• Published 7th Oct 2012
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Dusk's Dangerous Game - Airstream

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It was unusual, at least to Sweetie Belle, that the ponies gathered around her were carrying on with their lives in spite of the unknown reality of an impending assault on the very heart of Equestria. In four minutes, she would begin her task, the real reason she was here tonight. She snuck a glance in the direction of Rarity. Sweetie had to admit, her sister was a consummate actress when she wished to be. Not once during the meal had she been able to detect anxiety or fear from her, and she had almost forgotten the scared, shaking mare that she had confronted in the garden a few short hours ago. Rarity’s face was drawn, composed without the slightest trace of worry. Indeed, she looked for all the world like a unicorn who was having the time of her life. Sweetie Belle hoped she didn’t overdo it. After all, as far as the Princess was concerned, Rarity was still pining for her lost sister.

The clock in the center of the ballroom clicked, and the minute hand swung forward. Three minutes to midnight, and the party was just reaching its zenith. Dinner had been finished, dessert was about to be served, and once that had been concluded, Celestia would be giving a speech in the place of her sister. Traditionally, the party would last until the sun once more rose above the horizon, at which point the assembled guests would cheer Luna’s praises and disperse back to homes and family, to prepare for Hearth’s Warming Eve. At least, that’s how it would have gone, if not for the plans they had tonight.

A quick final sweep of the room confirmed that they were indeed ready to go. In between Rarity and the door were Glimmer and Scootaloo, ready to intercept her when the time came. Night Light was a model of alertness, muscles rippling under his coat like oiled springs as he shifted readily in his seat. The moon was visible through the glass ceiling overhead. It was approaching its zenith, and it would only be a few short minutes after midnight that Luna’s power would be greatest, in the darkest hour of the full moon of the darkest night of the year. The clock ticked again. Two minutes.

“I have movement along the walls.”

Sweetie Belle cursed under her breath. “Report.”

Mahtaram sighted along the breach of her crossbow. “A routine patrol has been interrupted. An officer inspecting the troops, looks like a surprise inspection. They are stopping along our exit route. It may complicate matters.”

Night Light’s voice sounded over Sweetie’s earpiece. “If they haven’t moved when the train explodes, kill them. First the officer, then the guards. Understood?”

The Gryphon slotted a bolt into the groove of her weapon. She tested the air. The earlier wind had shifted, and blown back up the mountain. “Understood.” The Gryphon inhaled. She had not shed blood in years. But tonight, it was starting to look like she would be able to strike at her enemies once more.

One minute to midnight, and the ballroom was a mass of cheerful, smiling faces. Sweetie Belle steeled herself in her chair, making sure to keep her exterior relaxed. Everything felt so calm, so serene…she felt wine on her tongue as she sipped carefully, the last drink she would have for a long while. She heard the sweet sound of the orchestra permeate the room, and looked at the clock. Fifteen seconds. She sat still, doing absolutely nothing out of the ordinary, waiting on her chance. Five, four, three, two, one…nothing.

At two seconds past midnight, Equestria changed forever. Deep inside one of the train cars being held in the Rounds, a single pony, his body frail with illness and time drawing short, smiled to himself and cracked a fire crystal along the wall he was leaning on. It flared into glorious life, sparks flying from it even as the stone began to consume itself. It hurt, but the pony was far past pain. His name would forever be lost to history, but his actions would speak louder than entire armies.

Steadying himself, the pony hobbled towards a small wooden barrel, the top removed, and gazed at the silver powder within. He smiled, inhaling deeply. Then, without a second thought, he released the firestone. It traveled down, down, down, and a spark fell into the powder. If one had the perception, they would have been able to watch as the powder seemed to turn itself into a thousand stars, skittering across the surface of the barrel before burrowing down into the bottom. The barrel turned in on itself briefly, wood cracking, before the stars turned into a true flame. Were time to slow further, the observer would be able to see the flame, air rippling before it in a concussive wave, contact another barrel. The aged stallion in the car did not die so much as cease to be. And the fire continued to the exterior of the train, no longer constrained by mere walls.

The fire bloomed from windows, rolled through doors, and consumed all in its path in a single instant of agonizing heat. The blasting powder had done its job, and done it well. The train was not lifted into the air, it was hurled skyward as if trapped in the grip of a terrible monster, borne aloft by a wave of fire and force that chewed through wood, stone, brass, and steel. The wave continued into the sky, and the concussive blast that accompanied it roared through the tranquil night like a thing possessed, a testament to Twilight Sparkle’s opening moves. The Guards on duty died in searing pain, scarcely able to process the fact of their deaths before entering the black. The Rounds, a true testament to Equestrian engineering and tenacity, crumbled under the strains forced upon it. Its three towers stacked with turntables folded inward, the roar and screech of metal joining the all-consuming rumble of the train blast, and then, completely unintentionally, the entire structure detached itself from the mountain, taking yards upon yards of track with it.

