• Published 18th Jun 2024
  • 348 Views, 21 Comments

Spike's journey Through The Dragon World - Dragonfan101

Spike travels to the Dragon World after receiving a letter by someone who claims to be his mother, he soon meets a purple dragon named Spyro, they soon become friends and from there they go on adventures through this world together.

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2: A New World

We open to a calm and beautiful shot in the world of dragons, and this specific location is known as the Artisans Homeworld, where most of the dragon residents live and go about they're day, it's all over a peaceful grass field which stretches over the whole area, and there were huge ancient temples that were made to help with many of the dragons with their daily lives. There were a few magical portals around the place, leading to different parts of the world, it was a beautiful place for any dragon to live in, there were some dragons flying over the skies and heading to different areas over the world, and all seemed peaceful.

But the camera pins down to a small hedge maze within the side of this world, and we see a familiar dragon had finally made his way to this world, he was knocked out cold after traveling so far, he was breathing slowly and calmly from how far he went, his travel pack was still on his back, and he hadn't lost anything when he left Equestria, so he had something on him at least.

But as he was passed out, something in the bushes was rustling not too far away from him, and we see a strange yellow dragonfly, followed by a purple dragon coming behind him.
"Found you Sparx! Clever place to hide here I'll admit, but you couldn't escape me!" The dragon said proudly while the dragonfly called Sparx rolled his eyes after losing they're little game again, this little dragon was known as Spyro, he's around 10 years old, and has been living in this world his whole life, he's always loved it here, but he's known to be a special purple dragon born every thousand years or so, and it makes him extremely important to keeping the worlds peace.
"That was a good game Sparx, you did take time to find, your getting better with each game buddy, looks like we both learn something from just a little fun huh?" Spyro asked while they were walking through the maze to find the way out, Sparx only nodded with a smile in response, and Spyro was glad to know he agreed.
"Can't wait for our next game then, but.. you know, things have been a bit boring around here hasn't it? I'm not complaining about all the peace or anything, but with no current threats to our home, no Gnasty Gnork or anything like that, we've only had very little to do." Spyro said as he looked a bit tired.

Sparx could see where he was coming from, despite them knowing eachother since Spyro was a hatchling, no matter how long it's been, they've rarely had to deal with any big threats. Sure the occasional egg thief was reported, but the larger dragons who live here have been able to take care of it pretty quickly. Spyro only shook his head again and kept looking ahead.
"I just hoped something interesting would happen now that I'm good enough handle fights by myself, all the training Nestor put me through certainly did do something, but what use is it if I can't actually.. you know fight?" Spyro asked a bit annoyed with how much time was wasted, but Sparx saw that as a good thing, it's best he's always repaired for any big threat that's to come in the future.
"I just wish there was something interesting that could happen you know? Anything that could help pass the..." Spyro was about to finish his sentence, but once they came into the center of the maze, they saw something that shocked them both completely.

There was another dragon directly in the center of the maze, a small.. purple dragon with green spines and it had a small pack on it's back, Spyro and Sparx were in complete shock of what they saw, Spyro was the only purple dragon known to be alive during this time, while many have been born before, it is a rarity that two would ever exist, and for this dragon to suddenly be here.. unconscious, it was something that concerned them both.
"Sparx.. isn't this.. another purple dragon?" Spyro asked surprised while they came to inspect him, he looked just a bit older then Spyro by a few years from the looks of it, he had small wings on his back that looked to be recently grown for some reason, and he had what looked like a small travel pack right next to him.
"How did this guy get here? Was he hurt? Or chased down here by someone?" Spyro asked worried for why he's knocked out here, Sparx only shook his head in response since he can't talk, and Spyro just looked at the dragon with worry.

While Spyro literally just wished for something interesting to happen, to have a 2nd purple dragon suddenly appear in this world was concerning, while Spyro saw he wasn't a threat from the looks of it, it's how he got here that was concerning.
"We should go get Nestor and have him see this guy, he may know what to do." Spyro suggested which Sparx saw was a good idea, and with that little idea, the two of them quickly made they're way out of the maze and headed to the large temple nearby to find Nestor.

Spyro quickly ran through the place and entered the temple, it was a huge and ancient place that was built as far back as the dragons earliest recorded history, many dragons are born and raised here to become they're own person, there's dozens of rooms all over the place, some had classrooms to help them with physics, art, math, etc. Some of them even had magic training for those who were willing to take in some extra challenge and become smarter then most, there's a lot of classes Spyro takes each day, and despite how much they can bore him with the little he learns each day, they're still important for him to learn and he'll have to take them into mind when the time is right.

