• Published 20th May 2024
  • 412 Views, 29 Comments

This Is Not How I Expected My Week To Go - TheKing2001

When shes sent to help set up a town hosting the Summer Sun Celebration with another student of Celestia's, Twilight is forced to tolerate Sunset's jokes and more in order to save Equestria.

  • ...

The least known Wonderbolt

High Winds hovered a few inches above the ground next to Sunset, idly watching the mare grimace as she took more steps. High Winds enjoyed pony watching. You can learn a lot about ponies just by sitting somewhere quiet and watching the ponies around you. High Winds preferred the clouds so she could watch down.

She did suppose that technically made her a stalker but it’s not like she ever followed the ponies home. Most of the time. The only ones she followed were the ones she decided needed a friendly face or a gift. Most of the time, they were donated anonymously. Usually to poor families or kids orphanages. It always lifted her spirits seeing their confused yet grateful faces when they brought their food or other items inside.

And boy, did she learn a lot about Sunset in these past few hours. Sure, she knew her okay High Winds guessed but Spitfire’s family was something the captain kept close to her chest. High Winds suspected if Sunset hadn’t been introduced by Blaze to them all as her sister, they would have never met her.

Sunset shared a lot with her two sisters, High Winds idly noted. Spitfire’s same determined look she occasionally got when faced with a risky trick or Blaze’s snarky attitude. Though technically Blaze got that from Sunset but minor detail.

She may share a lot of traits with them both but Sunset was definitely her own mare. Not even Spitfire would continuously refuse the others offers to look at her back where Twilight had shot her. The fact that Spitfire may have once done that is a completely different conversation. She had pretty quickly learned her lesson and decided to set a better example.

High Winds hated to admit it, but she partially agreed with Watermelody on the fact that Twilight was still technically a risk. But if Spitfire said she believed Twilight, then High Winds was going to believe her until she had reasons not to.

“Are you okay?” High Winds asked as Sunset glanced back at her. “You made a painful sound just now.”

“I’m fine,” Sunset grumbled and rolled her eyes. “I don’t know why everypony keeps asking me that? It’s just a simple laser blast. I took a shot from a supercharged Nightmare Moon, I think one from a simple unicorn won’t harm me much. But if it’ll make everypony stop asking, you can check it out.”

High Winds paused and glanced down, brushing Sunset’s coat aside to examine the bruise better before wincing herself.

“It’s not bad per se buts it certainly good looking,” High Winds said after a moment. “I’d get it looked at after this.”

“Silverspeed will,” Sunset shot back and stepped away. “I don’t really like being touched like that by other mares. No offense.”

“None taken,” High Winds bumped into Spitfire, the orange pegasus gazing into a ravine with a frown. “Sorry!”

“It’s okay,” Spitfire said without looking as Twilight peered down before kicking a rock over the edge. The six looked at each and waited for several minutes before the rock made a very distant sound. “We have to find a way around. Too far to jump and we can’t go through it.”

“We can use the bridge,” Watermelody peered over the edge and pointed. “Or you could carry us across.”

“Fine. I’ll go get the bridge and bring it back up here,” Spitfire spread her wings before High Winds dove over the edge. “High Winds! What the hell?”

“I can easily do this just as good as you,” High Winds called back before the mare bit into a rope and started dragging it to the other side with a wave. “Oof heavy. Why’s it so foggy all the sudden?”

High Winds shuddered slightly as the temperature dropped, tensing slightly as two mares and a stallion in a dark purple uniform galloped into the clearing.

“What the hell?” High Winds muttered aloud and rubbed her eyes. “Who the hay are you all?”

“The Shadowbolts,” one of mare said simply and High Winds eyed her suspiciously.

“Why do you look like Fleetfoot?” High Winds asked with a raised eyebrow. “As a matter of fact, why does he look like Soarin and why do you look like Spitfire?”

“Doesn’t matter,” Not Soarin rolled his eyes.

“He’s right,” Not Spitfire agreed as she circled High Winds. “You’re a very talented flyer.”

“And very generous too,” Not Fleetfoot chimed in as she examined High Winds mane. “The other Wonderbolts really don’t deserve you. You’re the best out of them all.”

“I wouldn’t say that,” High Winds shot back and fluttered her wings slightly. “But thanks I guess? I mean, I wouldn’t be a Wonderbolt if I couldn’t handle myself out there. I’m no slouch on the track after all.”

“Precisely,” Not Soarin added as she turned to face him. “We’re the best in Equestria but we need a captain.”

“Isn’t Not Spitfire the captain?” High Winds shot her a confused look.

“Oh no. I pale in comparison to your greatness,” Not Spitfire admitted and pressed a hoof to High Winds chest, the pegasus recoiled slightly at the cold feeling. “We need you.”

“Captain High Winds does have a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” Not Fleetfoot whispered in her ear. “You could lead your own team, do things your way. You’ve been in the shadows for far too long.”

“Thanks but no thanks,” High Winds glared before she pressed her hoof against her chest and shoved it outwards. Her mom had always told her that gesture would ward off evil but she never really had a need for it till now. “I’ll work my way up in the Wonderbolts my way. Not by backstabbing or leaving my team behind.”

High Winds turned her back as the three disappeared and trotted across the bridge to the waiting ponies as Spitfire eyed her with a raised eyebrow.

“What took so long?” Spitfire asked as High Winds folded her wings on her sides.

“It was nothing. Come on,” High Winds avoided the question. She was mainly trying to convince herself it was nothing. She knew she wasn’t the most well known Wonderbolt and probably had no fans in comparison with the more popular Soarin but she enjoyed her job.