The rumble reached the ballroom, and a hush fell across the assembled ponies as they turned, as one, to see what could possibly have created such a din. The high vantage point provided by the windows afforded an excellent view of the explosion and subsequent destruction of the tracks. There was a beat of stunned silence, not a sound from any of them save Celestia, who kept a level head as she addressed her subjects.

“Mares and Gentlecolts, please adjourn to the streets outside. I fear that we may have had an accident or malfunction with the train system, and it would be best if the halls were cleared so that we can assess the situation.”

At these words, Sweetie Belle, Night Light, Rarity, and her husband all got up from their places along with the rest of the guests and hurriedly shuffled towards the exit. Of course, it was only once the group had spread into the main hall that the pair of ponies slid down a back hallway, waiting cautiously for the crowd to pass. Quickly, they began to prepare themselves. Weapons were waiting in Celestia’s wing of the palace, placed there by the operative, and they had exactly twenty minutes to free the Princess and get to the airship. Sweetie Belle withdrew the chopsticks, her bun falling apart. A quick application of magic was all that was needed to tie it back with a strap from her tack, and she looked to see Night Light undergoing similar preparations.

He withdrew from his mouth a small case of metal, which he cracked open to reveal a group of small reddish beads. After inspecting them to ensure that none had cracked, he withdrew a simple length of wooden tubing from his tack, extending it to a length about half the size of his foreleg. His watch, when tapped correctly, began to glow with a blue light. “Personal shield.” he explained. Another tap and it was off again. “It has a limited charge, but it’s discrete and has saved my life more times than I’d care to count.”

Both ponies continued down to corridor, moving briskly towards the lighter stone of Celestia’s personal chambers. Though guards had been pulled in order to deal with crowd control and to assist in damage control, but Celestia was no fool. Her Guard would have been split, yes, but there were surely some that had stayed behind. And sure enough, two of them were coming down the passage. Quicker than Sweetie Belle had ever seen him move, Night Light pulled out one of the beads, fitted it into the end of the tube, raised it to his mouth, and blew. The bead exploded into a cloud of powder, which caused both Guards to begin coughing and hacking quietly before they both slumped over, tears running down their faces. In less than ten seconds, they were both unconscious.

“Herbs from Radiant Zenith, mixed with powdered Nova peppers to ensure they get coated on the insides of the lungs. Nasty stuff, gives you a terrible sore throat. They won’t be able to speak for hours, but their sinuses will be wonderfully clear. Let’s go.” Night Light said, dragging the two ponies into an alcove, and the two of them sprinted off down the corridor.

Higher and higher they climbed, ascending multiple stairwells in a bid to meet their informant and free Luna. So fixated were they on their goal that they did not see another set of Guards, stationed to either side of the doorway they had just passed through on their latest set of stairs. The two stallions, a Pegasus and Earth pony, both lowered their spears and prepared to charge the two intruders. Before they could do that, however, a silent shadow dropped from the ceiling.

Silver Lily calmly put her hooves around the neck of the Pegasus, twisting it with a sharp crack. He slumped forward, dead instantly. The Earth pony attempted to get back, in order to give himself room to use his spear, and his mouth opened to call for help. The Pegasus produced a small dagger, throwing it with pinpoint accuracy into the throat of the Guard. His cry for assistance went unsaid, as he collapsed in a bloody heap.

Sweetie Belle and Night Light spun around to see the young Pegasus wipe a small splatter of blood off of her coat. Their eyes widened as they realized that she had just saved both of them from attack, capture, or worse. Breathing just the slightest bit more heavily than normal, Silver Lily strode up to them. “You must be the two operatives I’ve heard so much about. My name is Silver Lily. I wash Her Royal Highness’s hair, tend to her regalia, and assist her at formal events. I am also the highest placed asset of the Ever Free in this castle. Now, I believe you wished to see the Lunar Princess?”

Night Light nodded. “My name is Night Light, and this is my companion Sweetie Belle. Do you have an exit plan?”

Silver Lily smiled as they trotted down the hallway. “As far as Celestia is concerned, I am a perfectly loyal servant who just happened to be caught in the explosion earlier tonight. I’ll be cooling my heels in the Everfree inside of two days. Now, as to your weapons, they are ready and waiting for you in Milady’s chambers. I moved them in there right after she left. “

Sweetie Belle kept her eyes open. “What about Guards?”

