• Published 29th Jun 2024
  • 430 Views, 6 Comments

Pinkie's Day Off - MasterArchfiend

Pinkie has Twilight help her organize her party supplies only for a couple of secrets to slip.

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Chapter 1

Twilight was amazed at the sheer size of Pinkie’s Super Secret Bunker Warehouse of Awesome Party Supplies (trademark pending). She wasn’t sure how her friend could afford this massive building filled with colorfully labeled storage containers larger than the Cake’s home, but most of what Pinkie Pie did defied any sort of logic. She could appear in mirrors on a whim for Celestia’s sake!

It did explain how she seemed to have supplies for every kind of party that a pony could ask for. Holidays, the birthdays for everyone they knew and even random occasions that somepony could be interested in making a big deal out of. Each container was labeled and sorted in a way that almost made sense to the unicorn.

“Wow, Pinkie. This place is almost unbelievable!” The purple pony exclaimed, turning to her friend who was loading one of her party cannons. “Though I suppose that fits you to a P.”

The pink pony laughed, loudly and bubbly. “I get it! P instead of T because P for Pinkie Pie! Good one, Twilight! Glad I could bring you along!”

“Speaking of,” Twilight Sparkle looked back towards the secret entrance. “Why didn’t you ask the others if you needed help? Six ponies and a dragon would be a lot more useful than just the two of us.”

“Oh. I never told the others about this place! This is just between us!” Pinkie explained as she hopped about the storage containers. “I know that you struggled with important secrets that other ponies would want to know, but since no one knows about this place besides me and now you, then everypony that cares is already in on the secret.”

The unicorn wasn’t sure how to take that. Pinkie was usually so open with everyone that it was odd for her to have any secrets at all, but the real surprise was that she wanted Twilight out of everyone to know. “That’s…awfully sweet of you to trust me like that. You don’t have to worry about me telling anyone without your permission.”

“Thanks! Yo- ahem That means the world to me!” The earth pony’s little slip up was quick and barely noticed. “Now, I need some help labeling the containers for ponies that were just born! You can find them and the list in the far right corner! This place has a good echo, so feel free to yell if you need help!”

“I’m on it!” Twilight proudly declared before galloping off without noticing how her friend watched her out of the corner of her eye.

Twilight found the list and a label maker right next to a group of eight unlabeled containers, just as she was told. Carefully reviewing the list and rolling her eyes at the admittedly cute notes left next to the names, she began to mark the containers that would be used to give these little ones many happy memories.

It took about half an hour as she wanted the labels leveled just right and at ideal eye elevation, but soon the unicorn was making her way back to where she had left the earth pony only to not see her there. “Huh. She must be at another storage container. Should be easy enough to find her without yelling since there’s only one way in and out and it is a rectangular room.”

She chuckled a bit as she started to look. “Besides, Pinkie can’t stay quiet for very long so if I don’t see her, then I’ll certainly hear her.”

As she made her way through the rows, keeping her eyes and ears open for Pinkie, Twilight paused at an unexpected sight. There, amongst all of the colorful storage containers was a black one only labeled with a red X. “What in Equestria is that?”

Unlike the other containers, this one was locked and didn’t have any of her friend’s trademark decorating habits randomly on it. No balloons, pictures of her friends or even hoof and alligator claw prints. Just solid black besides that large red X.

“Oh! There you are Twilight!” Pinkie’s sudden appearance almost caused Twilight to stumble in surprise. “If you were done, then you could have just said so, Silly!”

“I…didn’t think it was necessary.” The purple pony slowly explained with her eyes still on the container. “Say Pinkie. If you don’t mind me asking, what’s in this one?”

The pink pony turned to the black container and let out a laugh. “Oh, that one? It’s for those private parties! You know! The ones for adults only!”

“I…don’t follow.” Twilight frowned and raised an eyebrow. “I thought that you didn’t like those snobby rich parties.”

“I don’t, but that container is in the bottom left corner!” Pinkie pointed towards said corner as she rolled her eyes. “This is for the spicier ones! The ones where grown ponies cut loose and mess around.”

“Isn’t the point of all of your parties?” The purple pony looked at her friend and paused. Was she blushing?

“Oh for the love of…sex parties, Twilight! This is where I keep the stuff for when I host sex parties!” The pink pony’s face was practically crimson.

Now it was the purple one’s turn to blush deeply. “O-oh…I…uh…did-didn’t know that you, uhm, did that sort of thing..”