Spyro kept making his way through the halls, passing by any dragon who only gave a respectful nod to him, Spyro nodded back and just kept moving, he was really well respected here thanks to his status, and only had to take the best classes during his childhood, while that may sound great to some, for Spyro, it just meant multiple days of nonstop teaching and learning, he's learned about almost every world that there is apart from the Artisans world, he knows they're history, how they operate, and what the dragons living there are like, some tend to prioritize magic to get things done, while other use brute strength, but the dragons of this world likes to keep a good balance, this place was the center for all dragons to learn and grow, and Spyro is just one of many dragons learning at this place.

But Spyro payed no attention to the other classes currently happening right now, he went to the library to find Nestor, he was one of the leaders of the dragons, and for this tribe, the leader of the Artisans dragons, he always had to keep up with his duty's, and a lot of what Spyro learned was thanks to him.

Spyro didn't take that much longer to enter the library of the place, it was a huge and open area with shelves that go all the way up to the ceiling, books that could go into the thousands with how many there are, while a lot of them are mainly history and magic books, there were some made for other important lessons. Spyro made his way around another corner and saw Nestor like he predicted, he was a large light green dragon with large wings on his back, a satchel on his chest for extra tools, and mainly other important equipment he would need.

Spyro walked up to him which got Nestor's attention as he was reading another book, he quickly closed it and turned to him to see what he needs.
"Hello Spyro, what brings you here today? You need more lessons perhaps?" Nestor asked which Spyro quickly refused once he heard it.
"Uh, no nothing like that, really. There was just something I needed to tell you about." Spyro replied which was interesting to hear, Nestor always was a calm and reserved dragon, he rarely ever snapped and always kept his composure, but he often made sure to keep things in check around here.
"And what would that be? Is there a problem you heard about recently?" Nestor asked while they walked through the library, Spyro didn't know how exactly to explain it, while this was concerning with what he found, it may not be a problem.. hopefully.
"Eh.. not in the way you'd think, there's something I found near the hedge maze just outside the temple, I didn't know what to do, so I came to you to see what we can do?" Spyro explained which was interesting to hear.
"Interesting.. would you mind showing me what you found Spyro?" Nestor asked which Spyro quickly agreed to.
"Of course, follow me, it's not far." Spyro insisted while he and Sparx moved ahead to show him what they found.

Nestor followed the two out of the temple and he followed them to where they were going, Nestor always loved the peace around here, while he rarely had to fight, he's always training to be ready for any threat, all the teachers of the temple were extremely skilled in varied ways, it was to keep their home safe, as well as newborn hatchlings that come on the Year of the Dragon, he just hoped nothing would cause too much trouble, but if something like Gnasty Gnork started causing problems, he and the other leaders would need to deal with him.

Nestor followed Spyro and Sparx to the hedge maze like Spyro said, he was easily able to walk through it since he's large enough to be over the bushes while Spyro had to walk through the corners.
"So what was it you wanted to show me Spyro?" Nestor asked curious on what he found here.
"I think it's just up ahead, just hope I didn't imagine it." Spyro prayed while he turned another corner.
"Well then.. let's see what you found.." Nestor replied a bit concerned with what may be here.

But it didn't take long for Spyro to turn the last corner, and he went into the center like before, Nestor came out right behind him and looked down at him.
"It's right here, or should I say.. he's right here." Spyro explained as he motioned to something in the center, Nestor looked to where Spyro was and as soon as he saw it, his look turned to one of surprise with what they saw. It was another purple dragon.. like Spyro, one that looked very small, but also looked like he had experience in some ways.
"What in the Ancestors name?" Nestor asked with surprise while he and Spyro looked down at him, the dragon was knocked out even after Spyro went to get Nestor, and he was worried if something harmed him on his way here.
"I know.. I found this guy when me and Sparx were playing hide and seek, I don't know how he got here, but once I saw him unconscious, I had to find someone to help. Do you know what we should do?" Spyro asked looking up at him.

Nestor looked down at the small child and didn't know what to do, a purple dragon is extremely rare in this world, and to see 2 here was worrying, while he didn't look to be a threat, he still was very young, and how he's knocked out was worrying to him.
"I.. do not know right now, perhaps we should take him to the nursery, when he wakes up, we'll try and find out more about him." Nestor suggested while he went to pick him up.
"Good idea, let's get him out of here before something else finds him." Spyro agreed while Nestor bent down to him, but right before he could grab him, the small dragon suddenly began to move and they heard a groan coming from him.
"I.. think he's waking up." Nestor said as they both backed up a bit.
"Let's hope he isn't hurt." Spyro prayed as they saw him beginning to move.

Spike groaned softly as he finally felt himself waking up after taking that potion, he didn't count on that having after affects when it came to it, but then again, he literally traveled to another world, far from Equestria, and depending on how far it is, the affects were bound to happen. Spike's eyes were slowly opening as he was coming too again, he didn't know how long he was out of it, but he had just hoped he made it to the world his mother said she was.

