• Published 18th Jun 2024
  • 348 Views, 21 Comments

Spike's journey Through The Dragon World - Dragonfan101

Spike travels to the Dragon World after receiving a letter by someone who claims to be his mother, he soon meets a purple dragon named Spyro, they soon become friends and from there they go on adventures through this world together.

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3: Spike's New Home

Spike continued to follow Nestor and Spyro through this new world he's found himself, Spike was in complete amazement of what he was seeing around the place, if this is a place where dragons live, they are far more advanced then anything Spike's seen in Equestria, it kinda put the dragons of Equestria to shame for what Spike's seeing.

There were tons of areas around the temple that led to multiple rooms, nursery's, what looked to be classes for younger dragons to learn how to be like one, some training grounds for others to practice in combat, some with magic, some with brute strength. Spike just looked around the place with amazement as he's never seen something like this, if his mother was born in this world, he only wish he knew about it sooner.

Spyro had noticed Spike was looking around the place still, and wanted to know a bit more about him, so he slowly walked up to him to start a little talk.
"You alright Spike? You seem lost in your thoughts?" Spyro asked which snapped him out of them, he had been focusing on what's around him, he almost forgot who he was following.
"I'm.. I'm fine, I just.. never thought I'd see a place like this, you grew up here?" Spike asked turning to him who looked around the place too.
"Yep, since I was born here, I've been looked after all the elders of the temple, and anything I've learned is thanks to them, while I've had to do nonstop classes and lessons, the breaks I do get occasionally give me time to rest, I know I'm a special Purple Dragon and all, but it doesn't hurt to rest you know?" Spyro asked which Spike agreed too.
"Yeah, I can agree with that, my guardian often had me work around our home to keep it tidied up, not that I minded of course. But I can agree that it's nice to get a break every once in a while." Spike said with a smile which Spyro was glad to hear from.

"You know.. I never thought there'd be another purple dragon out there besides me, I was always told I was special, but I just wish I didn't have to be pushed so hard, you know what that's like?" Spyro asked which Spike sadly didn't.
"No, but I had just about enough when that slimeballs lied to my family, even if I had to leave them, once I got this letter.. I had to set out to find my mom.. if she was born here, and was said to be a purple dragon like you, then it gives me some hope that I can finally meet her one day, no matter how long it takes." Spike said seriously while Spyro got more upset hearing him being mentioned.
"I just have to ask, why would any dragon try to pretend to be your parent? If that were to happen here, they'd be either exiled, or thrown into a jail cell for life, it's.. one of the most awful things a dragon could do here." Spyro asked upset to know what happened to him.
"I.. don't know how to explain it, but, let me just tell you.. the dragons of my world.. aren't nearly as well developed as these ones are, they still act like overconfident brutes, taking things for themselves, and not thinking of how it affects others. And for me.. that was the last straw.. once I got one clue as to where my mother is.. I took it, and I don't want something like that to happen again." Spike said with a stern look, he's been wronged enough because of this, and now he's not gonna joke around anymore.

Nestor was listening to this as he was ahead of them, to hear that there are dragons where he lives, but aren't as civilized as they are is disappointing to hear, it seems they need a leader to properly rule them at one point, but that's for the future to decide.
"I am sorry to hear this from you child, but you don't have to worry about it now, once I discuss this with the other leaders, we'll decide how to tackle this new situation." Nestor assured while they walked besides him.
"I.. have to ask, what will happen if I'm.. gonna stay here? What do I do then?" Spike asked wondering how this will go.
"Well, for starters, we'll assign you some classes that suit you best, once your ready to face it, we'll start preparing you for being a real dragon in the future. As for your mother, we'll most likely send out search parties, if there are any signs that there is another purple dragon out there, it may be easier for us to find her." Nestor explained which Spike was interested to hear.
"I think I understand that, but what are these other leaders like? How do they handle leading they're clans?" Spike asked wondering how this goes.
"You'll find out soon enough, I sent them the message, they will arrive by noon. Then we will discuss what to do next." Nestor assured which surprised them with how quickly he sent the message.

