• Published 12th Mar 2024
  • 205 Views, 8 Comments

Wheel Of Femships - Crimson Enjoyer

A collection of one-shots with F/F ships created by spinning a wheel.

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Pinkie X Spitfire

“Thank you and have a super-tastic evening!”

Pinkie waved goodbye at the customer, and once they were gone, leaped over the counter to the door, and put up the ‘closed’ sign.

Normally, she considered closing time the saddest time of the day, but she had plans tonight. Plans she wouldn’t miss for even a triple-layered chocolate cake with strawberry jam filling.

She next bolted up stairs to her room, and inspected her closet.

“What do you think I should wear, Gummy?” she asked, looking over a rack of 7 identical clown costumes. The Alligator said nothing.

“You’re right, I should just go in my casual wear,” she said, grabbing a black tux and top hat out from the bottom of the closet. The Alligator said nothing.

After putting on the fit, Pinkie checked herself out in the mirror. “Lookin’ Good, Pinkamena. Wish me luck, Gummy!” She kissed him on the forehead and ran for the door. The Alligator opened his mouth… and closed it.

Standing outside, Pinkie reached for the pocket watch kept inside her jacket. ‘She’ would be arriving any moment.

At that exact second, a ‘she’ did arrive, though not the one Pinkie was expecting.


The pink pony in question turned her head to see a white unicorn trotting towards her with a puzzled expression. “Oh hey, Rarity! Whatcha doin’?”

“I should ask you quite the same, Miss Pie. What’s with... all this?” she gestured to Pinkie’s ensemble.

“Oh, you mean my tux? I always wear my tux to dates!”

Rarity’s eyes widened in shock, but it was soon followed by a joyful smile. “You’re going on a date? Oh, Pinkie, darling, that’s simply marvellous! Who is it, do I know him?”

Before Pinkie could correct her on that last part, a loud whooshing sound brought their attention to the skies, where they saw a yellow and blue blur spinning in a circle.

The blur then fell downwards, and dramatically landed on the ground only a few feet in front of the two mares, revealing it to be none other than Spitfire, striking a pose on her landing.

Getting up, Spitfire lifted her goggles and grinned at Pinkie. “Hey there, Pinks. I’m not late, am I?”

“Nope! You’re just on time like always, Spitty!”

Pinkie gleefully bounced over to the Wonderbolt and grabbed on to her shoulders. The mares immediately locked lips in a long, impassioned kiss.

“Well, let’s stop wasting time,” Spitfire said once they parted lips. She swept Pinkie off her hooves, Pinkie giggling all the while, and took flight. Pinkie embraced her tightly, and nuzzled her neck as they flew off into the setting sun.

Back down on the ground, Rarity stared on with wide eyes and a hanging jaw.


Within 20 minutes, the pair had reached their destination: A pizza joint at the edge of town. Spitfire gently lowered Pinkie backed down and the two smiled at each other for a bit in front of the entrance.

“You look really cute in that,” said Spitfire, earning a blush from Pinkie.

“And you look hot as lava,” Pinkie countered with playful sultriness.

The two entered the establishment and, as one would expect to happen when a Wonderbolt and a mare dressed in a fancy black suit and top hat both entered a fairly cheap pizzeria at the same time, everypony looked at them.

The couple didn’t seem to notice though, not the stares, nor how wildly out of place they both looked. They simply cantered on until they found a table that was to their liking.

A waiter came by, and was given their order of a pizza with 16 different toppings, including potato chips, apple slices, pickles, donuts, and more. Surprisingly, the restaurant did in fact offer all of those as toppings.

While they waited for their “food”, the two of them started talking.

“So how’re things going at the academy?”

“Eh, can’t complain. For every first day dropout, there’s two future Wonderbolts to make up for it. Honestly, we’ve got so many promising candidates now, we might have to consider bumping up the number of slots.
As for me, I’ve been trying out that whole “positive reinforcement” crap, and… I hate to admit but, it does seem to work. Sometimes. But, hey, that’s enough about me. What’s been goin’ on with you?”

