• Published 7th Apr 2024
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Son of the Moon: Mother's day - adyWriter

I give personal thanks to author Romulus Magnus for allowing me to write a special story for her Son of the Moon Series. This one is a special story for Mother's Day. Please read and enjoy the story and give thanks to Romulus Magnus on Fanfiction

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Chapter 2

April 15, 995 PNMM

It had been a month since Harry was brought to Equestria, during that month he started his training with the royal guards at first there were mostly private lessons with Captain Hammer and some other privates, the training was of course harsh even for the first days but Harry declared that he wouldn’t give up and would try his best to improve himself. For the determination he had and the willingness to go on he was really appreciated by the officer alongside with his modesty, he didn’t mentioned anything regarding his ties to the princess thing that he would rather keep between himself and close ones not wanting to attract attention and in a sense not wanting to be in the spotlight. In Captain Hammer’s view he thought that he shall go very far with this behavior.

In the chapter regarding his lessons with Princess in the first 2 days there were the simple lessons with levitation and basic spells and amazingly, he despite that the first attempts were a bit clumsy he, with small practice was doing them perfectly. The princess noticed that her new nephew was having a great talent for magic and with practice, repetition, exercise and study he could become very powerful and between the rare magical talents Equestria ever had. Her relationship with him was also between the most warm and calm, in a sense the behavior he was having was irreproachable, he was good natured, kind, curious and was willing to work very hard and of course he was a bit stubborn with some things, but compared to other ponies she knew and wasn’t very fond of them, because of their behavior, Harry was the one she preferred the most to be around.

In that evening Harry after having his lessons with the princess and the royal guard training, he went to the library to study aside from magic books he wanted to get accustomed as much as possible to Equestria, meaning studying its history and legends alongside with whatever information there was available. He also wanted to know as many things about his real mother, the Lunar Princess who had to be banished. The books tell of course about the evils she and Celestia had to face like King Sombra, Chrysalis, Discord and others. The more he read about his mother and aunt going side by side the more he wished to have known her personally.

“I wonder what the reason was that you became Nightmare Moon or better to say how the darkness got to you.” Harry said while looking at a mural image in a book before closing it slowly to get it back to the librarian that was at the desk.

“Good evening I wish to give this book back.” Harry said to the unicorn librarian that took the book.

“I hope it suit you well.”

“For the information that I wanted it did its best.” Harry said smiling calmly.

“I am glad to hear that, would you want to stay for a bit long?” She asked calmly looking at him.

“In a way I would like to stay a bit more of course I know that you would have to finish the program but I will try to be quick.” He said in the most formal way, of course she knew that he was the personal student of the Princess, but he never tried to brag around as if he was at the top of the world.

“It wouldn’t be any problem; you can stay as long as you need to stay take your time.” The librarian said before the young unicorn turned around towards a corridor of the library.

“By the way have you heard the rumor?” The librarian asked and Harry only turned towards her confused.

“What rumor?” He asked confused what all was about.

“In this month I heard from some royal guards and 2 servants that last month, a new prince was found, a new Prince of Equestria who is also a close relative to the princess. However it is said he doesn’t like to talk too much.” The librarian said making the younger unicorn a bit stressed, he doesn’t like feeling telling who the prince was. However the librarian was interested about this.

“By the way, you are the personal student of the princess, do you know something about this new prince. Like why he doesn’t like to talk too much?”

“He is probably shy, and who knows he doesn’t want too much attention. From what I know he isn’t someone for the spot light and in a way it came as a shock to him that he is related to the princess.” Harry said not wanting to give too much information.

“Oh, I see.” The librarian said however the unicorn wanted to know something more.

“By the way, from what you have heard how are the ponies that told about this, how do they see this new prince?”

“In a way they hope that he wouldn’t be like Blueblood, do you know of him?” She asked, Harry of course heard of him but he didn’t know how he was or who he is however he noticed that many don’t have a good impression about him.

“I haven’t met him yet, but I heard many who don’t like him at all especially the ones that know him one of them been Captain Steel Hammer of the royal guard who I meet and talk to. I heard he doesn’t like to be around him at all.”

“That is because he is the most arrogant pony known in Equestria he always sees himself as superior to others not wanting to talk to lower class ponies who sees them with disrespect. His inner circle although restrained is comprised of snobs who have the same ideas as him. To tell you the truth a shy prince is better than a fancy face like him.” She explained, on hearing this he already felt uncomfortable believing he could be a trouble for him almost like the so called ‘cousin’ in the other world. He was however glad about one fact that even he doesn’t know who he is.

“Hopefully there wouldn’t be any trouble in this case.”

“There wouldn’t be, especially that Blueblood doesn’t even believe the existence of this prince. He thinks it is a mere tale and invention made by servants.” The librarian said smiling to him.

