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Chapter 3

Cadence woke up with a headache that morning.

She didn't think much of it, of course, she just thought it was a simple headache, and that the day would go normally.

Oh how wrong she was.

It all started going downhill when she saw herself in her mirror.

And saw the mustache and dark blue cap.

"What in the world...?" Cadence said as she tried taking the mustache off.

"What the hell is thiiis??" She added.


She didn't want to add that though.

"Why am I a cute little pony?! I'm supposed to be badass! This is bullshit!" Cadence screamed into the mirror.

She put a hoof over her mouth.

Why was she saying such things?

Her question would remain unanswered as she involuntary removed her hoof from her muzzle.

"I swear to god, I'm gonna find that red fat ass and bash his skull in!"


"No! I'm not doing that!" she screamed at herself.

She didn't exactly know why she was planning on finding some pony and doing that to them, but she really wasn't planning on letting that happen.

"Huh? Who said that?" Cadence asked.

"I did!" she replied to herself.

"Ah geez, a voice in my head, am I going crazy?"

"Honestly? I think that may just be it"

"Hey! Shut up!" Who are you anyway?"

"I should be asking whoever you are that same question"

"I'm me! And you're just a voice in my head!"


"No, your the voice in my head, now, if you'll excuse me, I need to prepare for my duties" Cadence said to herself as she started to head for the exit of her room.

"Oi! I don't got time for whatever dumb duties you gotta do! I was kind of in the middle of something you know?" she said as she suddenly turned towards her window.

"Hey! How are you doing that?!" Cadence screamed as she willed herself back to her original direction.

"And now you've taken control of my new body?! Just great"

"Your- this is my body thank you very much!"

"Yeah yeah whatever you say, what are these duties about anyway?"

"I'm a princess"


"You've got to be kidding me, a princess?! Man, hopefully the other two got shittier bodies"


Other two?


Twilight's friends silently watched the gold coin that was on the ground.

"Pinkie, what did you do?" Fluttershy asked.

"I- I don't know! I just said hi and I guess she got scared and-" Pinkie began to say, but was cut off by rarity.

"And she exploded?!" Rarity screamed, making everypony wince.

"I guess?" Pinkie said.

"Should we tell some pony? Maybe the princess?" Applejack asked.

"No! We can't tell her, she'll freak out like you won't believe!" Rainbow dash replied.

"Well we've got ta tell some pony! Twilight just exploded!"

As twilights friends started to argue, spike decided to just send a letter to the princess.

Yeah, maybe she would freak out, but it couldn't be that bad right? Besides, she would find out eventually.


Twilight's friends stopped arguing when they noticed spike send a letter by fire breath.

"Spike! You didn't send that to the princess right?" Rainbow dash asked.

"I did, why are you so freaked out about telling the princess about this anyway?" Spike asked.


"Pony feathers" rainbow dash simply replied.

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