• Published 21st Jun 2024
  • 223 Views, 3 Comments

A Little Froggy Haven - Lulamoon-Crystal

Queen Haven wakes up one morning a little more froggier. What had happened?

  • ...

The only one

One early morning, Zipp was rudely awoken by the loud ringing of her phone. She looked up at the ceiling as she pulled her blanket over her ears, ruffling her mane even more.

“Ugh!” She groaned. “What time is it?” She wondered, thinking who’d be ringing her at this time. It can’t be any of her friends. They would just wake her up. Except for Hitch, since he didn’t live with them. If anyone was ringing her at this hour, it was most likely Hitch or her own mother. She groaned as she dropped the pillow. Her phone ringing again. Must be very important.

Well, guess that’s what happens when you are a detective or the heir to the throne. This was not her first time being woken by a phone call and likely not the last. She’d thought she’d be used to it by now… She lifted herself up, sitting on her bed and yawning, noticing everypony else was still asleep.

Likely 5AM… She grabbed her phone and gasped softly as she noticed the name ringing her. ‘Royal Guard, Zoom Zephyrwing’ along with a photo of Zoom right above her name. “Zoom?” She questioned, must be very important. If the queen ever needed her, she’d ring her first, not get a guard to do it. She could feel her concerns grow as she looked at the call. Sneaking out the room as to not wake anypony.

She walked down the ramp and put her phone to her ear once she accepted the call. “Hello?” She whispered. “Zoom?”

"Your highness!" Zoom cried on the other end then paused. A distant croaking along with Thunder’s voice, seemingly speaking to someone, like an upset frog. "There has been an incident at the palace…"

Zipp froze in her tracks as her heart skipped a beat. Zoom’s worried voice added to her dread. Did something happen to her mother? Or maybe the palace itself, as Zoom sounded a little uneasy mentioning it rather than upset. Not to mention, she also sounded a little confused.

“A-an incident?”

“Y-yes, your highness. It’s quite the situation. I suggest you and your sister come to the palace as soon as possible.”

“Wh-what about Sunny and the others?” Zipp asked. Knowing Sunny and Izzy had plans today to try and revive an old school that was abandoned for five years. Since it would come in handy with the bigger yard, classrooms and more organised in general. The current one was nice, but was built in a rush when a fire broke out in the old one. So it was smaller. Some classrooms being overfilled thanks to there being twice as many students.

“If they are able to come. But I feel the less ponies know, the better. For her sake…”

Zipp gulped, trying to assure herself whatever happened to her Mother can't be as bad as it sounds. “We’ll be right there.”

As soon as the two sisters arrived, they raced to their mother’s bedroom, where Zoom’s voice was heard. “Your majesty! They should be here soon!” She cried. Zipp and Pipp racing into the room to see a frog seemingly dropped down, slapping onto Zoom’s face. Making one big croak. Thunder making a small snicker at the misfortune. Seeing the periwinkle frog on his partner’s face. Shutting both her eyes.

“We are here Zoom, what’s the problem?” Zipp asked.

“Is she okay!?” Pipp cried before pausing as she noticed the large frog on the guard’s face.

“It appeared that Queen Haven woke up a little… Froggy.” She said with a serious expression as the frog climbed on to of her helmet. Looking rather relived at seeing the two sisters. On closer inspection, you could see this was no ordinary frog.

The periwinkle pink colouring was the same as Haven’s fur colour. So was the tuft of hair on its head being the same as her mane. There were two purple wing-like markings on either side of her body. What Zipp and Pipp did was stand there, staring in horror. This was their mother. She was now a frog. But how?

“Our mother is a stinky toad!?” Screamed Pipp in horror.

“Frog, actually. Your highness.” Zoom corrected. Jumping in shock when Haven suddenly jumped on Pipp. Making her scream in fright. It was obvious she only wanted to hug it, but did not think before jumping.

“It- She's on my head!” Screamed Pipp. Fighting her instinct to shake her off. Her heart was racing as she tried to process what was going on. How was this even possible? Thankfully Haven was seemingly still aware a little, as she jumped onto Zipp’s hoof when she lifted it towards her. Pipp slowly trying to calm herself down, Thunder trying to help.

“How strange…” Zipp said, staring down at her. Hoping there was a way to fix this, because if she was a frog forever. Then that would mean she'd have to take the throne much earlier than she thought, too early. But most importantly, for her own sake, this needed to be fixed!

“I will fix this!” Zipp exclaimed before looking at Zoom. “Zoom! Do you know where mother was yesterday? Perhaps she was somewhere near someplace magical?” She asked. “Like Bridlewood or… Anywhere nearby?” She asked, assuming this was most likely Bridlewood’s doing. She witnessed the Breezies herself, for starters, so they could have given something that transformed her into a frog on accident.

