• Published 20th Jun 2024
  • 226 Views, 16 Comments

Royalty Before Family - Willow NightSong24

Hitch loves Pipp with all his heart, but is love doing what she asks of him or saving her life, even when she tells him not to.

  • ...

Right There In Front Of Me

Misty Brightdawn and Zipp Storm hesitated at the entrance of Maretime Bay, staring at the welcome sign. Queen Haven and Alphabittle noticed this, stopping to look back at their daughters. Zipp and Misty both gave small smiles that didn't fool their parents one bit. But, instead of pushing, Alphabittle and Queen Haven continued on, giving the girls the time they needed.

Zipp sighed and looked at Misty. "You ready?"

Misty shook her head, anxiousness evident in her whole body.

"Yeah. Me neither." Zipp sighed heavily. "Let's do this."

Zipp and Misty both walked in together, staying close to each other's side. After all, for the time being, they were all they had. Slowly, but steadily, they made their way past the sign and into the town of Maretime Bay.

"Oh, no you don't," Hitch Trailblazer said, picking Sparky up before he could make it to the exit and placing him on his back. "I'm not letting you out of my sight. Ever. Remember?"

Sparky grumbled and crossed his baby arms, managing to look more cute than angry, which only seemed to make Hitch smile sadly. Sparky was the only one who seemed to be able to make him smile these days.

It was then that Sunny Starscout walked into the office, a grim look on her face. "Another family left." She said, with no preamble.

Hitch sighed. Since magic disappeared six months ago, unicorn and pegasi families had been leaving Maretime Bay left and right, going back to Bridlewood or Zephyr Heights. Sunny and Hitch tried to keep them united through inspirational speeches and promises, but as the days went on, ponies began drifting apart, receding into their own corners of Equestria like before. Magic kept them united, so without magic, Sunny, Izzy, and Hitch had no idea what to do.

Zipp always was the one who was good at coming up with ideas. Hitch sighed. He tried to think about Zipp and Misty as little as possible. He couldn't help but feel guilty for the things he said. He didn't mean any of it. He was just...scared and...confused. He had no idea why Zipp or Misty would do such a thing.

Hitch wished he kept his mouth shut and just heard Zipp out. Hitch always let his emotions control him in the wrong moments. Because, in all honesty, Zipp was right. Pipp would sacrifice herself for the safety of Equestria. For the safety of her subjects, just like Hitch would sacrifice himself for Maretime Bay. He did understand why Zipp did what she did. He did know, even though it was easier to pretend he didn't. He was just too scared and angry to see it at the time.

Hitch pushed these thoughts away. He couldn't let himself feel right now. Not if he wanted to protect those left that he loved. The last time he let his emotions run away from him, it pushed two of his best friends away. He wouldn't let that happen again.

Hitch sighed, looking away from Sunny. "Well, there's nothing we can do about it now. How are the Maretime Bay Day preparations going?"

"Good." Sunny paused before continuing. "I...I sent an invitation to Queen Haven."

"Good. Having her support will help keep the ponies united," Hitch said matter-of-factly.

He turned away, organizing some papers on his desk, while Sparky jumped down from his back and waddled over to Sunny. He had a feeling he knew where this was going, but he wouldn't let his emotions run away with him. He didn't want to accidentally push anypony else away.

Sparky hugged Sunny's leg, and Sunny absently rubbed a hoof on his head. "I...I asked her to bring...to bring Zipp and Misty."

Hitch felt another stab of guilt at hearing their names. He was so mean to sensitive little Misty. How could he say what he said when all Misty wanted to do was keep her friends safe? Of course, she didn't mean any harm. He was such a jerk!

And Zipp. How could he say she didn't love her sister enough? She loved her sister dearly. It was evident to anypony who saw them. But, Zipp was a princess. She had to choose between the one and the many. Of course, she'd choose the many. It was her duty. That was the weight of the crown. Pipp told him this when they were together. She made Hitch promise that if it came down to her or their ponies, he'd choose their ponies. And that she'd do the same and not take it personally. That's what it means to be royalty.

He shook his head, shaking his emotions away with it. His face remained stoic, a mask from what he was feeling. "Well, that's good," Hitch stated in an even more emotionless voice than before. "I hope they come. It'll really make...Izzy happy. I know that she's...been wanting to...apologize."

Hitch sat down at his desk, hearing Sparky grunt as he tried to climb onto Sunny's back. He picked up his pen and started filling out paperwork as he heard Sunny's hooves walk closer to his desk until she was right in front of it. Sunny sat down, Sparky sliding off. Realizing he wasn't going to get any more attention, Sparky ran to his play area and began playing with some of the toys there.