“What Guards? You just met the two who guard the way in to Celestia’s chambers, and any others that might have been in here are likely dealing with the emergency outside. Nopony would ever be foolish enough to enter Celestia’s chambers without her express permission.”

They stopped before an imposing door, one of light wood inlaid with gold. A simple carving of the sun spread across its width, and whatever tree this portal had been carved from, the smell of it still held, filling the air with the scent of something not quite like sandalwood. Silver Lily rested a hoof briefly on the door, and with a rush of magic, it swung open wide, runes of protection and warding fading out of existence as she did so.

“I’m the only one with express permission to do that. Celestia trusts me completely, or at least as completely as she does anypony these days.” Silver Lily said, as they entered a small sitting room, consisting of little more than a tea set and some simple furniture. From underneath a table, she withdrew two small cases. “Now, for the lady I have two small daggers, a few flash stones, and a strangling thong.”

Sweetie accepted them gratefully, divesting herself of the constricting bridle and tack before strapping on her bandolier. It rested against her chest like an old friend. The chopsticks were broken, and their lengths of wire were removed. She coiled them tightly, and set them inside a small pouch on her bandolier along with her necklace.

Silver Lily drew forth a longer, heavier package. “And for the stallion we have a set of wingblades. Dangerous stuff, sir.”

Night Light smiled at her, withdrawing the twin blades from his pack. They were fashioned of light steel, two blades made to snap forward in much the same way a scorpion’s tail would. The blade lay along the inside, and from the practiced ease with which he fastened them, Sweetie Belle could tell that Night Light was extremely competent with the weapons. He folded his wings neatly along his sides, and looked at Silver Lily expectantly.

“Right, then. That’s settled. Now here’s the bad news. The passage actually starts in Celestia’s bedroom. She updates the wards weekly, and I don’t know if she would have changed them tonight or not. I was technically dismissed from my evening duties tonight, so I was unable to see if that was the case. If she has, then you’ll have about five minutes before a pack of Guards is back here to poke you full of holes or throw you in a deep, dark pit. She won’t be far behind, either.”

“So move fast?” Sweetie Belle inquired.

Silver Lily nodded. “Move very fast.”

One final door stood between them and their destination. Silver Lily turned to them, and looked each of them in the eye. “Understand that Celestia will know once Luna’s chains are broken. She’s said as much to Cadance when she thought I wasn’t listening. When the Night Alicorn is free, she’ll be back here more quickly than you could imagine. And you had best hope that Luna can hold her off. Are you ready?”

Both ponies nodded. Sweetie Belle’s stomach fluttered, and she shifted in preparation to sprint through the door. Silver Lily inhaled, exhaled, and pushed open the door. A low tone was uttered, one that reverberated for much longer than it normally should have, spreading throughout the room, but going no further.

Silver Lily sighed. “Thank you, Celestia. She hasn’t changed the ward, otherwise that tone would have gone right over our heads to the Guard barracks.” She trotted over to a section of wall, emblazoned with a fresco of Celestia in her youth, rose hair streaming out behind her. “Miss Belle, I believe you have a set of earrings to activate?”

Sweetie Belle’s horn sparked, and the earrings began to glow with a faint blue light. Silver Lily tapped the wall in three separate locations very quickly, and the door swung wide to reveal a darkened passage, hewn from rough stone. Even the Pegasi could feel the raw magical power welling up from inside it, spreading across the room like a gentle tide of arcane energy.

“Stay close to me.” Sweetie murmured, and Night Light pressed in close. They would barely be able to walk side by side. Slowly, she walked towards the door. Her horn lit, but she found that it did little to penetrate the black in front of her. She shuddered. Something was very wrong with that passage. The shadow hung in the air like smoke, and almost refused to budge when her light hit it.

The Pegasus mare danced from one hoof to the other. “Hurry up, Sweetie Belle. You don’t have much time, and I don’t want to be in here if Guards show up.”

Sweetie nodded and strode forward, Night Light following close behind. She considered saying something to the Pegasus, but thought better of it. Nothing else needed to be said, really. Her hoof set upon the stair, and she could feel the wards humming underneath her hooves, waiting to go off. It was almost as if she was standing on a sheet of paper above a raging river, and trusting it to take her weight over the maelstrom below. At last, both ponies were in the passage. With a click, the door slid shut behind them. And Sweetie Belle and Night Light were alone in twilight.