Nestor soon led them both to a large room with 5 different golden chairs in the center around a large table, it was a huge room that looked to hold a meeting whenever there was one, there was a lot of gold textured walls around them, huge dragon statues in the center, and the floor was a well detailed stone pathway that led to multiple paths over the temple, it was truly an impressive design to say the least.
"What is this place?" Spike asked amazed with what he's saying.
"This is the meeting room, all the dragon clan leaders meet up here to discuss important matters, and for this one, you are an important matter, we've been doing this for thousands of years, and no matter how long time passes, we'll always keep our legacy here." Nestor explained while he went to the large one in the middle, and Spyro and Spike could only wonder when the others are gonna get here.
"So.. you have to handle this every day mostly?" Spike asked looking at Spyro who nodded in response.
"Yep, welcome to the Dragon World Spike." Spyro joked which Sparx chuckled at, Spike chuckled a bit nervously and could only hope how this meeting with him is gonna go.

Spike had went to the wall and waited for what felt like an hour for this meeting to start, he felt really bored with how he had nothing to do but think, and think he did. This was gonna be the start of a new life for him if all is properly handled, since Spike's a purple dragon, and they're said to be special here, Spike could have some important classes given to him if he starts living here, maybe he'll learn alongside Spyro so they don't get bored of what they learn, but that's honestly what Spike wants to know the most, this world feels so much more ancient then even Equestria does, with how much the dragons have evolved, they must have a expanded history that even Equestria's Dragon Lords would, it was a lot to take in, but if it's one step closer to finding his mother, he's gonna take every step of the way.

Spyro had almost fallen asleep after all this waiting, he had been so bored of waiting he was willing to do anything at this point, but the sound of a door open finally snapped him out of it and he had a little surprised look from it.
"Wha? How long was I out?" Spyro asked turning to Sparx who only held up 1 finger to represent an hour.
"At least something's finally happening." Spyro said with relief while they all turned to the doors.

They saw 4 other large dragons enter the room, they all were just as large as Nestor, and had a lot of important looking gear that helped them stand out from eachother, Nestor smiled seeing them all arrive, and walked over to them to greet them.
"Greetings my friends, I am sorry for summoning you here so suddenly, but there's an important matter we need to talk about. I take it your all handling it well back in your worlds?" Nestor greeted while they shook claws with eachother.
"Everything's been peaceful Nestor, nothing to report right now." One of them known as Titan replied, he was an orange scaled dragon who looked extremely muscular, he had an axe for a weapon, a red scarf around his neck, and had some armor plating for protection.
"Our dragons have been learning they're spells well Nestor, all of them learning swiftly." Another one known as Cosmos replied as well, he had dark green scales, had a staff as a weapon that looked to use magic, and he had golden armor as well.
"What was it that you had to summon us here Nestor? Was it a threat that's been reported? Or more egg thieves perhaps?" Another one known as Bruno asked as well, he had an wooden helmet on him and carried a staff as a weapon too, he looked swift and fast when it comes to fighting, and Spike was just amazed with how much variety there was here.
"Is there something that troubles you Nestor? I sense a small problem coming from you." The last one known as Lateef asked, he was a dark blue scaled dragon who had a golden necklace around him, he balanced himself on his tail like he was meditating, how he gets around is something that Spike will find out later hopefully.

Nestor smiled at the sight of all his other clan leaders, they all had kept peace within the Dragon World for as long as they've lived, they've known eachother since childhood, and have grown up ruling side by side together, but moving away from that, Nestor had to get back to the main task at hand.
"No, there isn't any major problem, but there is something we must discuss." Nestor announced which got all of their attention.
"And what would that be Nestor?" Bruno asked worried of what it is.
"We.. have a surprise.. guest that appeared before us today.." Nestor said with a nervous look as he finally turned to Spike, this finally got them to turn to him, and they all were in pure shock of seeing another purple dragon was here.

Spike had a nervous look as they all looked at him with surprise, and they had the right too, but he hopes nothing goes south.
"Nestor.. who is this?" Titan asked coming closer to Spike, he didn't look upset or anything, just wanting to get a closer inspection of him.
"This is Spike, he was found by Spyro just this morning, after some questions I asked him, we learned of some.. interesting things from him." Nestor answered while the clan leaders all were around Spike and were fascinated with him.
"How can.. another purple dragon be here? Only one being born is a rarity, but two of them being here.. that's.. fascinating.." Cosmos said amazed at the sight of him being here.
"You look young, but have some important knowledge I can tell, I am Titan, leader of the Peace keepers." Titan introduced while Spike was nervous on what to do.
"N.. nice to meet you all.. sorry for appearing so sudden.. but I came here for an important reason I promise you that." Spike assured which was interesting for them to hear.