"I...I can't stop thinking about that night. Why...why did I say those things? I was horrible!" Sunny confessed, dropping her head into her hooves. "I'm supposed to be an image of Friendship. An example to everypony. But, I'm such a horrible friend. I said horribly mean things to Zipp and Misty when they were just trying to do their duties. I wouldn't be surprised if they never wanted to see me again."

Hitch sighed, as he continued filling out his paperwork. "Sunny, we've been through this. So much had happened that night. I mean, we found out our friend was captured by some mythical creatures we didn't even know existed until that day, They wanted to trade you for her, and magic was destroyed. That was honestly the longest day of my life. It was a lot. For all of us. And we didn't have the time we needed to process it. Now that we've had time to think things through and realize what actually happened, we know that we were wrong in turning against Zipp and Misty like that." Hitch was trying to comfort Sunny, but his voice made him sound like he was reading from a textbook.

"That's no excuse Hitch. We shouldn't've jumped to conclusions like that."

Hitch sighed, dropping his pen, knowing Sunny was right. "I know."

As if on cue, the doors to the sheriff's station burst open, revealing Toots standing in the doorway. He opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't get a word out, panting heavily.

Hitch stood up, prepared for anything. "Toots, what is it?"

"She...she..." Toots said in between pants but was interrupted when Posey pushed past him, peeking her head through the doorway.

"Queen Haven arrived! And..." Posey paused, biting her lower lip.

"And Princess Zipp and Misty are with her." Toots finished.

Sunny and Hitch looked at each other with wide eyes before sprinting out of the sheriff's station, following Toots and Posey.

When ponies began noticing them, Zipp and Misty were surprised by their reactions. They thought for sure best case scenario that they'd be receiving glares and cold shoulders. Worst case: they'd be run out of town. They did destroy magic after all.

However, ponies gathered around Misty and Zipp with expectant looks of anticipation. Misty was nervous from all the attention and huddled closer to Zipp, not sure what to think. This was not what they expected.

Suddenly, the crowd parted to reveal Sunny and Hitch. Zipp took on a defensive stance, glaring at Hitch and Sunny, fully expecting the worst. Instead, Hitch walked up to them with a face devoid of emotion.

"Let's talk in the Brighthouse." He glanced around at the crowd. "In private."

Zipp narrowed her eyes but when Hitch turned to leave, Misty began to follow, seeming all too happy to leave the crowd behind. Reluctantly, Zipp followed. She knew this was going to happen by coming here, she just didn't know what to expect from her friends.

Zipp stayed close to Misty's side. Despite them not technically being related yet, Zipp felt a certain responsibility towards Misty. She had already failed to save one sister, she wasn't going to fail in saving another.

Zipp and Misty followed Sunny and Hitch to the Brighthouse. They had parted ways with Queen Haven and Alphabittle a while ago, wanting to face their friends alone after all these months of no contact.

Finally, they arrived at the Brighthouse, and as soon as they walked in, Misty was assaulted by a purple and blue blur.

"Misty! Oh, I'm so sorry about what I said. I know you probably hate me and I don't know how I'll ever make it up to you, but please please PLEASE forgive me!"

Misty stared down at the lavender unicorn that was currently latching onto her neck for dear life. Misty could feel the guilt and blame radiate off of Izzy Moonbow and she knew Izzy meant what she said.

Misty gently pulled Izzy away so Izzy could see the expression on her face. Misty smiled warmly at Izzy and gave a small nod. Izzy looked at her, confused before fear overtook her features.

"Oh no no no. I knew you were upset with me. I should've known you wouldn't want to talk to me. Tell me, how can I make it up to you? I'll do anything you want just tell me, please. Anything to tell you how sorry I–"

"Izzy!" Zipp interrupted.

Izzy turned to look at Zipp, who had a small smile on her face.

"It's alright. She's not upset with you. She forgives you." Zipp explained.

Izzy turned to look at Misty who also had a small smile and who nodded softly. A big smile appeared on her face and she hugged Misty again. "Oh, thank the stars. Thank you, thank you." Suddenly, Izzy pulled away with wide eyes. "Oh, I made you something! Wait right here!"

As Izzy skipped away, the tension slowly set back in until it was almost suffocating. Izzy kind of broke the ice, but with her gone, it quickly refroze. Zipp had unconsciously moved closer to Misty, staring Sunny and Hitch down. Sunny looked at the ground, unable to look Zipp in the eye from shame.

