• Published 22nd Jun 2024
  • 204 Views, 15 Comments

Wallflower Saves the Cat - Thesmokinguy

An unexpected visitor damaging her garden, Wallflower resolves to do the obvious thing about it.

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Real Talk

“I must admit, Wallflower, that when I received that message from you, I was prepared for the worst.”

“Okay, I know maybe I overreacted. But you should have seen Trixie’s reaction when he latched onto her leg and wouldn’t let go. It was actually quite hilarious, now that I think about it.”

“Well, he is one healthy little kitten from what I have seen, so it will all remain an adorable scare. And a small wound on her knee. What was she doing in your garden anyway?”

“I think she was vaping? Who would have thought cats could be this territorial?”

“Turns out he really likes you. I can tell even without my magic.”

“Your gut feeling about the kitten being a ‘he’ was right by the way. I just checked that.”

“Of course I was right! I have a good intuition. Sometimes.”

“Unfortunately, what I initially feared turned out to be true. There are telltale signs of physical abuse. And from what he told me, from a former owner.”

“How could anyone do something like that? I don’t understand. It sickens me.”

“Some people don’t care for cats at all. Others are just sadistic and violent, and will hurt any animal because they can.”

“ I know I have asked you this, and I don’t want to be pushy. But is there any chance I can convince you of keeping him?

“I really don’t think that’s a good idea, Fluttershy. Don’t you have room in your shelter for him?”

“I do. The question is, do you have room in your heart?”

“That’s just emotional manipulation. And so cheesy.”

“Didn’t really mean to. But the question still stands.”

“That’s still a no from me.”

“But I don’t understand. why?”

“Maybe because of the time it took me to just pet it? Without being clawed into ribbons? What makes you think I could give him the care he deserves?”

“But you did it! This is not something that happens overnight, I should know.”

“I just don’t think I’m up for the task.”

“It has to do with what happened a week ago, doesn’t it Wallflower?

“Look, I know you girls forgave me, but I-”

“There’s a lot of bad people in the world with many bad reasons for doing things. Like abusing animals. But the fact that you care, genuinely, means you aren’t the bad person you think you are.”

“You don’t understand.”

“Look. It takes time to regain trust, and to heal emotional wounds. But things get better. One small step at a time. Or a cat treat, in some cases. And I consider you to be on the right path.”

“What do you mean?”

“Your heart’s in the right place, Wallflower. You extended the second opportunity you were given to save an abused soul. You are a good person. And you deserve happiness.”

“I don’t even deserve this kindness. Now I feel like I am in debt.”

“How about this then?”

“You can always pay me back in kind. By doing the right thing.”

“So, what do you say?”

Entry Number six

I told her I needed a bit of time to think about it. Truth be told, I wanted to have a moment for myself, while holding the kitten. Fluttershy assured me she would be waiting for me, and my new kitten at the animal shelter. And also that she would call over some friends to help me restore my garden. With that, she left. But not before taking a candid picture of me, and the kitten. I won’t forgive her for that (I told her to send it to me though. It could be of use for me later.).

I will never be able to thank her enough. For everything.

I’m supposed to be here, meditating upon my decision. It’s probably been at least two hours since she left. The sweet scent of the blossoming flowers of my garden, carried by the gentle breeze of the evening; The kitten lying on my lap, purring at the rhythm of my scratches on his back. He’s nibbling my other hand, softly. Even without the sun, I could still go on.

As it darkens, this sense of peace and tranquility is washing over me. Almost enough to make me tear up. It’s weird, because I don’t know if I will ever have something like this again. I know I never had. While I made up my mind already, I wish this could last forever.

Even then, I really look forward to tomorrow. For once.

I was so high on this strange warm feeling, that things could get better, that I got the courage to do something to live up to that notion. The notification sound from my phone reminded me of the picture Fluttershy took me with the kitten. She had sent it to me already. I could break the ice between Sunset and me, and I knew exactly how. So I opened MyStable, looked up her profile, mustered up courage and did what could have been considered impossible a few days ago.

Wallflower_B Today at 21:35 PM

Look at what new treasure I found in my garden!

SunShim Today at 21:36 PM
Fluttershy told me already
You two are so cute together!

Wallflower_B Today at 21:36 PM
Sorry, the cat walked over my keyboard.