Nestor didn't want Spike to be overwhelmed right now, and politely went in between the other leaders to give him some space.
"Please let him properly process this, it's a lot for him being here as it is, we shouldn't overwhelm him." Nestor advised which they could see right now.
"Right, forgive us young dragon." Lateef apologized while Spyro was walking to them as well, it was always interesting seeing these 5 in one place, and only wished to help them as well.
"I know it's a lot to see another purple dragon other then me here, but I can already see he can be trusted, I'm sure once you know everything, we'll be able to figure out what to do." Spyro assured as well which they agreed too.
"Right, now why don't we get down to business shall we?" Bruno asked while he only balanced himself on his staff.

Spike saw there was a lot to explain to these guys, but if he's gonna live here, find out where his mother is, he's gonna need to explain this to all the clan leaders.
"Alright, let's get started, Spike, I hope you don't mind me showing them that letter, it's an important thing we all need to see." Nestor asked while Spike was taking it out, he was gonna be as respectful as he could here, and didn't want to make himself look bad.
"Don't worry, I'll answer any question you guys have, but to answer how I got here, this letter will help all of you." Spike replied while giving it to them, Nestor took the letter again and showed it to all of them, they were all fascinated with this letter, and with all of them ready, Nestor began reading out loud on what the letter said again.

Spike and Spyro just stood there and listened with a sad look the more Nestor read the letter, this was the first clue Spike got as to where his mom could be, even though he's practically a stranger to them, if they know anything about his mother, it will tie into this mystery. Each leader had different reactions the more Nestor read this letter, some were fascinated knowing Spike's from a different world beyond the ones they lead, some were worried hearing that Spike's mother had requested for his help, and some wondered if it was magic she used to send this to him.

Nestor kept reading the letter until it was all done, and he soon looked at them all again with a stern look, each of them were concerned with what they just learned, and if this is true, then there's someone out there that needs help.
"This is all the letter says, and if everything's correct, then Spike here had traveled to this world to find his mother, she's most likely a magic user if she was able to send this to him, but the concern of where she is is the main question for all of us." Nestor explained while he handed Spike the letter again.
"This is.. fascinating, I haven't heard reports of another purple dragon other then Spyro being around, but if this is true, then there are possibly 3 in this world." Lateef suggested while he was trying to process what they knew.
"And if that's the case, then whoever this child's mother is, she's in trouble, she could be in grave danger in fact, so if she needed to send a letter to her son, it gives us further reason for concern." Titan replied while he held out his axe.
"But where she is, is the biggest question we have, if she's in trouble, she needs help." Bruno said as he looked eager for a little fight.
"To know there's another world besides the ones we live in, this.. Equestria, it's fascinating to know." Cosmos said with interest knowing this.

Spike knew they all were conflicted on what to do here, and tried to help out in what to do here.
"I.. know it's a lot to take in you guys, but it's all true, I'm from a world called Equestria, it may be far beyond this world which is why my mom couldn't get to me, but despite how much this worry's me, I need to find out where she is.. even if I had to leave my guardian behind, it was so she wouldn't get hurt, I've never been to a world like this before, but I already can see just how much history this world has, and it amazes me with what dragons are able to do here." Spike said to all of them who felt a bit prideful for hearing that.
"I have to ask though Spike, why didn't you bring your guardian with you? Did you at least tell her where your going?" Bruno asked worried for her freaking out.
"I only told her from a letter I left that I was heading out on my own, I don't think she would've believed it if I said that my mother's in a world of dragons, and the reason why she couldn't come with me, it was because.. the potion I took only was enough for one person, and I had to go it alone." Spike explained while he gave Bruno the vile that once had the potion he drank.

Bruno took a close look at it and was curious with how it would work, but Cosmos took a closer look at it too to see what spell she could've used.
"If this is true then, your mother has a gift with magic, while it may not have been strong enough to bring her to your world, it may have been just enough for you, I know magic better then any other dragon here, and I can say for certain there are certain spells that can work on something like this." Cosmos declared which interested them all.
"Then the next question is, why did you decide to go so suddenly? Were you not happy with the family you had already?" Titan asked next which was important to know, but Nestor was the one to answer this for them.
"You all.. might want to gather closely for this one.." Nestor advised while they all came closer to eachother.

