• Member Since 5th Apr, 2024
  • offline last seen Monday


Life's an illusion, Reality is a plaything, so go live, love and lie!


Everypony knows Luna enters the dream world or Mindscape to help repel the Nightmare away, and everypony knows that Pinkie doesn't make sense and is content is staying like that so their brain doesn't explode.

So the question is.

Did Luna ever entered her dreams before?

In this story, Twilight asked Luna if she entered Pinkie's dreams, which the response was obvious.

P.S all this is so F$#@K&-@N random, read knowing this.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 2 )

:twilightoops: no way am i giving her a mental brake down again. poor Luna has been through enough thanks to Pinkie.

What in the great Faust name is that! Why is yellow triangle with a bowtie and tophat ruling over Equestria?! And why is discord there?! All of this doesn't make sense!

Hi Bill Cipher!

But if pinkie somehow gets Discord's Chaos Power... Oh.. oh no...

I feel like we are way past that point, I get the feeling that Discord and Pinkie Pie are related in some way, Discord could have had a mate several centuries ago and a fraction of Discord's power carried onto his children.

Oneshot, luna now has a PinkieTSD.

Reminds me of a story I read once that was published a couple years ago where Twilight got PTSD when first encountering Pinkie Pie and never went outside the Everfree forest again. (She was kidnapped and then raised inside the Everfree Forest where she later becomes the Alicorn of Harmony, sadly it remains incompleted to this day)

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