Or maybe not. After all, she recalled Izzy saying the market was closed for a few weeks yesterday.

Or maybe the crystals. If plants there were able to jog one’s memories, or help Pipp with her voice cold. Or even magical pig ghosts that get defeated by rubies. Surely there was more stiff there. Something that did this.

“Yes, your highness.” Zoom confirmed. “She was with Alphabittle going for a walk along a trail in Bridlewood. Thunder and I were requested to lag behind a little. As she wanted some time between him and her as they foraged along the trail.” She paused, starting to look a little sorry. Plus a little confused on why she would want to go foraging with him for bonding time. “I would have stayed closer to see what she was doing. But I had to accept her request. But I don’t think I saw her picking up or touching anything dangerous. I believe she also had a list of safe things to forage. I made him double check the stuff she was bringing home.”

“Yeah. She woke up as this when Zoom came into her room to see if she was up for a very early meeting she had with a few teachers.” He sighed. “Those poor foals, their excursion will be pushed back…”

“Of course, just as I thought.” Zipp sighed. “Thanks for letting me know. C’mon, Pipp.”

“If dad was still here. All he’s have to do is kiss her!” Pipp complained. Getting strange looks from everypony in the room. “What? Has nopony read ‘The Frog Prince?’”

Alphabittle was cleaning a cup of his own in his tearoom before two ponies raced in a hurry. Zipp and Pipp. With a frog of some sort. Sitting on the former's head. Hanging onto her mane, evidence she had been flying fast without thinking about her 'passenger'.

“Hello?” He asked as they raced over to him. “What’s the hurry?”

His face was full of concern and confusion as both mares glared at him. The Haven-looking frog staring at him with concern. He opened his mouth as his heart raced. He had a gut feeling something was wrong here. A real bad feeling.

“Girls?” He asked. “Is something wrong?”

“Oh, I dunno…” Pipp said grumpily. “After your foraging trip yesterday, our mother woke up like this!” She shouted, Zipp placing the frog on the table. Haven was indeed a frog. She stared up at him, making a loud croak without meaning to. He only stood there in shock and horror, hoping this was some sort of prank.

“H-Haven?” He stuttered as she looked up at him. Froggy face full of concern . Both glaring at him angrily. As if he had committed a serious crime. He could feel the tension as he looked at them and back at Haven, trying to think on what could have possibly happened.

”After our hike under the willows where we foraged a little?” He questioned. He had given her a list of dangerous things to not touch when foraging. He made sure to stay with her and go on a trail that was popular for occasional foraging, since dangerous things rarely grew in that area. A few other ponies were there too, at the time. Getting mushrooms, berries or leaves for soups. What could have possibly caused this? Then his face totally turning to horror, quickly he gazed at a calendar and back at Haven, making a bug gulped as he faced the sisters.

It was silent for a while, until Haven jumped away in fright. Upon a froggy instinct that seemingly feel Cloudpuff was a threat when he rushed over to her. He whimpered as he stepped back, clearly confused. Poor buddy was clearly confused as Haven slapped onto Zoom’s face.

“Your majesty. I believe I cannot see when you do that.” Zoom said, Haven looking at her apologetically before climbing on top of her helmet. That was the third time today she had jumped on her face.

“Oh no…” Alphabittle said softly.

“Oh no you say?” Zipp sternly said, clearly upset with him. “You turned her into a frog and all you say is “Oh no!?”

”I uh…” He sighed, putting a hoof to his face in shame. “It’s willow seed season. I completely forgot to tell her.” He mentally scolded himself. “She must have picked some up without realising!”

”Willow seeds?” Zipp slightly softened up. “Willow seeds are safe to eat, what are you talking about?”

“But the willow seeds come with a look-alike in Bridlewood. The trees drop normal seeds and another type of seed that looks similar. But they contain some magical dust of some sort, that doesn’t activate unless the pony uses magic themselves…” He sighed, feeling ashamed of himself as he looked back at her. “It can come with a whole list of strange changes of events once activated.” He paused. At least she didn’t grow another horn like Jasper did.

”Well. Is there a way to fix this?” Pipp asked.

”Yes, there is. We discovered some honey that took away the effects and turned the pony back to normal, let me go get it.” He said, perking up a little as he went looking through a few jars. Gently putting some to the sighed before he smiled, grabbing a labeled jar that was originally a jam jar. But was relabeled and reused for the honey he mentioned.

“Here we g-“ He said as he lifted the jar, gasping slightly as his expression fell. Haven watched him, unaware of what was going in. Finding his instant defeated expression coming so quickly after his eager expression worrisome. “Oh…”

“Oh? What do you mean oh?” Asked Zipp, sounding more annoyed. “Don’t tell me…” She asked as Haven started to look a bit more worried about the situation. Realising he did not have the cure right now. But surely it wouldn't be too hard to find.

