• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 6,176 Views, 258 Comments

The Generation That Even Time Has Forgotten - FlanChan

When Discord sends Twilight to a new world, the magic of friendship will have to be found once again.

  • ...

Chapter 11

The Generation That Even Time Has Forgotten

Chapter 11

The small group of ponies, comprised of Minty, Rainbow Dash, Sunny Daze, Thistle Whistle, Wysteria and Twilight Sparkle, along with the very few precious possessions in Twilight’s bag, approached the dark, looming forest before them. They stopped at the very outskirts, just before the shadows that the trees cast. For some reason, the scenery looked even more foreboding than before, even though nothing seemed that much different. The ponies tried to dismiss their fears as just the stress of the task ahead, but a pang of doubt of their own reassurance still strayed in the back of their minds.

“Alright everypony, this is it,” Twilight spoke up. “Based on our previous experience, I think that I should just teleport us back. Going by hoof would take far too long, and we simply don’t have that kind of time.”

“But Twilight,” Minty protested, cocking her head to the side in confusion. “Didn’t you say that you can’t teleport us across large areas or something?”

“No no no,” Twilight explained, “I said that I can’t go to places I haven’t been to before. I have, however, been in Ponyville, so it shouldn’t be any trouble.” She smiled reassuringly, but the others seemed skeptical. Nonetheless, the lavender unicorn planted her feet and bowed her head to the ground.

Her horn flared with magic, and for the first few moments the others weren’t exactly sure what was going to happen. The magical aura around her horn slowly grew more intense, getting brighter and more jagged. Twilight broke out in a sweat, struggling to channel energy. Suddenly the light dimmed and disappeared completely. Twilight was left to collapse, gasping as she tried her hardest to catch her breath.

“Twilight! Fwee—Are you alright?” Thistle Whistle cried, dashing over to her side. Twilight took the blue pony’s hoof and got to her feet.

“Heheh, I—I must have flubbed that one,” Twilight laughed nervously. “Let me try again.”

“Are you sure you’re in good enough condition? You look pretty shaken,” Wysteria said, her soft voice just loud enough to be heard over Twilight’s wheezing.

“I appreciate your kindness,” Twilight answered, steadying herself to perform the spell again. “But that last one was just a dud. I can do this, really!” The others exchanged unsure glances, but nervously decided not to interject.

Twilight Sparkle lowered her head as before, patting the grass flat with her hooves. She took a moment or two to collect her thoughts and take a few deep breaths, then focused all of her energy to the horn on the top of her head. After a few moments of slowly establishing a flow of magic, she began to visualize Ponyville. This was where her work became difficult, and even though her eyes were shut tight, she almost could see her horn ablaze with power. Sweat again started to dribble down her cheeks, but she continued nonetheless to push magic into her horn with all of her willpower.

Twilight’s head began to throb and she locked her knees to keep from falling. The physical strain was jarring, and was increased tenfold for every pony she tried to teleport along with her. The only motivation she had was that Equestria needed help, and she couldn’t let either set of friends down, the old or the new.

The other ponies kept their eyes locked with the sparks erupting from their friend’s horn that fizzled out just before they could reach the ground. The normally small glow of magic was instead a blinding light, and the effort to make it this way appeared to be enormous. Twilight’s constant audacity of her struggle through gasping and grunting was unbearable, and it was all they could do to keep themselves from rushing in and stopping her.

Finally Twilight’s horn appeared to be at its limit, almost appearing like it would burst if the magic it held wasn’t released. Thankfully for Twilight’s pounding temples, a small stream of energy was allowed out of her horn’s tip. The tiny beam quickly made its way to the grass a couple yards away, and, a few moments after establishing contact with the ground, slowly circled around the group. Instead of burning the blades of grass, however, it left a thin line of purple magic surrounding the six ponies. After the beam’s mini-trek was over, it snapped back to Twilight, who at this point was extremely exhausted. The spell was almost over, though. She couldn’t back down now.

Summoning all of the strength she had left within her, Twilight arched her shoulders upward and began raising a barrier up from the magic circle. As she did so, she felt like a giant boulder was crushing down on top of her, snapping every bone in her body, but she had to complete the spell. She could feel it, the dome was halfway done. She could do this! She had to, for Equestria!

“Gyah!” she cried out. She fell to the ground with a loud thud and a final strike of pain, though compared to what she had just gone through, it wasn’t much. Twilight managed to open her eyes just in time to see all of her hard work crash down before her, the magic’s energy flowing into the forest. She slumped her head down in the grass in defeat, but quickly dusted herself off and picked herself back up. “Just one more time...” she mumbled.

“Sparks, stop!” Sunny Daze shouted. “You can’t do this! It’s too painful for all of us to see you struggle like this!” She paused and walked over to the unicorn. “And even if you can do it, I’m not going to let you!”

