• Member Since 19th May, 2012
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Backflipping through reality at ludicrous speeds. What does RB stand for, anyway? | Ko-Fi

Comments ( 25 )

Frankly, I’m amazed changelings have any concretely defined organs beyond the exoskeleton. In any case, I don’t see what Twilight’s complaining about. This is a fantastic hooves-and-other-appendages-on demonstration of the incredible marvel of life. Best of luck in the judging.

RB_ #2 · 1 week ago · · ·

You have no idea how embarrassed I am that you chose to read this out of all my stories. I specifically checked the judging list for the category to make sure you weren't on there so you WOULDN'T have to see it.

I'm going to go shrivel up into a raisin now, don't mind me...

Joke’s on you. I only volunteered for two categories so I could immediately comment on the rest! :trollestia:

RB_ #4 · 1 week ago · · ·

He can't keep getting away with this :raritydespair:

Wp12 #5 · 1 week ago · · ·

Dont be embarrassed. This was a very funny and well written story. If it helps though I can buy the first round.

Twilight threw up all over her hooves.

She forgot to lean back too. :trollestia:

And therein lies the comedy.

You are my kind of sane, I love it

I'm pretty sure Twilight would be poking in the living changeling with even more enthusiasm than every other student, but oh well

Hilarious! I love it.

I was most curious as to how one could have a story that rated both "Horror" AND "Comedy".

Now, I know! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:


One should know something is either very right or very wrong when horror and comedy are put together.

i honestly enjoyed this
it makes a weird sorta sense too tbh

This is perfect 😆

Now that's the definition of gross-out humor. :rainbowlaugh:

"Oh beans," he said, disappointed. "Again...?"

You mean this poor dude has made the same mistake more than once? Now that's hilarious.

She probably would have, if not for the other changeling unintentionally spilling his guts on the floor in such a gross manner.

As a magic alicorn Princess, it was rainbow colored.

So... what's the significance of the chapter title? Is it the tune of Here Comes the Bride? :rainbowhuh:

Twilight threw up all over her hooves.

All of the avian students: "Ooh, free lunch!" :pinkiehappy:

She's lucky Ocellus didn't show the students her coremata. :trollestia:


It's a reference to the song I stole the title from :twilightsheepish:

"If your heart is green, does that mean your blood is green too?"

Okay, new serious headcanon. Yes it is, and that's why it looks like green flames when they shapeshift. That isn't their magic aura. It's blood flying through the air as every cell of their body gets ripped to shreds and reconstructed.


Disgusting , yet hilarious read.

Well done.

I liked this more than I think I should. Very fun idea.

Comment posted by Draco Dei deleted Last Friday

This really squicked me. Like, I read it and thought it was a great story, but there's a little part of me sobbing in the corner, beating the wall and saying "no more, please!".

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