• Published 12th Oct 2012
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Derpy Who? The Story of My Life - Cabral095

Derpy has fled her home of Cloudsdale, and found a tiny town called, Ponyville.

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Chapter 8 - Family


After another few moments, we let go, and he smiled at me. He said that he didn't have the strength left to fly, so he could not join me on the long flight to Ponyville. I went and asked some of the hospital staff if they would lend us something for me to transport My father to Ponyville for the day.

They said that because of the illness he had, he wasn't allowed to leave the building. We tried and tried to get something set up so he could go, but, to no avail. I went back up to my fathers bedroom, and told him the news. This saddened him even more.

"Dad," I stated, "I don't know how much longer you have, but. I want to be here for you. So, I'll come back in two days, and bring you a surprise."

I hugged him goodbye, and I left the hospital. I flew home, and picked up Dinky from Applejack's house. By the time we got home, it was dark. The night chill was coming, and the sky was clear of clouds. We entered our home, and I told Dinky all that had happened.

"So, you want me to go with you?" Dinky questioned."

I smiled and nodded , "I want it to be a surprise for him. I want him to see you at least once."

"Ok." Announced the small filly.

The day came quick, and we were ready to go and see my father; and introduce him to my family.

I don't know how she'll respond but, I know dad will love to see her.

Dinky hopped into my green muffin bag, and our journey began. I had a hard time gaining altitude, seeing as Dinky had grown since I brought her home that first time. Thankfully it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.

Dinky looked back and forth constantly from the bag, as she stared in awe of the beautiful landscape we flew over. The clouds were scarce, and the wind in my mane felt magnificent. I flew at a steady rate, and made sure the bag was secure. After some hours of flight, Cloudsdale came into view.

"Look Dinky." I exclaimed.

She poked her small head out of the bag and looked at the city of clouds. Her eyes grew wide with wonder, and she smiled. We shortly reached the edge of the city, Dinky immediately poked her head out of the bag to see the beautiful city. She was about ready to hop out, but I stopped her before she was able to.

"You don't want to be doing that." I suggested. "Only pegasi are able to walk on clouds, so, just stay inside the bag. I know you want to come out, but trust me."

She looked at the ground, and then she slunk back into the bag. I smiled at her, and looked past the buildings, The hospital stood in the distance. As I flew towards the hospital, Dinky was receiving looks from the nearby pegasi. This was because there were never any other kind of pony's in Cloudsdale. I smiled shyly at them, and continued towards the hospital. I reached the hospital, and walked up the stairs and into my fathers room. I saw him lying down in his bed, facing the window once again.

His thoughts were probably distant. Thinking about his past, my mom, his travels.

My thoughts began to wander further as I looked at him, I only wished I had someway to see him then. To be able to travel back, and know what he was like. All an if I suppose

I ended my thoughts, and walked closer to his bed.

"Hey dad." I said halting by his bedside.

He rolled over, and said, "Why hello Derpy."

His eyes glistened, and lit up. A smile spread across his face as he sat up in his bed. Dinky heard us speaking, and poked her head out of the bag. She looked over, and saw the old pegasus.

"Why hello there, and who might you be?" He asked.

Dinky shyly ducked back into the bag.

I giggled, and stated, "It's ok Dinky, this, is my daddy."

Dinky poked her head out again, to see the old pony smiling at her.

"So Dinky is your name?" Inquired my father, "What a pretty name, did this beautiful young mare pick that name out for you?"

I laughed, Dinky nodded hesitantly.

My father chuckled, "Derpy, why don't you go ahead and place her on that bed right there."

"Well, won't she fall through?"

"Not on the beds here." My father reassured me, "They are magically reinforced just in case of emergencies. I really don't know why they did that, but, it's convenient for us."

I slowly placed Dinky onto the bed, and made sure that it wouldn't give way, and thankfully it didn't. She sat in the bed, and I sat on the floor next to her. We talked with my father for hours, I told him of how I found Ponyville, my journey during Winter Wrap Up, all of the food that was down in Ponyville, and muffins.

He shared a few of his adventures when he was searching for me, some stories had humor, others were adventurous, while others touching. He spoke of the many lands he had seen, and the creatures he met. He would often go days and nights without food. He had traveled in many lands never once explored, the great deserts across the vast ocean, the high lands of the Griffons, and how he helped those he met along the way; sharing his tale, of what he saw and did.

I shared with him of how I found Dinky, and what an experience it's been having her as my daughter. I had never seen my father so happy before, and I hoped that he would never stop smiling. Finally the time came for us to leave, this was saddening to us all, we hugged him goodbye, and we set off towards home.

"Mommy?" Dinky began to question, "Will we see grandpa again?"

Something was telling me no, but I pushed it aside, and reassured Dinky, "Of course we will, but I want you to remember something."

I stopped just before the edge of the city. I stared out into the vast landscape of Equestria, and began to think of my dads' adventures.

"I want you to know Dinky, that he will always be in our hearts and memories. He will never leave you Dinky. I want you to remember, no matter what, that he will not stop loving you, or me."

I could feel tears beginning to well up in my eyes again. I sighed, and I flew away from the place that had caused me so much pain and sorrow. With new memories of it, memories I would never forget. Memories that I would keep close to my heart, for the rest of my days. Dinky and I left Cloudsdale, with our heads and memories full of bliss.

