• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 2,011 Views, 55 Comments

Sunshine and Rainshine - SteamFluttershy

HiE story and the Humand gets rain-teleported into Equestria

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My life, well… I can’t say I didn’t have a good one. Actually, my life was great at home, but this made it even better in a way.

I should start from the beginning shouldn’t I?
My name is Brendan; I was born on the 23rd of May 1996 which makes me 16 years old now, almost 17. I live in the Netherlands, being bilingual makes both languages easy for me, American and Dutch. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister and a great mom and dad. They make me feel lucky to have them.

There was one time in my life that wasn’t really that exciting; elementary school. Back in those days I didn’t really have anybody I could call a good or best friend. I was really shy back then and unsocial. That is, until my parents made me take a therapy, which in turn, made me, compared to then, more social, and I finally have best friends, only 3 to be exact, but still, I have regular ones as well, the ones you’d call acquaintances.

Well then, let’s get back to the main story, huh? Enough background on me.