"Zipp, I–" Sunny started before Izzy bounced back, interrupting her.

"Here you go!" Izzy shoved a small box wrapped in blue wrapping paper with small butterflies that matched the one on Misty's flank. "It's from all of us! Open it!"

Misty hesitated, looking at all of them before she slowly opened the wrapping paper and box. She looked inside and found a blue mane accessory, similar to the one Izzy made Sunny for her birthday, and yet completely different. In the middle was a small dark domed bead.

"Ooh ooh, look through here!" Izzy exclaimed with a smile, pointing at the bead.

Misty began to look at the small bead, but she couldn't see anything. She looked at Izzy, confused.

"Oops. You gotta turn it around first and then look through it. Sorry."

Misty nodded and turned it around, looking through the small dark blue bead. She gasped at what she saw inside. It was a small picture of Misty and all her friends. Sunny, Izzy, Zipp, all of them. Even Pipp. Misty recognized it as a picture Queen Haven took of them in front of Misty's Together Tree during her Cutie Blossom Bash. Tears filled Misty's eyes.

"It's a mane accessory. I made one for all of us, and each picture's different. Yours is from your Cutie Blossom Bash. But even though they're all different, they have all of us. Together. That way, if you ever feel alone, all you have to do is look through that bead and know that we're all there for you, even if it doesn't seem like it. Do you like it?"

Misty looked at Izzy with tear-filled eyes. Suddenly, Misty hugged Izzy, similar to what Zipp did with Misty in the library. It made her day to know that her friends weren't mad at her. Even though, so far, Izzy was the only one to apologize, she could tell that Sunny and Hitch were sorry too. They just didn't know how to express it.

Sunny cleared her throat and was about to say something when there was a knock on the door. All five ponies looked towards it. With a sigh, Sunny walked to and answered the door, finding Posey behind it with a nervous smile.

"Umm...hey, Sunny. Is Sheriff Hitch in there with you? I...uhh...wanted to ask him a couple of questions."

"Uh...yeah...come on...in..." Sunny said hesitantly, confused.

Posey smiled gratefully before looking down nervously. She walked inside, not looking anypony in the eye. She glanced around, sighing in relief when she saw Hitch, seeming more relieved to see Zipp and Misty there too.

"I'm sure you five are very busy, so, I'll make this quick. Umm..two things. One: there are two pegasi in golden armor hanging out in your bushes outside the Brighthouse, watching you."

Zipp rolled her eyes, groaning. She knew exactly who Posey was talking about. Zoom and Thunder. "Ugh, I told Mom we don't need a guard escort everywhere we go, but she didn't listen."

Misty softly put a hoof on Zipp's back, a sympathetic look on her face.

Zipp sighed. "I know. She's just worried about us after Pipp went..." Zipp stopped when she realized who else was in the room. She didn't know how much Hitch and Sunny told the citizens of Maretime Bay.

"Missing? Don't worry, we know everything," Posey filled in. "About how Pipp was abducted by changelings, and how the changelings shattered the crystals in an attempt to separate us, and how you and Misty left for Zephyr Heights to look for answers, and how you promised you wouldn't come back until you found out where Pipp was...why do you think everypony was crowding you back there. The fact that you're back means you have an idea where Pipp is."

Zipp and Misty looked at Hitch and Sunny, dumbfounded. Sunny and Hitch changed the story? It suddenly made sense why everypony was watching them with anticipation. They weren't the monsters that destroyed magic, they were the hope that found the long-lost princess.

Zipp was at a loss for words, not sure what to say to that. Mostly because she didn't know the full extent of the lie and because she was still surprised that Hitch didn't run off spouting horrible things about her and Misty as soon as they left considering the way they left things.

Luckily, however, she didn't need to say anything. Because Posey wasn't finished. "That's actually the second reason why I came by. I..umm...I understand if you're trying to keep this info on the down low from the public for...reasons, but...you know...Pipp and I have grown close and...well...I was hoping...maybe you could tell me...something?"

Hitch hesitated before he started to answer. "Posey, we haven't had time to discuss this among our–"

"We have an idea of where she might be." Zipp interrupted.

All four ponies looked at both Misty and Zipp with wide-eyed shock. Misty blushed, still uncomfortable with all this attention after all this time. She subconsciously took a step closer to Zipp.

"You do?" Posey asked, her voice full of hope. "Where?"

"Outside Equestria."