“I... I’m sorry,” Twilight said, pausing as she realized the consequences of her actions. “I didn’t mean it, it was just...” Twilight lowered her head and tried her best to mask the hints of tears forming in her eyes. How could she have been so foolish? How could she have made such a big mistake?

“Now darling,” Rainbow coaxed, lifting Twilight’s head with a hoof. “All of us make mistakes now and again, darling, and we just have to make sure we learn from them.”

Twilight smiled and nodded her head slightly, wiping away her tears. She looked around and saw all of the other ponies around her, their faces glowing with hints of empathy. For the short time she had been around the group, they had bonded so much. The others even acted like they had been friends with her since they were little fillies. Twilight sniffed and wiped away another tear that was running down her cheek, only this time it was a tear of joy. She lifted her head high, planted her feet firmly on the ground, and brought back her brave and determined demeanor.

“Alright,” she said, the shakiness of her voice gone completely. “We’ll go by hoof. Are you all sure that’s in your best interests?”

“Anything to make things easier for you, Twilight,” Minty reassured her.

“Okay!” Twilight cheered, “Then let’s go in!” With a few happy rejoices, the group trotted into the unearthly forest, the potential dangers within now the last thing on their minds.


“Eck! Darlings! This moss is simply disgusting!” Rainbow Dash moaned, lifting a hoof and trying to observe it in the low light. “This darkness isn’t helping either. Are we ever going to find some light, darlings?”

Wysteria stifled a giggle. “Maybe if we’re lucky we’ll find some Panellus Stipticus,” she offered.

“Panel what now—fwee?” Thistle Whistle inquired, ducking so she wouldn’t fly into a branch.

Twilight smiled as she listened to the lavender earth pony elaborately explain to the others about Panellus Stipticus’ glow-in-the-dark properties. She even went so far as to explain how it could be used to help in medical emergencies. However, the others were too wrapped up trying to figure out what an ice cream flavor with that name would taste like to listen.

Twilight decided after a while to block out their noise and concentrate on the path ahead. Was it just her, or was it much darker than before? It was around noon, so the sun should have been directly overhead, and yet it was still as dark as night around them. Maybe Discord’s tampering with us, she thought, her forehead wrinkling. Actually, the others complaining about the dark is pretty funny.

Stifling a giggle, Twilight once again shifted her thoughts. Okay, let’s go over this again. Once I get back to that mountain, I’ll do some sort of spell so I can—

“Hey, Twilight?” Minty asked, putting the unicorn’s contemplation to an early halt. “I’m not gonna question you or anything, but how did that book back there have stuff about you? I mean, if you were in a book like that...”

Twilight smirked to herself. She didn’t expect any of the ponies to ask her such an intelligent question.

“Well, I’m not sure if I told you this before, but the princess back home—my teacher—is an alicorn, which is a pony with both wings and a horn. She was the one that split off our two realities in the first place, and she probably planted that book there in case something important came up.

“Since she’s an alicorn, she has very strong magic. She’s probably able to get through the dimensional barrier that separates us and update it with more useful information.” She paused to give Minty time to process all of the information.

“Oh, you have a princess!” Minty exclaimed after a few moments. “What’s her name—”

“SPARKS! MINTS!” Sunny Daze suddenly shouted. Maybe it wasn’t so sudden, considering Twilight had filtered out the others and had no clue what they had been talking about.

“What do you—gah!” Twilight cried as the soil beneath her started to crumble. After a few moments of horrible rumbling where large cracks spiderwebbed the forest floor, the whole ground seemed to give way. Minty and Twilight plummeted downward, the others safe on stable ground.

Luckily for the two ponies, the forest was dense, so an array of exposed roots stuck out of the side of the newly created cliff. They flailed their legs wildly as they tried to grab onto the plants, and managed to halt their fall after only a few yards of crazed panic, but it was still too far to climb back up.

“Thistle!” Minty screeched, holding on for dear life to a skinny root that looked like it would give way any moment. The cerulean pegasus heeded her call and ascended. With a final scream, Minty let go of the exposed plant just as it gave way. Thistle Whistle managed to catch her, but an avalanche of soil toppled on top of her from the root being pulled loose.

Twilight was able to make out her silhouette in the dust filling the air. It was difficult to see, but Thistle was definitely wobbling as she flew. Being assaulted by thousands of rocks would probably have that effect on a pony.

After the rumbling subsided and the dust settled, Twilight could finally hear the other ponies shouting among themselves. She couldn’t quite make out what they were saying, until another scream pierced through the air. Lifting her gaze, she was able to see another pony dangling above her.

“Rainbow! What are you doing?” Twilight asked.

