• Published 11th Apr 2024
  • 298 Views, 4 Comments

Scootaloo's secret - Scootafan

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chapter 1

Scootaloo stared into the mirror as a maid messed with her mane, she winced when the maid tugged at the knots with a mane brush. Once her maid had finished with her mane, she then moved on to her dress, causing Scootaloo to grumble, "Do I have to wear a dress?"

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but His Majesty insisted." the maid said unapologetically, fitting her into a purple dress that matched her mane colour, with amethyst crystals embedded into the edges. She then placed several golden shoes onto her hooves, each one fitted with three small purple jewels. For the finishing touch, she placed a gold tiara fitted with a large, purple lightning-shaped crystal in the centre.

Glad that she was now free from her torment, Scootaloo quickly got up and walked to find her father. If it weren't for the cloud floors, her hooves would've been causing a racket for each step, she took, instead the loudest sound they made were soft plods.

She entered the throne room and was surprised to see that the grand cloud seat was empty, turning around she asked one of the Royal Guards, who was stationed outside of the room, where her father was. The guard told her, "I'm sorry your, highness but I believe that His Majesty is still resting."

Scootaloo sighed irritably, getting more annoyed as the seconds passed, she mumbled to herself, "All he does is rest, I thought we were supposed to be meeting Princess Celestia."

She walked up the long winding staircase that led to her father's room. Finally, reaching the top, she was slightly out of breath from all the walking she had to do, she walked to a Guard, who wore iron armour that shimmered rainbow, and asked, "Is my father in?"

The guard nodded and said, "Yes your highness, but I am afraid, he is currently in a meeting."

Scootaloo gritted her teeth and attempted to push past the guard all the while saying, "I need to see my father!"

As soon as the guard started to stop her from entering a weak and old voice shouted, "Let her in, I need to speak with her."

Giving the guard one last glare, she pushed past the guard and entered the room to find her father lying in bed with his Chief Secretary, Wind Gust, who gave her a grave look. The King of the Pegasi coughed into a small handkerchief before hastily stowing the piece of cloth away before his daughter could see the stains that were on the cloth. "Scootaloo, I am afraid that I cannot join you tonight."

Scootaloo gasped, "WHAT! But this feast is important. If you don't attend then it will make the Equestrians think that the rumours are true." Ever since the King had stopped attending public events there had been many conspiracy theories with the biggest one being that the pegasi was planning on going to war against Equestria.

"You are smarter than you look, Celestia will understand," Skyward told his daughter.

"Celestia may but the ponies won't."

King Skyward scoffed raising his hooves, "There are rumours all the time, they never go anywhere."

Scootaloo sighed, "If you insist but who will go with me."

He coughed again before pointing towards Wind Gust, "Wind Gust here will take my place. I hope you have everything ready."

Scootaloo nodded, "Yes Father."

"Perfect, now head to the royal chariot and Wind if any problems arise, please do inform me."

"Of course, your majesty." Wind Gust said before bowing, he then followed Scootaloo down to the chariot.

The two pegasi jumped into the chariot, which would be pulled by two Royal Guards and escorted by a squadron of Wonderbolts. Before the Chariot could depart, however, three royal guards joined them, one of them was wearing the rank of captain. Scootaloo rolled her eyes

The captain greeted, "Your highness." Scootaloo ignored him, ever since he was assigned to lead Scootaloo's personal guard, he had been making several advances towards her. She had tried to get him dismissed but her father insisted that he was the best in the business and that a young filly like herself should be pleased that a handsome stallion thought that she was pretty,

Scootaloo merely nodded and with that, the convoy pulled off the ground and instantly began moving towards the city of Canterlot. While in the air, Windy Gust told them, "If all goes to plan then this should be a simple dinner. His Majesty has informed me that we should keep all conversation away from business and politics."

Scootaloo nodded again, staring out towards the grand city, deep down in the pit of her stomach she had a foreboding feeling that something was going to go horribly wrong.


When they touched down, they were greeted by Princess Celestia herself and Princess Twilight. Twilight was the only pony in Ponyville who knew of her heritage and was sworn to secrecy. The two royals bowed to each other before heading indoors.

Once they sat down at a large dining table, Celestia exclaimed, "It is a shame that King Skyward couldn't join us tonight."

Windy Gust said, "Yes the King sends his deepest apologies and is currently dealing with a nasty flu and don't you even think about it." Looking at Scootaloo who had gone to pour herself a glass of champagne.

"I was just getting a drink," Scootaloo said innocently.

"That may be but your father has made it expressly clear that you are not to have alcohol."

Scootaloo grumbled and shot daggers towards the Chief Secretary. Suddenly they were interrupted as two messengers rushed to both Windy and Celestia and whispered into their ears. As they both whispered their messages, Windy's eyes went wide as he began to look as if he was about to throw up while Celestia gasped and slowly put her hoof up to her mouth in astonishment.

They then both looked at Scootaloo, who got an unsettling feeling in her stomach...


A butler, who was carrying a tray that a cup of tea and a bowl of soup, entered the King's room where he placed the rood down on a bedside table, "Your Majesty, your lunch is here."

After not getting a response despite repeating the question, he knew that something was wrong as the King was a light sleeper, the opposite of his daughter and would usually wake up as soon as a pony would enter his room. examining the King closer, his heart plummeted as he realised that he was not breathing, quickly putting a hoof to his neck, he confirmed that there was no pulse.

King Skyward III was dead...

Comments ( 4 )

This sounds interesting. I want to know more about Scootaloo's royal family.

Princess Scootaloo. This is going to be interesting.

Interesting start.

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