"Right. That'd make sense if it's classified. Well, thank you anyway. It's nice to know that there's a chance we may find her. Umm...I'll just leave now. Umm...thanks." And with that, Posey left.

The Brighthouse was silent for a bit, nopony having any idea what to say.

Sunny was the first to try to break the silence. "Zipp, Misty, I'm–"

"Look. We just came by to let you know we found out where Pipp might be. Misty and I can't do a rescue mission alone. Despite the way we left things, you three are the only other ponies I can trust to help rescue Pipp. Mostly because I know you guys love Pipp almost as much as I do."

Hitch flinched at Zipp's words, remembering what he said about Zipp not loving Pipp enough. He knew he was so wrong, that if anything, Zipp loved her more than he did. After all, it was Zipp and Misty who were able to figure out where Pipp was. Hitch wanted to help, really he did, but he was busy trying to keep Maretime Bay calm and the library here wasn't even nearly as extensive as the one in Zephyr Heights. Izzy went to Bridlewood multiple times to see if she could get any more information about the legend, but...well...let's just say...Hitch began to understand more and more about their royalty before family pact. All the time he wanted to spend looking for answers was instead used to keep order in Maretime Bay.

Sunny sighed. She wanted to apologize to Zipp, but it was clear Zipp wasn't ready to hear it. And Misty had yet to say a word to them, meaning she was probably still upset with them. Not for the first time, Sunny began to wonder if she really lost her friends forever.

"How..." Sunny trailed off, clearing her throat to keep the tears out of her voice. "How did you find her?"

"Turns out the Bridlewood legend was a map this whole time, we just didn't realize it."

Zipp began explaining what Misty discovered. About how, because the moon and sun weren't meant to run on magic, when magic left, their orbital patterns were messed up, causing certain places outside Equestria to have full moons every night. And how the phases of the moon affect plant life and tides etc., so when the moon is always full, it messes that up in weird phenomena. She then started explaining how that lined up with the legend and how that led to a location on a map called the Forest of Leota.

"So, I was thinking we could leave tonight and–"

"T–tonight?" Izzy stuttered, but Misty put a comforting hoof on her shoulder.

"Yeah, I know. Misty wasn't thrilled about the prospect of leaving in the middle of the night too. But, Mom won't let Misty and I out of sight of guards unless we're in the castle. I mean, she had Zoom and Thunder out there right now. This rescue team is going to be small and quick. We get in, save Pipp, get out. We're not planning on fighting the entire changeling army. We can't. If we leave in the day, even if we can convince Mom to let us go, which would take a miracle, she'd insist we take five whole battalions of guards with us. We wouldn't be able to sneak in, save Pipp, sneak out. The plan is to be halfway here before the changelings even realize Pipp's gone."

Sunny, Izzy, and Hitch were all silent. They knew they had no choice. They had to do this. They already failed to save Pipp once. They weren't going to fail again.

🎵Hey ponies listen to me
You gotta hear what I'm saying.
You've got that sparkle deep inside
You've got a talent worth displayin'.
We just need a little hope.
We just need a little unity.
We just need to find the magic,
that's inside of everypony.🎵

Pipp waited in anticipation, sure something was going to happen...

Nothing. Nothing but silence.

Ugh! Pipp kicked the wall in frustration. She was desperate for inspiration, but she couldn't find any in this dreary place. It was driving her mad. She loved to sing and create. But she had not created anything in months.

She didn't know how long she'd been in this dreary cell. The last time she had overheard Queen Vespula talking, she heard the words prisoner and four months. She knew that it's been a long while since then, but it was impossible to keep track of time down here.

The changelings have been feeding her at random intervals, sometimes three times a day, sometimes one, in hopes of screwing up her sense of time, which worked. It only served to drive her mad. The small window that Pipp had when she first got here was covered up, so she only had one lantern for light. And even that would sometimes run out of oil, and it'd take forever for a changeling to come and refill it.

They were trying to break her, she could tell. Pipp didn't understand why the changeling queen didn't just kill her. Well, whatever the reason, Queen Vespula kept her word about Pipp never seeing the light of day again.

Pipp often tried to think of her life at home. At first, she tried to avoid it, thinking it'd drive her crazy, but Pipp was surprised to find that being stuck here in reality was far worse. Plus, she hopes she could come up with inspiration from her past. She could endure anything as long as she could come up with music.

Try as she might though, it was fruitless. She had yet to come up with anything new. She tried singing past songs, but still, her mind was completely blank. She used to find inspiration anywhere. Well, except for the past two years. She seemed to only find inspiration in Hitch, or her love for Hitch.