“Saving you, darling!” the earth pony called back. “I was trying to lower one of my scarves down to you, but the ground broke and I fell!”

Twilight tried her best to think of a way out of the situation, but her head still hurt from attempting to teleport earlier, so magic was out of the question. Their only pegasus also was in no condition to fly.

“Darling!” Rainbow hollered suddenly. “Grab onto my scarf! Then the other darlings can pull me up, and you with it!”

“I—is that safe?” Twilight stammered. “What if you fall, or the scarf breaks?”

“Trust me darling, it will work!”

Twilight was about to object further, but something in Rainbow Dash’s tone convinced her otherwise.

“Alright,” Twilight finally accepted. After a few moments, a piece of pink fabric invaded her line of vision. Once she grabbed on, the root she was using for support promptly was dislodged and plummeted. She waited a bit longer, and started to feel a distinct pull upward. Peering up, she saw that Rainbow had already reached stable ground, and after a minute or two, she joined her.

“Well, aren’t you the honorable pony,” Wysteria praised as Twilight finished shaking the dirt out of her coat.

“Oh, it was nothing, darlings. Now come on, Twilight needs to get home.” Rainbow trotted on ahead, the others following suit. Sunny Daze lagged behind with Twilight for a moment.

“You know,” Sunny whispered into her ear, “Rainbow Dash always throws a fit whenever she gets a speck of dust on her. I’m surprised that she didn’t even bring up how dirty she got after that rescue she did.” She paused and laughed quietly to herself. “Maybe you left an impact on her.”

“Isn’t that what friends are for?” Twilight replied.

Author's Note:

Random shout out to the story Solitary Locust by the parasprite, which indirectly helped me write the first scene kinda.
Whatever, go check it out.

Comments ( 64 )

I took two months two write this chapter, and nothing really happens in it.
I'm such a tease :trollestia:


Alright, it wasn't that bad. Time between chapters kinda wrecks it, though.

I'm sorry, but I've been too busy schooling and lazying :ajsleepy:

When I saw this was featured, I had one of those "I knew it!" moments. I knew you'd be going places, and you are. Good job, I'm happy to see your success.

I think I'll give this a second read now, see if my opinion will change...

It's here! *snoopydance*

I hope you mean the events in the story, and not the story itself :twilightblush:

why oh why do i see them becoming thier worlds version of elements of harmony, just saying.

I see what's going on... MOAR! :flutterrage:

This is a Good(tm) story.:pinkiehappy:

2170555 You can't trademark the word Good (TM). Well, I guess you can apparently. :rainbowhuh: :derpytongue2:


Why does this remind me somewhat of The Third Generation?

Great chapter.

I liked the rescue scene.
Rainbow Dash is the new Applejack, isn't she? I recognized the parallels between this scene, and the one from the premier. I had this thought, and then I came to this part:

Twilight was about to object further, but something in Rainbow Dash’s tone convinced her otherwise. There was sincere honesty in her voice that she didn’t even know could be there.

While this paragraph is well-written and fits in nicely with the rest of the chapter, where-as I had already had my suspicions, this added-on to them just painfully cemented my assumption. The lead-up was amazing, nice and subtle, surrendering their secrets to only the most vigilant, making them question if there is some hidden significance to what is happening, and in what manner, or if they are only seeing a significance that simply isn't there. However, the words "sincere honesty" smash that tantalizing suspicion/doubt blend. You still need to read between the lines a bit to get it, but once you do, those words clear-up most of the doubt. I'm not trying to tear-down your writing, it's still very good, but if you are trying to drop hints that give the "de-ja-vu" effect, while not arousing enough suspicion as to the cause of the de-ja-vu until the end when you spring it on us, allowing us to THEN have the "A hah!" moment, those two words give it away a bit too much.
Then again it could be an even cleverer ploy to make us THINK that Rainbow Dash will be the new Applejack, when in reality she will bear a different element.
...Or I could just be completely off, not knowing what it is that I'm talking about, and droning on at two in the morning.

Anyway, again, great chapter and you did really good job on it.

I have to say, I'm liking this story so far! Keep up the good work! :yay:

1564263 Ugh, I know a guy/kid who IS afraid of clouds. And mousetraps and all sorts of other stupid shit I'm sure. The mousetrap I could somewhat understand, the floating collection of water vapor I could not. Some fears are just stupid from one perspective and fucking hiliarious from another. Why someone would BE afraid of them I don't know. I'd have to find someone who is and can actually talk in a way I can understand to actually gain a little insight into it.

