• Published 7th Apr 2024
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Son of the Moon: Mother's day - adyWriter

I give personal thanks to author Romulus Magnus for allowing me to write a special story for her Son of the Moon Series. This one is a special story for Mother's Day. Please read and enjoy the story and give thanks to Romulus Magnus on Fanfiction

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Chapter 1

March 11, 998 PNMM

It had been 3 years since Harry arrived in Equestria, in most cases he now had everything his heart wished, he was a personal student of Princess Celestia, he had freedom to be himself, he was training to be part of the Germane Guard, plus a wonderful friend in Twilight Sparkle, not to mention that he was at long last loved by many. He usually ignored the title of Prince of Equestria along with the riches, status and honors and things like this, he however was trying his best to always be an exemplary unicorn, never insulting others always been respectful and behaving properly. He was in a word the total opposite of Blueblood.

But there was one thing that he in a way felt like always been missing around and that was Princess Luna, his mother whom he had to be separated almost at birth because she had fallen to darkness, even thou he never met her, like every good childe he missed her and hoped to one day be reunited with her. And in this day although something from the other world it couldn’t help but make him feel bad.

In this day he did as everyday he went to the training with the Royal Guard in the training grounds, he then stayed and studied with Princess Celestia and Twilight looking as normal as possible however some had noticed his strange behavior, he didn’t spoke much and wasn’t keen on talking neither with Twilight nor her brother or others and they alongside Celestia and Cadence noticed this. After his study with the Princess he preferred to stay alone while reading books of magic and equestrian history in the library or his room this only to occupy his time.

When the night came Harry went quietly to his room as if sent there, after going to the bathroom he was prepared to go to sleep before his sight moved towards the Mare in the Moon whom only by looking at it and he felt his heart turning almost dry.

“Hello mom, I wonder how you are there, all alone.” He said his sadness coming up even more not noticing that one Princess was peeking from a door crack.

“I wish only you to be here. Even thou I didn’t managed to meet you, I miss you. All I want is you to be here to know you.” He said with tears coming out, before hearing the door opening, he winced up and saw the Princess Celestia coming inside, not knowing what to do at the moment, out of the shock he just bowed to her.

“Harry I know what is going on.” She said with kindness in her voice moving towards him placing her right front hoof on his head. “I know very well.” She said looking at the moon.

“I can’t do anything. Even thou I didn’t manage to know her officially since I was so young I can’t do anything but miss her.” He said with tears in his eyes.

“Harry I know in what you are going through.” She said making eyes contact with his tearing eyes “Because I know how it is for a close person to not be around.” She said wrapping her hooves around him to comfort him.

“And I can realize the fact that for you it is something harder due to the fact that you are her foal.” She said making a small pause. “Come with me.” She lead him out from his room closing the door behind them and slowly advanced till they reached her own rooms.

“Aunt Celestia I have no resentment towards you for the decision you had to make in order to protect Equestria, even thou it is hard to bear. It’s just….” He couldn’t continue.

“What is it tell me?” She said letting him be.

“It is only this date. I had to admit that in the other world outside of that family where you rescued me from. It wasn’t everything bad it is just that today there should have been a celebration called Mother’s Day. A special day in which people would praise their mothers, giving them gifts and so on spending time with them, and of course I heard some that they would give some gifts for their mothers.”

“Harry, even here we have this celebration and I can see what is going on. You would have wanted to also celebrate as well with my sister, your mother isn’t it?” She asked and he shook his head in approval.

“The love for one’s mother comes only natural you don’t need to hide the fact that you miss her.”

“It’s just that when I think that she and my father isn’t around makes me feel lonely again as if I never was wanted.” He said barely wanting to look at her.

“You want to know something. I also felt lonely ever since your mother had became Nightmare Moon and I had to banish her to the moon I always considered that I lost all the family I had till Cadence became part of the family not to mention Blueblood. But even with that when I look at the Moon I always felt that I lost the one pony I cared the most.” She said hugging him once more holding him close to her chest.

“That until I met you.” Celestia then lifted his head to look at her placing a small smile on her face.

“You, been her son you are part of her, you are everything I have left from her and in a way it seems that she is again with me thanks to you.” The young stallion felt totally moved by this and immediately threw himself at her and gave her a deep tight hug.

