• Published 20th Jun 2024
  • 314 Views, 3 Comments

G5 Adventures in Space Buddies - ponydog127

The Mane 6 take the Pippsqueaks on their latest Unity Quest to Fernfield, which goes galactic as they, the Pippsqueaks and the Buddies are accidentally launched into space, and now they must get themselves and some new friends of theirs home.

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A Cosmic Rescue and a Return Home

Dr. Finkle was going to pay for all the sabotages he tried to do to the Vision One, and now that he was in custody, the mission was back on track.

This news spread like wildfire across the world, and everyone in Sasha's family in Russia cheered and celebrated happily once they heard that Spudnick was going to be home in the next day or so.

And as long as nothing else went wrong, our heroes would be able to head back to Equestria in one piece...

...or at least, they hoped this would be the case.


On the trip back home, as Earth came closer and closer into their sight, Budderball sat beside Glory and looked down at the broccoli that laid next to his seat. “I have never been so hungry... I think I might have to actually eat that broccoli to stay alive.”

This caused Rosebud to look at her brother in surprise. “Budderball?”

Budderball paid the others no amount of attention as he opened the bag of green mush a s began to lap at it relentlessly.

To his surprise... this stuff wasn't actually as bad as he assumed it to be!

The others looked at Budderball in bewilderment as he finished the broccoli, and Mudbud was the only one to voice his surprise. “Aw, dude, I can't believe you ate the whole thing.”

“Well,” Budderball stated with green all over his muzzle, “I always said I'd eat broccoli when puppies fly.”

“Ha! It's funny and it's lliteral!” Izzy giggled optimistically. “Good one, Budderball! I get it!”

“Well, as long as you ate something, that's all that matters,” Sunny said with a chuckle. “Now all we have to do is make sure that we all get home in time for dinner ourselves.”


Sam was sitting with his friends patiently in mission control, waiting for an update as to when the space crew would be re-entering the atmosphere when a warning message depicting an out-of-control space vessel was heading toward the shuttle. “What…? Excuse me? Mr. Slats, sir?”

“Yeah?” Slats turned toward Sam as he pointed toward the screen. “What's that approaching to Vision One?”

Slats then looked at the warning screen, and a sense of dread filled his being, wondering what that item was himself.


At the same time, another warning flashed on the shuttle’s screen. “Aw, man!” Hitch groaned. “It just doesn’t stop!”

“Hurry, Budderball! Get back in your seat!” Glory said as she pulled Budderball into the seat. “We may have to make another emergency procedure happen and I, for one, don’t want you sliding out of the shuttle!”

“Whatever it is,” Pi said, looking at the object Sam pointed out, “it's on a collision course with our spaceship. Take evasive action! Stat!”

The kids held their breath in worry at this, wondering if their pups and friends were going to make it through this okay.


Spudnick looked out the corner of his eye to see an unidentified spacecraft heading straight toward the shuttle, but luckily, he and Night Star noticed what it was before anyone else. “It’s the Cosmopod! Yuri!”

“He’s gonna crash into us!!” Peach Fizz shrieked. And then, taking precautionary actions, Night Star activated the restraints, and everyone waited for further instructions on how to proceed.


Back in mission control, the team suddenly began to hear a familiar voice over the communication lines. “American comrades, this is Yuri!

“Is that Yuri?” Slats asked in surprise, thinking Yuri had not survived in the explosion, and suddenly, to Pi, at least, it all started making sense. “He must have had an escape pod!”

My Cosmopod is not irresponsible!” Yuri yelped on the other end of the line, causing Pi to look over at Slats for guidance. “Slats, any ideas?”

“Negative, sir,” Slats answered. “The Russian pod is out of control. It's entering the atmosphere at a dangerous entry level at high speed. It's pretty much an impossible rescue, sir.”


Yuri will burn up,” Gravity told the group in the shuttle, “if you don't change his trajectory.

“But how are we gonna do that?” Sunny asked. “There could be a million things going wrong at once!”

“That’s why I’m taking over,” Spudnick said as he put on some Vectra glasses and switched to remote pilot.


“Whoa!” Astro said as she lost control of the ship. “I lost control…”


That’s when Spudnick explained his plan further, so everyone could prepare themselves for what was about to happen. “I'm going to have to dodge the Cosmopod to change it's course.”

“Let’s do it, dude!” Mudbud cheered. “I mean, comrade.”

“Hang ooon…!!!” Spudnick shouted as he concentrated with all his might as the others held on for their lives, and the shuttle soon was under the Cosmopod in question. “All right,” Zipp said to Gravity. “We’ve made contact.”

It's crucial you level off the Cosmopod at 30 degrees.

“Give us countdown on re-entry,” Night Star advised. “We’ll pull up at the last second.”

In six… five… four… three… two… one… activate thrusters!

Night Star slammed her hoof down on the button labeled thrusters, and the Vision One took off like a shot, while Yuri continued to sail down to Earth, his Cosmopod having flames as he entered the atmosphere and went out of the group’s sight.


Back in mission control, Pi watched in wonder as the space crew did what they did without question, but he still had one thought on his mind. “How did they know to level off the Russian escape pod to those exact coordinates…?”

He spared a look at Gravity, but the thought soon left his mind as he regained focus. “Eyes on scopes, people.”


“Spudnick, Night Star, that was incredible!” cried Seashell with a smile. “You totally saved the day!”

“Aww, thanks,” Night Star smiled. “But it was more Spudnick than me.”

“We all worked together to get the job done,” Sunny reminded. “That’s what really matters.”