“We are out!? But the jar was half filled.” He said, defeated, looking around, wondering what happened to the rest. It was unlikely someone would eat it, it was behind his counter, hardly anypony goes behind there. Unless…

Wait a minute. Misty was here recently. Eating what she said was a strawberry jam sandwich. Where did she even get strawberry jam from, he did not have any… Did Misty mistake it as jam thanks to the red colouring and the jar lid still claiming it is jam? Ugh, Zephyr Heights and their fancy jars… He did not understand why they felt they needed to label the lid as well…

“Yep…” He groaned, mad at himself, not Misty. She couldn’t have known, since he forgot to mention it. Thankfully the red honey has no effect beyond fixing the willow gem curse. “We are out…” She likely thought it was another tasty jam she never tried.

”Great! How convenient!” Zipp exclaimed angrily, quickly noticing Haven as she leaped towards the bench. But, missing her target and crashing into a teacup. It moved a bit on impact as she fell onto the bench. “How do we get more?”

Onyx and Dapple were quick coming over. Taking over the conversation. “I heard you needed red honey.” She smirked.

”Onyx?” Pipp asked.

“Yep, she knows. I actually don’t, to be honest. It was just given to me.” Alphabittle said apologetically. “Dapple collected it in the jar.”

”Well, that works out. So, where do we go and what do do?” Pipp asked then gasped in panic. “How much time do we have!” She fluttered her wings. Much to Zipp’s disapproval. Hearing Dapple tap his bongos in a beat, a poem was coming, wasn’t it? Just like the one for the troggles, there was one for the red honey? Oh well, she better listen closely.

“The gems that fall from the willow trees.
This season they come in the seed
One use of magic can create many degrees
combined with swallowing, you’ll regret indeed
You will need help from beyond the orchard.
If you do, find the vicious red bees
You must be wallowing in the mud
So you can get the bright, red honey.”

Zipp and Pipp froze in place before looking at each other. “And where exactly do we find the bees?” Asked Zipp. Thinking about the poem. “Beyond the orchid, hmm… Wallow though the mud. Vicious red bees and bright red honey?” Zipp questioned, before shrugging it off. “I think I can figure that out.”

Onyx glanced at her. “If you believe so.”

“That sorts it!” Pipp exclaimed, jumping off a stool, “Let’s get the honey!”

“We are coming, too.” Onyx said bluntly.

“Alright, then…” Zipp said, not minding it. It wouldn’t hurt to have ponies familiar to these areas.

Pipp paused, looking at Alphabittle. “If this doesn’t work, you are kissi-“

”Pipp! Hurry up!” Zipp shouted, outside.

Pipp excitedly strolled along the trail. She snapped a few pictures on her phone as she skipped through. It was a gorgeous area, butterflies, birds, mushrooms. It was clear to see why this trail was popular.

With so many pretty things to see here, it seemed she wasn't gonna tire out anytime soon.

Haven looked along the trail. Everything was so much bigger like this. More scary, too, she wouldn't like to admit. But it was really strange like this. When she woke up, she couldn't control her strong legs. Ending up jumping on the roof. Poor Cloudpuff had a fright.

Frogs must be pretty scared being so small compared to everything. She never really liked frogs, to be honest. But now, she kinda felt they were more than some sticky critter.

“How much further?” Asked Thunder. Feeling a little worried as he watched Haven stand on Zipp’s shoulder.

“About a twenty minute walk?” Alphabittle said.

”That’s not that long. If you aren’t in a mess like this…” Zipp groaned. Making sure to keep an eye out. For any snakes, birds, or anything that would hunt down her mother! Alphabittle, Zoom and Pipp were doing the same. Which kinda made her think. As cruel as it may sound, maybe it would have been safer to either leave her with somepony in the tearoom. Or bring her in a small travel enclosure of some sort. Too late now.

Zoom walked next to Zipp. So she'd be in between the queen and any potential predator. It was pretty much her job to protect the queen. Better to be bitten by a hopefully non-venomous snake or be swooped by a bird then have your queen killed and eaten. She was unaware of Haven staring at her, watching the single fly buzz around her ear. She put up with the buzzing, flies were common, so she learned to deal with them. That’s where ears and tails come in handy.

As they walked along, Haven started to notice she was a little hungry as he felt her stomach rumble. Communicating would be hard as she could not speak. Which was proven when she tried to tell Thunder back in the palace about what was happening and to get her daughters. He thought she was talking about ruling over Zephyr Heights as a frog and how that would be very strange. Then thinking that she was thinking of attending the upcoming surfing contest with Cloudpuff as her surf board.

