• Member Since 15th Apr, 2024
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Twi-Dash Fanatic


Applejack, wanting to relieve some stress before an upcoming festival, decides to spend the night at Sugarcube Corner with Pinkie Pie. It turns out that spending time with Pinkie is never that simple, and Applejack finds herself engaged in a game called Take Two. Will Applejack be the victor, or will she fail to defeat the queen of Take Two?

Shout out to debrecen for proof reading my story

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

Fantastic fic! Loved every word!

Thanks bro for liking the fic and proofreading it!

Dope fic 💯 you been gettin better bro!

I’m sure this is great from what other people are saying. Comment before my real comment later.

A very nice, well-written little story. It may have just been an experiment in writing the characters, but it reads as a good slice-of-life story. :yay:

My only suggestion would be to get a little creative with your chapter titles.

I just found this story in the Featured box! Congrats, dude!

Hillbe #8 · 1 week ago · · 1 ·

:duck: Take Two? Really darling
:ajsmug: Yea and your game with Spike went any better
:twilightoops: It was a disaster had to take Spike to the hospital , Rarity you knew better then that
:raritywink: It was just a little game of strip poker
:ajbemused: How in tarnation does that work, We don't normally ware anything
:facehoof: It was a hat, She was wearing a hat!
:moustache: It was a mighty fine hat
:duck: Indeed

a very pony story :pinkiesmile: this is exactly why Pinkie and AJ are friends

Pinkie picked up the cards from the middle of the table and shuffled them at an incredible speed, her hooves a blur. Once the cards were shuffled, she hoofed over seven cards to Applejack and herself, leaving the rest of the cards in the middle of the table.

I'm being weirded out trying to imagine how Earth Ponies would shuffle cards.

It boggles the mind.

“Well, okay, night Applejack! See you tomorrow!” Pinkie called from a distance, waving her arm in the air.

Foreleg might work better for arm there.

All in all, a good story.

Is Take Two a real game?
I assume so, but have never heard of it.

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