She tried to think of Hitch as little as possible. Thinking of him made her heart hurt. It felt wrong not to see him every day. She couldn't help but wonder how he was. He was probably worried sick about her. Unless he was still mad at her, though she doubted it. He's probably turned Maretime Bay inside out trying to find her.

Her chest began to ache. She didn't realize how much she needed him, how much she loved him until he was gone from her forever. And here she thought it was hard when she thought he didn't love her back two years ago. When Sunny told her he didn't love anypony. It was true when they said it was worse to see the light and be thrown in the dark again than to be in the dark and never see the light.

It made her wish she appreciated Hitch that much more. She began to hum a tune, a new one. Hitch was right there in front of her, but now that he's gone, only now does she understand how much he truly meant. Why couldn't she see it when she was with him? Why did it take being so far from him for her to appreciate his value? His steady guiding hoof. His love for Sparky. His protecting nature. Her tune became louder and soon, words came to her.

🎵I spent so much time searchin', lookin' for something more.
Diggin' holes too deep and opening every door.
And when you stand too close, yeah, the pictures never clear.
And when you look too far away it all but disappears.

And you were right there in front of me.
Just too close for me to see.
And I didn't know what you had truly meant to me.
When you were right there in front of me.🎵

Meanwhile in Maretime Bay...

Hitch was packing his saddlebag, one side for him, the other side for Sparky. He didn't want to bring Sparky because it was incredibly dangerous, but Zipp said his dragon fire might come in handy.

He couldn't believe he was packing up to go on a rescue mission to save Pipp. It seemed so surreal after all this time. The time she'd been gone, he hadn't been himself. He'd been all over the place mentally and emotionally. He didn't realize how much he needed her, how much she kept him on track until she was gone. Until she disappeared.

Hitch came across a picture of Pipp. He picked it up, staring at it longingly. He usually wasn't one to sing, but since Pipp was captured, he found himself doing it more. It reminded him of her.

🎵There was a time when I thought I had it all,
But there was always one problem, when there was nothing at all,
But you were all that I needed.
But unfortunately,
It took you disappearing.
For me to see it clearly.🎵

As Hitch sang the chorus on a song he'd frequently sung to himself, he could've sworn he heard Pipp singing right along with him.

🎵And you were right there in front of me,
Just too close for me to see.
And I didn't know what you had truly meant to me.
When you were right there in front of me.🎵

After singing the chorus again, swearing she could hear Hitch's voice sing right along with her, she began to sing her first verse, not even realizing her cutie mark was glowing, and back in Maretime Bay, Hitch's cutie mark was doing the same.

🎵I spent so much time searchin', lookin' for something more,
Diggin' holes too deep and opening every door.🎵

She paused, and she swore she could hear Hitch's voice singing back:

🎵But you were all that I needed.
But unfortunately,
It took you disappearing,
For me to see it clearly.🎵

Pipp climbed back on her mattress, her heart growing heavy.

🎵What you truly meant to me...🎵

"Okay," Zipp unfurled the map on the floor of the Crystal Brighthouse and pointed to a place on it labeled Maretime Bay and circled in red marker. The three other mares gathered around her. "Here we are." Zipp followed a trail outlined in black pen to another place circled in red marker with a star next to it labeled Forest of Leota. "This is the path we have to take to get to here. This is where we believe Pipp is."

Zipp looked up at Misty, Izzy, and Sunny. "I wish I could say Misty and I thought of a plan once we get there, but there's no way we could. We don't even know what it looks like. We're going in completely blind. We don't even know where Pipp is being held."

Sunny tried to give Zipp an assuring smile. "It's alright. Once we get there, I'm sure we can map something out."

"Yeah, I'm sure we could," Zipp mumbled, rolling it up and placing it in her saddlebag, not even looking at Sunny.

Sunny frowned, her guilt growing. She wanted to apologize to Zipp, tell Zipp how wrong she was and how sorry she felt, but every time she tried, Zipp'd just brush her off, or change the subject. It was obvious Zipp didn't want to hear it, and while Sunny believed she deserved the cold shoulder, it was still hard to take.

That was when Hitch walked in with Sparky on his back. When the four mares saw him, all their jaws dropped. Surprisingly, Hitch was only wearing his sheriff's badge and it was Sparky who was all decked out, much to the dragon's discontentment. Sparky was wearing red arm floaties that helped little foals swim, a red helmet, as well as little red elbow and knee pads. Anypony could spot him a mile away.

