• Published 19th Jun 2024
  • 204 Views, 5 Comments

Tower Farming - GamePlayer64

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Tower Farming 3

Lone was watching the two bunnies from afar. The bunny wearing the straw-hat and had a watering can was watering all the crops he planted while the other bunny was cutting the leaves off the green onions. “♫PPI! PPI! PII!♫” They sang as the Bunny Husband collected the green onion leaves as Lone watched them working as he was making notes in his head.

(“Hmmm… for what I watch them. The Bunny Hubby has a Watering Can with unlimited water and the Bunny Wifey has an apron with a magic pocket. She can pull out farming tools like a sickle, garden shears, and a shovel. They’re apparently experts on farming and I’ll never expected on what they want from me.”)

Lone looked at them. “Wait… you want to live with me? Here?” Asked Lone as they both made puppy dog eyes to Lone who just stared at them (“Uh… what are they doing? Is it that pleading look that dogs make for love and attention? In my kingdom, cute is not something seen and isn’t interesting at all.”) He looked at the bunnies. “Uh… where I’m from, nothing is free. Just water some crops and cut the onion leaves.” He said, as both bunnies jumped on him and nuzzled with affection. “OKAY! OKAY! I’LL TAKE YOU IN!” He yelled.

Lone watches them as they come to him to show that they’re finished. Lone looked at the pile of green onion leaves and saw the moist spots in the dirt. The sprouts of the cherry tomatoes are growing faster, and I see the blueberries are sprouting faster than they are supposed to be.” He said as he turned to the bunnies who were holding paws with each other. Lone smiled and gave them a smile. “You can stay.”

“PPI!!!” They both cheered as they looked at each other and ran from him. Lone watches them seeing them run towards the wall.

“PPPI!” Said Wifey as Hubby used the shovel she pulled out and dug a hole at a fast pace as Lone watched what they were doing.

20 Minutes Later
Lone saw Wifey put a crown of flowers on a door to see the bunny couple made themselves a home as she showed it proudly as Hubby was panting for air. “Whoa… you made a home that quickly and it isn’t a hole in the ground. Bunny Hubby, you’re awesome.” He said as Hubby looked up and gave a thumbs up.

“PPI…” He said as he felt a grab on his shoulder. He turned to see his wife blushing and looking cute as she pointed at their home.

“PPI-PPI♥” Said Wifey as Hubby looked horrified and scared.

“PPI!!!” Screamed Hubby as Wifey dragged him to their new home as the door shut, leaving Lone behind who looked at them in shock.

“How… carefree of them…” He said as he heard them. “I guess mating isn’t just making sure your family tree doesn’t die.” He said in a dull tone which made him trot to his makeshift nest. “I hope that Aro is okay without me. He’s… the only family I have now.” He said sadly as he drank his water from his glass bottle and placed it on the rock carefully. “I better be careful of my bottle. I don’t want to lose my only container for water.” He said as he relaxed in his nest. “Grandpa… I wish you were still alive.” He said sadly as he cried a bit.

Twilight was reading a history book about Tirek & Scorpan’s kingdom to learn that this kingdom was once a land filled with life. It’s unknown how this land once became a dead wasteland, but the Centaurs and Gargoyles managed to adapt and survive for thousands of years. The 1st rulers once had magic to grow their kingdoms, villages and homes but for some odd reason; it began to fade, and all centaurs and gargoyle had lost their ability to use magic. Rumor has it that some creature or object robbed them of their magical abilities but is unknown who or what has caused it. “This history book shows some tragedies to the centaurs and gargoyles.” Said Twilight as Celestia and Luna was reading it as well. Celestia grabbed it and flipped over to King Vorak’s reign to see how he despised magic and refused to accept any aid from ponies.

“King Vorak was never the creature to aid for help. Unlike his wife, Queen Haydon.” Said Celestia.

“Yes, she cried for Tirek as Vorak disowned him as his son and said that he’ll mold Scorpan into a ‘true’ king he said.” Said Luna in disgust as the others looked at them.

