• Published 13th Feb 2024
  • 663 Views, 12 Comments

The Contingency Files: The Main Seven - HeartlessNobody1992

Batman creates several contingency plans against the seven friends.

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The Everfree Contingency Plans

This is Batman.

Security Level: Omega. Password: Delta-Charlie - 27 - 5 - 1939.

Enable new protocol. Title: "Everfree Contingency".

Several months ago, while I was initially updating contingency plans for each members of the Justice League, one of the fellow Justice League members, Zatanna, had stated that she and another honorary member of the Justice League, Doctor Fate, had felt a strong magical occurrence. However, she stated that they somehow couldn't pinpoint where it was originating from. However, they knew that it was 'otherworldly' magic in a sense.

Deciding to look into the matter for them, by using some specially designed drones that were being produced at Wayne Tech that could help identify and detect any kind of energy output; including magic, and sent them all over different parts of Earth. However, I noticed one of my drones had detected large spikes of magical energy somewhere in a small city within the Midwest area in the U.S.; known as Canterlot City.

And it was from there by thanks to that specific drone that I discovered that there were seven teenage female high school students that was capable of utilizing different, yet special abilities, as they were training with their powers. It turns out that these girls weren't strangers to magic in the slightest, as well as the students and faculty members of Canterlot High School. So, I decided to personally investigate these kids and the school further.

I took it above liberty to hack into the high school files to find out the identities of each individuals, as well as their backgrounds, while cataloguing everything that they do; which includes their usual routines, their hobbies, their training and much more. And what I discovered from looking into the principal's personal computer journal was when they obtained their magical abilities during their summer trip at Camp Everfree. And found that each of their powers are matched with their own specific personality traits. And while they do not possess any Meta-Human abilities, these girls are considered to be powerful in their own ways.

However, it does mean that each one of them has the capability of becoming potential threats that could, theoretically; defeat the majority of the Justice League; myself included, if left unchecked. And so, it was during these past few months that I would create every counteractions for each and every one of the group of friends, as well as document their weaknesses, in case if they become too dangerous to be stopped.

It doesn't bring me any satisfaction in creating these plans but it must be done.

Everfree Contingency - File Codename: Child of Nature

When it comes down to any of the seven girls, the one that would most likely be the lesser threat in a physical confrontation, would be Fluttershy. As her name implies, she is known throughout her inner circle of friends, as well as the other students and faculty members of her school, to be the most timid and introverted of the seven friends.

Fluttershy is also known to associate herself with being a caretaker of sorts to nearly any kinds of animals, domesticated or not; as well as spending her time helping out in Canterlot City's local animal shelter. And out of the rest of the girls, others have stated that she is the pinnacle of Kindness itself, willing to care in helping others, when they can't help themselves. A very noble sentiment, to be sure.

While she may not be as physically intimidating as some of her friends, that doesn't mean that she is either weak or defenseless. She has the magical ability to converse with animals verbally and fully understands them as they speak to her. Having an ability like that, Fluttershy could literally turn any battle within her favor, should she ask assistance from dangerous types of animals, much like sharks, bears, lions, tigers, and so much more.

The only logical ways to safely neutralize her is to at first try to use her empathetic nature in hopes of deterring her from utilizing her animal friends, allowing her to believe that she'll cause harm towards them, and then would try to preserve their safety.

However, if that kind of tactic were to fail, then using a smoke bomb would probably keep her from talking and giving orders to the animals, having most of the smoke to fill up her lungs, rendering her unable to speak. Or probably a quick, precised blow to the trachea would definitely incapacitate her.

While I don't like to bring any kind of harm towards the young girl, I know that if she were to be left unchecked, then she would become more of a potential threat to others. And that's why I won't falter when she one day becomes one.

(See notes on both Black Canary's and Zatanna's files on weaknesses for examples of dealing with Fluttershy.)