Spike felt his body twitching as he was finally getting up, he saw he was on a small grass field of sorts, and it didn't look to be outside the castle.
"Where.. am I?" Spike asked weakly while he tried standing up, he didn't know two other dragons were watching over him, and were concerned with how he's feeling right now, but Nestor decided he should see if he's okay, and he was the first one to speak up to get his attention.
"Are you alright there young one?" Nestor asked which got Spike's attention, Spike tried focusing his vision again to see where he was, Spike looked around and saw he looked to be in a hedge maze of sorts, a really nicely detailed one too, but he soon noticed two shadows right behind him, one big, one small, and once Spike turned around, he had a look of shock when he saw two other dragons looking right at him.

Spike didn't know what to do, he was a bit scared right now and didn't expect to be seen so soon, he'd at least try to keep himself hidden for a bit when he came here, but now that he's in front of two of them, he doesn't know what to say. Nestor saw the dragon was in shock of seeing them here, and he tried to help calm him down.
"I know you may be scared young one, but rest assured, we are not going to hurt you, do you know your name young one?" Nestor asked while he kneeled down to him so he could look him in the eyes. Spike saw this dragon didn't mean to harm him, it was a far difference from the other dragons he's known besides Smolder and Ember, and if he's like them, he probably should explain himself.
"My.. My name is Spike sir.." Spike said nervously while Spyro came up to him next.
"That's a nice name, my name's Spyro, and this is Nestor." Spyro introduced while Nestor stood up and towered over them.
"I hope you don't mind us asking you a few questions young one, we'd just like to ask you a few things to know what's going on, can you do that?" Nestor asked in a calm tone.

Spike saw his fears may be interfering with him finding out where he is, so he took a few deep breaths and calmed down before looking at them both and was ready for some questions.
"Okay, I can do that, sorry for.. any concerns I may be causing.." Spike apologized which already made Nestor see he was a kind one, so he just decided to go for some simple questions to help this move along.
"You don't have to worry.. Spike, now for the first question, where did you come from? How did you get here young one?" Nestor asked wondering what reason he's here, he may be from somewhere far away that could explain why he's a purple dragon.

Spike took a moment to remember the moment he was in right before he came here, he got that strange letter that came from someone who claimed to be his mom, and he took that potion which brought him here in the first place, and he took in that question and tried to explain it the best he can.
"I'm from.. Equestria, I came here after.. taking a teleportation potion.." Spike answered which interested them both.
"Equestria? I don't think I've heard a named that before.." Nestor said with interest hearing this.
"What do you mean teleportation potion? Sure we have magic here and stuff, but how could something bring you here if it's like that?" Spyro asked concerned with this while Sparx was concerned with him too. Spike remembered the potion he had in his pack, and quickly took it out to show them it, it was empty at this point, and only the vile remained from what's left of it.

Nestor slowly took it from him to inspect it, it looked like it was just enough for one person to drink, and whatever magic was in this thing, it must be strong to teleport a dragon like him here, and if that's the case, he has to wonder where.. his parents are.
"This is certainly interesting, but that comes to my next question, where are your parents child? Do you know your father or mother? Perhaps they'll be worried for you, or even a guardian?" Nestor asked turning back to him, Spike flinched a little being asked that, he didn't know if he should tell them about Twilight and the others, because while they're family to him, how they got his egg may concern them. But his question regarding his parents was the main thing, and not knowing who they are, Spike only sighed sadly being asked it after heavy thinking.
"I.. don't know who they are to be honest, that's.. why I came here, I was told there was a chance I can find my mother here, and this potion was the only thing that could bring me here.." Spike explained while he held it out to them.

This really surprised them both, to hear that this child was without his mother or father is something that rarely ever happens, even childs who don't know their parents were properly raised by other dragons, so to know he doesn't know them is worrying, but that's when Nestor took a closer look at him, while he was purple like Spyro, his type of dragon looks familiar to him, like he's seen someone like him before..
"May I ask how you found this out too child? How were you able to find out about this place if you don't have parents?" Nestor asked again with Spyro wanting to know as well.
Spike remembered he still had the letter that gave him the motivation to go here in the first place, and he quickly took it out to show them it.
"It was this letter, I got it before I came here, it came with the potion that brought me here, while I don't know if it's really from her, it claims to be from someone who claims to be my mom, but.. I just don't know if it's true.." Spike admitted while he let Nestor see it.

Nestor read every bit of the letter, from top to bottom, the more he read it, the more and more concerned for this child to got, if his mother is really out there, this letter is saying she's in trouble, but where is the real question. And if this potion came with the letter, she may have a gift in magic. But what also interests him is the fact that if this is true.. there may be another purple dragon out there, one like Spike, which may mean something important for everyone.
"This.. is concerning to hear, but did you have a guardian or a family to raise you at least? Why would you leave them if you found this out just now?" Nestor asked while he gave it back, while Spike was worried on how to explain this, he just kept the detail on them being ponies back for now.
"I.. did have a guardian and a family of my own, and while I was so glad to grow up with them.. recently, there was a dragon named Sludge who.. pretended to be my father, but he wasn't, he just used it to take advantage of our family's kindness, and it didn't take long for us to find out, and since I didn't even know who my parents were, I saw myself as an idiot for not seeing it sooner, and believe me, that guy was just.. the worst.." Spike said with irritation mentioning him.