“I host the perfect parties for all sorts of ponies! Of course that includes that sort of thing.” The earth pony explained. “Somepony has to make sure those parties are fun and safe.”

The unicorn was quiet for several seconds, looking in every direction besides her friend. “So…you’ve been to them a lot? Are they…fun?”

“I guess. I mostly just watch and make sure no one is misbehaving. Sometimes I refill the snack bowl.” Pinkie explained. “I don’t actually participate because I’m never interested in anyone there, especially since youuuuuuuuu…..”

Twilight felt as if her face was on fire at the mere idea of being at one of those parties. Before she could even start thinking of a response, her friend had dashed off and left a Pinkie shaped cloud of dust behind.


Applejack put away the last of the tools into the barn with a little hum. As she turned to the door to leave she was met with a terrified Pinkie. “Uh…hey Pinkie. What seems to be the trouble?”

Pinkie inhaled deeply before rapidly explaining. “TwilightfoundoutabouttheadultpartiesthatIsometimesthrowandsheaskedmeifIdidanythingatthemandIaccidentallyrevealedmycrushbytellingherthatIdidn’tbecauseshe’sneveratthem!!!”

The farmer took a deep breath of her own. “You are lucky that Granny took Applebloom into town because if you said what I think you said, then I might have ta tie your mouth shut ‘round here.”

“Forget the eventual talk! I just confessed on accident!” The baker cried as she collapsed into a pile of hay. “I’m gonna have to move, adopt a new identity and pretend that I ate myself so I don’t have to deal with rejection!”

“Or, and I say this with experience, you could just talk to her. Even if she don’t feel the same way, Twilight still cares about ya.” Applejack explained. “Hopefully she don’t need to do the whole “gotta keep it a secret from her folks” thing because that ain’t fair.”

The pink pony slowly looked up at her friend. “I’m going with the running away plan.”, but before she could dash off her friend already had her hogtied. “HEY!!”

“Oh please. We both know that if you really didn’t wanna take a chance to explain things to Twilight, then you wouldn’t have come to the one pony that would tell you the honest to goodness truth.” Applejack sighed before dragging her friend to Twilight’s library. “You even try to run, then I’ll break your legs.”


Twilight was barely aware of where she was going after covering up the secret entrance to the secret storehouse exactly as she had been told. Her mind was reeling from the sudden wave of information it had just learned. While it wasn’t exactly comfortable to know that her friend held such parties, the real issue was something that struck her as she rode the elevator.

Pinkie didn’t participate in the parties beyond hostess duties because she wasn’t interested in the other guests.

Pinkie said that it was because Twilight wasn’t there.

Pinkie Pie showed interest in being with her and her alone at a type of party where one didn’t do such a thing usually.

Pinkie Pie had basically just admitted to being attracted to her.

The question was “What does that mean?” Was it just physical attraction? That was flattering, but also a bit uncomfortable. Was it more than that? If that was the case, then did she feel the same for her friend?

How would that affect their relationship with each other and the rest of their friends if she didn’t? If she did?

Twilight was so lost in thought that she hadn’t even noticed the rock until she was already tripped and falling right off of a cliff.

Too startled to scream, the unicorn accepted her fate to die before completing her studies. To die before Spike grew up. To die before Rarity finally grew a horn and came out to her family. To die before giving a relationship with Pinkie a chance.


“Woah there!” Suddenly the fall slowed down to a comfortable stop as Rainbow Dash caught here. “Geez, Twilight. Not like you to be so trippy without a book in your face.”

“Guess I had something bigger on my mind. Thanks for the rescue.” Twilight replied as she was but back onto the ground. “Say…you wouldn’t happen to know where Pinkie is, would you?”

“Nope. Haven’t seen her. Probably back home helping the Cakes if she’s not running around town.” The pegasus shrugged. “Why? Did she do something?”

“…I…uh…she…oh I don’t know how to put this…” The unicorn kicked at the ground as she whined.

“Wait a minute…” The blue pony leaned in with her eyes narrow before going wide. “Did Pinkie finally confess her crush?! It’s about time! It’s been so tense that Fluttershy’s been having nightmares about you two…hold on…if she confessed, then why are you here falling off of cliffs and not with her?”

“Oh, well, uhm…you see sh-“ The purple pony didn’t get a chance to explain before her flying friend interrupted her.

“YOU REJECTED HER?!” Rainbow shouted only to flinch as she saw that her friend looked like she was starting to cry. “Just…what happened?”

