• Published 12th Mar 2024
  • 205 Views, 8 Comments

Wheel Of Femships - Crimson Enjoyer

A collection of one-shots with F/F ships created by spinning a wheel.

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Trixie X Mare-Do Well

Another day, another standing ovation. That’s what Trixie thought to herself as she packed her magic equipment into her wagon. That night’s show had been one of her best received in recent memory, despite how distracted she was during it.

Why was she distracted, you ask? Well, the answer to that came in the form of a letter that had been mysteriously delivered to her that morning.

The blue unicorn stepped inside the wagon, and saw the letter, lying there on her hammock. The paper was then enveloped in a blue aura as Trixie floated it towards her and read it once again:

When we last meet, you said you’d like to see me again sometime. As it turns out, I’m free tonight. And I really wanna see you again, too.

Meet me in the alleyway next to Bon-Bon’s candy shop, after sundown. I’ll be there, in uniform.

Oh, and you should probably bring an umbrella, I heard it’s gonna rain tonight.


Though she had read it before, Trixie still blushed at the letter’s contents. That mare, that wonderfully mysterious, strong, fashionable, heroic mare wanted to see her. Trixie may have liked to boost her own ego at every opportunity and then some, but finding out somepony like that was interested in her in any capacity, well, that’s an ego boost on a whole other level.

Which is exactly why I have to say calm and professional, she thought to herself. The Great and Powerful Trixie is not some schoolgirl with a crush. She is a grown mare with a completely understandable infatuation.

With that thought, she looked at the letter again. And immediately sprinted towards her mirror. She brushed her mane until there was not a single stray hair, applied rouge to her cheeks, and even put on the tiniest bit of black eyeliner.

Happy with how she looked, she got up and trotted towards her cape and hat, but hesitated.

She said she’d be coming in her costume, would only be fair for me to do the same, right?

This made sense to her, but a part of her felt the desire to more fully show off her figure.

That desire won. She left her magician clothes behind, and got her umbrella out from under her hammock. Good thing she did too, as it began pouring down the very second she opened her door.

The candy shop loomed in the distance. Trixie cantered forwards, the rain falling hard against her umbrella, as she mentally prepared herself for conversation.

Best to open with something quip-y, like “long time no see”, or “fancy meeting you here”. No, wait, I should open by asking why she wanted to see me. Or, maybe I should let her do the opening?

Round and round she went until she finally came to face the alley way. Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward, slowly making her way towards the pitch black darkness at the end of the path. She stopped however when a figure began to come out from the darkness.

It was her. Clad in a dark lavender body suit, with a lighter colored cape, hat, and boots, and her true identity hidden underneath a menacing mask, it was her.

The Mysterious Mare Do-Well.

Sweet Celestia, she’s so cool, Trixie thought as she attempted to say her greetings, that first opening line that would show off her immense wit and cool-headedness.


Or that would make her sound like Fluttershy. That works too.

“I was worried you weren’t gonna come.” Her voice was a bit deep, and smooth as butter. It also sounded surprisingly clear given she was wearing a mask.

“Y-you were?”

“Yeah, thought I mighta come off a bit strong.”

Trixie giggled. “You thought writing a letter was ‘coming off strong’?”

“Well, writing a letter and sneaking into your wagon to put it on your… hammock, that’s a little bit creepy in retrospect, don’ja think?”

“Hmm, well,” Trixie inched closer. “Maybe I like a little bit creepy,” she said, gazing at the costumed mare with lidded eyes and a small toothy smile.

“Is that so?” said Mare-Do Well in a low, almost seductive voice. Trixie felt her cheeks become red once again.

“I wanted to thank you, again… for saving me, I mean.”

“Just doin’ my job. Though, I gotta ask, what made you think untying yourself from rope while you were 40 feet in the air, and with a magic inhibitor on your horn, was a good idea?”

Trixie rubbed the back of her neck with an embarrassed grin. “Admittedly, not my most well thought out act.”

Mare-Do Well stepped closer. “I was at your show today, ya know.”
“You were?!” Trixie said excitedly, before catching herself and faking a cough. “I mean… you were?”

“Mm-hmm. You’re one hell of a performer.” She stepped closer still.
“And you’re one hell of a looker, too.”

Though her face was now red as an apple, Trixie didn’t shyly turn her head away or get flustered. Instead, she began stepping closer herself.

“I should say the same about you.”

“You do know I’m wearin’ a mask, right?” Mare-Do Well said playfully. Despite this fact, Trixie could tell she was smiling.

“Maybe you should take it off,” Trixie said with a smirk. “And then everything else off too,” she muttered.

Mare-Do Well chuckled. “You’re pretty damn forward. And you’re damn pretty. I like that.”

“Right on both counts,” Trixie replied with a devious smile and a flared horn, revealing Mare-Do Well’s stylish headwear to be in her possession, floating it next to her. The costumed mare’s eyes widened as she reached over head for confirmation.

Trixie inspected the hat from multiple angles. “This is a pretty nice hat.”

“Yeah, and I’m gonna need it back.”

“Why don’t you come and get it?” Trixie asked in a low voice as she hid the hat behind her mane.

Seeming to get the hint, Mare-Do Well stepped forward until there was barely any distance between the two. She brought a fore hoof up to Trixie’s chin, lifting up the unicorn’s head as she straightened her posture, making herself appear taller.

The two gazed at each other with half-lidded eyes, their muzzles inches apart. Trixie reached forward to cup Mare-Do Well’s cheek, but was stopped.

“Close your eyes.”

Trixie felt like protesting, but the softness in the masked mare’s voice and the sensation of the unique situation changed her mind. She did as was asked of her, and placed her hoof on the mare’s cheek. She then lowered it down to her neck, and felt an open seam, which she slid her hoof under.

As Trixie lifted the mask off, she could feel the mare’s coat. It felt fluffy, but well groomed. At last, the mask was gone. She couldn’t see her face, but she could at least touch it.

Wasting no more time, Mare-Do Well closed the distance, and Trixie felt a pair of soft lips against her own. She lost track of time as the kiss deepened, as their mouths opened, and they played with their tongues.

Trixie wrapped both her forelegs around Mare-Do Well’s neck, Mare-Do Well reciprocating by wrapping one around Trixie’s waist.

All good things must come to end though, and their muzzles parted. Even as she felt the mystery mare’s taste leave her mouth, Trixie kept her eyes closed. When she could no longer feel the mare’s presence anywhere near her, she heard her voice.

“You can open your eyes now.”

She did just that, and saw that she was alone. She also realized the hat was no longer in her possession.

On the ground where Mare-Do Well had stood moments ago, lay a single rose.

Trixie’s heart fluttered. She picked up the rose and held it close to her chest, and looked up at the night sky.

“Until we meet again.”

Author's Note:

So this is something a little different.

This is an idea that i just sorta had randomly while i was outside today, and i figured, "f@!# it, why not?"
This was the first combination i got, and it was just such an interesting idea that i had to write it first. The next one after this is probably gonna be a funnier one.
You can do this yourself if ya feel like it. Feel free to comment whatever wacky combinations you get, i might even add it to the list. Unless of you course, you decide to make your story.