"Uhh...Hitch? Sunny asked, her eyes wide. "What's Sparky wearing?"

"Oh," Hitch glanced back at Sparky, as though making sure he was wearing everything before looking back at the four mares. "This? Just a little something to make sure he doesn't get hurt. It won't interfere with the mission."

"But...it's red..." Zipp stated flatly.

"Yep, in case my little guy gets lost. We're going outside of Equestria, into the great unknown! If he gets lost, at least we'll be able to spot him easily before he gets hurt!" Hitch explained, worry building up in him at the thought of Sparky getting hurt.

"Yeah, but, anypony can spot him. They can spot him a mile away." Zipp explained in growing irritation.

"Yep, that's the point."

"We're trying to get into the changeling kingdom without being spotted. He's going to blow our whole cover! Couldn't you, I don't know, dress him up in a more discreet color?"

"I got this!" Izzy announced, raising her hoof.

She then bolted out of the room and up the ramp. When she came back down, she had the handle of a bucket of black paint in her mouth with a paintbrush on the lid. She then put the bucket down next to Hitch, picked up the paintbrush with her hoof, and began painting Sparky's helmet, arm floaties, and elbow/knee pads black.

"Taa–daa!" Izzy sang, putting the paintbrush down, and crouching herself down in a defensive position, narrowing her eyes. "Ninja black."

"But, it's wet. What if it makes him cold and he gets sick because of it." Hitch asked worriedly.

Izzy waved away his concerns with a dismissive hoof. "It's fine. It's Super Duper Dry Fast Paint, crafted by yours truly. It's a miracle worker. See?" Izzy put a hoof on Sparky's helmet, rubbed it a bit, and pulled the hoof away, completely free of paint. "Dries in record time!"

After a small discussion, the five ponies decided to head out. They slowly opened the door to the Brighthouse, and, slowly, they crept out. Zipp had checked with her pony drone before they left and had found Zoom and Thunder asleep in the bushes.

Silently, they crept through Maretime Bay, being extra careful not to wake anypony up. It was dark, and they could barely see in front of them, but they refused to use their flashlights for fear of waking ponies up.

Misty's heart raced as she sensed there was something off, but she couldn't name it. All she felt was that they needed to keep their guard up. She almost felt as though eyes were watching them, waiting for them to let their guard down to attack. Misty slowed down until she stopped, refusing to go any further. Something was wrong, and she needed her friends to know.

Zipp noticed Misty was no longer next to her and she froze. She turned around and saw Misty had stopped. "Misty? What's wrong?"

Misty shook her head, swallowing hard, her face full of fear.

"Misty, it's fine. It's just a little dark. If that's what you're afraid of..." Sunny trailed off when Misty shook her head, harder this time.

Then, she made a deliberate motion of looking around fearfully, especially around the darker corners.

Zipp instantly understood what she meant. "Keep your guard up, ponies. We're not outta the woods yet. There's something out here with us."

"How do you know that's really what it is? I mean, it could just be Misty's anxiety about the dark and what's to come and her mind's playing jokes on her. Who could it be?" Hitch asked, to which Sunny and Izzy nodded.

Zipp glanced at Misty, who barely shook her head. It wasn't big, but just enough for Zipp to notice. "I trust Misty's instincts. She has yet to be wrong. Especially since Misty was the one who discovered where Pipp might be."

Before anypony else could protest, Zipp walked away, warning her friends one last time to keep their guards up. They all hesitantly complied, eyes searching and ears alert for any possible enemy.

Finally, the five ponies came to the "Leaving Maretime Bay" sign, and three of them were about to let their guard down when they saw a figure come out of the shadows before them. No, two. Three. All of them took a step back, their hearts racing.

However, when they stepped into the Moonlight, it was clear who they were.

"Zoom? Thunder?" Zipp asked, confused. When they separated they saw both Queen Haven and Alphabittle. Where did he come from? They only saw three figures, right? "Mom? Alphabittle? What are you all doing here?"

"Zoom and Thunder informed us you had planned to leave to save your dear sister and it appears they were right."

Hitch looked at the two guards in confusion. "H–how did you know that? You weren't even in the Brighthouse when we were discussing it."

"We bugged your place," Zoom said with a shrug.

"Yeah, we did," Thunder confirmed.

Now Zipp was confused. "When? You were with us the whole time."

"Uh..." Zoom looked at Queen Haven before looking back at Zipp.

Queen Haven rolled her eyes. "When isn't important. What's important is that you aren't leaving."

