• Member Since 26th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I'm a Sonic fan who lives and loves Sonic X, Need For Speed, Trains, Pokémon, and Hot Wheels including Rainbow Dash and Shining Armor because some how they remind me of certain blue hero Hedgehog.


Four months have passed since the war with the Dark Master had ended and the dragon duo Spyro and Cynder are enjoying a much deserved vacation after saving the world. They’re bond has grown stronger and at last Spyro and Cynder have confessed their feelings for each other officially becoming lovers. Little do they know a new adventure laid ahead of them one that is out of this world.

On the opposite side of the spectrum in Eques after the disastrous fallout of the Cantalot Wedding and the subsequent defeat of the Changeling Hive Twilight Sparkle leaves her friends, family, and mentor out of rage, bitterness, and anger for not listening to her warnings about Cadence who was in fact Queen Chrysalis. However, the unicorn discovers a long forgotten portal that leads to the Dragon Realms and goes there not knowing a great adventure like no other lays ahead of her and her loved ones.

What no one knew was Spyro’s world has a long forgotten past. A past that was soon to reveal itself to the Dragon Realms and a new dangerous threat would arrive from the stars from a distant planetary system. Prepare for a new adventure and tale of the purple dragon of legend as Spyro, Cynder, and others including Twi, Shining, and others from Eques embark on a epic mission to save the world and Terra from being taken over.

Additonal Tags:

Romance (for Spyro and Cynder);

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

Pretty cool lore reveal for Spyro's side

Wonder if Spike's egg is connected to the Dragon Realms?
Given how we don't know where it came from

Thanks! I read a lot of Spyro Comics and fanfics to create my interpretation of the Legend of Spyro universe. Spyro’s world actually being our world in the far distant future and human kind being forced to abandon Earth cause of the accident with the energy reactor’s catastrophic meltdown.

Thanks! Like how I made Spyro the direct descendent of the original 1st purple dragon?

You really need to finally continue your other stories instead of piling yourself with new ones before they eventually become too much for ya. :ajbemused:

And I think I remember that you fully cancelled one?


The cancelled story I was referring to; Was another Sonic x MLP, but the alien villains are from Mars, and it's set in the Equestria Girl's World.

You know what I'm talking about?

Yes I understand. Also this is a simple The Legend of Spyro X MLP crossover with them fighting aliens. I been watching Lore of the Dragon videos on YouTube and this got me inspired to do something unorthodox to my usual style. After reading stories like the Legend of Spyro and Spike, Dawn of a New Age, The Legend of Spyro: A New Dawn, The Legend of Spyro: Origins, and other the Legend of Spyro fan created content it got me thinking about doing something with Spyro and Cynder.

Plus the Light Form is a equivalent to a super form.


I wasn't talking about this story, re-read again.


Please stop talking this about story, yet.

I already know about the Spyro series, because I'm also a fan and into Skylanders as well.

BUT, I'm still talking about the canceled Sonic x MLP Equestria Girl's story that I was actually interested in once, but you sadly cancel it.

I will eventually talk about this brand new Spyro crossover, but not right now please.

Oh yeah that one. I got taken down cause it didn’t have enough MLP content.


Dang, that sucks.

Because, long ago. I was very interested in not only seeing you use the Equestria Girl's, instead of the original G4 Ponies.

But using the Martians as the alien villains, and how will Sonic, his Mobian friends, the Rainbooms, and Earth's Military handle that is a unique tale?

Just hope you could remake/rewrite one day.

P.S. Since it was sadly cancelled, but if you want to revive it one day. I could suggest to add a new crossover, along with Sonic and MLP: Equestria Girl's.

And it will be the iconic and favorited aircraft simulator game series of Ace Combat and Project Wingman.

NOW, I'm will finally talk about this story with Spyro.

So, my main concerns is why/how did you come up the idea to make Legend of Spyro's world into just being a very far distant future Earth?

It's just the trope been used quite a lot in media and fictional stories. Like the original Planet of the Apes or the Matrix for example.

And does that mean that the space-faring humanity eventually comes back, and see/meet our dragon heroes?

Along with learning another different world being involved, by the introduction of our pony heroes?

And I'm guessing that the main antagonists are another hostile alien force?

And you also said that the space-faring humans got their own alien allies? Like Mass Effect or Star Trek.

Yeah I know. I’m planning to overhaul it and get it back up someday. As for your questions.