“At least he wouldn’t bother him in this case.”

“He doesn’t have the courage to because the Princess will not allow it in any way.” The librarian explained smiling.

“Glad to hear this.” Said the unicorn leaving the other unicorn be walking thoughtful threw the library he didn’t noticed going into a forbidden section however his mind was focused on something else. What he heard about this prince Blueblood, in all senses he doesn’t want to be like him or be compared to him, the princess, his aunt hasn’t brought him here to become like him however for the young unicorn things were a bit hard. From an abused boy in another world to a prince in this one it was a change even he never expected to happen a month ago and in all cases now been a prince, for him the thing was, what he should do how he should behave.

“How should I behave as a prince in a sense I don’t want to become like this Blueblood.” He said to himself thinking and absent mindedly leaning on a bookshelf and a book fell and opened at a page showing a mirror.

“Oh my.” Harry said to himself levitate the book to look into it.

“A special mirror, doubtful it could be that special.” He commented to himself placing it back to where it belonged, walking on slowly however he noticing a curtain that covered a room.

“What is in here?” Harry asked himself and out of curiosity entered very slowly only to see a large mirror 2 meters height, the same mirror that was drawn in the book that fell on him.

“Why is this mirror here?” He asked himself going to it and only saw his pony reflection the same emerald green eyes, main and tail black with hints of red and dark blue in them and coat almost forest green nothing much to see in his view since he got used to his new form by now. However moving his hoof up towards the mirror he slowly and gently touched the glass that vibrated as if it was a pool of water, making him to back away fast fearful.

“Is this a….”

“Magic mirror.” A voice came from behind, and he of course knew to whom it belonged turning around he saw the princess looking at him. Out of fear that he might have done something bad he immediately bowed his head to her.

“My apologies, I probably shouldn’t even be here I didn’t knew that it was forbidden to come here in the first place. I am sorry.” He said fearful of what he had done.

“I know it was only a mistake, you wouldn’t do it on purpose or you wouldn’t have done this at all if you knew about it.” Celestia said in a calm tone gently caressing his main before she turned to the mirror. “In a way I wanted to keep it a secret.”

“But what is with the mirror is it dangerous?” Harry asked confused before the princess turned to him with a sad look.

“No it is not, this mirror is a special one different from a usual mirror it has a special power however it is hard to understand it if you are not prepared for it.”

“Did something happen because of it?” Harry asked and Celestia turned back to the mirror thoughtful.

“It did, it was something I tried to avoid, however things didn’t went the way I hoped.” The princess said remembering with sadness, puzzling the young unicorn now wanting to try to help.

“Tell me what happened.” Harry said placing his front left hoof on her right one tracking her attention. “You can trust me I promise that whatever it is I shall not tell in any way.” The princess was reluctant at telling him what happened, although he was her nephew there were some things she wanted to avoid, however the look of concern in his eyes for her was something she couldn’t overlook only by looking at him she knew that he only wants to help and nothing more.

“Some time ago before finding you I once had a star student, her name was Sunset Shimmer she was a very intelligent and bright unicorn but she was also very ambitious, her ambition sometimes was exceeding the tolerable limits, I tried to restrain her but it was almost to no avail then she discovered the mirror. After that she started to ask questions about it I tried my best to convince her that this is a subject too difficult for her to understand but it was to no avail, she then found a book in the forbidden section that was telling about it when I found out I was forced to forbade her from coming to the palace however she disappeared by jumping through the mirror and never came back. This even occurred just 3 days before finding you.” Celestia explained while the unicorn just looked at it processing what he was told, in a sense remembering how he might have gotten here in the first place.

“It’s a portal to another world isn’t it, with magic similar to what you have used to bring me here I guess.” Harry said looking at her.

“True, however there are some things to be known I had used a spell to detect you first and when I found you I used another to open a portal to bring you here. The spell I used is very powerful and only very powerful unicorns could use it and needs a lot of training; however this gateway opens once every thirty moons and would stay active for a span of 3 days before closing. In a sense what I told you was something I tried to avoid telling Sunset Shimmer and in a sense I wanted the same for you. Before leaving she said that this will be between the gravest mistakes I would do, however for me it was only one in many that now I regret.” Celestia explained and tears started to come down from her eyes and the young unicorn thought that he did worst.

“I am sorry, I didn’t know.” Harry said extending his hooves around her to give her a warm hug and she returned the gesture. “I am sorry.”

“When I lost her I swore to myself that I will not let this happen again to another personal student of mine, like you in this case. Of course you are also the son of my sister and I can’t let this now happen again especially to you or to another.” She said while Harry turned to the mirror.

