• Published 12th Oct 2012
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Derpy Who? The Story of My Life - Cabral095

Derpy has fled her home of Cloudsdale, and found a tiny town called, Ponyville.

  • ...

Painful Healing

Chapter 6 - Painful Healing


I shut the door, and slowly walked down the hallway into my living room. I laid on the floor, and stared into the clear night sky.

"Mommy.." I whispered to myself. All kinds of thoughts began to race through my head.

I took her in so easily, I guess I hadn't thought of her considering me as her mother. She must've been alone out there for so long… Much like I was. I wonder how she lived. To call me mother this early. Did she even know what a mother's love was? She must have in order to know how a mother should be.

I sighed, and ended my thought process, I didn't need to be thinking about these things now. I just needed some sleep. I shut my eyes, and drifted off to sleep. I awoke the next morning, to find that I had fallen asleep in the middle of the living room. As I became more aware of my surroundings, I could feel a blanket lying on my back, and a lump of heat by my side. I looked next to me, and there was Dinky, sleeping peacefully.

I simply laid my head back down, and watched her sleep. She woke up a few minutes later yawning and stretching.

"Good morning." I said, "Have you been here all night?"

She rubbed her eyes and nodded.

"Were you lonely? Is that why you came out here with me?"

She shook her head no.

"Well then why did you come out here?"

"Because you were lonely." Dinky answered innocently.

Tears began to well up in my eyes once again. I turned my head so she wouldn't see.

"That's so sweet of you Dinky." I said. My voice sounding a bit hoarse. I stood up, and began to walk towards the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, as tears began to run down my face.

"Mhm." Dinky replied.

She got up, and began to walk towards me. I heard her, and said,

"Oh Dinky, can you put the blanket back in the room please?"

I didn't want her to see me like this. She skipped on back to the blanket, picked it up, and skipped down the hall. I quickly tried to hide my tears, and get something made for her to eat. I found some bread, and some grasses and flowers. I just made her a small sandwich.

She came back, and I handed her the plate, "Here you go." I said.

She took the plate, and walked on over to the table. I made myself one, and went to the table to eat with her.

We finished our meals, and took our plates to the sink. I didn't have work today, so maybe I could show Dinky around town some more.

"Do you want to go out today Dinky?" I asked.

The small filly looked at me, and nodded her head.

"Alright. Maybe we can introduce you to Pinkie and Applejack, I'm sure they would like to meet you. Well come on." I walking to the front door and picking up my bag, "You have a lot to see."

I opened the door, and Dinky ran outside giggling. I shut the door behind me, and followed her. The sky was clear, and the ground was damp, with some patches of snow here and there. I showed Dinky some more of the town, and she seemed to enjoy it. I took her to Sugarcube Corner to meet Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie greeted her warmly, as I knew she would.

"Well hello there!" Pinkie said shacking Dinky's hoof ferociously. Dinky smiled a big smile at Pinkie. "When did you get a daughter?" Pinkie asked .

"Well." I began, "She's not really my daughter. I sort of adopted her."

I told Dinky to go into the back room with the cakes, and meet them. When she left, I told pinkie the whole story over the next ten minutes.

"Awe." Pinkie said, "how cute! So, are you going to send her to school?"

"I probably will soon."

Dinky Walked back in giggling, and said she wanted to see more. So we said goodbye to Pinkie, and trotted on over to The Apple Family Farm to meet with Applejack.

"Well Hi there young's, and what's your name?"

"Dinky!" Dinky exclaimed.

"Well ain't that a cute name. Who's is she Derpy?"

"Dinky, why don't you go and play with, what's your sisters name again Applejack?"

"Oh, it's Applebloom. Hey Applebloom!" Applejack yelled, Applebloom soon came running over. "Take Dinky and go play with her."

Applebloom and Dinky ran off laughing.

"So, who's is she? Can't be your's, ah know for sure that you haven't settled down with a stallion."

"No, I haven't. but, she is mine. I sort of adopted her. It's like this." And so I told Applejack all there was to tell.

"Ah see." She said.

"So." I stated, "Will Applebloom be starting school soon?"

"Actually, she's going to start this summer. I suggest you get Dinky in as well. It won't hurt starting her early. She seems to have a good understandin' of stuff at her age. A lot more than ah did at that age." Applejack laughed.

"Yeah, she's a smart little filly. I think that starting her this summer would also help me, it means I wouldn't have to worry about her being home alone all of the time. Well Applejack, I should get going."

"Alright then Derpy, just remember, if you need anything' don't you hesitate to come and get me."

"Thanks for the offer Applejack. Dinky, come on, it's time to go." I yelled.

I heard the two fillies say "awe." And shortly after, I saw Dinky and Applebloom coming over.

Dinky and I left, and went back into town for some lunch. The day passed quickly, and soon, Dinky and I were home. The next few months seemed to fly by quickly. Dinky was beginning to speak more to me, and since Summer was in another month or two, I began to introduce the idea of school to her.

"School?" Dinky asked as I served breakfast to her.

"Why yes silly." I said, "School. I know you may not like it, but it will be worth it in the end. Maybe you can learn something there that could help you find your talent, and get your cutie mark.

"But." She began, "But I want to stay here with you mommy."

"I know Dinky." I smiled back at her, "But, school is a big thing. And plus, you'll see Applebloom, and all of your other fillies friends."

"Okay." she said discontentedly, but I think she knew this was best.

