• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 2,011 Views, 55 Comments

Sunshine and Rainshine - SteamFluttershy

HiE story and the Humand gets rain-teleported into Equestria

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Chapter 6 (Small Talk & Fasion Talk)

I awoke to Celestia’s sun creeping in through the window and trying to pry under my eyelids. With great resentment I opened my eyes and yawned.

I don’t think I’ve ever woken up this easily before, must be something with the world that’s so peaceful.

I threw off my blanket, sat upright and looked at the clock. It was still fairly early in the morning and by the looks of things neither one animal, nor Fluttershy was awake yet.

It was then that I got an idea; How about I make Fluttershy and me both some breakfast, she has already done so much for me I just have to repay her somehow.

I got up and walked over to the kitchen. It was a fairly small kitchen, a small stove, small oven, a sink and lots of cupboards, most likely for the animal food. I was searching around through the cupboards while trying to think of something special to make for her, when I saw a cupcake tin with rounded bottoms. It was then that it hit me, I’ll make a Dutch breakfast delicacy; poffertjes. Poffertjes are like mini pancakes that are slightly ovaled in shape, and they’re usually gone quickly because they’re so good and eaten with powdered sugar on top, and the rounded bottom of the tin would make a good shape to make them in. I set to work on it immediately calling out the ingredients for the Dutch recipe to myself; “60 gram bakboter, 125 gram fijne suiker, 185 gram zelfrijzend bakmeel, 2 deciliter melk, poedersuiker, boter om te vetten, 2 grote eieren en een snufje zout…”

After having mixed the ingredients in the proper order leaving me with a nice liquid batter, I slowly poured a small amount of batter into the bottom of the tins on the stove. Now the thing about poffertjes is that if you cook them too long they’ll stick, cook them too short they’ll stick, so I had to make sure that I turned them at the right times. After finishing the first batch I put them into a warm bowl to keep them warm, and went on to the next batch.


Fluttershy was sleeping soundly and slowly awoke to the sun coming in through the windows. She let out a small yawn and immediately opened her eyes. She smelled something, something real good. She slowly got out of bed following the smell downstairs as it got stronger and stronger, and better. She was really curious as to what it was and where it was coming from, so she peeked around the living room corner and noticed it was coming from the kitchen and I wasn’t on the couch anymore. She slowly trotted over to the kitchen door and peeked in seeing me behind the stove. Curiosity got the best of her and she decided to ask what I was doing.

“Umm... excuse me, Brendan, what are you making?”

“Oh, good morning Fluttershy, I thought I ought to repay you for taking me in and giving me a place to sleep so I thought; I’ll make her some breakfast. It’s a surprise.” I cheerfully said.

She trotted over next to me and looked at me with those turquoise eyes of hers.

“R-really? Nopony has ever made breakfast for me before; I usually have to make breakfast for myself and the animals.”

This statement surprised me.

“What? Really, haven’t any of your friends ever made breakfast for you?”

“Well, they’ve invited me before, but I couldn’t just leave my animals here, and I don’t go out all that often.”

“Then I say; just sit down relax and let me serve you some breakfast! It’s about time you were the one being served!”

“R-really, you’d really do that for me?”

“Of course, I have to thank you for being so kind to me in some way.”

“T-thank you.”

Then she did something that I didn’t expect. She came up to me and gave me a hug. At first I was surprised that she’d do this, but then again, I’ve seen that it’s a normal gesture here. After a few seconds I slowly hugged her back, putting my arms around her neck.


Her coat felt softer than the softest pillow ever, it was just amazing. Fluttershy broke the hug, and I said; “Why don’t you go and sit down and wait, I’m finishing up the last batch right now, it’ll be out in just a minute.”

“Okay.” She replied.

She turned away and walked to the table. As she walked away I noticed her face was the slightest shade of crimson that disappeared as she sat down.

I turned back to my cooking just as they were done. I took them out one by one and put them in the bowl with the other batches. I took the tin off the heat and put it in the sink to cool down, and threw the other items I used with it. I put two plates on the table together with the powdered sugar, got the bowl with poffertjes and put it on the table with a small towel over them to keep them warm. Fluttershy was very curious as to what I had made, so I removed the towel and she looked at them with confusion.