“It will not happen again aunt Celestia, because I don’t want to become something I shouldn’t be.” Harry said with a stern voice making the alicorn to turn to him.

“You gave me a chance for a new life to start over and gave me a new meaning something that I don’t want to throw it away. It is true the fact that my mother is the Lunar Princess, your sister, which makes me the nephew of the ruler of Equestria, but even with that and although I might be a prince, for me this title might mean nothing because you gave me something more. You gave me the love and the care I was deprived off when I was in the other world you took me from, and giving up on this is simply something I can’t do. Especially that I love you.” Harry explained, his words couldn’t help but make the princess to be proud of him and at last feeling at peace, making her to take him in her arms.

“I love you too.” She said shedding now tears of happiness knowing that there is no risk in losing him.

“You know before coming to you I spoke with the librarian she told me you were very thoughtful, what was the reason?”

“She told me about this prince Blueblood I heard that he is a pony one shouldn’t want to be around and in a sense I tried to think that if I am also a prince of Equestria I was wondering how I should behave and act around others, there is no way I want to be like him I want to make friends that aren’t from the bad type of ponies. Plus I am not for the spotlights, bragging around and things like this.” He said and Celestia looked at him with interest.

“I know that you don’t want to be in the spotlight, however what do you think a prince should do?”

“Well I mostly know from the other world how a prince should do, in a sense not everything was bad there. For them a prince should try to give an example for the subjects, he must represent the nation and always have the best interests for it, he must try to show understanding and try to alleviate problems that might come and he must try to be modest and also protect his subjects from possible dangers. Of course this is something I heard from the other world on what should be done, but in our case what should I do here?” Harry asked but the princess only smiled at him and took him in her arms.

“I can’t tell you something you already know. What you have heard is exactly what a prince must do, it doesn’t matter how, but you can do it and you are already doing it.”

“That maybe, but I am not doing it because I have some title, I do it because this is how I want to be.”

“I know.” She said embracing him even harder before the young unicorn remembered something else when the princess let him go.

“Oh and there is another thing to know, when you took me in the garden after getting out from the hospital and Captain Hammer put me with private Armour he told me that his younger sister would enroll here in 3 days and he asked me if I could become her friend. I told him that I will try if she lets me do it.” The young unicorn turned back to the mirror smiling no more feeling sad, and in a way he knew what could be done now with it.

“If she accepts maybe my first act as a friend is to ask you to move the mirror to a much more secluded area where almost no one goes, to avoid another Sunset Shimmer.”

“If her brother asked you to become her friend there wouldn’t be any problem in accepting you especially if you also want to be her friend, and what you just asked me, is exactly what a real friend would do.” The princess said holding him close before turning back to the mirror.

“I wish to ask, what do you see in this mirror while looking at your reflection?” Celestia asked while the unicorn turned to look at his reflection.

“I only see my reflection, I am a simple green coated unicorn with black messy main and emerald green eyes in a sense I am looking a bit different from other unicorns like the librarian, Captain Hammer or Shining Armor but I am no different at the aspect from other unicorns, earth ponies or Pegasus. I am only a simple pony no different from others compared to you. In a sense if there was a sign that wrote a title of any kind I don’t think it could have made any difference I am just like the others I am not superior to them just because of a word.” Harry said before feeling a hoof on his chest, the hoof was from his aunt who only smiled at him.

“You are like others true.” She started turning his face towards him “And you might not be too different from others, but aside from that you are a wonderful pony, loyal, brave, sincere, intelligent, with a great magic talent and so on. Those are the qualities that defy you and you are already a nephew who I am proud of and I am happy to have you here with me. And your mother would have been as proud of you as I am now.” They embraced once again smiling with tears of happiness in their eyes. The Princesses’ attention while embracing him (who had his eye’s close) then turned again to the mirror and to her amazement she noticed the mirror showing her nephew with a pair of wings just like hers and her sister’s. It was a sign that he is meant for great things and with a magical talent like his that was starting to come out bit by bit he could achieve something great.

“Let’s go to sleep now, tomorrow we will have a lot to do.” Celestia said leading her nephew out from the room covering the room with the mirror. After going to the bathroom and placing himself on the bed both hug one another again and the unicorn immediately drifted to sleep. Celestia while trotting outside from the room he looked back at him smiling happily already sensing a wonderful future for him, however she then stopped and went near his bed and pressed her lips against his forehead, giving him a very soft and gentle good night kiss.

“Sweet dreams Harry, I love you.”

Author's Note:

Another chapter with for this story, of course it is still a Harry and Celestia relationship.

Don’t jump to conclusions I really love Princess Luna but for the moment this is what my juice of inspiration gave me I am hoping that you would enjoy the reading. And thanks again to Author Romulus Magnus for accepting and allowing me to write for his series.

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