“Now, are you guys ready to go home?” Misty asked, looking at all of their friends. “Yo, dawg,” B-Dawg smiled, “I was born ready!”

“All right, my friends,” said Spudnick. “I’m relinquishing controls.”


Just a few minutes after the dogs and ponies performed such a daring rescue, Astro felt control of the Vision One return to her. “Hey, I got control back!”

“Well, let’s bring this puppy home,” Pi took a breath. “Well, puppies and ponies, that is.”


Shortly after Spudnick relinquished control of the ship back to Astro, the group heard Gravity speak to them again. “The re-entry sequence in three, two, one.

Flames began to build up on the side of the shuttle as they re-entered the atmosphere, and the ponies held their breath and waited for the sights of Fernfield to be seen once again.


“We’ve lost them in the blackout zone,” said Slats, trying to stay calm. “We won't have a visual for T-minus four minutes.”

“It's out of our hands,” Pi said, taking a breath. “Now, uh, we can't do anything but hope for the best.”


The spacecraft has re-entered the atmosphere and is now hurdling mercilessly towards Earth,” the Fernfield news reporter told his viewers. “Communication is now in the blackout zone. All of us here at Channel Four Fernfield, along with the world, collectively hold our breath, as we watch anxiously, awaiting a sign from the sky that the puppies and Equestrians, our space heroes, have survived the fiery re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere. All we can do is pray.


And in Russia, that's exactly what Sasha was doing as the snow began to gently fall to the ground. “Please protect Spudnick and his friends…”


Four minutes… four very long minutes finally passed, and then… Slats suddenly got an image of the shuttle entering the atmosphere, causing everyone to look toward the screen. “Okay, we have visual, people!”


Night Star beamed as soon as she saw the blue skies of Earth after exiting the atmosphere. “Guys! We did it!”


Everyone in the mission control center, the Buddies' kids included, cheered at the top of their lungs for the vital piece of success that they had just witnessed.

In just a few minutes, they would all be reuniting!


“See, space travel ain't nothing,” B-Dawg cooly assured his siblings and friends before a large boom sent them rocketing forward. “Whoaaaaaaaa!!!!” Seashell shrieked. “What was that?!”

“That was a sonic boom!” Sunny squealed. “We just broke the sound barrier!”

“W-We knew that,” Glory said timidly. “We were just joshing you, that’s all.”

“Get ready, you guys,” said Hitch, buckling his restraints. “Looks like we’re coming into land!”


Astro took manual control of the ship once again in order to land it safely on the runway.

And then... slowly, but surely... the shuttle made contact with the ground. “Touchdown! WHOO!!!”

This sent the Buddies’ kids cheering into overdrive, and Slats and Pi let out victorious cheers of their own.


“We’re home!” the Pippsqueaks cheered in happiness. “Congratulations, guys!” Gravity called out to the group. “You did it!

The Mane 6 couldn’t help but cheer and hug their friends, new and old, tightly for their own success.


The news of the safe landing stretched all across the world, and everyone in every continent cheered happily as dogs in those same countries barked and howled to show their pleasure.


As everyone else was cheering for their success, Pi turned to his little ferret companion with a smile. “I have a feeling, you and your furry friends had more to do with this mission's success than we will ever know.”

He offered his sleeve to the ferret, who crawled through it and to his pocket. And once this was done, Pi turned to the Buddies’ kids with a wide smile. “Come on, kids, let's go greet the new heroes!”

“Let’s go!” Pete cried out, and they all rushed out the door to head outside and greet the four-legged space heroes.


The Buddies, the Mane 6, the Pippsqueaks and their new friends strutted out of the ship, feeling as if they were on top of the world in that moment.

I mean, who WOULDN’T be after something like that just happened?

The mission control team were the first to arrive on the scene, and once he got out of the van, Pi set Gravity down on the ground. “Here you go, Gravity, greet your new friends.”

Gravity squeaked and ran over to the group before he stood up to address them. “Welcome home, everyone. Spudnick, that was some fancy seat-of-the-pants aviation you demonstrated.”

“Whoa!” Rosebud commented in surprise. “You’re a ferret.”

“Hold on a second,” Zipp blinked. “You mean to tell me we had a rodent as our flight director?”

“Hey, I’m not a rodent,” Gravity corrected her. “I'm related to the mustela family of mammals, which includes minks and skunks.”

“Hey,” said Budderball with a smile. “I'm told I'm related to skunks too.”

“Well, whatever the case,” said Night Star with a happy grin, “we couldn't have made it home without your help, Gravity. Thank you, comrade.”

That’s when Pipp suddenly saw another van approaching and pulled out her phone. “Hey, Buddies? I think this is gonna be a reunion in the making! Look who’s here!”

The Buddies turned to see the van doors opening, and from these doors... emerged all their kids!

As the kids cheered and called out to their pups and their friends, the Buddies and the ponies, sans Spudnick and Night Star, who stood together, galloped over to see them, getting hugs, scratches behind the ear and praises of how it was so good to have them home.

However, Spudnick felt a twinge of sadness enter his heart at not being able to see his boy there, and Night Star sensed it, nuzzling Spudnick to comfort him. “Oh… and one more thing,” Gravity spoke up. “It seems a boy named Sasha is trying to contact you.”

Spudnick lit up at this. “Really?”

“He’s been waiting for you,” Gravity smiled. “But… he not only wants you back… he wants your new unicorn friend there to come live with you as well.”

Night Star gasped in delight and turned to look at Spudnick with happy tears in her eyes.

Finally… she was gonna have a family, a real family of her very own.

And she had a group of brave Golden Retriever pups and their pony friends to thank for it.