• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 6,176 Views, 258 Comments

The Generation That Even Time Has Forgotten - FlanChan

When Discord sends Twilight to a new world, the magic of friendship will have to be found once again.

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Chapter 5

The Generation That Even Time Has Forgotten

Chapter 5

“S—should we really be going this far?” Thistle Whistle shivered.

“Come on, it’s not like Star Catcher won’t let us explore our own island.” Coconut Grove rolled her eyes as she reached up and plucked a peach from its tree.

“Yeah, and besides, we might find a secret hideout or an ancient artifact or something!” Island Delight smiled.

“O—okay,” Thistle Whistle, true to her name, whistled. “As long as we don’t go very far...” The trio of pegasi continued through the tropical thicket, Coconut Grove occasionally stopping to pick another fruit or flower, which would give Island Delight enough time to drag Thistle Whistle back to the group, only to have her lag behind again once they started moving.

“I think—fwee—I think that we should go back now. We have enough—fwee—fruit to have a banquet that lasts a week,” Thistle suggested as she turned to leave.

“Aw, come on, we’re almost to the beach, there’s no point in turning back now,” Island Delight said as she put her hoof up to the tall weeds blocking her view. “It’s right pas-” She stopped and gasped. Before her was the bright sun and tropical water, but that wasn’t the only thing.

“Fwee—Is that a pony?” Thistle Whistle asked as she stuck her head through the leaves.

“I think so, let’s go find out,” Island Delight said as she hovered through the web of plantlife.

“Hey! W—wait for me!” Coconut Grove huffed as she struggled to drag her large bag of food across the ground. The two others ignored her and walked carefully across the sand. It was a pony alright, its hair was a mess and it was unconscious, but it was a pony.

“What do you suppose we do with her?” Coconut Grove asked as she caught up with the others.

“Why don’t we just leave her here? Fwee—It couldn’t hurt,” Thistle said flatly.

“How can you say that?” Island Delight asked, turning to the pegasus in disbelief.

“Well, how do you suppose we bring her back? Fwee—She looks awfully heavy.” She stared hard at the purple pony lying on the beach. “And if we do carry her, I’m not lifting—Fwee.”

“Well, um, why don’t we just carry her on our backs? It’ll take longer, but it’ll do the job!” Coconut Grove smiled hopefully. The others just stared at her; the idea was an obvious bust.

“Why don’t we just carry her in your bag?” Island Delight offered. “It’s really the only option.”

“D—dump out all of the fruit and flowers? Never!” Coconut Grove’s eyes widened as she clutched the large bag. Island Delight glared at her and Thistle Whistle backed up a little, preferring to stay out of any possible argument. Coconut Grove puffed her cheeks out defiantly, but turned around and untied the top of her bag, a colorful array of fruits and flowers spilling onto the ground. “Ugh, happy?”

Island Delight just smiled and nudged the unconscious pony onto the large surface the bag provided. Each pegasus holding onto a side, the three carefully flew high above the forest into the heart of Butterfly Island, which took a great deal less amount of time than when they had walked. They lowered altitude and brushed against the ground as they let go of the bag, but then took back into the sky away from it, scared that the pony within would now be awake and spot them. But after a few moments of the bag not stirring, they landed with worry.

“I—Is she alright?” Coconut Grove’s voice trembled.

“I dunno, maybe we should ask her.” Island Delight went over and started to unfold the bag. The lavender pony within was still unconscious.

“We need to get help! Fwee—Where’s Star Catcher? She’ll know what to do!” Thistle Whistle raised her voice in urgency. The other pegasi nodded and they took off into the sky in search of their friend.


Twilight once again woke up in an unfamiliar place, but the breeze here felt warm and tropical. She felt sand in her mouth, which wasn’t very pleasant, and she was aching all over. She felt like she had been out for weeks, but knew better than that. Being unconscious for too long could seriously damage your brain, after all. Twilight’s head throbbed as she tried to think, but her mind was foggy. She also didn’t appear to be alone, because as her senses faded back, she heard voices.

“Are you sure she wasn’t there before?”

“Positive! She just showed up here, on the beach, a little while ago!”

“I wanted to leave her—fwee” Twilight stirred a little at the comment.