"Yes, we are, Mom," Zipp answered defiantly. "And there's nothing you can say to stop us."

"I understand that you want to find Pipp, really, I do, but it's far too dangerous. I've already lost Pipp, my darling. I can't lose you too."

"I understand, Mom. But...I have to at least try. Don't you see? I'll never forgive myself if I don't. I promise I'll come back with her, you'll see. You won't lose me, I promise." Zipp pleaded.

"You can't promise that."

"Yes, I can. Please."

Zipp looked up at her mother with pleading eyes, Misty doing the same to Alphabittle. Both parties were silent for a while, staring at each other in silent challenge.

Queen Haven, however, refused to back down. "The answer is no. And that's final."

"Why!" Zipp yelled. "Don't you love Pipp?!"

"Of course I do, my darling. I just don't want to lose you too." As she said this, there was the faintest glint of blue in her eyes. Nopony seemed to notice this though. Nopony but Izzy.

"CHANGELING!" Izzy cried out as loud as she could.

The four ponies glanced back at her, confused before it finally clicked. They all jumped into defensive stances. Queen Haven and Alphabittle glared down at them.

"How dare you accuse me of being the monstrous creature that took my daughter from me! I am nothing like them!" Queen Haven said, aghast.

Zipp glanced back at Izzy, who just said, "The glint in their eyes when they lie! I saw a glint! I saw a glint!"

Zipp looked back at Queen Haven, her eyes narrowed. "Are you a changeling, Mom?" Zipp stared into her eyes.

"Of course, I am not!"

Nothing. Zipp almost brushed it off as unicorn superstition, but something in her gut told her to try again.

So, she did. "Do you love Pipp, Mom? Do you love me?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"Just answer it!" Zipp yelled, tears filling her eyes.

"Of course." No glint.

Zipp was about to give up, but one glance at Izzy's fear-filled face made her try one more time. "Say it. Say it out loud."

"Zipp, what in the hay is this all about? Don't tell me you actually believe–"

"Say it!"

Queen Haven rolled her eyes, but she took the smallest step backward. "Of course I love you, Zipp. Both you and your sister," Queen Haven's ears slightly flattened.

There. The smallest glint of blue. Zipp probably wouldn't have noticed it if she wasn't staring at her eyes so intently. Zipp flared her wings, moving her back leg slightly, getting ready to leap at Queen Haven. Hitch and Sunny crouched down lower, ready to jump at a second's notice. Izzy scraped her hoof across the ground, huffing through her nose, all four of them glaring at the changelings.

Misty, however, cowered closer to Zipp, flashes of that night playing through her mind. Could she really fight her father if it came down to it? Suddenly, green fire consumed Zoom and Thunder and before they knew it, Opaline and Sprout were standing before them as well.

Sunny, Misty, Izzy, and Hitch all looked at them with wide eyes. They knew they were changelings, but, besides Opaline, it felt wrong to fight them. However, Misty felt anger rise up in her. She spent years trying to survive living with Opaline, and when she finally broke free, Opaline came and terrorized her and her friends. Now that she was defeated, these changelings were trying to scare her by turning into her? Hell no! Over her dead body. Opaline's put her through hell and back. Not anymore.

Without any hesitation, Misty charged at Opaline, catching her by surprise. With a cry, Misty turned and bucked Opaline square in the chest, knocking the wind out of her. Taking that as the signal, the other four ponies charged at the small group of changelings. Zipp purposefully went to Sprout, punching him in the muzzle before aiming a buck straight for his face, knocking him out.

Sunny and Hitch went straight for Alphabittle. Sparky jumped off Hitch and landed on Alphabittle's back, pulling at his mane. As Alphabittle tried to buck Sparky off, Sunny dropped to the ground right in front of the stumbling Alphabittle, causing him to trip. Sparky then used his dragon fire to transform a fallen stick into rope, and Hitch didn't even hesitate before tying the rope around Alphabittle's legs, blocking his horn with a tennis ball. Ponies may not have magic, but the same couldn't be said about changelings.

Izzy charged at Queen Haven, using her many unicycled supplies to attack her. She grabbed her unicycled tennis ball gun and began firing at Queen Haven, assaulting her in the face with tennis ball after tennis ball. Sneaking up behind her while she was distracted, Hitch then bucked Queen Haven in the back of the head, knocking her out. Three down, one to go.