She couldn't stay mad at him. After this was all over, that would be something to laugh about. He tried his best, anyway. As she was stuck in thought, she was snapped out of it as a fly buzzed past.

She stared at the fly that flew around soon landing on Zoom’s ear. She tried fighting her froggy instincts as she watched on. No one noticing her lick her lips. Zipp, however did notice her jump from her Shoulder, onto the bottom of Zoom’s helmet.

“Ma? Where are you going?” Zipp questioned before noticing the fly. Her confused expression turning into a smirk as she watched. Curious on how this was going to go.

“Your majesty?” Zoom asked. Knowing she was on her helmet, but not really in a place where she could see her well. “May I ask what you are doing?”

Before another word, she soon got her answer. Being greeted with a slimy frog tongue in her ear. She shuddered a bit as Haven glanced at the fly she missed and back at Zoom. Feeling a little sorry about what she did. “We should be there soon, your majesty.” She responded, trying to not sound surprised. In the corner of her eye, she saw Haven’s frog tongue finally catch the fly. Judging by the noises that followed. She did not like the taste very much.

“Yeah. I don’t imagine that tasted well.” Zipp smirked as she watched her wipe her tongue and freak out a little at the fact she ate a fly. “Don’t worry, ma. The instincts should stop once we get that honey!” She assured her. Haven immediately jumping on her head. Just before a large bird swooped down. Haven had already leaped under Zipp’s wing for protection, but Zoom kept her protective stance. Only for the bird to slam right into her face.

She grunted as it sat there few a few seconds, flapping and screeching in annoyance before it flew off, barely dodging Zoom’s angry hooves.

“Stupid bird.” Grunted Zoom after spitting out some feathers.

Thunder smirked a bit as he watched. He was usually the ‘clumsy’ or ‘unfortunate’ guard, so it was Nice to see Zoom have her share of moments.

Haven put a foot to her face in a facepalm. Disappointed in herself.

As the gang arrived at the small clearing of willow trees, they saw a sign.

‘No more than one medium basket per pony per week’ The sign said. With an example of an acceptable basket size next to it. ‘Do not pick young growths or fruits.” It added. There were two other signs. Saying different things next to it.

But the area had beauty. The berries, the seeds, mushrooms, even a few wild vegetables and fruits. Some ponies were there already. The foals being watched by parents. There were hardly any dangerous things to accidentally forage! There was a huge warning sign telling ponies on not to grab. Along with foals being supervised at all times.

From what the group could see, the risky ones were gonna give you rash, a stomach ache or the trots at worse. So this place was safe if you were careful and knew what to avoid and paid attention. Also, Zipp noticed another sign, which seemed a bit off to miss. Saying that to avoid picking and eating willow seeds in this exact season. Unless consulted with a unicorn first for safety. Odd… Did Alphabittle miss whatever tell-tale signs there were in her willow seeds. Or did she maybe sneak a little snack?

Haven even looked a little guilty when she noticed the sign itself…

Whatever. They were gonna fix this.

“This place is kinda cool, actually!” Zipp said as she looked around. Spotting the group of berry bushes beyond the large willow tree. Which was rather different. The trunk was normal, but the leaves looked as if they were sparkly. On closer inspection, it was little balls of slime creating that effect. Only being on the dark teal leaves and not the green leaves. Must be some species of willow that has two different leaves. Or a hybrid.

Haven looked up at the tree. She looked down at some seeds. Knowing this plant was what turned her into a slimy frog! Okay, maybe frogs could be a little cute. But she would have preferred something more pleasant.

She paused as she thought about frogs. The tounge, the jumping. Maybe they weren't exactly stupid with those skills. They knew exactly how to use them! Where she ended up getting a taste of a pony's ear while trying to get a snack.

That's because she was never a frog before.

“Oh hey, this is where Izzy gets those tasty mushrooms from!” Exclaimed Pipp as she looked at some mushrooms growing on a nearby log. They were almost a dome shape, the colouring resembling a burnt mushroom. The cap was a deep brown. She eagerly plucked a few, hoping to have them for lunch or dinner. Every time Izzy had Sunny use them in cooking, or cooked them herself. They had a lovely sweet, chewy texture. The flavour resembled a burn marshmallow mixed with milk. The texture was soft and chewy in a way unlike lollies.

“Princess!” Thunder hurried over with Zoom, who shown her a sheet of paper.

”I highly recommend looking at the list of things to avoid before you go foraging!”

Pipp listened to her and nodded. “Don’t worry, Zoom. I recognise these mushrooms. I mean, who wouldn't recognise such a totally tasty treat!?” She asked before handing one to her, “Here, try one! You'll totally loooove it!” She sung.