SunShim Today at 21:36 PM
Didn’t you just take this picture with your phone?

Wallflower_B Today at 21:36 PM

I put down the phone for a few hours, to wait for the butterflies in my stomach to die out. Who could have thought social media could be this exciting?

As much as I wanted to stay for longer, it was getting late. I was hungry, and I’m sure the kitten was too. So I picked him up, gently just how Fluttershy taught me, and prepared to head home. First stop, the animal shelter. Fluttershy would be excited to know I made the right choice. And also to run an extensive health check on him, probably. Before any of that, there was something I was missing. There was something I had to do first, before taking that step. An oath if you may. I couldn’t take care of him.

“If you end up coming into my house, and into the mess that is my life, can you make a promise to me?”

Not without giving myself that same treatment, too.

“That we will both take care of each other?”


Author's Note:

I want to make it known, that in my entire life i have never touched a cat. I have always wanted to, but alas. In a way this silly little story is something of a self indulging fic. Especially since the only pet I had, a dog, passed away from a lung cancer months ago, and I still yearn for the touch of a loving pet. I also apologize for any cat misinformation I may have accidentally spread out.


Comments ( 11 )
Ice Star #1 · 1 week ago · · 1 ·

I can’t wait to read this at a more reasonable hour today (it’s nearly 4 AM where I am) but I wanted to point out that you may be using the wrong Fluttershy tag. The one you selected is for the pony, not the Equestria Girls version.

I’m glad that I woke up early enough to see this, though. I’ll drop another comment when I get around to reading this later today.

My first EG story and i mess up already. Thank you for pointing it out!

This was adorable, definitely a super cute EQG fic. I've never been one for the Wallflower craze, but a kitty is a kitty 🥰

Ice Star #4 · 6 days ago · · 2 ·

“If you end up coming into my house, and into the mess that is my life, do you promise me?”

Without giving myself that same treatment, too.

“That we will both take care of each other?”


Wallflower's first question isn't actually a complete sentence. "Can you make a promise to me?" would be a better way to have the final words. The second sentence is a fragment and I'm not quite sure what you were going for there. The third sentence is also a fragment on its own, but it would be easy to rework into a complete sentence. The cat's response should have a period.

Overall, a wonderfully cute character piece with excellent friendshipping and formatting quirks to boot. The only downside is that Wallflower's cat doesn't have a name by the end of the story. However, this was such a heartwarming romp that I'd love to see a sequel where the little guy is named.

awww ty I am glad that you gave my silly little fic a chance. :twilightsmile:

I cannot thank you enough for going through my story with a critical eye to catch everything that slipped under my radar after several rereads. It is a bit embarrassing for me, but you have given me the opportunity to not let them bother future readers. So thank you lots, I already covered them.
Finally someone commented on that backstory bit! While not so complex and elaborated, I'm quite proud of it.
I also corrected the raw meat bit because that can actually be dangerous misinformation. I seriously should triple check next time :facehoof:
It should be less clunky now. Good catch!

Hearing these words from a writer whose works I respect and like such as yours is such high praise it already made staying up to 6 am to finishing and posting this (note, as the grammar mistakes above can attest to, dont do this). Im very happy you enjoyed this. Thanks for your help, and your words :heart:

(As for the kitten's name, I left it for the reader's imagination. Might write a sequel about that, but who knows)

I'm always happy to help. This is a great community to learn from, and what are friends for but helping?

Also, I'm all for that sequel idea.

"Meow." - Wallflower's Ball of Fluff.


Seriously though, this was a lovely character piece.

Wallflower faking the cat messing up the typing was hilarious.:rainbowlaugh:

Great little story.

Very nice and heartwarming.

Loved the different ways you conveyed the story (diary entry, social media, and conversation).

If nobody had commented on that joke i would have felt really disappointed. So thankful you came in clutch.
And yeah the formatting decisions were very much deliberate, to showcase Wallflower's personal progress.

Thank you lots for the lovely comments! They all made writing this story completely worth it
Yep, thought two days were better than one for this.
I also wanted to include pfps for each of them but sadly i couldn't make that work.
It is lol. Wallflower is just too iconic


Thank you lots for the lovely comments! They all made writing this story completely worth it

Well, thanks for the compliment! (and the fic) :twilightsmile:

You've definitely impressed me as a writer.

(And that joke was too awesome to ignore.)

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