• Member Since 13th Dec, 2021
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Viewers discretion is advised when entering this world of terror and delight. Have fun!


Princess Cadance has missed a lot after moving to the frozen North and becoming the ruler of the New Crystal Empire. She misses the sunshine and the birds, sure, but what she misses the most is the rain. Having so many fond memories of rainy days, and not having any rain within the kingdom's ecosystem, Cadance decides to head for Canterlot when she hears they are expecting a storm. Cadance heads off to Equestria's capital, ready to experience something she has not felt in a long time...

Submitted for: A Thousand Words Contest III ; 2024

Featured June 24 2024!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

This is a very good one-shot.

This is one of the cutest things I've ever read.

Wrote this in roughly 6 hours. I surprised myself here.

Adorable one-shot, it holds a certain innocence to it that reminds us of our youths--when we too could play under the rain and not get sick with a cold! :twilightsmile:

Dan #6 · Last Tuesday · · ·

YES! You read my mind good pone! Absolutely this would be playing over the whole event.

Dan #8 · Last Tuesday · · ·

We've had a little too much rain around here.

And it's not even making itself useful and hitting Mike Lindell's place.

Imma pretend I understand that last sentence.

A like and a follow for a delightful slice of life !

Thankyou too for the new headcanon.

And the Cadence cover pic was 120% adorable.

this is adorable!
well done

Good story, but one quibble.

She remembers playing in the rain as a young foal, before gaining her alicorn wings and ascending to princesshood.

Official, but admittedly relatively obscure, side material stated she was a pegasus before becoming an alicorn. I understand if you're unaware of that or are ignoring (as unproven in the show)/changing that for this fic, but why go into that detail which seems unimportant for this story?

Just a pet peeve when unicorns are the only ones capable of ascending.


Funny you mentioned this! The first draft had her already having her wings and getting the horn, but I couldn't remember which she was supposed to have had in her origin (Never seen anything outside the show itself).

I will fix it right now for your nitpicking pleasure lol

Thanks for reading!

PS It was also to pad out the 1000 word limit without pointless filler ;)

Getting 1000 words in a 1000 word story challenge is a very valid reason for it.

Glad we could help each other out!

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