The was a pause as she eyed it and back at Pipp. She glanced at the mushroom and looked at the queen, who was on Zipp’s shoulder, nearby. She was busy talking to Onyx and Dapple about the vicious bees.

”So, you’re telling me…One of us needs to distract the bees if they are active!?” Zipp’s voice exclaimed. “Well, anything to get ma to normal.”

She then glanced back at Pipp, who was still holding out the mushroom with an eager expression. She had a feeling this wouldn’t end well. But Pipp seemed so confident about the mushroom. It wasn't on the list of things to avoid, either. Besides, even tho she and Pipp had times where they had not agreed on… Well. Things. Like the time she had to test hoof polish and other crazy ‘styling’ stuff when somepony had to cancel their visit one day.

It took way too long to wash that daisy and raspberry perfume from herself… Or get that glitter out her mane…

But, she would never poison her. So, maybe a taste wouldn’t hurt. She grabbed the mushroom and inspected it a little. Giving it a sniff before being more sure she’d be fine. So she gave It a bite and chewed it. Her eyes suddenly went wide as she froze in terror as a strong bitter and sour taste filled her mouth. Then her wings flinched a little as Pipp’s smiled widened.

Thunder had stopped himself from biting his share when she saw her shocked expression. Looking like she had tasted the worst thing in her entire life. Her nostrils were scrunched up and cheeks puffed as she looked at the mushroom, feeling as if her tongue was melting. Trying to not gag or spit it out. Her ears were as far down as they could go.

“So, do you like it?” She asked. Only to see Zoom completely turn around. Spitting it out on the ground, trying to get the terrible mushroom and taste out of her mouth. Using her wings to try and be polite and block Pipp from seeing her do it. But she could tell, anyway. “Your highness.” She said once she turned back around. “With respect. I suggest you don’t bring…” She shuddered a bit as she glanced at the mushroom. “Those…”

Pipp looked down at her single one as Zoom slapped Thunder’s from his hooves.

”Pipp! You coming!?” Shouted Zipp.

”Of course!” She exclaimed, hurrying to her sister and walking besides her. “Hey… You know those super gorgeous mushrooms Izzy had us try last week?” She asked.

”Yeah? What about them?” Zipp asked as they walked along the orchard of berries. Acting as a line, leading down a secret path.

“I don’t think they tasted good for Zoom…”

Zipp smirked as Haven chuckled a little. Both of them reconising the problem. With the latter witnessing her try them herself. “That’s because you have to cook them first, or they taste terrible! Izzy told us that!”

”She did!?” Pipp exclaimed, looking back as Zoom who had a displeased expression.

”Yeah. You were busy telling your fans all about them and making a stream of the recipe…”

”Oh yeah…”

”A lot of ponies learned the hard way!” Dapple smiled. “Even me.”

“You okay, Zoom?” Asked Thunder, who noticed her expression. Getting no answer

Haven started jumping up and down in excitement when she saw the mud and a red hive in the distance. It was a swampy area, bit finally! She jumped up and down, croaking as she pointed towards the hive.

“There it is!” Called out Pipp then groaned. “Beyond all that mud…” She said. Ears perking up as she watched Dapple plop in. Making a bit of a splash as he wallowed through the deep mud. Onyx following. “Eugh, do we really have to cross this!?” She asked.

“We could fly across.” Zipp smirked. There were low hanging branches above the mud. With webs and sticky looking vines. Onyx and Dapple had stopped and watched the pegasi, waiting.

“Which is not really the best idea…” Dapple informed them as he looked at the hive. Bright red bees buzzing around it. Like red lights moving around. “If you are covered in mud, they have a lower chance of reconising you as a threat. Or else they’d give you really painful stings.”

”Oh yeah. That actually makes sense. In that case…” She smirked at Pipp as she went close to her. Haven making a helpless croak as she realised what Zipp was about to do and she could not stop her. “In you go!” Zipp jokingly exclaimed as she pushed Pipp in. Jumping in straight after, making a splash.

“Zipp!” Cried Pipp. “Look at me! I’m all filthy!” She cried.

“C’mon Pipp. Would you rather be covered in stings or be a little dirty?

”A little dirty!?” Pipp shouted, more upset. “How is this a little!? I’m covered!”

Zipp laughed as Pipp waded to the other end of the mud hole as fast as she could. It was a little gross, but better to be a little dirty than attacked by some magic red bees. Soon looking at the two guards, she noticed they weren’t in. No big deal. All they had to do now was collect the honey. Thanks to the mud deterring them from seeing them as a threat or a meal, that’d mean it’d be easy!

”You two coming?” She asked.