“Thistle! I—oh, look, she’s awake!” Twilight had wanted to go unnoticed for a while as she thought of means of escape, but she had no choice now but to open her eyes and slowly pull herself up to a standing position.

“Oh, no, if you’re tired, you can sit down,” one of the ponies said, her voice calm and airy. Twilight sat down and took in her surroundings. Before her were four pegasi, one of them a dark purple with shimmering blue hair, another a coral red with her mane half green and half purple. These two smiled at her warmly, one of the other two was back a bit, consoling the other.

“Now come on, please just come up and stand by her, you don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to,” the pegasus coaxed. The sight of this pony nearly took Twilight’s breath away. Her wings were much longer and elegant than the other ponies, and they seemed to have a bluish hue, which blended nicely with her snow white coat. Strange purple markings were on her forehead, base of her wings, and on her back legs. Her presence seemed to give off the feel of Princess Celestia herself, which was a bit ridiculous considering this pony wasn’t even an alicorn.

“B—b—but we don’t even know her,—fwee—a—a—and you promised that we had met everybody when we went to Ponyville.” The other pegasus shivered and went off on a whistling fit. She was a cerulean blue. (Her color reminded Twilight of Rainbow Dash, only a bit darker.) Her hair was yellow and red, similarly split like that other reddish pegasus.

“And remember how well that went?” The white pony smiled calmly. “Come on, I’ll be right there along with Island Delight and Coconut Grove.”

“Fwee—O—okay then,” the whistling pony accepted warily. They came up next to Twilight.

“Sorry it took so long for a proper introduction. I’m Star Catcher,” the majestic pegasus explained.

“I’m Coconut Grove!” the coral pegasus said.

“And I’m Island Delight!” the deep purple pony chimed in. The three ponies turned to the fourth, who was just frowning, and didn’t appear to want to say anything.

“I wanted to leave you there,” she said, her disapproving expression unwavering. Coconut Grove kicked her slightly.

“This is Thistle Whistle. She can be a bit...defiant of change at times,” Island Delight explained with an awkward grin as she tried to word her sentence as nicely as possible. Twilight waved her hoof slightly.

“So I suppose you want to know what happened, huh?” Coconut Grove rushed to the point, “It’s really a pretty cool story. You see, Island Delight, Thistle Whistle and I were just walking through the forest, when suddenly we came to the beach. And then we saw you on the ground, and we were so scared and confused! So Island Delight FORCED me to dump out my bag.” She glared over at the purple pegasus. “Then we used the bag to carry you all the way here, to the heart of Butterfly Island!”

“And then,” Island Delight picked back up, “When you still didn’t wake up, we started getting worried, so we went and got Star Catcher to help. But while we were explaining to her what happened, you woke up on your own!” Twilight stared blankly at the group in front of her for a few moments as she tried to process all of the information. She was in another new place? She was sick of all of these new ponies.

“So, how did you end up here? If you don’t mind me asking,” Star Catcher inquired. The tone of her voice made it hard to say no to anything she said. It was so silky and magical.

“Well, I...” Twilight started talking, thinking that the information would come easily to her, but when she was about to say everything, her thoughts became muddy. Where was she last? On a mountain, that was easy enough. Then she fell asleep, yes that was it! And she woke up here. This is nothing but a dream. Wait, no, another memory came into view. The rainbow waterfall, it had pulled her under. But wait, water can’t pull ponies, it was something else. It was a claw, one that she knew all too well. She remembered now, and he said something about this world, how there were no Elements...

“A—are you alright?” The purple pegasus eyed her worriedly. Twilight snapped back to attention.

“Oh, I just wish that I could understand what was going on...” Twilight said. She put her front legs to her head as she strained to think. The pegasi smiled and turned to Star Catcher, whose face lit up.

“Consider it done,” the snowy pony said, and suddenly Twilight Sparkle was engulfed in a vision of the past, similar to how Discord had done the first time they had faced him. Around her was the Equestria she knew, only it was so long ago that it wasn’t yet Equestria. There were few ponies, but the ones that were there were gathered around what appeared to be a younger Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Standing on a high cliff that overlooked a small river, they all were staring over to the other side. Twilight gasped as she turned to see that they were looking at the Ponyville she had been in for the past few hours, along with all of the other towns that that world was composed of, which stretched out as far as the eye could see.