“Oh, it’s been pretty much the same, which is to say, super-duper! Sometimes fun stuff happens and the whole town gets in on it, and then me or one of my friends will learn a valuable lesson about friendship, or life, or economic inflation!”

“Economic inflation?”

“Long story. But, yeah, nothin’ new to report from Ponyville.”

Spitfire chuckled. “Still sounds more exciting than my day-to-day. I mean, being a Wonderbolt-“

Captain of the Wonderbolts,” Pinkie corrected with a smile.

“Heh, right. Yeah, it’s pretty great and all, and my team’s the best, really, they’re all just about the best friends a pony could ask for, but-“ Spitfire paused, and smacked her forehead.

“Ugh, there I go, making it about me again.”

“It’s fine, Spitty! I love hearing you talk about your work.”

“And I love hearing you talk about your life! I shouldn’t be making tonight just about me.”

Pinkie leaned over and put a forehoof over Spitfire’s, smiling warmly. “C’mon, sweetie, I don’t mind. And it sounds like you have some stuff on your mind, so I want to hear it.”

The two smiled lovingly at each other for several seconds before being snapped back to reality by the waiter. “Here you go!”

The 16 topping abomination was placed on to their table. Spitfire stared at the so-called “pizza” with wide eyes, it was quite a bit bigger than she was expecting.

“Man, I’m not sure how much of this I could even get in.”

“More for me, then!” Pinkie beamed.

Half an hour later, the couple exited the pizzeria, laughing and stumbling about as Spitfire draped a wing over Pinkie. They weren’t drunk, they were just stumbling because stumbling is fun.

Pinkie nuzzled Spitfire’s neck and nestled into her embrace as they trotted back to Sugarcube Corner.

As they made their way through town, though, Pinkie couldn’t help but frown as she remembered something.

“So… what were you gonna say earlier?”


“You were talking about being a Wonderbolt is great and how your team is the best, but there was a ‘but’. What’s the ‘but’?”

Spitfire sighed. “All that stuff is true. It’s just that, well…”

Pinkie nudged her on, putting her head under Spitfire’s chin. “Yeah?”

“I guess… I’m just getting kinda, bored with it all. I’ve been doing this for 12 years, and it’s been awesome, but… maybe it’s also been enough. Maybe it’s time I hang up the mantle, let someone else take over.”

“You… wanna quit the Wonderbolts?” Pinkie looked shocked.


The two stayed in silence for a moment, before Pinkie spoke up. “Well! It’s your decision, Spitty. Whatever you decide to do, I’m sure it’ll be the right choice.”

“You’re not gonna try and talk me out of it?”

Pinkie pecked her on the cheek. “Like I said, it’s your decision. And whether you leave the Wonderbolts tomorrow, or stay with them for another 12 years, I’ll support you.”

Spitfire sighed again, but with a smile this time. “Thanks, Pinks. Say, you wanna ride home? It’s getting pretty late, and it’s gonna take a while to get back to your place on hoof.”


“Great, cuz the quicker we get there, the quicker we can-“

Spitfire leaned into Pinkie’s ear and whispered something that elicited a strong blush from the pink pony.

1 hour later, both ponies were laying on Pinkie’s bed, panting with frazzled manes, and embracing each other.

“That was awesome,” Spitfire said in a strained voice. Pinkie giggled in agreement, and starting rubbing circles in Spitfire’s chest.

“So, you staying over for the night?”

“Yeah, I think I can do that.”

“Great, because I really like falling asleep while spooning. Which reminds me, can I be big spoon tonight?”

“Sure thing, babe.”

The mares shared a last good night kiss before getting into position, and drifting off to sleep.

Gummy, who had slept through the entire thing, woke up and pitter-pattered towards the open window, staring into the night sky.

He still didn’t say anything.

Author's Note:

My chosen name for this ship would be "PinkFire" but knowing this community, if this ever actually were a popular ship it'd be probably be called something stupid like "SpitPie".

Like seriously guys, FlutterPie was right there, and you went with PinkieShy? That's just silly.