• Member Since 18th Jun, 2024
  • offline last seen 6 minutes ago



On a day off, Pinkie has Twilight help her organize her party supplies, but one secret uncovered causes another to accidentally slip and Twilight is left wondering how she feels about it.

Rating due to an intentionally cringy joke.

I'm new to writing for this fandom so...I'm probably not batting a hundred or whatever.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )
Comment posted by shalu deleted Saturday

Cute fic. Really reminds me of the early seasons.

This is a great start! And if you've not heard it from anyone, welcome to the fandom!

:raritywink: Wait until Pinkie meets Weird Al
:moustache: Or Discord & Fluttershy - Annarchy Shy of Chaos
:facehoof: spoiler alert

Twilight was so lost in thought that she hadn’t even noticed the rock until she was already tripped and falling right off of a cliff.

WHAT? Talk about tonal whiplash...

Also, nothing Pinkie says indicates Twilight not being there is the reason she doesn't participate. She just says

especially since you


especially since you're not there

Draskos #6 · Monday · · ·

Going to bed so I'll read later, but trust me, it doesn't matter if this isn't your best work ever. This fandom is old and there have been a LOT of high quality works, but for every peak there's plenty of valleys as well. There were a significant amount of stories written at the height of the fandom that should be considered war crimes. Your topic isn't bad, story shouldn't be from the other comments I see, and I'm sure if you decide to keep writing here your skills will only get better. Welcome to the herd, and good night/morning. ^.^ /)

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