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Twilight was now a teenager, she was 15-years-old with meant she was now able to attend school like the rest of her new schoolmates that she was going to met today.

Monday was the right first day of school right? This time yes, it is. She woke up from the sound of her alarm clock. She turned it off, got up, went to the bathroom and took a shower. *Know knock* a knock came from her door.

"Who's is it?" Twilight said loud enough for the person at the door to hear.

"It's Cadance. I wanted to wake you up, but since your already up, come down for breakfast. I'll be taking to school, okay?" Cadance asked.

"Thanks, but I ask someone else to. You'll be late," Twilight reassured Cadance.

"It's first day of school in Canterlot High, I want to take you. But it's alright if you want it your own way. See you in the kitchen, Twily," Cadance said as she left the door.

"Mh-hhm," Twilight said. After she was done showering, she took out a few clothes and put the on.

She put her hair in a ponytail as she usually did. She took her backpack, opening the door, exiting and closing. She walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

She there met up with Cadance and Shining Armor sitting next to each. She took a set and started eating, once she was done, she took a lunch box that was sitting still on the table and put it on the table.

Twilight said her byes and left with her lemo. She would ask her brother to let her on a different kind of a car, but she was used to it so there was no point of trying.

She looked through the window of the lemo. Seeing students walking, running and talk doing all kinds of things she wish she could do if she had friends, thinking of her childhood friends she smiled and wish in her heart that she had a chance to see them again.

Once they made it, the diver stoped the lemo and went out to open the door for Twilight. Twilight exited the lemo yo see all eyes on her.

She smiled awkwardly and walked in. She walked around the school, admitted the school until she found the Principal's office. *knock knock* she knocked.

She opened the door a bit to see a woman sitting on a chair, holding papers. "Can I help you?" she asked as soon as she saw Twilight.

Twilight walked in fully and closed the door. "Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle. I'm here to get my scale.. please," she asked nicely.

"Miss Sparkle. I've been expecting you. Here," she placed her scale on her table. "I look forward to you being apart of my school. Not because of your popular, but 'cause you have a smart mind and a lot of chances and opportunities ahead of you. I hope you chose them smartly."

"I will and thank you," Twilight thanked the principal.

"Oh and my door is always opened if you need help with anything alright?" The principal asked. "And if I'm not around you'll ask vice principal Luna, my sister or the you can ask the helpers in the helper room."

"Thank you again. Principal.." she posted realizing she doesn't know what name her new principal use.

"Celestia. Principal Celestia, Miss Sparkle you should be going to class before the bell rings."

Twilight nodded living the room. She turn her scale, it had the map of the school so she followed it to her class.
She heard crying, subbing and yelling from the opposite direction she was going. I have to help whoever's being bullied.She ran to were the sound leaded to.

When she stoped, she saw a pink haired girl on the ground crying with three more girl around. One with brown hair and the other with red and orange. Twilight's eyes widen when she saw who was in the middle.

It was a Rainbow haired girl, last she see her; she was a tough and rough but small and cute kid her height. But now she seemed taller than Twilight and her her face had scaches and bandeaus. Is that.. Rainbow Dash? Twilight asked herself.

Twilight ran to the girl that was on the floor. She looked at Rainbow Dash with anger in her eyes. While the girls behind Dash were surprised to were Twilight came from, Rainbow didn't change the expression on her face, she couldn't even recognize who Twilight wad

"Who the f*ck are you?" Rainbow Dash said asked staring into Twilight's eyes. "I don't recognize from this school."

"I was about to ask you the same thing! What do you think you're doing bullying?" Twilight asked showing no fear towards Rainbow.

"I don't know, why'd ya mind your own business, huh?" Dash asked. "Nerds like you shouldn't be talking to some popular as me ya 'now."

"And losers like you shouldn't be messing with a friend of mine or a new student!!" A voice came from across the hallways.

They all looked that direction seeing a purple haired girl, with a pink girl behind her having angry looks on there faces.

"Or what! Your gañna call your daddy to get us to jail? Again!?" Sunset's words shocked Twilight. 'Did she really go to jail?' she asked in her mind. "What'cha waiting for, Miss bitch!"

Rarity felt her blood bowl with rage and anger. "Oh, no you didn't!" She walked up to Sunset slowly ready to put an end to her insulting. But Applejack stoped her by grabbing her hands tightly that she could poll away.

Applejack was known to be too strong for a girl. Even stronger than anyone in her school, which meant no one picked a fight with her. Though Rarity on the other had mix emotions 'cause if what Sunset said about. She struggled to break free, but still tried so.

"Let go of me, you cow!" Rarity yelled struggling to break out of AppleJack's tight grips.

"Sassy are we now. Mhmm?" Dash's teased.

"Rainbow Dash, live them alone. Don't you have better things to do!?" Twilight argued.

Rainbow Dash looked Twilight's way with a cold expression on her face. She grabbed Twilight's hand and pulled her to a empty classroom.

She let go of her hand after she closed the door.

"Hey!! What was that for?" Twilight asked in anger to why Rainbow pulled her to a room.

"That doesn't matter. What dies it how did you know my name?" Dash asked coming off rather rude. Twilight didn't say anything, but stared at Rainbow with her arms crossed. "A you deaf or something?"

Twilight sighed and said "I know your name 'cause you and I we're friends. You use to call me Twi, ring any bells?"

"No way. You can't be Twilight. That's not-"

"Possible. Yeah that what I thought when I saw how you treat people," Twilight said angreyly as she crossed her arms. "You've change Rainbow, in a bad way. What happened to your?"

"Firstly it's not Dash anymore it's Crush. And secondly life it's what happened. Group egghead," Dash said living the room.

Twilight grabbed her her hand. "Rainbow I know you. If there's something bothering you, you can tell me. I'm here to listen, if you want I can," Twilight pleated.

"Look!! I don't need your help. I don't need you in my life. And I'm fine!" Dash stormed off angrily.

Twilight ran after her until the bell ringed. She looked at her map and followed it to class. She was scolded for being late, but took a sit anyway and continued her first day of Canterlot High school.

Author's Note:

Hey y'all sorry for making this chapter small, but I promise that the next one will be extra long than it's usually ok. Let me know how you like it and feel free to comment how you want the next chapter to play out. If your ideas are good enough I might just use them.

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