Everfree Contingency - File Codename: Fashionista

Rarity is known throughout the entire social circles as the biggest fashion enthusiast, meaning is that when it comes to fashion, she knows the ins and outs of fashion trends and similar topics, while maintaining a proper and posh mannerism, much alike to be considered fancy to most that don't know her. And like Fluttershy, she is incapable of any physical confrontations, deeming such practice to be "barbaric" and "unladylike" in nature.

It should also be documented, that she is known to make many different outfits for her, her friends, and probably anyone within their school, only to give them away for nothing in return; which made her popular among her peers; being known as the "Generous Beauty of Canterlot High".

And much like any other designers, they often show their artistic creativity through the act of simple concentration, which would imply the same mindset that she uses when she enables her magical ability to create crystal-like barriers, in the form of diamonds.

It is also noted that with enough concentration, she could ride on one of them, using it as a glider of sorts, giving more mobility in the air, as well as several others to help carry them in order to reach far or high places. However, she could use her barriers not only to both defend herself and others from any damage but she could use them in order to imprison others as well. And if that were the case, she could be the ultimate shield for her and her friends.

The only tactics that I could think of to best incapacitate her effectively, is to cause multiple situations that would make her lose her concentration on the barriers in hopes of weakening them. Probably with use of some flash grenades and/or smoke bombs to temporarily blind her. Maybe a strong sedative would more than likely be the trick in neutralizing her.

Everfree Contingency - File Codename: Rodeo

Applejack, as she is known by both friends and family, is one of the most dependable, hard working, honest person. Something that I wish what most people could strive to be now and days.

She lives at and partially works on her family's farm, alongside with her grandmother Granny Smith, who also works as the school's cafeteria cook, as well as her two siblings. Big Macintosh, or "Big Mac", the eldest brother and Applebloom, their little sister and the youngest of the siblings.

I have also noticed that Applejack's magical trait, is that it makes her out to be the most physically strongest out of all the seven girls; strength-wise. Seeing is how her magic has given her not only superhuman strength but as well as superhuman durability and endurance, which would make her a formidable enemy, should she ever turn.

I would base a strategy around that would try to quickly exhaust her by costing her stamina. Just because she's strong in most physical attributes, does not mean that she'll continue to be on the offense forever. Or maybe I would create a modified Venom serum to increase both my strength and endurance to effectively overpower her. However, should all the other plans fail, I'll be sure to send Wonder Woman to face against her in combat as a last resort. And I know that out of both of them, Applejack would have no chance against her.

Everfree Contingency - File Codename: Prism

Rainbow Dash, yet another member of the group of friends, is an athletic young lady that clearly shows to have a tomboyish attitude. A truly polar opposite type of mannerism in comparison to Rarity's and Fluttershy's. And she is Canterlot High's top student athlete and captain of different sports team; including soccer, track, basketball, etc.

And while it may had been said that Rainbow is loyal to both her friends and school teammates to a fault, she clearly has an underlying sense of arrogance and desire for glory and I know that such prideful behavior will inevitably lead her into trouble one day. As well as others...

Her magical ability is clearly superhuman speed, as well as superhuman stamina. It was recorded through one of the secret drones that I sent to record her training her ability that showed her reaching the top speed of 789.6 miles per hour on a light jog around the field track. Rumor had stated that she could easily run at Mach 2.2; just above the speed of sound.

Should she become a threat, it is best to prepare for Rainbow Dash and dealing with her accordingly. I would suggest to find a strong adhesive-like substance to keep her immovable. Another would being able to cover the ground in ice, keeping her from reaching such speed by watching her fall from slipping on the ice or freezing her in place. However, should any of these plans somehow fail, then the best option would be to call in The Flash in hopes of quickly subduing her before she would cause any more problems.

Everfree Contingency - File Codename: Party Girl

Pinkamina Diane Pie, or "Pinkie Pie" as the rest of her friends, fellow schoolmates and some high school faculty members call her, is what I would consider just a school girl with a cheery disposition and a reputation by being known as a party planner. And she is clearly known to also be hyperactive and extroverted in personality traits. And yet, I just somehow can't help but be wary about her.