She silently lead them across, staring for a moment at where the Shadowbolts had once stood before shaking her head and sighing.


She turned and stared at Spitfire staring at the same spot with a flat look.

“It’s nothing,” High Winds grumbled and cracked her neck. “I’m gonna go look for the castle in the sky. You stay down here.”

She hovered a few inches and started to fly off before she jerked back, giving Spitfire a startled look as the pegasus continued holding her tail in her mouth.

“Hey!” High Winds snapped and Spitfire continued dragging her. “Where in Equestria are you taking me?”

“Here,” Spitfire spit out the other mares tail and pointed a hoof on a tree stump. “Sit. Now.”

“Fine,” High Winds grumbled and started to twist her tail before sitting down. “Got your spit in my tail. Disgusting.”

“It’ll wash,” Spitfire shot back and ran a hoof over her tongue before spitting out some hair. “Bleugh. I know you’re lying. What the hell happened when you were over here? It doesn’t take that long to tie a bridge. It’s my job to make sure everypony under my command is one hundred percent and that includes you last time I checked. If you’re not, you could get injured and injure others now spill.”

High Winds paused before telling everything to Spitfire. Spitfire sat silently and waited for her to finish, her only reaction her eyes widening.

“And yeah that’s all that happened. No big deal,” High Winds concluded and Spitfire raised an eyebrow.

“No big deal my flank. That’s some bullshit right there. I should have gone and not you. It’s clearly still fucking with you,” Spitfire sighed and looked down. “I’m sorry.”

“I wanted to go, remember? That’s not on you.”

“You may not be well known but you’re still valued,” Spitfire shot back and stood up. “You’re a sergeant for a reason. Just like how Surprise is one too. I wouldn’t have promoted either of you if I didn’t think you deserved it High Winds. Don’t let them get to you. Remember, Wallflower said that Nightmare Moon was using our own thoughts against so really you were facing your own thoughts. You’re a kick ass mare and a damn good flyer. I would go to Tartarus and back for you. I would do that for any of my Bolts.”

“You’re right,” High Winds muttered softly as the white pegasus shifted on her tree stump, the others pointedly giving them space. “Thanks for the advice Captain.”

“Spitfire,” Spitfire corrected with a frown. “We’re not on any official business as of now. Call me by my real name please.”

“Okay Spitfire,” High Winds gave a small smile and nodded. It felt a bit weird to be using anything other than Captain or Captain Spitfire but she supposed she could adapt. “Thanks again.”

“Anytime. My door will always be open,” Spitfire promised and tensed as High Winds hugged her. Spitfire stood there for a moment before hesitantly hugging her back. “Okay, I hugged you back. I’m not too into the touchy feely stuff so please let me go High Winds or well, Sergeant High Winds I should say.”

High Winds complied with a sheepish blush as she watched Spitfire trot back to the group.

High Winds glanced back at where the Shadowbolts had once stood and used her wing to give the spot the finger.

Satisfied, High Winds galloped to catch up with the waiting group.

Author's Note:

Name: Spitfire.

Status: Alive.
Rank: Captain.
Age: 29.
Element: Honesty.

Motto: I am not led, I lead.

Bio: Spitfire is the current captain of the Wonderbolts and takes her position seriously, often viewing the Wonderbolts as a collective and not an individual, occasionally hurting those under her like Soarin. Spitfire would probably never admit this but she extensively beats herself up about that in private. She is often bluntly honest and leaves her door open for the Wonderbolts if they need somepony to talk to. Spitfire has a tendency to beat herself up over mistakes she makes and once passed out drunk on Wallflowers couch after the death of one of her teammates. Spitfire is extremely loyal to her sisters, friends and teammates, often fighting against her higher ups in their defense or their shared enemies. She often struggles on maintaining a professional relationship with her sister Blaze even though Spitfire firmly believes she could be her replacement one day. Spitfire once disowned her mother in favor of Sunset and Blaze once Stormy did the same gesture to her sisters and is currently not on speaking terms with her in the future. Spitfire is secretly extremely fond of Spike and often looks out for the dragon, especially after his grown up rampage. Spitfire has a fiery personality and a fierce temper that she uses to her advantage when fighting her enemies or at the Wonderbolt academy. She often finds herself bored in her various defense meetings she occasionally has with Celestia. She led the Wonderbolts and other pegasi against Tirek and was the first element of harmony to fall against him.

Abilities: Spitfire is a strong flyer and has a wing speed of 19.9. She can break the sound barrier with little effort and often does so to disorient her enemies. She has a stylized Phoenix as a cutie mark and allows her to make tornados out of fire. She is physically very strong.

Allies: Blaze, Sunset, Soarin, Misty, Twilight, Spike, Wallflower, High Winds, Raindrops, Watermelody, Silverspeed, Silver Spoon, Rapidfire, Silver Zoom, Surprise, Rainbow Dash, Cloudchaser, Derpy, Dinky, Amethyst Star, Dizzy Twister, Parasol, Bulk Biceps, Meadowflower, Sassaflash, Merry May, Sprinkle Medley, Cloudkicker, White Lightning, Discord, Stormy Flare(formerly), Lightning Dust, Celestia and Luna.

Enemies: Tirek, Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon (Formerly), Discord(Formerly), Stormy Flare, Lightning Dust(Formerly).

Weaknesses: Her temper is and ego are her only real weaknesses. No known physical weaknesses.