Twin sets of hoofbeats echoed off of the close stone walls, as the two descended lower and lower. Carefully, oh so carefully, they followed the stairs, wary of traps or tripwires. The pale light from Sweetie Belle’s earrings was all that illuminated their passage, as the unicorn did not want to risk her magic setting off the wards prematurely. They were visible in that light, the wards. All around them, lines and webs crisscrossed, streaking through the walls in veins of gold and white. If they had cared to look, they would have seen the intricately knotted lines were not solid. In fact, they were incredibly small and dense strings of runes, a master warding that completely prevented ambient magic from escaping or entering. They vibrated warningly as they passed, but the light from Sweetie’s earrings, more powerful than she realized, hushed them back into quiescence.

It was a curious thing, that tunnel. It was one of the few magically dead spots in Equestria by design. This meant that Sweetie Belle was finding it more and more difficult to maintain the spell as they descended. Little did she know that the magic she was wielding was not her own, not anymore. Twilight Sparkle’s spellwork was clearly visible in the earrings, as well as the necklace she wore. In a way, Sweetie Belle was channeling Twilight Sparkle into that tunnel.

Which was exactly why one thread, one that was tied very closely to the back of Celestia’s mind, was vibrating wildly, as if it were a string plucked by frantic fingers. Its job was not to detect intruders. Its job was to recognize the magic of Twilight Sparkle, who was the only mare in Equestria powerful enough to penetrate Celestia’s wards. Sweetie Belle didn't know it, but Twilight Sparkle's assistance had placed them both in danger.

Mahtaram watched from her vantage point on the rooftop tower of the Archives, ensuring that nopony was straying from the plan. This was…easier said than done, as the streets had dissolved into chaos. Scootaloo and Glimmer had disappeared with Rarity after “assaulting” her husband, knocking him out and disappearing down the aqueduct. The Rounds had exploded spectacularly, meaning that Canterlot was effectively stranded on the mountain, save for whatever airships it still had in its possession. There weren’t many, considering the Home Fleet had been shot down over Trottingham that day.

Mahtaram kept a watchful eye on the Rounds, where Celestia was currently fighting back fires along with the rest of her Guard, while Regulars and other services attempted to corral the panicked population and keep order in the streets. She had to admit, the Alicorn of the Sun was formidable. As she watched, Princess Celestia seized a clump of rubble and twisted steel easily ten times her size and tossed it down the mountain with no more thought than a child tossing a pebble. It seemed to fall to her, then, to remove rubble while her Guard helped to rescue the wounded and injured.

Of which there were many, she realized. The blast had been huge, larger than anticipated, and part of the explosion had torn through a residential district. She felt a pang of regret. There was no honor in the killing of foals, or women, or the sick and elderly. And the flash powder, while useful, was a tool made only to kill and maim. She did not know how she felt about that.

Her philosophical ramblings were cut short, however, when she realized that Celestia was no longer lifting the rubble off of the mountain. She was standing still, as if flesh had become marble. She stayed like that for one moment, two, three, before her wings snapped out. Mahtaram’s crossbow swung around to cover the Alicorn, and she sighted along the haft of her crossbow before her talon tightened on the trigger.

And then the Alicorn was gone, just gone, a fearsome wind spreading behind her as she sped toward the palace faster than even the Gryphon could perceive. Mahataram realized that Sweetie Belle and Night Light were in trouble. Her talon flew to her crystal.

“Birchwood. Birchwood, respond.”

The Trottingham pony’s voice came over the crystal. “What’s got you hot and bothered this time, Mahta? “

“Celestia just returned to the palace. She knows. Get that airship ready. Once the Bearer is in, take off.”

There was a silence. Birchwood’s voice came over the crystal. “So it’s like that, is it? Leave her if she isn’t here when I’m ready?”

“You know that Luna was a long shot. Sweetie Belle did as well. If Luna is freed, she’ll be fine. But I’m pulling my rank here. Leave her, and Night Light. That’s an order.” Mahtaram waited for a response.

The crystal was dark. It flashed once more. “Right. I’m starting the engines now. What about yourself?”

Mahtaram smiled. A group of Pegasi, no doubt the famous Air Corps and some of the Guard, had taken to the skies. “I’ll catch you up. I can buy Sweetie Belle some time, but it’s going to require a bit of shooting.” She deactivated her crystal, and sighted in on the lead pony. “Now,” she murmured. “Come and meet eternity.” Her talon tightened, the bot sped forth, and the Pegasus dropped. Another was fitted. The smell of blood wafted towards her on the wind, and Mahtaram’s smile took on a predatory cast. Tonight was the night for a hunt.

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