In a way, her actions and mannerisms almost reminds me of so much like The Joker's. Chaotic and unpredictable. And mixed with her magical power, she's easily considered to be the most poentially dangerous girl out of the group of friends. As it turns out, her magical ability is to turn regular cupcakes sprinkles or other conffectioneries into becoming explosive projectiles, strong and lethal like a hand grenade in similarity.

With a power like that, she could cause more property damage, as well as potentially hurt innocent people without her even being fully aware. I don't make these contingency plans just in case if she or any of the girls goes towards a path to villainy. I make these contingency plans so that I help cause least amounts of damage, in hope of protecting everyone; including Pinkie Pie and her friends.

I know that she's just a fun loving young girl that wouldn't hurt anyone willingly, however, when it comes to protecting innocent civilians, you know that you can't let your guilt get the best of you. So far, it seems that she's rather content with being comic relief more than anything. Let's just hope that it stays that way.

So far, the only possible options in safely neutralizing Pinkie would have to try to minimize as much damage that she might cause by disarming her of her sprinkles. However, I may need to gather more resources in hopes to create a specially made magical artifact or armor to fully take her on, that would counteract her magic. Or maybe I could try to distract her long enough for help to arrive, before any further damage could be done.

(Further research is required to discover weaknesses in hopes of finding more safer, exploitable plans for Pinkie.)

Everfree Contingency - File Codename: Prodigy

I discovered that months ago, Twilight Sparkle, an intelligent young girl, and a promising scientific talent had managed to transfer to Canterlot High, during the aftermath of The Friendship Games, a usual school competition against two rival schools; Canterlot High School and Crystal Prep Academy, the latter where Twilight used to go to for her academic studies.

It should be noted that during that time, Twilight was doing scientific research about the magical properties on the school grounds of Canterlot High School, which inevitably led to a series of events that had caused wormholes to another dimension to pop up around the area.

She is often around alongside with Spike, her pet dog, who seems to verbally communicate with Twilight and the other girls, which was caused by said dog to get caught up being affected through a stray act of magical confluence.

Out of all the others, it appears that Twilight is to be the most intelligent and scientific member of the group of girls, seeing is how she managed to create an electronic device that would only not allow her to track any magical energy but also encase them, storing them in a capsule. A true teenage technological genius that would even rival against others, like Mister Terrific or Lex Luthor.

Her powers are solely based around her using telekinesis, via through magic. A power truly based upon the mind, enacted through concentration. One that she could use to endanger others.

Possible outcomes of tactics to use against her would be to use smokescreens and flash grenades to cause her to lose concentration on using her powers effectively, all the while using a re-created and modified magic capsule from Twilight's blueprints to entrap her magic, rendering her useless in a physical confrontation. But if all other plans are to fail, then I would need the assistance of both Green Lantern and Zatanna in hopes of neutralizing her effectively.

(Note to self: remember to re-create multiple magic capsules as another countermeasure against any magic users.)

Everfree Contingency - File Codename: Setting Sun

Now, out of all of the girls, Sunset Shimmer, the obvious leader of the group of friends, is more or less an enigma.

No one outside of Canterlot High knows exactly where she came from. Aside from the school records, there is no physical documents that are based upon her existence as a whole. No birth certificate, no existing family members or guardians, nothing. It's as if she just suddenly arrived out of thin air.

Now, for Sunset's background was a bit...troubling at first. Knowing to be the school's prominent bully, however, as it stands, she worked to change her old habits from being considered the entitled school bully and became the better version of herself. However, while I may be certain of her having her redemption within the school, there isn't any construct evidence that she'll remain that way.

While magically, Sunset is the most knowledgeable and just as strong as well as Twilight. However, it seems that her abilities are able to view the memories, thoughts and emotions of specific people she can physically touch. While it may not be a life threatening power; she could use such knowledge and use it to her advantage.

However, even without using magic, she definitely can be considered physically strong and could use her knowledge of Karate to personally gain the upper hand in a hand to hand combat scenario, which could allow her to help utilize her ability even more.

