• Member Since 20th Nov, 2021
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I am an alternate universe explorer here to share my stories with you.


This story is a sequel to The Royal Three: Season Two

The Equestrian aviation industry has always prided itself for designing and building great quality aircraft. Its zeppelins and blimps has always been looked at with envy by the entire world for decades.

That was until a few companies from the River Federation created a new class of airships that overshadowed even the best airships from its western counterparts.

And now, these companies were determined to beat their eastern rivals.

Seeing an opportunity, Apollo decides to use his engineering skills and usher in a new age, the jet age.

This story takes place during The Royal Three: season two

(This story was inspired by the Hearts of iron 4 mod Equestria at war and TNO the last days of Europe.)

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 2 )

Can we get pony version Airbus A380?


I’ll think about it. But it’s nice to know that there are aviation nerds on this site.

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