Zipp, Izzy, Sunny, and Hitch all turned to see Misty being pinned down on the ground by Opaline, who was laughing maniacally. Oh no they don't! Not Misty of all ponies–Zipp's future step-sister. With a war cry of her own, Zipp jumped and flew at Opaline from above, landing on her back, and pulling at her mane similar to what Sparky did to Alphabittle earlier. Opaline began stumbling back, trying to get Zipp off. Misty then stood up and charged at Opaline, grabbing her face. Opaline, unable to see at this point, tripped over her own hooves and fell to the ground, hitting her head and knocking herself out.

Just then, Sparky was grabbed by another Sprout. Hitch turned around, glancing at the first Sprout who was still knocked out. He then glanced at where they had Alphabittle tied up, only to find he was gone. Damn it! Hitch turned to the second Sprout, and with no hesitation, turned and bucked his former deputy right in the face, knocking him out. Sparky fell to the ground, before being swiftly grabbed by Hitch and held close to him in a tight hug, to which Sparky tried to unsuccessfully squirm out of.

Upon hearing grunting behind her, Zipp turned around to see Misty continuously kicking Opaline's still form, tears streaming down her face. Why couldn't she just leave her alone? Why did Opaline continuously haunt her? Why couldn't she just leave Opaline in the past?! Misty began to yell with each kick. She tried to move on! She tried to start over! She tried...

Zipp grabbed Misty and gathered her up in her hooves, hugging her tightly. Misty tried to fight out of Zipp's embrace, but Zipp refused to relent.

"Just let me at her! She won't leave us alone until she's gone forever! Just let me finish her!" Misty spoke for the first time in six months.

Zipp pushed Misty away and forced her to look Zipp in the eyes. "Misty! Get ahold of yourself! Opaline's gone! That's a changeling! That's not Opaline! Remember?"

Something seemed to shift in Misty's eyes as they widened, tears streaming down her face faster. She sniffled once before collapsing into Zipp, sobbing. Zipp wrapped her hooves around Misty, holding her tightly in her hooves, whispering how it was all going to be okay. How this was all going to be over soon.

The three remaining ponies just looked down at the ground, tears streaming down Sunny's and Izzy's faces as well. They understood where Misty was coming from. What they wouldn't give for this all to be over. Soon, Izzy walked up to the embracing pair and hugged Misty's sobbing form from the other side. Before long, only glancing at Hitch for a brief moment, Sunny walked up and hugged the three of them. Hitch took a little longer, lingering where he was for a couple of moments before Sunny separated just long enough to beckon him over. That was all it took to break Hitch's emotional wall for a moment. Hitch joined the embrace and the five of them hugged for a long moment.

They may not have been on the best of terms at that moment, but when it came down to it, they were the best of friends and they always would be.

Author's Note:

Alright, part two of the Pitch triology is finished. Whoop! Whoop!

I know I finished it on a cliff hanger, but trust me, the finale is underway and the first chapter should be out in the next couple of days.

Originally, I was going to combine it into one story, but this story is already long and since the five of them have to travel across Equestria to the changeling kingdom, have things go wrong–because, let's be honest with ourselves, what's the point of having a story if things don't go wrong with our main characters–plus trying save Pipp and attempting defeat the changelings, which is a lot for one story o n top of everything that's already happened. Don't worry though, you won't have to wait long for part 3.

Until then, enjoy reading my other stories.

Hoof to heart.

P.S: To anybody who's read this...should I change the rating of this story to E instead of T? I never understand how much violence is too much violence for an everyone rating. Comment your opinion below!

Comments ( 5 )

Okay, at first I was going to say ending it now would no doubt rush things, but there’s a sequel coming so that’ll take care of wrapping everything up nicely.

Anyway, seeing as Sunny and Hitch realized they bucked up royally (pun unintended) and will be dealing with the consequences throughout most of the trip, I can let go of my grudge.

Now comes the journey to rescue Pipp from these mind bending freaks, and I doubt it’ll be easy on anypony.

And that's exactly the reason I needed it there. I was worried putting it all into one story would rush things and my biggest pet peeve in the whole world is when a writer rushes an ending, whether it's a book or a movie because it just ruins the whole thing :twilightangry2:. At least by continuing the story in a sequel, I can take the space I need to not rush it and make it as good quality as the rest of the story.

Comment posted by Elias Villalba deleted Monday

Pues hoy en día con mencionar las palabras "muerte" o "sangre" ya es suficiente como para estar en esta clasificación, yo lo dejaría en T

Since changelings have appeared, will any other characters from G4 appear? (e.g. Flurry Heart)

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