“It is time, sister,” Princess Celestia said solemnly. Luna nodded, and the two started straining to get the large amount of magic through their horns. Instead of the gentle glow that normally surrounds a horn when a pony does magic, their horns were engulfed in a blindingly bright light, which, if you could keep your eyes on it long enough, you could tell had jagged edges as opposed to smooth waves. With a loud crack, all of the magic burst out, covering the other world like a bubble. It slowly faded out of view, replaced by a large terrain of steep mountains. The two ponies collapsed a bit as they finished, but spared no time for recovery.

“Citizens, the old world is now raised. It is in its own dimension now, so it shall live on, but not conflict with our new lives,” Luna announced. Celestia stepped forward, and spread her wings out to their full extent.

“Welcome, my little ponies, to a new generation!” she announced. The crowd erupted in cheers and shouts, and then the memory faded away. Twilight was back in reality, on this island with these ponies.

“H—how did you do that?” she asked with a look of shock. Star Catcher smiled.

“Have you met Skywishes?” Twilight thought for a moment, then nodded. “So I suppose you know her tendency to grant wishes, and you’re probably wondering how she’s able to do it.” Twilight looked on eagerly. “Technically, she doesn’t grant them, I do,” Star Catcher continued, “Whenever she makes a wish, I send a kite over, enchanted with a special magic, and it leads to the answer. The same goes for the one for you.” Twilight tilted her head.

“So, you knew that Discord would be at the waterfall, and that I would show up on this island?” Twilight finally stood up.

“No,” The white pegasus laughed. “Like I said, it’s special magic. I don’t really control it, it just works.” Twilight raised an eyebrow, but decided at this point not to question the magical abilities of some ponies who were definitely not unicorns.

“Um, I guess you don’t have to tell us where you came from, if it’s too hard for you.” Coconut Grove smiled sheepishly.

“And now that you have your answers, we can guide you back,” Island Delight added. Star Catcher opened her mouth to agree, but then was interrupted by another pegasus coming from behind. She was light pink and her hair was the same color, only half of it was a darker pink and shared the same glittery trait of Island Delight. Her cutie mark and muzzle were covered in glitter.

“I—I’m sorry to interrupt, but do you have a moment, Star Catcher?” she asked.

“Of course, Hidden Treasure, what is it?” she asked calmly. Hidden Treasure leaned in and whispered something in Star Catcher’s ear, and whatever it was put a look of shock on her face. “Oh, that’s terrible!”

“What? What’s wrong?” Thistle Whistle finally spoke up.

“Our food supply is low, and we’ll have to go gather food all night to restock,” she informed. The other pegasi gasped.

“All night? But I need to get back now!” Twilight cried.

“I know...” Star Catcher drifted off in thought. “Okay, Island Delight, Coconut Grove, you join me and the others to gather food.”

“Fwee—B—but what about me?” Thistle asked.

“You’re going to help this pony get back home, and you’re not to come back until she's there,” the snow-colored pony ordered rather sternly.

“W-what?! B—but I can’t, there might be clouds...” she stammered.

“Well, maybe aiding someone will help you get over your own fears,” Star Catcher comforted. “And besides, you Pegasus Promised before that you would help in any way you could, and this is a big help.” Thistle made a long, sad whistle in defeat.

“Hop on,” the whistling pegasus said flatly.

“What?” Twilight looked at her like she was crazy.

“Look, either you ride, or hold on my tail really tight—fwee. Which do you prefer?” Twilight looked at Thistle’s wings, trying to determine if holding on to her tail really was a better option, but decided that riding would be easier. After mounting, the cerulean pegasus took off, flying high into the sky and circling around a bit. Twilight looked down and saw that besides the island they just flew up from (which curiously was shaped like a butterfly), the only other thing for miles around was just water.

“Uhm, how do we get back?” Twilight asked worriedly.

“By going through the rainbow waterfall, of course!” Thistle shouted.

“The rainbow what—ahh!” Twilight’s head flew back a little as her ride quickly sped forward into a rainbow arching over the island. When they flew through it, they weren’t over the island anymore.

Twilight turned and looked behind her.

What she saw was the rainbow colored waterfall.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to my editors MrJoshy and maskedferret for revising!