• Member Since 12th Apr, 2022
  • offline last seen 15 minutes ago


Hug your nearest alicorn.


Everypony is gathering in Canterlot for Princess Celestia's funeral to say one final goodbye.

Everypony except Applejack.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

That is a shockingly grim interpretation of what it would mean if Celestia kicked the bucket. Applejack and family staying at the farm certainly makes since in such a situation so thumbs up on the story, just the realization of what exactly was happening was surprising.

Knowing Luna, she's probably singing a certain Lullaby for her sister right now.


Koopa309 #4 · 1 week ago · · ·

I didn't realize what was happening until that last section, but damn. I think I get why Applejack decided to stay at the farm; lotta memories there, and probably the place she'd want to be during her final moments.
Also, the thumbnail's got a bit of a hidden meaning looking at it now. Nice touch.

Very beautiful.

Uh, I don’t really get what’s happening. Care to elaborate?

Sun blew up. Or something along that line.

Honestly, this was sweet. Then you came out of no where with that ending. Ouch.

Don’t worry y’all, she’s not dead, she had Taco Bell for breakfast

Holy 💩 dude! That got intense at the end. Celestia passed Daybreaker and went supernova. :pinkiegasp: Rest in pieces.


I'm sure you're tired of hearing this, Runic, but congrats on making the Featured box again. :yay:

Real good story. The setup for that bittersweet ending was very moving. Congrats.

I am reminded of a song
If tomorrow never comes,
we shall utilize the light,
If tomkrrow comes,
we will celebrate tonight,
Then tomorrow we will see, if you and me
Are chanting on our dying bed,
Dancing to the heartbeat of the dead.

This is a very good one-shot

Nice choice
Wanna marshmallow?

Suddenly, there’s a flash of light. While none of them were looking directly at it, they know that it came from Canterlot. A few seconds later, a colossal boom rings out in the skies above them. The breeze turns into a veritable whirlwind, and Apple Bloom instinctively clings onto Applejack once more. She wraps an arm around her sister, only to find Granny doing the same to her. A moment later, Big Mac has enveloped all of them into one big group hug. Despite the wind, the heat only grows more and more intense. Their ears are filled with the sound of the roaring wind as they hold on tight.

insert outerwilds Supernova Sound

Yeah just don't burn it ;)

I wont...not!
I like em slightly charred anyways!

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