A few more days went by, and I was at work sorting the mail to prepare it for delivery. I came upon one particular letter, from Cloudsdale; It was from the Cloudian Memorial Hospital to be precise, and it was addressed to me. It read;

"Dear Ms. Derpy Hooferman (Hooves), it is with our most sincere apology, that we report to you of your fathers passing.He died the morning after you had visited. Once again, we apologize, and hold our thoughts and prayers towards you. He wrote in his will that you were to take care of burial, and location of it. Please come and pick up the body, as well as the few material possessions he had.

Sincerely, Doctor Maremen Clyde, and the rest of the hospital staff."

I dropped the letter to the floor, and tears began to form in my eyes. Drew happened to walk in when I dropped the letter.

"Ditzy, what's wrong?" he frantically asked.

I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. He picked up the letter and began to read it. I was now crying profusely, he finished the letter and looked at me.

"Oh Ditzy, I'm.. I'm so sorry." He leaned over and hugged me. "I'm so sorry." he continued, "Ditzy, take the rest of the week off. You need sometime to yourself, and I can see that. So, go home."

He stepped back, and gave me the letter. I took the letter, and slowly walked out of the post office. I placed the letter in my bag, and slowly began to walk towards the school. My head was lowered, and my wings were as well. I wasn't looking where I was going, and I didn't care.

How can he be dead? I thought to myself, he can't die now, we just became a family.

I stopped in my tracks, and sat under a nearby tree to cry again. Why? Why so soon? He was so happy, and so were we! It's too soon! I can't lose this. I can't lose my fathers love this soon! We just became a family! It's all I've ever wanted in life. Somepony to love me, somepony that is there for me. I couldn't even be there for him. I couldn't be there to comfort him as he passed! Why me? WHY?

I was now leaning against the tree, and bawling my eyes out. Thankfully no other ponies were around at the time. I spent the next half hour trying to compose myself. It was a long process of fighting my own thoughts, finally I composed myself. I wiped the tears from my eyes, and began to walk to Dinky's school. My head was down, and my wings were dragging on the ground. I stayed like this all the way to the school.

I reached the school, and composed myself. The next minute was spent forcing a fake smile, and walking to the door. I knocked on the school door, and Ms. Cheerilee answered.

"Why hello Ms. Hooves." She announced, "Can I help you with something?"

"I need to excuse Dinky from class, if you could shut the door, I can explain it all to you."

"Well, of course." she turned around, "One moment class, I need to talk with Dinky's mom."

She shut the door, and I began to explain the whole situation.

"Oh my." she said sympathetically, "I'm so sorry to hear that Derpy. Of course Dinky can be excused. You two take as long as you need, I know these things can be hard."

Ms. Cheerilee opened the door, "Dinky." she announced, "Your free to go home."

Dinky's eyes lit up, and she instantly packed her bags. The other students began to groan.

"OH COME ON!" Sweetie Belle yelled out from the back of the class.

Dinky ran up and hugged me, it was reassuring. We began to walk back home, and I hesitantly told her what happened. By the time we reached the house, her face was soaked with tears.

I opened the door for her, and we spent the next few hours crying. I told Dinky I had to go and retrieve a few things from Cloudsdale. She understood, and went to her bedroom. I flew off towards Cloudsdale, and tried keep my thoughts off of my dad; but to no avail.

I knew he died happy, I thought, and I should be happy about that, but it's just too soon!

I spent the next few hours fighting myself, and it was a losing battle. I reached Cloudsdale, and my hopes were shattered. I couldn't force my self to go to the hospital. But, I had to do this, and I knew it. Dinky would want something to remember dad by. I forced my self up off of the cloud, and flew to the hospital. I walked in and straightened my eyes. I had a few stray tears on my cheeks as I approached the counter. There was a white Pegasus mare standing there. She was glancing a few clipboards as I approached.

"Hi." I said, "My name is Derpy, I'm here to pick up John Hooferman's possessions."

"Oh, of course." responded the mare at the counter, "Wait one moment please."

I stood there, and wiped my eyes. The mare left walking up the stairs, I suspected she was going into my fathers old room. She soon came down the stairs carrying a book in her mouth. She walked to the counter, and placed it down in front of me.

"Is that all?" I inquired, "Surely he hade more than that."

"No, this is all he had. I'm sorry."

I grabbed the book, placed it in my bag.

"If you could." I began, "Do you think it possible for you folks here to take care of the body? I don't really have any place for him, besides it live all the way down in Ponyville."

"I understand." The nurse sympathized, "We will take care of that for you."

I thanked the nurse, and walked out of the hospital, and began my flight home. It was another long flight, and the sky began to change to a light orange. By the time I reached home, the sky was beginning to turn purple. I landed outside the front door, and could see that the lights were on. I opened the door, and to my surprise, all of my friends were standing in my house waiting for me.

"SURPRISE!" Pinkie Pie yelled jumping out from the back.

"What, what is all this?" I asked.

"Why, it's just everypony in town that wants to be here for you, duh!" Pinkie went on.

"Yeah." Applejack announced, "We couldn't stand to just leave ya so sad. When we all heard the news, everypony came together and brought gifts an' food."

"We couldn't stand to see our friends so down." Drew said walking forward, "I know that you probably wanted to be alone for this Ditzy, but we all wanted to be here for you in your time of need."

I scanned the room, and tears filled my eyes once more. It was amazing to be able to see my friends be here for me. My friends stayed over for hours that night, each one coming up to give me a hug, and telling me that it was alright. And, I knew it would be alright, because I had friends; friends that accepted me for who I was and not how I looked.

Each one was considerate, concerned, and always making sure that each of their friends are happy. I regret to say, that if I wasn't treated the way I was early in life, I wouldn't be here now; with all of these wonderful friends, and my daughter. The family I have had all this time.