For the first one I reading the comments on one of the videos by username Lore of the Dragon who talks about topics from the Spyro franchise including the Legend of Spyro series one such video talked about Kansas. Yes as in the state of Kansas and the Easter egg ‘We’re not in Kansas Anymore’ line that Sparx saids in New Beginning. There was one comment talking about Spyro’s world be on our world in the distant future like the far flung future that either human kind died out or in my story’s case left Earth after some man made disaster that made the planet too hostile and unstable to live on. The energy that the reactor released was artificial Aether energy as human kind found a way to create an artificial version of the element that the purple dragons can use naturally, but they didn’t how powerful Aether really was being a cosmic force and stated in the prologue it caused the rector to have a meltdown with beyond catastrophic results as resulting in an explosion was 100 times more powerful than a 3 hydrogen bombs going off. It was that destructive and ground zero happened in New Mexico where the Atomic Bomb was tested during World War II.

As for the 2nd question yes. Humans will return to Earth and meeting our heroes they had greatly advanced and made allies with other alien races joining a Galatic government similar to what is seen in Star Trek and also Lillo and Stich 1 movie. But would um… abduct Twilight and Cynder for some ‘ahem’ medical tests and examinations since Earth had changed a lot since humanity left the planet. This will lead towards Spyro and Sparx seeking out the Chronicler aka Ignitus alongside Shining Armor as he and several others who arrive in the Dragon Realms to find Twilight and also stop a coming evil the likes that had never been seen before in Equestrian history and help find them. Also Shining begins to have strange dreams and nightmares peering into the past and future as if someone is trying contact him and tell him something important. In a way Shining gains the Time Element seeing into the past and future just like Timidus did when gained the element and the Chroniclers including Ignitus. After contact from the Chronicler always meant Doom is sure to follow. Case in point the Night of Eternal Darkness and Malefor’s return.

As for how our heroes learning about pony kind would be Twilight arriving in the Dragon Realms through the same portal that Timidus found and was transported to Earth aka Spyro’s world where she’ll meet Spyro and Cynder. There she’ll be taken to Warfang and meet Sparx, Hunter, Terrador, Volteer, and Cyril when they arrive. Also she’ll learn about the war and more on the Dark Master from the Guardians.

Also yes the main antagonist will be an alien race from a distant planetary system who well lost their world to a supernova and colonize the planet. Also they would preform crazy and terrible experiments on different lifeforms including dragons and ponies.

Wonder if the other stories and this one will be continued too?
Or they are gonna be left hanging for a while sadly?

Does Spike get anything too?

I do hope you continue work on your other stories before sinking your teeth & focus into this one.


Yeah I know. I’m planning to overhaul it and get it back up someday. As for your questions.

You saw my Ace Combat/Project Wingman crossover idea?

And I almost forgot to mention last time that another good crossover would be Fuga: Melodies of Steel games.

But would um… abduct Twilight and Cynder for some ‘ahem’ medical tests and examinations since Earth had changed a lot since humanity left the planet.

That's basically a terrible idea!

Because I highly doubt Spyro, possibly Sparx, Hunter, Terrador, Volteer,Cyril, Celestia/Luna, Cadance, Twilight's parents, Shining, Spike, and the Mane Five will going to like what's going on with Cynder and Twilight. :ajbemused:

Plus, I also doubt that the other aliens allies will be "happy" that humanity has just basically kidnapping new sentient beings as a "first impression". And do unwilling "medical" experiments on our pony and dragon characters.

That's just a terrible first impression on not only their galactic government, but also might jeopardized peaceful resolution with the new discovered worlds of the Dragon Realm and/or Equestria.

Dude, for once. Have this have terrible consequences like having the ones responsible for that "medical" experimentation mess be in BIG trouble with the human government and/or the other alien ally leaders that didn't authorized this.

Also they would preform crazy and terrible experiments on different lifeforms including dragons and ponies.

You have this rather huge obsession for your many stories to have either humanity or the evil aliens kidnapping and preform unwilling experiments on the main characters, or other background characters!?

Are you a fan of Transformers' Shockwave or something? Because, he is a evil decepticon scientist that it is also obsessed with logic and very unethical experimentation.

Thanks & SUPERB start. I patiently wait to see how you plan to handle the fallout with Twilight & her friends/family.

On 2nd thought I’ll have them get captured by the new foes and Spyro, Sparx, and Shinning will unexpectedly cross paths with human kind who been taking samples of the planet.

You have this rather huge obsession for your many stories to have either humanity or the evil aliens kidnapping and preform unwilling experiments on the main characters, or other background characters!?

Are you a fan of Transformers' Shockwave or something? Because, he is a evil decepticon scientist that it is also obsessed with logic and very unethical experimentation.

Well I’m not a full blown Shockwave fan it’s just something that happened in the older sci-fi movies before our time.

I see

After seeing your comment on the other fic, if Twilight is gonna be allowed to master many elements since she is purple.
Would the same happen with Spike too since he's purple as well?

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