“What are they?” She asked.

“They’re called; poffertjes. They’re a Dutch delicacy like small pancakes. You know what pancakes are right?”

“N-no, I don’t think we have those here.”

“What?” I said surprised. “You have all those delicious pastries and cakes, but you don’t have something like pancakes?”

“No, no we don’t.”

“Well then, pancakes are next on the list. Pancakes are flat pastry like breakfast foods. They’re usually made in a pan, hence the name pancakes. Pancakes can be eaten with either powdered sugar or syrup, while poffertjes are a miniature version and are eaten with powdered sugar.”

My, and probably Fluttershy’s, mouth were watering at my explanation of the foods.

“Wow that sounds good.” She said.

“They are good. Back on my world they usually go quickly because they are so good. People love them, and I do too. That’s why, to make sure, I made a bigger batch since they go so quickly.”

“I’d love to try one” She said.

I took the spoon and scooped up about ten on her and my plate and put the cover back over the bowl. I powdered mine over with sugar and I asked Fluttershy if she wanted some too.

“You want some powdered sugar on them?”

“Yes, I’d like to try.” She answered.

I powdered hers over as well and waited for her to take a bite. She leaned in and smelled them, and by the expression on her face I could tell that they smelled good to her. She slowly took one and brought it over to her mouth. As soon as she put it in and chewed on them, her eyes when almost as wide as diner plates and she said in amazement; “They’re delicious, it’s nothing like I’ve ever had before, such a new and different taste!” She soon continued eating the rest of them with a smile plastered on her face. I just smiled because she smiled and soon followed.

We both continued to scoop up more and more of them, they were so good. Luckily I made an extra-large batch just to be sure, and was I ever right to do so! After we had finished them all both of us were stuffed. Fluttershy just smiled and said; “Thank you for making breakfast it was absolutely delicious!”

“No problem Fluttershy! I am more than happy to do it for you! I have to repay your kindness in some way.”

She smiled and came over and hugged me once more. This time I felt a lot more comfortable returning the hug.

I broke the hug and said; “Alright then, why don’t you go and do what you need to do Fluttershy, and I’ll clean up the mess.”

“Oh, I can’t just let you do so much for me; you’ve already done so much.”

“I insist Fluttershy. By my account, I’m not even close to repaying you for what you’ve done.”

“Oh, okay, i-if you really want to…”

“It’s nothing Fluttershy; I’ll have it done in a jiffy.”

With that I got up, cleared the table, and set to quickly doing the dishes. It wasn’t that big of a job, I think I got done in less than ten minutes.

After finishing that up, I left the kitchen, into the living room and saw Fluttershy tending to some animals that stayed inside the house.

“Hey, Fluttershy, do you need any help with the animals at all?”

“Oh, no, you don’t need to help me; you’ve already done so much.”

“Well, I wouldn’t want to just sit here and watch you work, that’d make me feel bad. Are you sure I can’t do anything to help you?”

“Well, you could come and help me with the animals outside now. That is, if you want to.”

“I’d be more than happy to Fluttershy.”

I waited for her to finish with the animals inside and we both went outside to tend to the animal garden that surrounds Fluttershy’s house. Taking care of the animals went just fine except for the fact that the animals were pretty scared of me at first. I opened the chicken coop and all the chickens looked at me and started screeching, flailing and running like crazy. They jumped out of the coop and left me and Fluttershy to chase them. After a good quarter hour of chasing, cornering and catching chickens we got them back into the coop and I was able to feed them and make their hay stacks on which they sit. Since the chickens now didn’t fear me anymore the other animals did so less as well, but not without them pulling back a few times as I tried to feed them and pet them. In the end all the animals got used to the human helping Fluttershy and we got it done.

“Few, that was some work, but we got it done now.” I said tired.

“Usually it takes me twice as long to get all the animals fed, but now we got it done just after noon.” Fluttershy said.

We went back inside and Fluttershy got us some drinks which we both guzzled down within seconds.