Spike and Spyro only looked at eachother as Nestor explained the.. incident that drove this motivation in the first place, and to say they looked both shocked, and furious, was an understatement.
"Gentlemen.. would you excuse me for a moment?" Titan asked before he suddenly was leaving the room, the other leaders understood this and let him leave.
"What do you think is gonna happen once this is all said and done?" Spike whispered to Spyro while they waited for something to happen.
"Let's just hope it can help you." Spyro whispered back before a loud crash was suddenly heard followed by a really loud roar of rage, Spike expected something like this, and the other leaders didn't look happy about this at all. Titan had come back into the room and wiped off some stone he had on his armor, and turned back to the others.
"Sorry about that, but the hall is gonna need a large repair soon, I apologize for this, but I needed something to take out some steam on.." Titan said with a growl while they all sat down in the center on their chairs.

Spike stood besides Nestor with Spyro still besides him. After they all got proper answers on who Spike is and where he came from, now was time for some other discussions.
"So, with the evidence and the answers we have, I can conclude that Spike isn't a threat, and the reason he's here is to find his mother, if she's out there somewhere, we should start finding clues onto where she is." Nestor announced while the other leaders listened in.
"Yes, I agree on that, but where she is remains to be answered, for now though, we must decide on how to handle two purple dragons being here, it may cause concern if we don't go through this properly." Titan advised which was important to discuss as well.
"Well, if this is all true then, I suggest we have this young dragon start attending school here to learn how this world works." Cosmos suggested which all the clan leaders agreed too.
"I already had ideas on what he can learn, since Spike's still new here I think it's best we start teaching him the basics of how our world functions, and how he chooses to follow his path is for him to choose, we are only to help lay it out for him. " Nestor advised while everyone kept listening on.

Spike kept listening to all of them talk about how he's gonna handle living here, and if Spike really is gonna be living here, there's a lot to learn, knowing how much he's gonna have to do here, he needs to listen to all he's gonna be doing.
"But what if some of our enemy's learn of him? What if someone like Gnasty Gnork try to attack us?" Titan asked worried for the news of 2 purple dragons breaking out.
"He won't be a problem to us, while he has strong magic, when we're done teaching Spike how we do things here, he'll be more then capable of defending himself. I will start assigning classes for Spike to take, from magic classes, to his combat training, and assigning him a dragonfly to watch over him. I will have Spyro be alongside him for this, I feel like they will both be able to handle eachother when together, is that alright with you two?" Nestor asked turning to them both, Spyro had an eager look on him and already liked the sound of it.
"Sure thing! I'll be sure to show him the ropes around here!" Spyro assured which Spike chuckled at, to think they all agree with him learning stuff here so soon is surprising, but he's glad there's no one who sees him as a threat.
"I'll.. look forward to it, I'm sorry for the sudden problem for all of you, but I just hope I can prove to all of you I can help here." Spike promised which they all could understand.

Nestor had stood up from his chair again while the others were getting up as well so they can conclude this meeting.
"Do not be worried Spike, while it's a lot for a child like you to take in I'm sure, I promise it'll be good for you to learn about our kind here, especially given what I know about dragons back in your world." Nestor assured as well which Spike smiled at.
"Thanks Nestor, I don't know how to thank you all for this, I just hope nothing bad comes from this, and I'll do the best I can here." Spike replied while they all were beginning to leave.
"We look forward to teaching you what our world has to offer young one, we will send out search parties for any signs of another purple dragon being out there, once we get some news, we'll figure out what to do with finding your mother kid." Titan assured too which was good to hear.
" I look forward to it, thanks so much for helping me, I didn't think I'd have so much attention upon just arriving here." Spike said gratefully with what's happening.
"It's alright kid, soon you'll learn how everything works here, and we all have something more interesting here too, let's just be glad for that." Nestor replied as they all walked through the halls together.

After that meeting was concluded, Spike was taken to another part of the temple so he could get started on his new life here, Nestor had opened up a door for them and was showing Spike where he's gonna stay, Spyro was right besides him so he can help Spike adjust living here.
"This will be your room Spike, you will be able to relax here as much as you'd like, your classes will begin once I properly assign them, I'd say they'll start around next week if things go accordingly, until then, I hope you find this place to your liking." Nestor explained while Spike walked into the room and looked around it. It was a pretty large room for Spike to live in, there was a large bed besides the window which was even larger then the one he had back in Twilight's castle, there was a desk and some book shelves next to it for studying, and some crystals on the walls for light, the walls were painted white and blue to for style, and there were some golden carvings on the wall and floors for style, it was a really nice room, while not as nice as the one he used to have, he already liked this place a lot.
"Thank you Nestor, I'm so glad we're able to work this out, I promise I'll be a good student when living here, I won't let you down." Spike promised while he went over to his bed to rest.
"I know you won't Spike, there's a lot we have to do, so let's take the time we have to rest, I hope you have a nice night Spike, and i will talk with you tomorrow." Nestor replied before he began to leave.