“I love you auntie.” He said his sadness been replaced by joy and love.

“I love you too my sweet heart.” She said before after a minute broke the hug and Harry remembered something.

“Could you wait for a moment and close your eyes I have something for you.” He said before leaving for his room, he returned after a minute.

“Open your eyes please.” Harry said and Celestia saw him with a flower bouquet and a box of chocolate the shape of a heart giving her a sense of surprise and joy.

“This should have been intended for a special occasion and I guess now it is.” Harry said levitating both presents to his aunt. “Hope you will like the chocolate.”

“I love candies. Thank you for the present.” She said nuzzling him on his right cheek.

“There is another as well, but it isn’t to open.”

“What is it?” She asked and Harry moved slowly towards her and pressed his lips on her right cheek, in an instance the action came as a shock for her and in a second her heart was starting to completely melt, she couldn’t recall the last time one giving her a kiss on her face and not on her front hoofs. After Harry backed his head away she removing one of her hoof shoes and placed her bare hoof on her right cheek still feeling the kiss before turning to her nephew, who was a bit confused by her expression of shock. Before he could ask anything she immediately threw herself to embrace him yet again.

“Your love is a gift more valuable than anything, my sweet heart.” She said in his ear, he wrapped his front hooves around her neck to return the gesture.

“I will always love my natural mother but also I can’t do anything but consider you as my spiritual mother, one that gave me not just a new life but a new chance and meaning. I now have to say that you mean a lot to me, mama.” He said.

“I know, I know.” She said her heart filled with love coming from one whom she started to see as her own son.

“Come, let’s go to sleep.” She said while she placed Harry in her bed before getting off all her hoof shoes and jewels before joining him.

“You know, even thou my true mother is on the moon I do hope that when she will return she will be happy to see me.” Said Harry.

“She will be more than happy to see how you have become. A wonderful kind hearted, fair, intelligent and brave unicorn, who will do anything for his loved ones. In the first day after you were let out of the hospital I made a promise for both your mother and me to raise you into a unicorn she will be proud off.”

“And I thank you for that auntie.” He said smiling before Celestia let part of her hair to land on the chest of her nephew.

“What are you doing?” He asked confused. The hair once it landed felt very soft and comforting, the magic in it made Harry to feel a sense of safety and calm all around him driving him to feel fast asleep without doing anything else before his aunt placed her head on the pillow next to him joining him in the land of dreams.

The dream:

Celestia woke up in a forest during the night, the sky was full of stars along with the stars there was a full moon shining above in the night very brightly, however there was one thing to take notice the Mare in the Moon was missing. She thought if she was in another world or if it was before Nightmare Moon. The forest was teaming with the nocturnal creatures of the night; fireflies were flying to all directions. Celestia walked for a time threw the forest till she reached a lake with the moon shining in the water. There in the distance she saw the Doctor with a pony she couldn’t mistake.

“Luna?” She said with amazement not believing that she was seeing her sister. She then started to hear their conversation.

“Is a real wonderful place, my love, a real wonderful place.” Luna said to the Earth Pony.

“The night makes it even more beautiful especially with the moon above.” The Doctor said smiling to her.

“I wish that others ponies would see this the way I see it.”

“I believe they see it, especially young couples like us.” The Doctor said going near the water while Luna while admiring the view decided on something. While behind him Luna started to silently get off from her everything she wore, before stepping slowly into the water till half of her body was in the water. The Doctor watched her actions silently; she then turned her head to him and smiling.

“Would you like to join in?” She asked letting out a hoof, whom the doctor took it after 5 seconds of thinking, they started to swim to the middle of the lake where the moon was directly reflected and the two ponies were watching in each other’s eyes.

“I believe I can see where you wish to go to. I didn’t expected that after leaving the castle only for 10 days.” He said with a small smirk.

“Is that the only thing you realized?”

“You knew that in this light you look marvelously.” He said.

“Maybe.” She said before placing her lips on the stallion, followed then by their forelegs on each other’s back either on the head or back before the Doctor started to hold her by the lower legs. Right when Celestia was watching then a fog started to form around her making that scene disappear, she turned her head around to see another, sight this time it was in a quit meadow full with flowers blown by the wind and a quiet streaming river near a very small waterfall. Right in the field Luna was lying in sublime silence rubbing her belly with both hooves. Celestia noticed that the belly was much bigger now the other scene was when she consumed each other’s union.

