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Twilight Sparkle is a Pop-star traveling the world and doing concert every week. Her life was as perfect as everyone wished they had. But.. it was completely different as they all thought.

The truth was that her life wasn't that perfect. In her old school she used to be bullied by her classmates who were jealous of how beautiful she was and how wealthy her parents were.

She never told them though, she just didn't act but stood there as they laugh at her, use her and hurt her feelings.

When she torned 10 she started auditioning for concerts to get ride of the fact she had to go to a school. While her sister-in-law is vice principle she help Twilight study back home.

Through out the years she started to see what her abilities were and they were being smart and clever. She would often read random books she'd find. Once she got bored of them she visit the library and read any book that got her interest the most.

5 Ago

One day on a day view, riding on a bus in first-class she spell a drink on accident on a purple haired girl.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to" Twilight apologized.

"My dress!" the girl said loudly almost getting everyone on the bus's attention. She calmed herself down a bit the ln looked back at Twilight. "No, it's quite alright. Mommy might be mad when she see this, but I'll just change into something else that can go with my shoes."

"Something.. else?" Twilight replied.

"Why yes. I packed more than enough clothing for this trip," the girl said in her British accent.

"This day view is only for a day, right?" Twilight asked confused to why she would bring clothes to a day view.

"You'll never know when something like this.." she pointed at the stain that was on her dress. "Might happen. My how rude of me to not introduce myself. I am.. Rebecca Deborah Elizabeth Jenkins," she said her full long name.

"Well I'm Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you Miss Rebecca Deborah Elizabeth Jenkins," Twilight introduced herself as well.

"Oh, please call me Rarity. You are allowed to drop the Miss as well. What do your parents do for a living
?" Rarity asked.

"My mom and dad that work as CEO. And my bother works at the most expensive school with my sister-in-law. Your?"

"Wait are you talking about Crystal Prep?" Rarity asked excitedly." I would love to go there. But my father said I shouldn't be around student that are spoiled like Moe".

"You don't look spoiled brat," Twilight complimented.

"I wish daddy would hear you say that!" Rarity said in anger.

"At least you go to school. My parents said I shouldn't go to a public school until I'm old enough to fight back to bullies!!" Twilight said angrily as well.

"Because your bullied? Is that why you don't go to school?" Rarity asked.

"Mh-hhm. My mom says it's a good thing that I'm not around kids my age but it's not!!" Twilight said in rage.
"When I'm not studying with my sister-in-law, I'm practicing my singing or on stage performing as Galaxystar."

"Your Galaxystar?" Rarity asked surprised that she was talking to the-one-and-only Galaxystar. Twilight and her mom agreed that no one weren't suppose to know about her identity for her own safety.

"Promise not to tell anyone?" Twilight asked. Rarity nodded her head say yes. "Okay then. Yes I am."

Rarity's face now looks to have joy and happy discovering that she was having conversations with a the most youngest popstar between all."That is so high!!" she said excitedly.


"It means that your great, dear" Rarity translate for Twilight to understand. "I suppose not everyone can know what I'm saying. I am a child after all."

"Rarity I do understand what you mean. You just need to talk basic English for people to understand, ok?" asked Twilight.

"Well alright" Rarity agreed.

The bus stoped at a hotel. People who there stop was there walked out. Rarity took her bag and did the same.

"Rarity, is this your stop?" Twilight asked disappointed that her talk with Rarity had came to an end.

"I'm afraid so, yes," she answered. "Mhmm, I know!" She took her selfie stick then walk to Twilight. She pointed it high so that she could see herself and Twilight the. "Say cheese."

"Cheese," Twilight said. The photo took and Rarity ran off. Once she was off the bus she waved goodbye to Twilight and left with her parents.

The bus start moving once more. Twilight sighed in bored. She had 3 hours left until her next concert and meeting with her parents there.

Due to her parents always being bessy, the had no time to spare for Twilight. Today though.. was different. They had just about enough time to see Twilight perform in stage.

By the time the bus pulled over, it was already dark. Twilight looked through the window seeing a bodyguard was waiting for her, she took her things then left the bus.

When the gaurd saw Twilight, they went to the dressing room to find Shining Armor and Cadance. Shining Armor was walk back and forth mumbling to himself.

When he saw Twilight, he ran to her and gave her a bare huge. "Shining? I can't breathe?!"

"Oh, sorry Twily. We were so worry about you!" Shining Armor apologized.

"You we're worry about her. It's not her first day view, ya know," Cadance said with an expression that looked normal than Shining Armor's.

Twilight's hairdresser walked in. "Good she here," she clapped her hand singling people to fetch her makeup. Twilight sat on a sit next to a mirror.