Spike sighed in relief after this whole day, looking out the window, he could see a view of the ocean near a small beach outside the window, the sun had set by now and it was nighttime, he only wondered if time flows faster or slower, or flows the same in this world like it does with Equestria.
"Pretty big day for you, huh Spike?" Spyro asked while he and Sparx were able to talk with him now. Spike sighed at that and layed down on the bed he had now.
"Yeah, it's a lot to take in, honestly didn't expect so much to happen this fast, but as long as I'm not a problem to the other clan leaders, I'm just glad to be able to rest.." Spike said relieved with all this.
"Tell me about it, I gotta say, I'm honestly glad that you'll be here, because I'll have someone new to learn with when taking my classes, who knows, maybe if you'd like it, we can go out and have more fun out there?" Spyro offered which Spike liked the sound of.
"Yeah, I'd like that, the more I learn about this world, the closer I'll get to finding my mom, and learning how to handle myself here, I just hope it all goes well.." Spike prayed while he looked up at the ceiling.

Spyro was concerned with his thoughts on his mom, and wanted to ask a few more things before he left.
"Do you.. think we'll be able to find her? Will she be okay if we do find her?" Spyro suddenly asked which worried Spike hearing it too, while Spike's mother said she's in trouble from the letter, if she was able to send it to him, there's still a chance they can find her.
"I really hope I do, I spent so long not even knowing if she's alive, to have this chance means to much to me, I just hope this isn't a sick prank, otherwise I had just brought myself to another world without any way of getting home, but I just hope there's something for me here.." Spike said while he turned to Spyro, Sparx was glowing brightly to help them see here, and it was a cool detail.
"Don't worry buddy, I'll stick out for you while your here, I just hope we'll be able to help you, and whatever you learn here, it only makes things more fun for us both, I hope you can handle it here Spike." Spyro said hopefully while Spike smiled knowing that.
"Thanks, I think it'll be a fun time here, I hope we'll handle things well starting tomorrow." Spike prayed while Spyro saw it was time to go to sleep, so he began heading out to let him rest.
"I hope so too, good night Spike, hope you like it here." Spyro concluded before he and Sparx left him alone to rest. Spike sighed again and looked up at the ceiling, while he's gonna be living here now, he just hopes he can find his mother soon, and nothing bad happens to her.
"Welcome to the Dragon World Spike..." Spike told himself before he fell asleep in this new world, he just hopes whatever comes next, what he learns here, will only help him grow as his own dragon..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! I think having Spike gaining the trust of the other clan leaders can work given the evidence and answers they have, while it still can be questioned whether or not this is true, I feel like they all can believe this considering there's a 2nd Purple Dragon here, I'll do a couple more chapters that have Spike learn more about the Dragon world and properly learning some stuff. Also i'd like to give a quick shoutout to SpikeSmolder Fan for helping me find the cover art, it's really cool and I like this a lot! I just hope you all like what I'm doing here and look forward to more of it!

Comments ( 6 )

Wouldn't this also require the Skylander series too?

No. Skylanders is a completely separate timeline and world compared to the Legends series and Original, plus the Skylanders world is more on the Legend of Spyro side considering Cynder and Malefor still exist there, so no, this story doesn't tie into Skylanders at all, and it wouldn't make sense if it did.

Meh, that's reasonable. Didn't see the harm in asking.

Glad to see Nestor & rest of the dragons here treating Spike well, their reaction mirroring Spike's regarding what that loser dragon did to him! :twilightangry2:

Looking forward to see how Spike's training goes from here on out alongside Spyro while also looking for clues regarding Spike's mom here, also thanks for the shout-out Dragonfan, keep up the great work! :moustache:

BTW will Spike mention at least the 2 cool dragon girls later to Nestor/Spyro & the other dragons later in this story Dtagonfan? :moustache:

Remember my comment on the first chapter?

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