“I guess taking magic from ponies was a reason to be disowned.” Said Applejack as Luna shook her head.

“No…” They turned to her “Vorak didn’t disown Tirek for stealing magic. He disowned him for tackling him after Tirek learned that his father, head of an academy for centaurs rejected him after he sent his application a few days ago.” She said which shocked Twilight, Spike and her friends.

“King Vorak had Tirek’s application rejected?” Said Starlight “Why would he do that?” She asked.

“Because Tirek wasn’t perfect.” Said Celestia “Queen Haydon told me that even one miss with archery wasn’t enough to make him the best. She watches Tirek doing his best to make his father appreciate him and secretly uses magic. Maybe even wanted his father to love him.” She said sadly which just enraged Rainbow.

“Are you… KIDDING ME!?” Yelled Rainbow “Tirek stole magic because his father doesn’t love him!?” She screamed as a rock was thrown at her. “HEY!” She turned to see Aro holding rocks.

“Aro!?” Said the ponies.

“What are you doing here?” Asked Twilight.

“I want my pillow back, Rainbow Doof!” He said which made them frown at the insult. Twilight looked at the book and looked at Aro.

“Did… your brother… read you this?” She asked.

“He did and he called Vorak a heartless father who favored his Scorpan to make him the tyrant who he is.” Said Aro as they looked down.

“Young man…” Said Celestia, who looked at her “Do you want to know the real story about Vorak?”

“How would you know?” He asked.

“We’ve met his wife, Queen Haydon.” She said as Aro looked surprised.

“Really?” He asked in shock as Luna placed her hood on his shoulder.

“Let’s tell you when we met them.”

“HOT!!!” Yelled Lone as he jumped off his nest and rubbed his back on the dirt to see his bottle refracting the light to his nest. “The light…” He looked at his bottle and his nest. He took away some of the leaves and focused light on a small pile to start a fire. “Come on… come on…” Said Lone as he snarled “I thought this would burn immediately… maybe since it isn't dead like the trees at home. These plants are fresh and alive.” He said as he put away the bottle and thought “Now… What did those books at the library say about fire again? Fire needs to… feed? No… Bleed? No… Ah! BREATHE!” He yelled as he focused the light to burn as he blew lightly to not put the flame out. As Lone was blowing air to the flames, the bunny couple came out of their home. Wifey felt happy as Hubby looked drained.

“PPI…” He said as he noticed Lone was doing something.

“Come on… Come on…” He said as he looked up to see the bunny couple appeared. “Hey you two.” He said as he looked at them and smile “Listen, I need some help. Blow some air on this pile so I can focus the light.” He said as they helped. They blew air as Lone focused the light on the pile, for a few minutes a spark of fire was made as it grew. “YES! Finally!” He said as they all backed away from the flames. Lone looked back at the onions and cut some fresh pieces as he cooked one over the fire. Lone watched it as he grinned as he pulled the onion from the fire. “Ahh… this should be good. Remove the burnt parts and a taste.” Lone took a bite of it and smile “SO SWEET!” He yelled happily as he ate it and looked at the couple. “Do what I do. Taste it yourself.” He said which made the bunnies look at each other and looked curious as they did what Lone did and taste it.

“PPI!!!♥♥♥” They both said as all three of them cooked and ate onions.

Aro looked at them and was baffled. “Lone was right about King Vorak. He was a heartless centaur who demanded perfection.” Said Aro. “And we’ve suffered for his crimes.” He pouted in anger as the princesses looked at him.

“We’re… sorry.” Said Celestia and Luna, who looked at him.

“If we’ve just followed our hearts.” Said Celestia.

“We could’ve changed Scorpan to be a better ruler.” Said Luna.

“Or an awful king.” Said Danae as the ponies turned to see her with Sphutt & Niobe.

“You three?” Said Twilight.

