• Member Since 24th Jun, 2024
  • offline last seen 41 minutes ago



If the world you know had different rules, these would lead to different problems. A strong blow of reality to the Mane Six would be only the beginning of hundreds of events that would cause the decline of an entire society, distorting the reality they know.

Original story in the Spanish language, there may be problems understanding it when translating the story.

Postscript, this story, despite seeking realism, quotes and uses some characters (my own interpretation) from other famous Fanficks.

For example, "Snowdrop", "Rainbow Factory", "The Muffin Saga" or "Rocket To Insanity", which I invite you to read as they are very good. But I only do it so that new generations of fans understand that they had a good impact on the fandom and are encouraged to read them.

Credits to the original authors of the Oc's that will be cited in this story.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 1 )

This sounds like a fascinating and thought-provoking story! Imagining a world with different rules and how it would impact the Mane Six is a unique way to explore the fragility of society. The idea that a single strong blow of reality can trigger a cascade of events leading to societal decline is both intriguing and a bit chilling.

For those reading the original story in Spanish, I can see how translation might pose some challenges. Subtleties and nuances can sometimes get lost, making it harder to fully grasp the author's intent. It's a bit like navigating the world of online casinos—finding reliable reviews can be crucial to understanding what you're getting into.

If you ever need honest and thorough reviews, you can find valuable information on this website, which offers insights to help you make informed decisions. Just as a well-written review can guide you through the complexities of online gambling, a good translation can bridge the gap between languages and bring a story's true essence to life. Happy reading and exploring!

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