”If you wish, your highness-“

”Or you could stay here!” Dapple exclaimed. Him being a professional with these bees was a little surprising, but made sense. He was one of the few ponies that made it this far. Besides, this could be like his six or seventh trip since they only had one jar to put the honey in and the incidents happened often. Plus, it was likely used for other things before magic returned. “The mud isn’t always successful. So if it fails, we need a pony who can run away screaming till they get tired so we can get the honey!”

”Or we could stay here in case something happens?” Thunder suggested, a bit of nervousness in his voice.

Pipp paused in her tracks and looked back at the unicorns. “How successful is the mud?” She asked in terror.

”Until one lands on you or you touch the hive. Or make a noise.” Onyx added. “They suck your blood and use their stingers to hook on.”

Dapple nodded, “Yeah… I had to take the job of collecting the honey since the last pony tapped the hive slightly…”

”They almost died.” Onyx said dramatically.

”So, like a mix between a mosquito and a bee!?’ Thunder exclaimed, taking a few steps back. “I-I’ll be here if you need me.”

”Nope!” Screamed Pipp, wading in the opposite direction. “Not doing this!” She shouted. Ignoring Haven’s loud croaking as she swam across the mud. Having fallen off Zipp.

“Don’t worry, Pipp. We just have to be careful. Besides, I’ll be the pony they chase if the mud fails, I’m the fastest one here. I can do it.” Zipp assured her.

"Y-yeah. It has a low chance of failing…” Dapple lied.

Haven made a big croak, followed by Alphabittle’s shout. “Enough chatter and let's do this!”

“Ugh… I feel so itchy!” Pipp exclaimed as she approached the end. Only for Zipp to scold her.

”Shh… Quiet, remember?” Zipp asked. Haven nodding in agreement as she watched with worry. Guilt filled her as they got closer and closer. Her own daughters were going through mud and risking getting stung for her sake. Because she was so reckless. She put her webbed foot on her face as she made a defeated croak. Sitting on Zipp’s back.

”Don’t worry Haven.” Alphabittle smiled. “We are almost there.”

Zipp was the first to get out. The bees buzzing around, seemingly not noticing them. No one cared to say a word, Dapple slowly and gently took out a single jar from his bag he had brought with him. A whole bag of jars. He careful set it down as he took out a spoon. Haven watching on eagerly, trying to not croak in excitement. But judging by the distant ribbits, maybe that won't set them crazy. But better to be safe.

The red honey did look similar to strawberry jam. Oozing from the hive that was jiggling on the bark. Oozing onto the ground were it came black and unusable. Seemingly the black stuff was a favourite for amphibians and ants. What made it turn black anyway? Not even Alphabittle knew because it lasted in a jar for months. Maybe it was the damp muddy soil below, some sort of combination turning it black.

Dapple was being so slow and gentle. Digging one spoon in and dropping it into the jar before looking at the others. This was going to take a while wasn't it? Thankfully the others got the message. Alphabittle keeping watch while Pipp, Onyx, Haven and Zipp grabbing a spoon each. With Haven unfortunately strangling to reach the honey, let alone, carry the spoon in her flippy webbed feet. Eventually, she gave up as she watched the four ponies fill a jar each with a spoon from the bag. Being careful to make no major noises. Or make contact with the spoon and jars. It was seemingly going well, in fact the four jars were half filled before everyone froze in terror.

They froze in shock when they saw one land on Pipp’s muzzle. She held her breath as she saw it close up, investigating the mud on her muzzle. It was terrifying up close. The body was more of a wasp, the wings and head resembled a bee. But out of its face, a mosquito’s sucker emerged as it buzzed. Tickling her nostrils as it moved around.

Haven sat on Pipp’s head with concern, making a small croak noise as she angrily looked at the bee. Now was her time to shine! She opened her mouth and prepared her tongue. Like the time she tried to catch the fly. Well, there was no doubt this guy wasn't gonna taste nice. But if Pipp sneezed then it was over.

But wait, if they made the red honey that cured her. Would eating one of these guys to the same?

Her tongue shot out all the sudden, grabbing the bee before it could realise what Pipp was. The pest ended up in her mouth in less that a second. Zipp gasping as she watched Haven grab onto the wasp as it thought and buzzed angrily, soon turning black as it slowly suffocated in her mouth. She swallowed it happily.

It was clear it didn’t taste very nice. But she seemed excited till seconds went by. Her expression and mood fell as she realised she didn’t feel any different. It didn’t work… It had to be the honey, it seemed. But what was stopping her from jumping straight into it? In a moment of desperation, she lepta into the air, diving into the honey. Eating some happily as it ran down to the ground, turning back the second it hit the ground. Feeling like sticky slime as she climbed out of it. Swallowing it with joy. Waiting for something to happen as the others filled the jars.

