• Published 31st Dec 2011
  • 18,034 Views, 417 Comments

Mario & Luigi: Of Ponies and Plumbers - EverSoNitro

A Mario/My Little Pony crossover based on the Mario & Luigi RPG series

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Chapter 6

The eight heroes ventured deep within the dimly lit tunnels of what they all had come to the agreement was the Diamond Dog Caves. The walls were mostly barren, save for the torches that served to light the paths, though there were spots here and there that showed exposed gemstones that the dogs occupying the underground region had evidently missed. It was all Rarity could do to keep from getting distracted and prying them out from the walls, but they were taking a long time as it was.

Of course, their travel was met with opposition down here as it had been above ground. Armoured Dig Dogs were all over the place, and though the group did their best to avoid them, they did occasionally have to fight their way through. To make things harder, it seemed that they had allowed some of Bowser’s minions, notably Monty Moles, Chain Chomps, and Hammer Bros. outfitted with mining equipment, to patrol some of the tunnels as well.

The non-living opposition came from the various gates and walls that impeded their progress. Twilight’s newly acquired size-changing spell was getting a workout, as Mario was sent through leftover tunnels to access switches that would move these doors aside.

The eight adventurers came to yet another stone wall, with showed signs of movement that pointed to it being yet another door. They looked around for another burrow to send Mario through, yet oddly, there seemed to be none.

“What gives?” Rainbow Dash said. “Where’s the switch?”

Rarity, having the eye for detail that was required as a fashionista, eventually located a clue as to the switches whereabouts. “Look, there’s a burrow over here,” she said, “but it seems those dogs are starting to catch on.” She indicated a mound of disturbed earth, which seemed to be yet another tunnel, though this one was filled in.

“What do we do now?” Applejack said, “If we can’t get to the switch, then we’re basically stuck down here!”

“Hold on girls, I think I’ve got an idea,” Twilight said. She pointed at the wall above the filled hole, and indicated that there were some hairline fractures running along it. Mario rushed over to it, and started hitting the cracks with his hammer. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to give.

“No luck, huh?” Twilight said, watching Mario stop to catch his breath. “Anyone else have any ideas?”

“Ooh! Ooh! I do!” Pinkie said suddenly. She then pulled out her patented Party Cannon from whatever hammerspace she kept her things in.

“No offense, darling,” Rarity said. “But I don’t think a party is going to get that wall to crumble.”

“Well of course not, silly!” Pinkie said. “I’m not done yet!” She rushed over to Luigi, who was sitting in the corner, rolling a few stones around in a bored manner, and, much to his surprise, tossed him onto her back. As he looked around in confusion, she rushed back over to her cannon, and tossed Luigi off of her, with him landing feet first in the cannon.

As everyone watched in alarm, she wheeled it over to the cracked wall, and backed off when it became clear what she intended to do. Luigi, currently staring down the wall from the interior of the cannon, the mouth of which wasn’t more than three feet away from the hard rock, merely held his hammer ahead of him and whimpered, in a feeble attempt at avoid a concussion. Pinkie slammed down on the igniter, and Luigi was launched from the cannon in a burst of streamers and confetti, slamming right through the wall with a cavern shaking crash. Everyone grouped around the newly made hole to see if Luigi was okay, and he sat in a daze on the other side, streamers draped all around him and confetti littered around him.

“There! Wasn’t that clever? Huh?” Pinkie said, beaming. “I call it the “Green Missle”!”

“That was… um… impressive, Pinkie,” Twilight said. “And hey, there’s the switch!” Sure enough, the switch was mounted into the wall just next to the dizzy Luigi. With a shake of his head, he straightened up and hit the switch with his hammer. Sure enough, the wall blocking their progress slid into the ground. They all regrouped, and marched onward.

After a few more enemies, a few more doors, and a few more almost-head injuries for Luigi, the group came to what appeared to be the exit. Sunlight streamed from the mouth of the cave, but as they stepped towards it, a wrought iron gate shot up from the ground, blocking the exit. As they frantically looked around, three patches of dirt began to shift wildly, before three figures leapt out of the earth. A short, squat canine, a large, burly mutt, and a tall, lanky dog all laughed wildly.

“Hahahaha! Stupid little ponies! You think we let you go that easy?” The middle Diamond Dog said.

“You ruffians!” Rarity said, stepping forward. “What is the meaning of this?!”

“You trespass on our territory!” The burly one said. “We take you prisoner now!”

“Listen, we don’t have time for this!” Twilight said. “We’re on an important mission, and you need to let us through!”

“You trying to rescue princesses?” The shortest of the three said.

“That’s right!” Rarity said. “And you three are putting the whole kingdom in jeopardy by delaying- wait a minute, how did you know the princesses were kidnapped?”

“We visited by big turtle-dragon!” The leader of the three said. “He say he give us help digging gems if we stop moustaches and ponies from getting through!” He squinted at Mario and Luigi for a moment. “Hey… you two are moustaches! You the ones turtle-dragon told us to stop!”

“Hahaha!” The burly one laughed, wringing his hands together. “We stop you, we get all kinds of gems!”

“Please, you three brutes aren’t going to stop us,” Rarity said. “Now, let that gate down! We’re in a hurry!” Her voice seemed to start to escalate in pitch, as if she was on the verge of a tantrum.

“You think whining will work twice?” The leader said. “Ha! Diamond Dogs, put on ear protectors now!” The three dogs retrieved three pairs of fluffy pink ear muffs from the holes beneath them, and slapped them over their ears. “Ha! This end of road for you all!”

The three dogs rushed forward, and the battle was afoot.