“Let me guess…” Said Rainbow. “You’re gonna throw more rocks at us again?” She said,

“Actually garbage, but you wanted it rocks?” Said Niobe as they collected rocks as Rarity used her magic to make them drop the rocks they collected.

“You are not throwing rocks again.” She said as they snarled at her. “Now, why are you here?” She asked.

“We’re here to protect Aro if you try to harm him.” Said Danae.

“Huh, Huh.” Said Sphutt.

“We don’t hurt children!” Yelled Twilight.

“What about that kid The Sun, Moon and Fool turned to stone?” Asked Niobe, which made them realize their mistake.

“Wow…” Said Pinkie. “We’re bad at this.” she said, which made them remember Cozy Glow.

“I never thought Cozy Glow would be the reason for us saying we don’t hurt kids.” Said Applejack.

“Now, can I have my pillow back?” Said Aro pulled out his hand for it. Twilight looked at them and just saw they were creatures trapped and forced to suffer.

“Please…” Said Twilight, which got their attention. “Let me save you all.” She said as they groaned.

“You know, knowing about magic here.” Said Danae. “I mean, you know nothing to remove the runes on us nor the runes itself.”

“I mean, even if you remove them, Scorpan will see it as a declaration of war.” Said Niobe.

“Huh, Huh.” Said Sphutt.

“Are you willing to be his enemy to a group of orphans?” Asked Aro, which made Twilight remember what Scorpan said.

“Time changes all creatures, Celestia and Luna.”

“I chose to seal all magic from my kingdom and land. No creature other than the king can wield this corrupted power.”

“Now, if you refuse to accept our request for friendship. Please leave my land and I promise you no harm will come to you and your ponies.”

Twilight looked a bit scared but realized that despite it being like Chrysalis and Thorax, it isn’t. This isn’t the same. There is no alternative way for hunger but freedom itself, and a friendship caused it from over a thousand years ago. It hurt Twilight knowing that a friend of Celestia and Luna became a villain, and it was a friendship that made him who he is now. “Yes.” Said Twilight, which made the 4 look at her with a shock expression, along with Twilight’s group. They didn’t show any reaction as Twilight frowned.

“I’ll risk being at war with Scorpan but only if he accepts war against me only, and no other creature else.” Said Twilight which made her friends worry about her.

“TWILIGHT!” Said Spike “You can’t-” Twilight stopped him from speaking.

“This is something I must accept.” Spoke Twilight “Scorpan refuses to accept reason and what he did to his kingdom. Can we accept something like that?”

“Except this isn’t in Equestria.” Said Celestia as she stepped up “I…” Luna came up with her sister “We should have seen Scorpan after we saved Equestria. If we knew how your kingdom is, we would have helped without any regrets.” They both bow to the kids “We’re sorry and we’ll do this.” She said as Celestia, Luna and Twilight’s horn glowed on them as the runes on their bodies vanished.

“They’re gone!” Yelled Danae.

“HUH! HUH!” Yelled Sphutt.

“RUN AWAY!” Aro said as he ran past the border and up the hill to see he hadn't teleported back.

“We’re actually free!?” Said Niobe and turned around “COME ON EVERYONE!” She said as all the residents of the orphanage came as she pointed at them. “REMOVE THEIR RUNES! QUICKLY BEFORE SCORPAN’S TROOPS COME AND ARREST US!” She yelled as Twilight and the princesses removed their runes as they all ran past the border line as they all fled, and Twilight’s group followed them. Twilight looked back and frowned.

“Scorpan… This is my declaration of war for the centaurs and gargoyles’ freedom.” She said as she flew away.

Scorpan’s eyes widened as he gave a death glare. “Twilight Sparkle… how dare you…” He said in a dark and murderous tone.

Author's Note:

Oh dear, oh my... Twilight is now at a personal war with Scorpan for insulting his laws and freeing future Tireks from his land. How will Twilight Sparkle handle this? I mean there is only on creature who personally knows Scorpan is trapped in stone but will Twilight release him for info or refuse? Who knows? Have a nice day and here's a list of the Bunny Family.

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