I looked over at the clock and it read 1:15 PM.

“Looks like I’ve got the entire afternoon left to do stuff. Hey, Fluttershy?”

“Yes Brendan?”

“Do you mind if I pay Rarity a visit today? I promised her I’d come over when I had the time.”

“Oh, no, I don’t mind.” She timidly replied in a tone that sounded a bit saddened.

“Okay, thanks Fluttershy. Umm, can I use the bathroom real quick? I need to clean myself up a bit.”

“Oh, Okay. It’s upstairs, the first door on the right.”

“Okay, thanks!”

I walked up the stairs and took the first door on the right. It was a small quaint bathroom with a single sink, a bathtub with a showerhead that was clearly too low for me to stand under, and a small toilet.

It’s a good thing the toilets are still the same here! I thought to myself.

I took a small washcloth from the cabinet under the sink, wet it, and washed my face with the nice cold water, making sure I got rid of all the dirt. I placed it over the heater to dry and looked at my clothes in the mirror. I really needed some new ones, these had a few stains on them now from the chicken chase. Deciding there was nothing left I could properly clean, I left the bathroom and went back downstairs. I found Fluttershy just peacefully sitting on the couch, just looking around. I walked up to the door ready to open it.

“Bye Fluttershy! I’ll be back as soon as Rarity is finished.” I told her.

I was about to open the door and leave, but a certain voice stopped me.

“W-wait!” Fluttershy called.

“Yes Fluttershy?”

“C-can I c-come with you? We both got everything done so fast that there’s nothing left to do. Normally I’d be busy with the animals most of the day.”

“Of course you can come Fluttershy. I enjoy your company.”

Fluttershy smiled at the approval and jumped off the couch. I held the door open for her and made a slight bow. “Ladies first.” She blushed and walked through first. “Thank you.” She said.

I walked out and closed the door behind me and went down the path as Fluttershy walked up next to me. She had that golden small smile on her face that would melt anyone’s heart through its cuteness.

We walked down the long country road to Ponyville, Fluttershy giggling every now and then.

“What’s so funny?” I asked.

“I’m just thinking about how you managed to get those chickens scared so much, and how one ended up under your shirt.” She giggled.

“Oh yeah? I’m wondering how one of them ended up on your head that one time. You were chasing one and another flew right into your head, sat on it, and decided then and there that your head would be the best place to lay an egg.”

Fluttershy turned beet red of embarrassment and turned her head away as I broke out into a fit of laughter.

Fluttershy turned her head back again and soon started laughing as well.

We both continued laughing and reviewing the events that occurred that morning.


“That’s it right there isn’t it?” I asked.

“Yes, there it is.” Fluttershy pointed out.

After lots of laughing and reviews we walked up to Carrousel Boutique.

I knocked on the door and heard a singing voice respond. “Come iiiiiin!”

I held the door open once more for Fluttershy at which she bushed again and walked in.

I walked inside and saw a few equine manikins, some with designer clothes, and some without, a cabinet with rolls of fabric in all the colors of the rainbow. Most of interior was white and only the roof was purple.

“Hello and welcome to carrousel boutique, where everything is chique and unique.” Rarity greeted popping out of nowhere.

“Oh, hello Fluttershy, hello Brendan, nice of you to come by.”

“Well I promised to come in when I had some time and I did now, so here I am.”

“Splendid! And what about you Fluttershy, what brings you here?” Rarity asked.

“Oh, I thought I’d come with him, seeing as he helped me out with the animals I got done much more quickly than normal. I had nothing left to do.” Fluttershy answered.

“Oh my, such a gentlecolt, er, gentleman for helping you out.” Rarity complimented.

“Thanks for the compliment Rarity! But it was nothing really.” I said.

“Well then, on to business! I’m guessing you’re here for some new clothes Brendan?” Rarity asked.

“Yes indeed I am. Thank you for being generous enough to make me some Rarity. I’ll have to repay you some day.”
“Nonsense dear, it’ll be my pleasure! I am the element of generosity after all.”

“You have a point there!”

“Now just come up here and take off your clothes so I can take the measurements.”