Yay, an update :yay:
Two months between chapters isn’t all that bad, try going over a year without an update like one of my previous non-pony stories… I still haven’t finished it. :facehoof:

great chapter really liking this story. :twilightsmile:

Is Story Belle that one pony from Two For the Sky?
Goodness, I haven't seen that in ages :rainbowderp:

Because that story is fabulous and also is a G3 story, only much longer and got on EQD (and needs to update more! :flutterrage:)

2172064 :fluttershysad:Aww, don't feel too bad. You still wrote a very nice chapter, that had very subtle hints at what you probably have planned, you just added a little too much. It is still written very well.:twilightsmile:

I'll go back and get rid of the few 'in your face' things, and hopefully I can be more subtle in the following chapters :raritywink:

2174336 O.K., good luck and I have confidence that you'll succeed.

Wow, I had this on my read later list for ages. Then when I finally get around to reading it, I find my name in the author's note for the last chapter.


Also, I really liked this story even before you mentioned me. G1-3 stories are something I tend to enjoy more than most people, for some reason.

Thank you thank you thank yooou :raritystarry:

Oh my gah what
That used to say break before I edited it. I guess I took out too much there :twilightblush:

G3 characters who are actually interesting ... Who would of thunk it? :scootangel:

This story continues to be charming fun!:twilightsmile:

I've never seen any of the shows prior to G4, but I'll give this a read anyways!

A-alright, I don't want to be the stupid author here and ignore your criticism and say how much of a meany poo-poo head you are. I hope I don't come across that way. Besides, I was the one that asked for help in the first place.
I'll start with the counter-argument/excuses segment.
Alright, I admit it, I put a LOT on my plate for a first story. Sticking Twilight into G3 is a very fragile subject to make great, and I think I accidentally made Twilight more mean-spirited for some reason to make her as skeptical and hating towards G3 as a brony is. I *DID NOT* intend for this to happen, but I guess it just kinda did. :ajsleepy:
I also had to trade off Twilight's curious tendencies because she's too dead-set determined to get home as fast as possible.
And Pinkie and RD? I'm... actually ashamed about that part. But at this point I'm just not really sure what to do anymore.
All in all, I totally get where you're coming from, but I'm just too far along to go back and change these things. I'm sorry if that makes me seem like I'm totally ignoring what your saying, please understand that I'm not. I'm taking these things that you say into consideration, and hopefully now I can avoid any more Twilight OOCness in my future stories.
If you would be ever so kind as to consider reading some of my most recent works, I would be ever so grateful. :fluttershysad:

2243385 I've also turned him into George W. Bush and dropped him into the center of Iran with a big sign on his back that says, "Mohammad wuz teh gey".

I cannot even describe what happened to him after that... words cannot do justice to such a slaughter.


This story is sexy and you should feel sexy because you are.

I finally get around to reading a chapter of this story. *notices that all chapters in this story have been read, and it's 1:30AM* well... shit. I have a final tomorrow (technically today) too. :applejackconfused: CURSE THIS STORY FOR BEING TOO DAMN GOOD TO PUT DOWN!!!

I'M SORRY :raritydespair:
Pretend you're Twilight, and you'll do fine :twilightblush:

This story has been reviewed by The Equestrian Critics Society

Story: The Generation that Even Time Has Forgotten
Reviewed by:Quillbit Marelor

Generation 3 of My Little Pony. The mere mention of this past pony series can cause most bronies to run and hide, clutching their plushies for dear life. This generation is very rarely written about in fanfiction and for good reason. The show consisted of very little conflict, bland and boring characters, horrific pony designs, and plots so overly sweet and girly that even the Powerpuff Girls would be terrified. These ponies, on their own, would be very simple to write for, as they have had little development and never stray from their shoehorned personalities. Now, mixing in a generation 4 characters with this group would make writing a story much more difficult. How could one accurately show the clashing of two generations that are vastly different? With this kind of plot, it takes a very delicate and steady touch that would make this story readable. FlanChan’s story, The Generation That Even Time Has Forgotten, brings readers a very interesting view on how this strange meeting would occur.

Full Review

Score: 6/10

So, what's with the delay? You sure writer's block hasn't been cured?

On the other hand, I'm the person who didn't update a story for a year. I like to refer to myself as an unproductive author.

Now everything's not so much writers block but lack of time to actually sit down and write stuff :twilightoops:

MINTY!! when I was little she was my favorite!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Minty is so awesome that way :yay:

Congratulations, this story has good enough grammar to be included in the Good Grammar Directory, a comprehensive list of gramatically-correct stories on Fimfiction. :eeyup:

I'm almost positive there aren't spelling errors, but there might be grammatical ones. Any that you could point out? :twilightblush:

Can't wait for the next chapter! :pinkiehappy:

Core Seven is G3.5 :derpytongue2:

Are you going to do something with Breezies? I'd like to see Twilight's face when she sees bug-horses... :twilightoops:

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