• Published 31st Dec 2011
  • 18,034 Views, 417 Comments

Mario & Luigi: Of Ponies and Plumbers - EverSoNitro

A Mario/My Little Pony crossover based on the Mario & Luigi RPG series

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Chapter 18

Author's Note: A quick shoutout to those of you that have come to this page via the TVTropes MLP Fanfic Recommendation page, which I've just discovered contains this story. Thanks guys, that means a lot to me! Next stop, EQD! Also, I noticed that the story made it onto the "The Fourth Wall Won't Protect You" page, and it seems like a great opportunity to go into that little bit in more detail. Though not here, look for my explanation in the comments section. Anyway, on with the show!

Mario and Luigi leapt forward to engage the Changeling Queen, but to their surprise, their six pony friends took position just behind them.

"We're not going to just sit back and watch you two do all the work this time around," Twilight said.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash agreed. "If that giant bug thinks she's laying her hooves on Ponyville, she's got another thing coming!"

"How quaint," Chrysalis said. "You're saving me the trouble of having to deal with you afterward. I suppose I'll have to even this fight out, though." At that, the six changelings that disguised themselves as the ponies took position before their queen. Then, without warning, the copies of Applejack and Pinkie Pie charged at the brothers, though their efforts to ram them were wasted, with Mario nimbly leaping over "Applejack", and Luigi bouncing off of "Pinkie's" back.

As the Changelings retreated, Rainbow Dash came up behind Mario, and whispered in his ear. After a resounding "Oh yeah!" of approval, Rainbow Dash began flying rapidly around Mario, as he got out his hammer. The wind began to pick up around the red-clad hero, and he was eventually obscured by a tornado. Rainbow then stopped suddenly, and moved behind the miniature twister, which faded, leaving Mario hanging in the air, spinning rapidly with his hammer outstretched. With one last mighty flap of her wings, Dash blew a gust of air at the whirlwind of a plumber, sending him soaring toward Chrysalis, who barely had time to widen her eyes in fear before she received a flurry of hammer blows to the head. Mario finished his assault by kicking off of Chrysalis's head as he slowed down, somersaulting to his original position.

Luigi watched this maneuver with an awestruck expression, and turned to Fluttershy, jabbering excitedly.

"You want me to do that?" Fluttershy said. "Oh no... I couldn't... I'm nowhere near as fast as Rainbow... sorry..."

Luigi hung his head and sighed, turning back to face his opponents. What he didn't expect, though, was a whole squad of Koopa Troopas charging at him. As he ducked down and cowered, though, Fluttershy leapt between him and the five incoming Koopas, and unleashed a Stare that froze them all in there tracks. Luigi saw them standing stock still, and was suddenly inspired. He leapt forward and slammed the ground with his hammer, the resulting tremor launching the five Koopas into the air and startling them into their shells. As they arced toward Luigi, he smacked each shell at the changelings, the projectiles bouncing off the copycat's faces and back to wherever they had come from. Fluttershy gave her head a shake, and saw that the Koopas were gone. "Oh, um... glad I could help..." she said quietly, as she retreaded back behind Luigi with Rarity and Pinkie.

Chrysalis gave her head a shake, still slightly dazed from Mario's assault, and glared at the heroes. "Oh, so that's how you want to play, is it?" There was a flash of green light, and after it faded, in Chrysalis's place stood an exact copy of Mario, though with glowing green eyes and a wicked grin. "Fine. We'll-a play it your way."

Twilight's double moved behind Chrysalis-Mario, and her horn began to glow as the rest of the changelings scattered. The fake Mario grew to massive proportions, and gave a (relatively) short leap, causing a visible shockwave as she came crashing down, which came at the real Mario and Luigi. The brothers were able to avoid it by simply leaping over it, however, causing Chrysalis to glare as she returned to normal.

The battle raged on, with Chrysalis copying more of the team's tactics, before Chrysalis abruptly gave a short laugh, her changeling support whittled down to four.

"It seems that you're a lot hardier than I anticipated," Chrysalis said. "Would you dare attack your own friends, though, I wonder?"

Pinkie gave a giggle. "That's silly, they know that's not really us over there, we're all over here!"

Chrysalis grinned. "Is that right?" Suddenly, Chrysalis's horn flashed, and Pinkie's eyes glazed over, the pink pony staggering a bit.

"Pinkie?" Twilight said, worried, as the seven of them looked to Pinkie, concerned. "What's wrong?"

"Be a good girl, now, and come protect your queen," Chrysalis said, smirking.

"Okie... dokie... lokie..." Pinkie said, as she bounced wearily over, her friends to flabbergasted at what was happening to stop her. The four remaining changelings all changed to look like Pinkie, and crowded around her. When they separated, it was impossible to tell which was the true party pony.

"Wh-what the..." Applejack stammered.

"How dare you!" Rarity shouted. "You let Pinkie go this instant!"

"As much as I hate to say it," Twilight said to Mario and Luigi, "you may have to hit Pinkie to snap her out of Chrysalis's mind control. Just wait, maybe she'll do something to expose herself as the real one."

"Enough talk," Chrysalis said. "Now, charge!"

At Chrysalis's command, the five Pinkies all rushed forward, forcing Mario and Luigi to jump or be trampled. However, the middle Pinkie's eyes flashed green momentarily, and she tripped, failing to reach the brothers. She quickly righted herself, and returned to her position, the other four following suit.

Acting on a hunch, Mario leapt forward, jumping on the center Pinkie's head. Sure enough, Pinkie's eyes re-focused, and she scurried back behind Luigi.

Chrysalis attempted this gambit a few more times as the battle continued, but Mario and Luigi quickly rooted out the real pony each time, especially as the number of changelings fell. Finally, only the Queen stood before them.

Out of desperation, Chrysalis loosed a few bolts from her horn at the brothers, but they were easily avoided. Eventually, Mario and Luigi triumphed over the Changeling Queen.

"Enough! Enough! I surrender!" Chrysalis cried. "Just take him and go! I grant you all safe passage from our hive, just leave me be!" As the changeling queen pleaded, her horn flashed green, and Big Macintosh's eyes re-focused, before rolling upward and closing as he passed out.