But at that moment, somepony made a massive mistake…

Pipp cleaned the front half of her hoof and dipped it into the flowing honey, which remained red as soon as she grabbed it. She gave the big blob a lick, which soon turned into a smile. Dapple gasping slightly as he watched her… What Pipp thought was Innocent curiosity, ended up getting the attention of all the bees.

The group backed up as they all swarmed upwards. The whole group getting into a ball formation in the air. Glaring down at them.

”Dang It Pipp.” Zipp whispered.

“What?” Pipp asked. “I only tasted it!”

Dapple shrugged and glared at Pipp. “Yeah. They get upset when somepony eats it right in front of them. Storage is fine, but eating here is not! Maybe I should have told you that.” He scolded, thinking it would have been common sense.

Haven was still a frog, facepalming as she sat on the ground. Soon looking up in fear. The shape turning into a sword.

”I think these guys are the descendants of the hives that were over harvested. That’s why they hate ponies.” Onyx said as she watched. “Ponies would eat the honey straight from the hive like ferals and fools…”

”Would have been nice to have known sooner…” Pipp scoffed.

”Yeah. They literally eat our blood now if they see us.” Dapple added.

“So. They do hate ponies. Maybe… They can see us clearly when we aren't covered in mud, that’s why they didn’t attack us till we reminded us of those ponies!.” Zipp went to wipe the mud off. “They’ll chase me if I clean this mud off. Because they’ll see me better. As I fly you collect the-“

“Hey!” Zoom screamed as the sword-shaped group of bees froze as Zoom landed nearby. Getting their attention for not being covered in mud. “Want some blood, huh?” She asked, fear in her face as the hive looked towards her. “Come and get it!” She exclaimed, screaming in terror as each and every single one of them raced towards her. She flew away as fast as she could, making sure they were chasing her. Her heart was racing as she distracted the bees.

“Wh-what!?” Zipp asked.

”Ooh… A sacrifice! Her coming in unprotected to protect the heir of the throne and her friends!” Dapple exclaimed. “I heard they aim for un-muddied ponies first if they get angry.” He explained as he started scooping honey in all the jars. Bringing about ten, so ponies did not have to visit this place as often. Or if somepony mistook it as jam, then not much of a big deal. It could store for years as it was used for years for other uses before magic. Until it was stopped after the hives seemingly vanished thanks to over-harvesting. But luckily this one was discovered after magic. Ten filled jars wouldn’t hurt this hive much. Since they wouldn’t need to return for months and months.

“Enough talking and more scooping!” Pipp exclaimed. Helping Dapple fill the jars up as Onyx kept watch for the bees. Zipp simply put a jar underneath to fill it up.

There was soon a scream coming from Zoom, sounding rather cartoonish. Like how a classic cartoon character would scream while being stung by bees while being chased by them.

“I don’t think Zoom is winning. Hurry!” Zipp exclaimed as Alphabittle got a jar filled with the honey. Thanks to putting it under since there was no reason to be slow, quiet and careful when gathering it. He quickly mixed it with a few spoonfuls of crushed up, dried leaves he had on him.

Once mixed, he gave a teaspoonful of it to Haven who jumped towards it with excitement. Grabbing and stuffing as much of the spoon as she could in her mouth. Her froggy body began to glow, creating a large shape of white. Almost like a Pokémon evolution scene.

Soon enough, she was back to normal, holding the spoon in her mouth and looking around her. Zipp and Pipp tearing up a little as they both hugged her at the same time. Extremely glad to see her.

“Girls!?” She exclaimed in surprise, processing what happened, ignoring the mud that was now splattered all over her from her daughters. She looked around with a smile.

“Oh Haven! Thank goodness!” Alphabittle exclaimed, noticing Pipp and Zipp glaring at him. “I’m so sorry.” He apologised as Haven hugged both her daughters with her wings.

”Actually, Alphie. I’m sorry, too. I should have been a little more careful.”

”No I-“ He paused and sighed. “Haven… There was something I forgot to warn you about. It’s the season where these strange willow seeds fall. Carrying some gem dust that gets triggered with magic if used within twelve hours of swallowing…”

”What! Really!” She exclaimed, not noticing Pipp scowling and Zipp pouting. She stared at him in horror as he looked down in shame. It was clear how bad he felt about his mistake. She looked over at him, her memories of being a frog was a little foggy. But she knew she deserved a little bit of the blame, too. There was literally a warning sign there that they both skipped over than wanted about the seeds.

Yes, she trusts him a lot. But that shouldn't mean it was a good idea to skip over each and every warning sign. “Oh Alphie…” She said as she put a hoof on him. “You didn’t mean to. Neither of us were being careful.” She said softly, looking a little sad. “I shouldn’t have skipped over that sign.” Pipp and Zipp were looking less annoyed and more concerned.