Her hairdresser started putting makeup on her face, when she was done she looked through the dresses that Twilight was had to were. She took a dress, gave Twilight and pushed her into a dressing booth.

Twilight put the dress on. She walk out of the dressing booth looking gorgeous as ever.

"Wow!! You have out done yourself!" Cadance complemented. "Twilight looks stunning."

"We should get to are seats," Shining Armor said.

Cadance, Shining Armor and everyone else started leaving the room.

"Wait!" Twilight said loudly. "We're are my parents?"

"Go," Cadance said to Shining Armor. She walked to Twilight slowly with an expression of disappointment, not on her through. She knee down to her, Twilight and her could be face-to-face. "Twilight, they could make it, I'm so sorry."

Twilight looked down. "It's okay, yeah it's fine," she sounded as if she was crying. "I'll see you when I'm on stage after an hour," she ran out ride with her backpack on her back.

She saw a tree and lean against it. Tears flowed down her face as she sat on the grass leaning against the tree.

"Hey!!" a loud voice came from up high. Twilight looked around, but saw no one there. "Hello, up here," she looked up to see a girl who seemed to be about her age with rainbow hair.

"Hi?" Twilight greeted with a sniff.

"Hey, what's with your eyes? They look like you were crying?" the rainbow haired girl asked.

"It nothing. I'm fine," Twilight replied, wiping the tears of her face.

"C'mon, tell me,tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me," the girl replied endlessly.

"Fine! My parents promise me that they'll be here for my concern but they lied. There too busy, even for there only daughter!!" Twilight answered with a rude but cute and small voice.

"Calm down. Ya know, my parents aren't there for me when I need them the most too," the girl reassured Twilight, trying to make her feel better.

Twilight sniffed a bit. "Thanks. At least I'm not the only one who her parents don't come to there events, right?"

"Yeah. And we can be not-alone-buddy," the girl answered. "I'm Rainbow Dash, by the way," she introduced herself.

"Mh-hhm, I'm Twilight Sparkle," Twilight introduced herself as well.

They talked for a bit mostly about there problems and if the other started crying over hielw there parents don't show love to them they'd try to make each other fell better.

When it's a different topic, it what the others interested with the most and how there life is going. Like how Rainbow Dash is an only child and always alone at home, plus how she does have any friends due to her being violent. As for Twilight; she doesn't have friends neither 'cause of her mom not allowing her to be around kids.

"It's because I was hurt once by my classmate in kindergarten, so she forbid it for me to go to a public school. That's why I don't have any friend..." Twilight explained with a sad tone.

Rainbow put her hand on Twilight's back. "It's okay. You have me as a friend," she said happily. Twilight faced Rainbow with a smile on her face, she hide Rainbow as she closed her eyes.

Rainbow huged her back. She enjoyed the huged, by someoney who smelled nice as Twilight. She felt the warmth of Twilight and closed her eyes too, embracing it.

Twilight had to go, but she and Dash swap numbers before they had python their own ways. Twilight went in stage and performed her songs.

After that, she signed a few autograph for her fans then left once she was done.

She continued sings concerns and making music videos. The thing that got her to be this good at being a singer is her amazing voice, the song she sings were songs she made up herself from poems she read and write while studying with her sister-in-law, Cadance.

She kept in touch with Rainbow Dash after that night, Rarity too. She had found her number online easy to how smart Twilight is and popular Rarity was due to her being rich.

Twilight started writing stories and books on apps and websites. She didn't use her real name though was still popular author to how good her stories were. There weren't any story telling apps or websites that she hadn't told her stories on, almost every one in the world knew her. She all owned all of it to Rainbow, she was the one who encouraged Twilight to start writing then.

No one but Rainbow and Rarity knew her identity as a popular author and pop star. Not even Shining Armor and Cadance nor her parents. She would talk for hours with Rainbow Dash. Mostly 'cause they were friends and they were at the age of ten nothing ment anything thing, right? Wrong

Twilight started developing felling for Rainbow Dash. Rarity to be the one who knew thus things for her age, she helped Twilight find out what she was experience was love. Rainbow Dash would often talk about how brave and awesome she was for saving her best friend, Fluttershy who's in the same school as her class as her countless times.

Through Twilight never said anything, she still was jealous to Fluttershy, even if they never met. Through Twilight never introduced a Rarity and rainbow Dash to each other she's still enjoyed having two friends who she both felt like best friend and crush on her. Little data right now that Dash had a thing for too.

Days went by weeks, mouths and they eventually lost contact. Twilight focused on her studies, while Rarity was practicing to be a designer, Rainbow got into sports. They all got raped up into what they love that they lost contact and eventually losing there phone numbers as well.

Author's Note:

This is my first story in fimfiction so let me know on your thoughts.