top of the Governor’s Spire. Already she could see fires spreading, crowds swelling in the streets in defiance of curfew. A flare went up, exploding in a blaze of purple. More Ever Free, advancing on one of her positions. She barked orders to another of the Pegasus divisions she had stationed at the keep, and sent them off to reinforce the failing barricade. She hadn’t authorized the use of deadly force. Yet. But she could sense it in the air. Violence was only a spark away. Another flare, this one green. Rioting, not yet an organized mob but getting close. A division of ponies under her command was two minutes away, if that. She listened as a runner made his report to the level below her. It wasn’t looking good. She had almost ten thousand ponies at her command to control a city of over five hundred thousand. It was early in the day yet, and already she was outnumbered by nearly two to one. A messenger climbed the stairs.

“They’ve taken the Bronze Clock, ma’am. Tearing down Celestia’s statues and hanging purple flags, with a-“

“Red star, six pointed. Yes, I’ve seen them. We’re losing the city, though the airships might help when they arrive. I’ve yet to see a mob that can challenge the Navy’s raw power. Pull our forces back to the Market District, have them consolidate by the Eighth Canal. Tell them that if they are attacked, they are authorized in the name of the Princess to use any means necessary to break up the riot, up to and including lethal force.”

The messenger blanched. “Are you sure, ma’am?”

Rainbow Dash continued to stare at the city. “A regiment of my ponies was lynched several days ago. We’re fighting a war of attrition here. If we can’t hold, then we are going to consolidate around this tower while I get as many of you out by airship as I can. And then we’ll come back with the whole damn Navy. Have we gotten word to the Princess?”

The messenger shook his head before realizing that she couldn’t see him. “No, ma’am. All radio towers have been sabotaged, and something’s fouling up our communication crystals. Last transmission known to be received was our daily report to Canterlot yesterday afternoon. I’ve dispatched Pegasi to intercept the fleet headed our way, and use their equipment to inform the Princess of the situation, but I don’t know how many of them have made it out.”

Rainbow Dash snarled as an explosion tore through the position she had sent ponies to reinforce. The so-called cavalry had been too late. Her forces had abandoned their barrier as per orders, and she had just witnessed it being destroyed. It wasn’t with spellcraft, either. The troops called it “common pony’s magic”, the stuff packed into those little balls that exploded when thrown. There was no doubt in her mind that Twilight had something to do with that particular invention. She turned, making eye contact with the pony at last.

“Get runners out to all riot control teams. Tell them that they are to pull back and form a perimeter five blocks from this location. If they are engaged, use deadly force.”

The pony saluted. “Yes, ma’am.” He trotted back down the stairs, to relay that message exactly. His eyes flashed green as he allowed himself a small grin. Five blocks? Perfect. That would give Lively time to consolidate her forces before the airships arrived. He hoped they did, too. Twilight’s new weapons would prove to be extremely…interesting to watch.

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