“I think she accidentally confessed during a conversation about parties. Just a slip of the tongue and before I even realized that she had said it, she was gone.” Twilight let out a groan before collapsing onto the ground. “What do I do? I’m still getting used to having friends! I haven’t even thought about dating!”

“Well we better find her so you can at least talk it out. We need to get this resolved so Fluttershy stops having those nightmares and waking me up in the middle of the night to beg for our friendship back after whatever nonsense happened.” The pegasus landed and helped her friend into a standing position. “I don’t know what she has nightmares about, but it always starts with Pinkie’s crush tearing us apart. I’d like my naps to be by choice and not because I got stuck comforting a friend that doesn’t know she’s interrupting my sleep.”

“Okay…where do we start?” Unicorn asked.

“Her place, duh!” With that the two quickly headed off.


After hours of searching, Twilight could barely stand. Pinkie was nowhere to be found. So was Applejack, oddly enough. Big Macintosh said he had seen the latter dragging the former away with a rope, but didn’t get a chance to find out where they were going.

The others had already headed home, offering to help more once they’ve had some sleep. Though she doubted that the pegasi would, judging by the tears in Fluttershy’s eyes.

Gently pushing her door open, the unicorn was greeted with a long, deep groan.

“Finally! I’ve been sitting on my plot all day waiting for you ta get back!” Applejack greeted with a tired glare. The mare looked exhausted and covered in confetti. With a stomp onto the ground, a stack of books next to her fell to reveal a cowering Pinkie. “Now you two talk this out so I can go home.”

“Orwecanjustgowithmyplanoflivingintheforestfortherestofmylifebecauaethatsoundssomuchbetterthangettingmyheartrippedoutbyoneofmybestfriends.” Pinkie quickly said before trying to chew at her bindings.

Twilight took a deep breath before stepping forward. “Pinkie. I…I’ve been thinking about this all day and, well…” She took another deep breath. “I wasn’t even concerned with making friends until I moved to Ponyville, let alone entertaining the thought of being more than friends with anypony. I’m not entirely sure if I feel the same as you do, but…I’m willing to at least give it a shot.”

“I’m sorry, what now?” The pink pony looked genuinely shocked. “D-did you just agree to go out with me?”

“Yes, yes I did and…” The purple pony smiled with a light blush. “It felt really good to say.”

The two stared at each other with nervous smiles for several seconds before Applejack let out a sigh of relief. “Finally! First date is lunch at the cafe on Wednesday at eleven sharp! There! Now we can all go home!” With that she untied Pinkie and headed out the door only to pop back in. “You get cold hooves and I’ll tie you both to the tracks.”

“…….the whole Rarity in the closet thing is getting to her, isn’t it?” Pinkie said as she rubbed her sore hooves. “Oh geez. That smarts.”

“I’m sure. Our fashion minded friend is probably a lot tougher than she acts.” Twilight nervously chuckled. “Umm…are you alright?”

“I get to have lunch with the most beautiful pony in Equestria, right now I’m on cloud nine hundred thousand!” The pink pony giggled before letting out a big gasp. “Oh no! I didn’t tell the Cakes that I was going to be out for today! I gotta go! See you on Wednesday!”

With a quick hug, she was off and the purple pony found herself softly smiling at that.

Author's Note:

I literally just started watching this series this year and haven't practiced writing the characters a lot. Honestly, I've mostly been reading tons of shipping fics, bad dirty jokes and random comedies. So any constructive comments are very much welcome.

Comments ( 6 )
Comment posted by shalu deleted June 29th

Cute fic. Really reminds me of the early seasons.

This is a great start! And if you've not heard it from anyone, welcome to the fandom!

:raritywink: Wait until Pinkie meets Weird Al
:moustache: Or Discord & Fluttershy - Annarchy Shy of Chaos
:facehoof: spoiler alert

Twilight was so lost in thought that she hadn’t even noticed the rock until she was already tripped and falling right off of a cliff.

WHAT? Talk about tonal whiplash...

Also, nothing Pinkie says indicates Twilight not being there is the reason she doesn't participate. She just says

especially since you


especially since you're not there

Going to bed so I'll read later, but trust me, it doesn't matter if this isn't your best work ever. This fandom is old and there have been a LOT of high quality works, but for every peak there's plenty of valleys as well. There were a significant amount of stories written at the height of the fandom that should be considered war crimes. Your topic isn't bad, story shouldn't be from the other comments I see, and I'm sure if you decide to keep writing here your skills will only get better. Welcome to the herd, and good night/morning. ^.^ /)

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