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Chapter 1

"really twilight? Your gonna try to cast another dangerous spell?" Spike asked from his seat.

"Of course not! Besides, this spell isn't even dangerous" the lavender alicorn replied.

"Well, what's it do?"

"If I do it right, hypothetically, it should summon a being who would automatically be my friend!"

"I don't know, that sounds pretty dangerous to me"

"Don't worry about it spike, it'll be fine!"

"If you say so" spike said as he got off from his seat.

Currently, they were at twilights castle, she had nothing to do, so she decided on trying a spell she found in some random book she got!

Cuz why not?

"Where did you even find this spell?" Spike asked.

"It was in this book" twilight replied as she handed spike said book.

Big book o' da internet cheats

"And where'd you get the book?"

"It was actually at the front door this morning, I guess it was a gift from the princess, since I don't recognize most of the spells in there"

Spike decided to open the book and flip through some of its pages.

How to meme.

How to get a billion views.

How to delete your search history.


"Are these actually spells?" Spike asked as he flipped through more pages.

How to know if the FBI is spying on you.

How to apologize to the FBI for assuming such a thing.

"I think so" Twilight replied.

"And where does it even have one to summon a friend for somebody?"

"Page seventy two"

How to summon a friend.

Step one: Copy.

Step two: Paste.


"Are you sure these are spells? They don't really have the instructions that usually come with them" asked spike as he closed the book.

"I think that's maybe the point, I guess now that I'm a princess, I'll need to be able to cast spells with fewer and less direct instructions"

"Whatever you say, your the boss" Spike shrugged as he started to head for the exit of the room they were in.

"Hopefully your spell works, but, I'm gonna head to bed"

"Ok, good night spike!" Twilight said as spike left the room.

"Alright, let's get started, copy... Paste..."


Meanwhile, Somewhere in the mushroom kingdom...

"God dammit Mario! I told you to watch the road! Now we're stranded!" Smg4 screamed at mario.

Smg4, or, super mario glitchy four, was a man who made YouTube videos and memed for a living.

He was a bit short, had a mostouche, wore brown shoes, white overalls and gloves, and a blue undershirt and cap.

"Don't worry! Mario's gonna fix the cart!" Mario replied as he reached into his pockets and pulled out a wrench and started banging at the wrecked vehicle.

Mario was practically an exact copy of smg4, down to the moustache, but, he wore blue overalls, and a red undershirt and cap.

"That isn't gonna work! Here, let me try" smg4 said as he pulled out a hammer from his pocket and started going to town on the cart.

The two were currently stuck in a desert, since mario had crashed the cart they were riding.


After a few moments of just mindlessly hitting the cart, the duo gave up.

"I don't think this is working"


"What are we gonna do?! We're stranded and there isn't anything from miles!"

"Ah, piss"


"Were all gonna die!!!"

Unbeknownst to the duo, a third individual was watching them from afar.

"Ha! I knew it was a good idea to follow them! Now I have them right where I want them!" screamed smg3 as he hopped into a clown car.

Smg3, or, super Mario glitchy three, was smg4's self proclaimed arch nemesis, as he regularly stole video ideas from smg4.

Again, he was practically an exact copy of smg4 and Mario, but with black overalls and dark blue undershirt and cap.

And now, he was going to attempt to finally defeat smg4 and become the superior YouTuber.

"I can't die! I'm too funny to die!" smg4 cried as he bawled his eyes out.

Mario wasn't listening, as he was busy eating a plate of spaghetti.

"What up biacth!!" screamed smg3 as he approached them.


"Oh c'mon! First we get stranded and now we have to deal with you?!"

"Yes! And now, I'm gonna kill you! Because... I want to! So prepare your anus" Smg3 said as he hopped off the clown car and pulled out a shotgun.

"Oh hell no! Mario! Let's kick his ass!" smg4 screamed as he pulled out a pistol.

"You got it fam!" Mario screamed as he pulled out a rock from his pocket and threw it to the ground.

"Take a dis!"

The rock had a face drawn on it, a little wizards hat and a little wand.


"Oh my fuckin God"

"What is that?"

"It's my pet rock!"


"I- is it supposed to do something?"


As Mario said that though, the rock suddenly began to shake.

"Ooga bala!" The rock exclaimed as it shot a ball of energy from its wand.

The energy ball suddenly turned into a portal, Wich began sucking the three men in.

"Oh shit"


"Waaaaa!!!" Mario screamed as he was sucked into the portal.

"Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shiiiit!" smg3 screamed as he too was sucked into the portal.

"Noo! I still have so many memes to maaaaake!" smg4 screamed as he held onto the totaled cart for dear life.

But eventually, his grip let up, and he let go.


As the trio fell through what they assumed was a wormhole, they did the only feasible thing they could in such a situation.

They began to argue.

"Fat ass! Where the hell did you get that rock?!"

"Aah! It just fell on me!"

"What!? What is that supposed to mean?!"

"Dammit! Thanks to your dumb rock, were probably gonna die!"

"Hey! Shut up!"

They continued to argue for a bit, but they stopped when smg4 and smg3 suddenly began to be pulled into different directions.

"Hey what the fuck?!" smg3 exclaimed as he was pulled north.

"What the fuck is going on?!" smg4 screamed as he was pulled south.

"Well shit" Mario said as his direction didn't change.


Back at twilights castle, she was struggling with the supposed friend summoner spell.


"I don't think this is working" she said to herself after dimming her horn.

"I'll try one more time, and, if it doesn't work, then I'll just ask the princess for help" twilight said as she relit her horn.

"Just gotta focus more..." She said as her horn began to glow brighter.

"I can do this..." She said as her horn glowed even brighter.



After a bit, she was debating on giving up, when she heard a faint voice.


It was working!

"Just a bit more!" Twilight screamed as she put even more magical force into whatever spell she couldn't actually cast.


After another moment, the voice suddenly became louder, and louder.


"Make way for willy!!!" The voice said as twilight suddenly got a massive headache and something crashed into her.

Then everything went dark.

Author's Note:

Honestly, I don't know if there's many mlp fans who also watch or at least watched smg4. But who cares, still made this.:twilightblush: