• Member Since 18th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 47 minutes ago




Towers from unknown origins have appeared in Equestria and only those who can enter it are chosen by the towers. Not even our heroes can enter it nor can Discord (Now there's a good thing about them). Twilight and her friends are doing their best to recruit those who can enter the tower to solve its purpose. While Twilight and her friends try to recruit awakened creatures, a centaur appeared in the tower and is growing his own food as the Tower Farmer.
Here is the link to my inspiration: https://mangakatana.com/manga/solo-farming-in-the-tower.26861

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 5 )

I’ll wait to read once you have a few more chapters. That manga is a great one though so will be an interesting mix.

Now this will be interesting

Will you follow the currently established plot? Or make your own?

Even if you stick closely to the manga, its a new one and so easier to read in text than even translated comic book format. Took me 12 hours to read over two days?

Intresting twist on the Tirek thing thoguh, trying to work the noone can be evil angle, or what was evil was mishandled etc?

Best example I can put for the Towers is that they are an active magical field related to the origional conception of the TARDIS, theyre an illusion to cover a dimentional interaction region and so dont actually exist.

Then again, I still would say Pinkie could have a look round because she isnt restricted by such limitations, she just doesnt say anything about it because that would ruin the adventuring party.:pinkiegasp:

Next up. Farming Rabbits. Hmmm.. Delicious? :trixieshiftright:

You sir have great taste in Manwha.

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