“Umm… Rarity?”

“What is it darling? Just take of your clothes and we can get started.”

“Remember what I told you about humans and clothes back in Canterlot?”

Rarity tapped her chin with her hoof for a moment, and then gasped and turned red in realization.

“Oh, well, yes, I’m sorry for the offence Brendan.”

“None taken.”

“But how am I going to take the measurements now?” She asked.

“I’ve got an idea! Do you have a place where I can take off the clothes in private?

“Yes there’s a small fitting room right behind you.” She pointed out.

“Well, how about I take off my clothes in there and give them too you so you can take the measurements from them? That way I won’t be out here.”

“Splendid idea Brendan, that should work just fine!”

“Alright then, I’ll go and take off my clothes in there and I’ll hand them to you over the door.”

With that issue resolved, I went into the changing room and took off all of my clothes and threw them over the door, when Rarity caught them with her magic and brought them over to a measuring table, picked up a measuring lint, and started measuring my clothes.

While I watched her measure, I noticed Fluttershy had taken a seat on the purple couch and was just prodding the couch while watching Rarity work. I caught her peeking over at me and she blushed heavily and turned her head away and hid behind her mane.

She could only see my head and feet, the rest was covered by the door, so I wasn’t worried that she’d see me butt naked.

“I’m finiiiiiiished!” Rarity said in a singing voice as she threw my clothes back over.

“Already? Wow that was quick!” I exclaimed.

“Well of course, I am a professional after all, and this was just a simple thing.”


I dresses myself again and stepped out of the changing room.

“I’ll make sure to give you the clothes once they’re ready darling.”

“Thank you so much Rarity for making me some new clothes.”

“Think nothing of it darling! Now I must be off to continue my other orders.”

“Of course, we’ll be going now. Goodbye Rarity!”

“Ta ta darling! Come by again soon!”

Fluttershy and I left the boutique and headed back to her cottage again.

We walked about half way in silence and then Fluttershy timidly spoke up.

“I-I’m sorry that I tried to look at you, I shouldn’t have done that, I’m so sorry, p-please don’t hate me!”

“Oh Fluttershy, It’s not a big deal.” I said reassuringly. “You were just being curious. It’s not every day that there’s a new species in town.”

She just whimpered and hid behind her mane. I put a hand on her head and tussled it a bit.

“Fluttershy don’t worry, I don’t hate you. As far as I’m concerned you’re the best, most kind pony out here.”

She came back from her mane and simply gave a light smile which I responded to with one of my own.

When we arrived back at the cottage there was a large crate standing in front of the path and a grey pegasus with a yellow mane standing by. When she saw me she quickly came over.

“Mr. Human, Sir, you have a package delivered for you!” Up close I noticed she had incoherent eyes, one to the right the other to the left, both switching sides but staying opposite, she had bubbles as a cutie mark.

“Huh, a package? I didn’t order anything.” I said surprised.

“It’s an urgent shipment from the princesses.” She added.

The princesses? What could they have sent me?

“Okay then, Thank you for the delivery!”

“Could you please sign here.” She said pointing at a spot on the clipboard.

I took the pencil from her mouth and signed on the blank spot.

“Thank you!” She shouted, and with that she flew off.

Fluttershy and I looked over at the moderately sized crate and the first thing I noticed was that there was a muffin on top of it. I figured the mail mare must have left it there as an extra.

I walked over to the crate and opened the narrow side. Inside was none other than my bike and bag.

“Oh!” I exclaimed. “How could I have forgotten that? They were probably still in Canterlot!”

I pulled out my bike and bag together from the crate and put the empty crate on the roadside to be taken away.

“Hey Fluttershy, is there anywhere where I can put my bike for now?”

“Umm, you can put it on the left side of the cottage if you want to, I just keep some gardening tools over there.”

“Okay, thanks!”

I put the bike aside and took my bag off and we both went inside. Holding the door open for Fluttershy once more we entered, and I put my bag beside the couch. I looked at the clock and it read six ‘o’ clock. We were gone longer than expected. I saw Fluttershy head into the kitchen and asked what she was going to do.