This shocked both Spyro and Nestor to hear this, but Nestor's shock soon turned into what looked like rage, this was one of the worst things any dragon could ever do here, and if they were to do something like this, they would be banned from this land, and was never to come back, but as much as he tried keeping his composure, this one statement infuriated him to no end, and they both heard a loud growl come from him while he clutched his claws, right before...
"WHAT?!?!" Nestor shouted with fury which boomed through the entire Artisans world, the scream was so loud that it caused most birds to fly away from fear of how loud it was. Spyro was completely shocked with his outburst, he rarely ever showed anger, and while he already hates this.. Sludge guy from the sound of what he did, Nestor's reaction is far worse.
"This.. thing, tricked you into thinking he was your father?! What kind of selfish.. monster does that?!" Nestor asked furious with what he just heard, Spike was a bit scared again with how angry he looks, but he can see where he's coming from with this, and even Spyro was upset hearing that too.
"Where is he?! We'll be sure to teach him a lesson for it!" Spyro swore while Sparx was angry at that too.

Spike was really shocked they were willing to do this so suddenly despite just meeting him, but depending on how dragon kind does things around here, it's probably the worst act anyone could do. But Spike soon saw Nestor saw his rage, and he took some breaths to calm himself down, while he was still upset to hear this, he shouldn't go berserk just from hearing it.
"Forgive me.. I.. don't know what came over me there, while it is.. a huge crime for one to do that, some even sent to death depending on how badly they took advantage of others, if this is the reason why you came here in the first place, then it's a good reason for sure." Nestor said as he finally calmed down again, Spyro and Spike sighed in relief seeing him calm down, and Spyro turned to him with some worry.
"While that is.. awful to hear, all of this is saying that you simply came here.. so you can find your mother.. is that right?" Spyro asked making sure they knew what he's saying here.
"Y.. Yeah, i don't know where she could be, but I was just hoping that if I came here.. I could find out what really happened to me.. and how I ended up in Equestria in the first place." Spike said sadly.

Nestor took in those words to think of what to do, while it may be true that he's from another world, the reason for it sounded concerning, it made sense for this hatchling to want to find his mother after being tricked by that.. thing. And if this child's mother is around here somewhere, they need to find out where she is.
"Well then.. if this is all true, then I think it's best you come with us to the temple, I'll call the other leaders to the temple so we can discuss what to do about this, but I can tell by the end of this, you may have a new home to stay at young one." Nestor advised which surprised Spike with his sudden offer.
"Really? You'd.. let me stay here? But what if I cause any problems? I.. I don't know if it would be a good idea.." Spike said a bit nervous on what to do here.

Spyro didn't want this guy to worry about this so much, and even though they'll talk about it later, Spyro wanted to help calm him down a bit.
"It's alright kid, you won't have to worry about it, besides, things have been pretty boring here lately, so maybe with you here, we can finally start doing something more important." Spyro assured which seemed to relieve Spike a bit.
"You two sure? I.. won't be a problem here?" Spike asked a bit nervous on it still.
"You have our word on it Spike, come with us, we have much to do, and if things go accordingly, I'd say you'll start learning classes here in just a week or so." Nestor advised while he was starting to walk out of the maze, and Spike and Spyro quickly followed behind to not lose him.
"Classes? What kind do you do here?" Spike asked looking to Spyro who made a little groan hearing it.
"Really boring ones in my opinion, but just lay low for a bit kid, we'll figure out what to do with this problem soon, alright?" Spyro asked while Sparx was right besides him.
"I sure hope so.." Spike said hopefully as they followed Nestor to the temple, while Spike may have just arrived here, this may be the spark of something interesting for both him, and Spyro because of it..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! I think having Spyro and Nestor being the first to find him would be good for introductions, while Spike still has stuff to explain, what he's told them is definitely something that would get the attention of him and the other world leaders, I'm gonna spend a few more chapters to help establish Spike's relationship with Spyro, and maybe even have Nestor be a father figure to Spike as he learns about this world, so I hope you look forward to it!

Also i have a quick request for you guys, do you think you could find something for me that would be good for a cover art? I think something with Spike and Spyro would be cool to have, but I don't know what to pick, so if anyone finds something that looks cool to them, please send me a link of it and if I use it for the artwork, I'll give you a shoutout in the next chapter! Thank you all for reading this and have a good day guys!