”I suppose that was kind of a silly choice…: He softly agreed.

“At least we learnt our lesson.” She smiled. “Even I make mistakes sometimes. Like when told Thunder and Zoom to get the chocolate fountain one time. But I told them to get the wrong one!” She giggled a bit. “At least it exploded before any of the guests arrived. Even if it meant Pipp needed to change dress and have a shower to wash the chocolate off.”

Zipp smiled a bit, remembering what she was talking about. Even if Pipp rolled her eyes a bit. Wishing she had told another story.

“Wait, talking about Zoom…” Zipp said as she broke away from the hug and looked around. “Wait, where'd the bees go?” She asked. Jumping in fright as her answer soon came to her when they raced back into their hive. Not to come out for a few hours. They were tired out.

“Y-your highness… I-“ Zoom said as she landed. Her voice was shaky and sounded out of breath. She winced in pain before passing out. She clearly had been the unlucky pony in this situation. Her face and foreleg legs were puffy and swollen. There were cartoonishly large red sting wounds in multiple parts of her body. A hoof went to Haven’s mouth as she stared in shock.

She had't thought about the bees chasing her. Worry filled her as she looked at her fallen guard. "Zoom?"

“Don't worry, they aren’t fatal, just painful. Onyx was just overexaggerating” Alphabittle assured her. “She’ll be fine after some honey and rest.”

“They’re almost harmless and have very tiny brains.” Onyx confirmed.

“Why’d that sound familiar?” Thunder worried before the group started heading back. Onyx adding something as she investigated Zoom further as Alphabittle carried her. Her leg was completely swollen. She noticed how rash-like spots started to form and the colour of the stings. Everyone knew almost exactly how Thunder would react once they got back.

“Harmless if one doesn’t have an allergic reaction. I suggest to disinfect the stings... ” Onyx said. Thankful Zoom only had a mild allergy, with the swelling and rashes. But she’d be feeling a little sore the next day if those stings weren’t disinfected.

Once they returned to the tearoom, Alphabittle promised to be more careful next time. And everyone a snack and a drink. Except for one. With Dapple correctly labeling each jar before putting then behind the counter in a safe place. He was a Little ashamed that eh left the jam lid the same last time. But at least he learned his lesson.

“Owwww…” Zoom groaned. Feeling rather dizzy. She held an icepack on her head, which was not helping much, thanks to her putting it on top of her helmet. She twitched when something cold and wet touched her. Bringing a sudden sharp pain, like a pin. “Thunder!” She exclaimed, snapping at Thunder as soon as the sharp stinging pain happened again. “Quit it!” She shouted.

“C’mon, Zoom!” He scolded, wiping some liquid on her sting wounds. They were bright red and there were so many of them. Enough stings from these fellas could carry infection if not treated. Perhaps they weren't as harmless as Dapple claimed before they crossed the mud. “Do you want to get an infection?” He asked.

“It’s just bee stings.” Zoom said, almost feeling faint from the experience. She felt a little itchy, too. But glad the queen was okay. “Ow.”

“Now, roll over, you have heaps on your back.”

“How many?” Zoom asked, wondering how many ‘extra sharp painful flaming pin stabs’ this would feel like.

“A lot?” He said. Smiling a bit as Zoom rolled over with a groan. Revealing the stings, each one forming a slight lump. Looking almost as if she had gotten the measles. “Thanks!” He said, ignoring as she twitched and winced when he wiped a few at once. Feeling a little bad for her. But she’d be thanking him if she knew how sore she’d be tomorrow if not done.

Comments ( 3 )

"Your highness!" Zoom cried on the other end then paused. A distant croaking along with Thunder’s voice, seemingly speaking to someone, like an upset frog. "There has been an incident at the palace…"

“Y-yes, your majesty. It’s quite the situation. I suggest you and your sister come to the palace as soon as possible.”

Your Majesty only applies to the reigning monarch; as Pipp and Zipp are princesses, the correct title is Your Highness. I am aware the letter Pipp gets in Bridlewoodstock refers to her as Your Majesty, but this is also incorrect. As a highly experienced soldier in the Guard, Zoom should know better than to get this wrong.

Setting that minor issue aside, this story feels like it could plausibly have been an episode of Make your Mark. You capture the show's style of writing very well, and the character dialogue is well executed and in character.

Hey, I've shared the review by PM. I think this is s a fun idea, nice set up and some great lines. I've t-upped.

I loved these lines:

On closer inspection, you could see this was no ordinary frog.

“If dad was still here. All he’s have to do is kiss her!” Pipp complained.

Getting Haven to frog was fun. She ate a bee and there was plenty of croaking :pinkiehappy:

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