So the best course of actions in order to counteract against Sunset is to NOT engage her in any physical fight, rather instead, switch to a long range confrontation. However, once she begins to use her magical attacks, the best course of action is to use other magical items and artifacts that could cancel them out. However, if those plans were to fail, then we would need to depend powerful magic users to gain the advantage against Sunset; like either Zatanna, Raven or even Doctor Fate, if need be.

Should anyone manage to find these files, including the girls, please understand. That it needed to be done.

Don't think that I do this out of pure malice or cold sense of distrust. I do this in hopes of preparing for the worse case scenarios, should anyone of them are subjected to either mind control or lose themselves to their ambitions of wanting power and control.

Those are thoughts that I do not relish; however, when it comes to dealing with others with amazing powerful abilities; that are as strong as Superman or as fast as The Flash or even clever and tactical as I am, you need to be prepared for the worst...


Author's Note:

I hope that you like this one-shot. To be honest, I always wanted to see what Batman would do if he were to make contingency plans for each and every last one of the Main Seven when they gained their powers.

However, I would like to use this one-shot to pay tribute to the late Kevin Conroy; the man who voiced as Batman.

You will be missed but never forgotten. :ajsleepy:

Please leave any honest criticism should you have any. And most importantly: Stay 20% Awesome, everyone! :yay:

Comments ( 12 )

Can't wait for a villain to see this information

Comment posted by xachtaynhatgiarenet deleted February 13th

You take on one Pinkie, Batman, you take on All the Pinkie.

And if you do, there will be a cupcake waiting for you.

Dont worry about loosing the files, Pinkie has them duplicated in her Party Cave.

Along with her files on You. :pinkiehappy:

I'd honestly love to see one for Vinyl, considering she has access to a high tech transforming car that doubles as a music booth, and how even as a girl who can't really speak part from a very, very few times, is immune to music forms of hypnosis due to her headphones. Considering how cool and genuinely kind a student she seems to be, I don't think Batman would want to hurt her, especially given her speech disability, and also I wonder if her shades would play a role at all as I like the idea that she has photophobia, which a few other fanfic stories created, which is a reason she wears the shades to protect her eyes.

Ah. But that's what Pinkie thinks. This is Batman we are talking about. He's dealt with things that would eat the girls for breakfast. Pinkie barely comes into the top 50.


Depends on the Pinkie.

The expected girls Pinkie he pretty much could handle.

Equestrian can handle the power of a chaos God without exploding Pinkie, is somewhat tougher.

Hopefully one of them will have posted him the link to Just Add Ponies.:trixieshiftright:

She Who Pronks Behind is far easier to appease than annoy.:unsuresweetie:

After listening to some of the Batman Agamemnon Contingencies, I heard this in the voice of Mr Conroy.

This was fun to read, but you forgot Rainbow and Fluttershy can also get wings by ponying up, and that Batman could just take their geodes to depower them.

Well, for this one-shot, I'd figured that it would've been better if Batman would focus on their respective abilities. Plus, he wouldn't know about them 'pony-ing up' or about the geodes, for the former to be called a 'rumor' and the latter, he would think of them as normal necklaces. :applejackunsure:

However, thank you for the compliment. I hoped that you enjoyed reading it. :twilightsmile:

As I was writing this, I couldn't help but hear his voice. He will be missed dearly by nearly anyone who grew up watching the shows and playing the Arkham series. :ajsleepy:

However, I hoped that you liked reading the one-shot. :pinkiesmile:

Well, knowing Batman, he probably wouldn't see Vinyl as much of a threat in a physical sense. However, he would probably be invested into learning on where she'd obtain her Transformer based DJ car; in hopes of replicating the technology to be used in his gadgets. ๐Ÿ˜•

However, if she would be considered a threat, then maybe...hmm, well, I'll save the best for a sorta sequel. (Maybe?) ๐Ÿ˜‰

True. Though thankfully, Vinyl is one of the chilliest and most seemingly laid back of the students, and it'd be fun and sweet to see her befriend Batman, given she seems to be someone whose just very happy to be with anyone.

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