“I’m going to make us dinner.” She replied.

“Do you need any help?” I asked.

“Oh no. You made me breakfast and helped me with the animals, so let me make you some dinner to thank you.” She said happily.

“Alright then. Thank you so much Fluttershy.”

“You’re welcome.” She said smiling warmly.

As Fluttershy entered the kitchen, I sat down on the couch and returned to my thoughts once more.

You know, this isn’t half bad. I may be stuck in a completely different world or even a dimension, but I’ve got it good. I’ve got a roof over my head, food to eat, and a kind, beautiful pegasus to thank for that. She’s just too kind for her own good sometimes, always puts others before herself, especially her animals. She’s exactly everything one could want in a person, er, pony. Kind, caring, loving, generous, beautiful…

I looked over into the kitchen where she was cooking up a meal that I could smell all the way over here, and man, did it smell good!

Beautiful? No, gorgeous. Wait, I haven’t even been here for 3 days and I’m already falling for someone… and not just someone, a pony?! Naw, come on, now that’s just downright weird, right? I couldn’t fall for a pony how would that work out? Certain things just don’t make sense right here. Ugh, I should stop this mental debate, I’m gonna get a 404 brain error this way.

“Hello, Brendan?”

I snapped out of my mental debate with myself and turned my attention to Fluttershy.

“Oh, sorry, what was that Fluttershy?”

“Dinner is ready.” She stated.

“Oh, alright.”

Was I really debating that long?!

We walked over into the kitchen and took a seat at the kitchen table. There was a big pot in the middle with what looked like a thick tomato soup. It sure smelled like tomato soup, and man, did it smell good.

Fluttershy hovered over the table and scooped a big portion into my bowl and did the same for herself. She looked at me with anticipation, wanting to hear how I liked the soup.

I picked up the spoon and scooped some up and brought it to my nose, letting the amazing fragrance dance across my nostrils, if it smells this good than it must taste even better. I couldn’t have been more correct, it was pure heaven, like nothing I’ve ever tasted before, just so amazing. If I wouldn’t have been eating, my jaw would have dropped.

“Fluttershy. This. Is. AMAZING!”

She blushed and smiled. “Thanks, it’s my own made recipe, from the tomatoes in the back yard.”

“I can honestly say now that I’ve yet to taste better cooking than this. I don’t even think it’s possible that anything could be better than this!”

Fluttershy was smiling brightly, happy that her cooking skills amazed me.

“Well you can cook amazingly well too. That breakfast you made today was delicious.”

“Thanks, but I don’t think it could rival this pure awesomeness.” I added.

“Oh, I’m sure it could.”

“No it couldn’t.”

“Yes it could.”

“No it couldn’t”

“Can too!”

“Can not!”

“Can too!”

“Can not!”



We realized how childish we were being and both broke out into a fit of laughter.

“How about we call it even?” I suggested.

“Yes, let’s.” She agreed.

We both agreed and returned to the soup. Both of us ate our bowls up within minutes and were very generous on our seconds, big scoops every time, and before we knew it, the pot was empty and we were full.

“That was absolutely delicious Fluttershy!” I said.

“I think we can both see that.” She said.

We both laughed and I opted to do the dishes. She wouldn’t let me do it alone, though I got her far enough as to let me help her.

After finishing the dishes we went back into the living room and, coincidentally, both yawned. We just giggled at the sight and both agreed to got some shuteye.

“Are you sure you don’t want to use the bed? I can sleep down here.” Fluttershy suggested once more.”

“No Fluttershy, I can not get it over my heart to deprive you of your bed. I’ll stay down here on the couch, It’ll work out just fine.”

“Oh, Okay. If you need anything just call me.”

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll fine.”

“O-okay. Goodnight Brendan.”

“Goodnight Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy went upstairs and I lay down on the couch, grabbing the comforter and wrapping it around me, and just listened to the night sound you could hear so well from her cottage. Cricketing crickets were very helpful to get me to fall asleep. As I soon departed for dreamland once more. Although I did have a feeling tomorrow was going to be a long day.