"Besides, it would give me more time at work, and maybe we can get you some stuffed animals. I know you've always wanted some."

Another couple months came and went, and Dinky finally started school. I waved her goodbye on her fist day, and she did the same. I left the school, and walked into Sugarcube Corner. The smell of pastries filled my nostrils.

"Oh hello Ditzy. Come to visit have you?" Mrs. Cake asked from behind the counter.

"Yep! I don't have work today, so I thought I would buy a treat for myself. Maybe a cupcake."

"Oh I'm sorry Deary, we're fresh out."

"Oh, well, that's ok. What else do you have?"

"Well, I think you caught us at a bad time." Mrs. Cake said, "All of our sweets are being freshly baked right now, and won't be done for some hours. Oh!" She exclaimed, "I know, how about a muffin?"

I looked at her with a puzzled look, "Muffin? What's that?"

"You've never had a muffin before?" Mrs. Cake asked.

"Well, no." I stated, "I haven't even really heard of them. We didn't have a lot of baked goods back in Cloudsdale, and I only come here to say hi to other ponies. I've always been the fruits and vegetable type, not too much into breads."

"But, you do buy breads from us on occasion deary." Mrs. Cake responded.

"Yes, but only on occasion."

"Well deary, why don't you go ahead and try one."

"Well, alright."

She reached into the window, and pulled out a small tray of muffins.

"Here." She said placing one on the counter.

I looked at the muffin, it looked a lot like a cupcake. I took my first bite, and the flavor exploded into my mouth.

"That one is Apple flavored." Mrs. Cake said.

The taste was an amazing sensation in my mouth. It wasn't overly sweet like a cupcake, but I liked that. Something with taste that wasn't overloaded with sweets. I continued to eat the muffin with a large smile across my face.

"Do you have any more?" I questioned, with my mouth full of the first muffin.

"Well of course, we have plenty, would you care to buy some?" Mrs. Cake inquired.

I walked out of the store with a dozen muffins, Two of each flavor that the cakes had. Needless to say that when I got home, I ate one of each flavor. It wasn't long until I had found my favorites. I finished half of them, and put the rest in storage for Dinky to try. Looking at the sun, I realized that Dinky would be getting out of school soon. I flew out of the house, and towards her school.

I peered into the classroom window, and saw dinky in the front row, writing some things down as the teacher spoke. Soon, the students ran out of the building, and I yelled Dinky over to me. I spotted her running over to me with her bag, which was actually mine.

She came up to me and said, "Hi mommy."

Dinky placed the bag at my hooves for me to pick up. "Did you have a good day?" I asked as I picked up the bag and placed it on my back.

"Mhm." she nodded.

"Good, now let's get you home. I have something for you to try."

We reached the house, and I placed the bag near the front of the door as we entered. I walked into the kitchen and pulled out the muffins.

"Cupcakes!" She announced eagerly.

"Nope." I said shaking my head, "Even better, muffins."

She took one, and tasted it. She smiled as she chewed the muffin. I could only help but smile as well. After she had another, I put the rest away, and asked Dinky what she wanted for dinner. The rest of the day went by, and I tucked her into her very own bed. I had finally saved enough bits to buy Dinky her own bed, which was placed in the spare room. My old bed was placed in the bedroom.

All this time, she had been sleeping next to me, but now, I was going to have her sleep on her own. She was getting older, and needed her space, no matter how much I resented the thought. As I laid in my own bed that night, thoughts about my parents and Cloudsdale began to shroud my mind. The feeling of loneliness sank in.

My eyes began to water as I thought of the feeling of being alone, rejected, and not wanted. I was then startled by the sound of a creaking door. I figured it was Dinky going to grab a snack, but then the sound of hooves walking on the wood floored came to my door. My door creaked open and Dinky totted to the edge of my bed. She jumped up and laid at the edge of my bed.

"Dinky." I said, trying not to show my tears. "Why aren't you in your bed? Did you have a bad dream?"

"No." She said.

"Are you scared?" I asked with my eyes closed, and not looking at her.


"Well, what is it then? Do you need something?"

"I don't want you to be alone mommy."

My eyes shot open, and tears began to run down my face.

How did she know? I thought to myself. It was the same way the fist night I brought her home. How did this small filly, know what I was feeling? How could she know?

I sat up from my bed, grabbed Dinky, and held her tightly. Tears streamed down my face, and I cried. I cried and cried. For years, I have never had a pony be there and be concerned for me. I had always held in my emotions, and never expressed my feelings.

These emotions had just been building inside of me, and I never released them; but now, it all came out. There was pain, but, relief as well. For the next half hour, I held her tight, and cried my eyes out. Each moment had helped me build myself back up. I could now go about my days without worry. Thanks to Dinky, my daughter.

"Dinky." I said still holding her.

"Yes mommy?" She asked.

"You know I love you Dinky, and that I will never stop loving you."

"I know."

"And, I'm sorry you couldn't have a mommy with normal eyes, I know I'm a.. freak."

"I'm happy you're my mommy." Dinky began, "No matter what you look like. I like your eyes, they make you, you. And, I couldn't ask for a better mommy."

I couldn't cry anymore, I had no more tears to spare. We held each other for another few minutes. Finally we went to bed, I let her sleep next to me one last time. "

"Goodnight mommy, I love you."

"Goodnight Dinky." I said, "I love you too."

I shut my eyes, and my thoughts drifted into bliss.