• Member Since 4th Oct, 2021
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Trixie Woolamoon


Queen Haven woke up one morning a little froggier than usual! A cure is needed if she wants to be back to herself.

But luckily Pipp and Zipp take it as their quest to receive the cure. Onyx, Dapple and Alphabittle. Along with Zoom and Thunder joining on the quest. To find the cure guarded by angry red bees.

Disclaimer: This was made with only MYM in mind. Since I don’t pay attention to the comics,books or TYT. So if Bridlewood had something that would have fixed the problem in a TYT episode or comic then it won’t be the case

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 3 )

"Your highness!" Zoom cried on the other end then paused. A distant croaking along with Thunder’s voice, seemingly speaking to someone, like an upset frog. "There has been an incident at the palace…"

“Y-yes, your majesty. It’s quite the situation. I suggest you and your sister come to the palace as soon as possible.”

Your Majesty only applies to the reigning monarch; as Pipp and Zipp are princesses, the correct title is Your Highness. I am aware the letter Pipp gets in Bridlewoodstock refers to her as Your Majesty, but this is also incorrect. As a highly experienced soldier in the Guard, Zoom should know better than to get this wrong.

Setting that minor issue aside, this story feels like it could plausibly have been an episode of Make your Mark. You capture the show's style of writing very well, and the character dialogue is well executed and in character.

Hey, I've shared the review by PM. I think this is s a fun idea, nice set up and some great lines. I've t-upped.

I loved these lines:

On closer inspection, you could see this was no ordinary frog.

“If dad was still here. All he’s have to do is kiss her!” Pipp complained.

Getting Haven to frog was fun. She ate a bee and there was plenty of croaking :pinkiehappy:

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