“Hi there my moonpie, you might not hear me, but I already want to tell that I love you and I can’t wait the day when you will come into the world to be with me forever.” Luna said with her right hoof on the belly, a thing that moved Celestia a lot. The Doctor then came near her and placed his own hoof on her belly.

“I can see that you can’t wait for when the foal will come.” Said the Doctor.

“Who wouldn’t be, becoming a mother is something now more precious than anything.” She said giggling. “What I bare isn’t only my child it is also my heir.” She said before turning to the Doctor. “Didn’t you said that in the worlds you visited having an Heir is the most important things a monarch has to do in order to continue the legacy.”

“Yes but in this case it will be our most great joy it ever happened for us.” He said.

“It will be my moon light that shines over everything.” She said before the stallion lay down behind her and holding his hoof over hers. After that another mist came and covered everything blocking Celestia’s view yet again and moving on, very fast she knew the fact that her sister loved him even before he was born. Celestia then stopped when another image came this time it was only Luna and the Doctor with Harry as an infant raveled in a warm blue blanket that was sleeping peacefully in his mother’s arms, by how both look the little foal had just been born.

“He is so beautiful.” Luna said holding the little unicorn to her chest.

“You gave us a bit of a trouble little one.” The doctor said jokingly.

“Everything was worth.” She said giving a gentle kiss on her son’s forehead and then the mist covered everything again and after a short while everything cleared revealing Luna that was feeding Harry her milk.

“My darling soon we will be going to the Castle where you shall meet my dear sister, your aunt.” She said before the little one stopped suckling from her. “You might not understand now but there is one thing to know, if something dark will happen to me I would personally wish for my sister to raise you as her own, to consider you her own child and become a second mother to you. I just know that she will never disappoint me or anyone close to her. I know that she will love you as much as I do because she will never let anything bad happening to you nor will she allow you to turn to something no pony wants.” She said turning her view directly towards Celestia who not knowing what to do decided to approach her. Luna silently moved her hooves with the foal towards her and Celestia picked up the small foal slowly to look at it.

“I know you are taking care of him and I am all happy to know this, thank you my sister.” Luna said before starting to go transparent and starting to disappear, Celestia moved a hoof toward her face saying.

“I love you sister; both of us are waiting for you to come back.” She said with a tear in her eyes.

“I love you too.” She said before disappearing completely leaving only her and the little infant in the field. Celestia turned her gaze at the small forest green unicorn with emerald eyes that was looking at her smiling having both forelegs touching her chest in an attempt to hug her. Celestia couldn’t do anything but give up a wide smile with tears of joy in her eyes, bringing him to her chest in a big hug before without knowing everything turned black.

Celestia opened her eyes quickly and saw that she was in her own room, looking at the clock she noticed that it wasn’t even midnight barely passing half an hour. Her eyes then turned to her sleeping nephew both her and his chest been at the same level each feeling their hearts and his head touching her neck, the sight only reminded her of his infant version in her dream filling her heart with love. She placed her hoof over him and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

“Good night Harry, my wonderful student, my favorite nephew, my little son.” She whispered with a wide smile before realizing another unicorn around, Twilight and near her Cadence all sleeping peacefully they probably saw what was going on and the sight only made her feel more happiness, she then turned to the moon and with a single tear this time of joy said.

“Luna, your son is with me and is waiting for you to come back, as do all of us. You will be very proud of him, he is what you wanted him to be.” And for that moment her heart was filled again with joy because now there was one thing to know, she has three ponies whom she loves the most alongside her sister. Harry, Cadence, Twilight all of them are her own children at heart.

Author's Note:

With the approval of the author Romulus Magnus I made a Son of the Moon story, a special for mother’s day, although it is too soon.

I do not own anything from Harry Potter or MLP FIM or the Son of the Moon story cannon or series everything belongs to their rightful owners. The story is only a random one for the series of the original author.

Hope you enjoyed the story; this one is a special for mother’s day. I personally give thanks to the author Romulus Magnus to allow me to add a random story for his Son of the Moon story series.
Please do Check the main story and leave comments on this link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8836822/1/Son-of-the-Moon